ID | Authors | Title |
7 | Dennis Spohr | A General Methodology for Mapping EuroWordNets to the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology |
8 | Thomas Mandl, Frederic Gey, Giorgio Di Nunzio, Nicola Ferro, Mark Sanderson, Diana Santos, Christa Womser-Hacker | An Evaluation Resource for Geographic Information Retrieval |
10 | M. Attia, M. Rashwan, A. Ragheb, M. Al-Badrashiny, H. Al-Basoumy | A Compact Arabic Lexical Semantics Language Resource Based on the Theory of Semantic Fields |
11 | Diana Maynard | Benchmarking Textual Annotation Tools for the Semantic Web |
13 | Knight, D. and Tennent, P. | Introducing DRS (The Digital Replay System) : A tool for the future of Corpus Linguistic research and analysis |
15 | Dimitrios Kokkinakis | A Semantically Annotated Swedish Medical Corpus |
17 | Volha Petukhova and Harry Bunt | LIRICS Semantic Role Annotation : Design and Evaluation of a Set of Data Categories |
20 | Estelle Delpech, Patrick Saint-Dizier | Investigating the Structure of Procedural Texts for Answering How-to Questions |
21 | Satoshi Sekine | Extended Named Entity Ontology with Attribute Information |
22 | Jorge Civera and Alfons Juan-Císcar | Bilingual Text Classification using the IBM 1 Translation Model |
23 | Michaela Atterer, Hinrich Schütze | An Inverted Index for Storing and Retrieving Grammatical Dependencies |
24 | Florian Köhler , Hinrich Schütze, Michaela Atterer | A Question Answering System for German. Experiments with Morphological Linguistic Resources |
25 | David Bamman, Marco Passarotti, Roberto Busa, Gregory Crane | The annotation guidelines of the Latin Dependency Treebank and Index Thomisticus Treebank. The treatment of some specific syntactic constructions in Latin |
26 | Jáchym Kolář, Jan Švec | Structural Metadata Annotation of Speech Corpora : Comparing Broadcast News and Broadcast Conversations |
28 | Shuichi Itahashi, Chiu-yu Tseng | The 2008 Oriental COCOSDA Book Project - In Commemoration of the First Decade of Sustained Activities in Asia |
30 | Mikko Lounela | Process Model for Composing High-quality Text Corpora |
32 | H. Höge, Z. Kacic, B. Kotnik, M. Rojc, N. Moreau, H.-U. Hain | Evaluation of Modules and Tools for Speech Synthesis - The ECESS Framework - |
35 | Mariona Taulé, M. Antònia Martí, Marta Recasens | AnCora : Multilevel Annotated Corpora for Catalan and Spanish |
37 | Wei Liu, Ben Allison, Louise Guthrie | Professor or screaming beast ? Detecting Words Misuse in Chinese |
38 | Hiroyuki Shinnou, Minoru Sasaki | Ping-pong Document Clustering using NMF and Linkage-Based Refinement |
39 | Hiroki Yamazaki, Keisuke Kitamura, Takashi Harada and Seiichi Yamamoto | Creation of Learner Corpus and its Application to Speech Recognition |
42 | Núria Bel, Sergio Espeja, Montserrat Marimon, Marta Villegas | COLDIC, a Lexicographic Platform for LMF Compliant Lexica |
43 | Christophe Jouis, Julien Bourdaillet | Representation of Atypical Entities in Ontologies |
44 | Stéphanie Weiser, Philippe Laublet, Jean-Luc Minel | Automatic Identification of Temporal Information in Tourism Web Pages |
45 | Muath Alzghool and Diana Inkpen | Combining Multiple Models for Speech Information Retrieval |
46 | Shisanu Tongchim, Randolf Altmeyer, Virach Sornlertlamvanich, Hitoshi Isahara | A Dependency Parser for Thai |
48 | Henk van den Heuvel, Jean-Pierre Martens, Bart D’hoore, Kristof D’hanens, Nanneke Konings | The AUTONOMATA Spoken Names Corpus |
49 | Iris Hendrickx, Gosse Bouma, Frederik Coppens, Walter Daelemans, Veronique Hoste, Geert Kloosterman, Anne-Marie Mineur, Joeri Van Der Vloet, Jean-Luc Verschelde | A Coreference Corpus and Resolution System for Dutch |
50 | Xavier Tannier, Philippe Muller | Evaluation Metrics for Automatic Temporal Annotation of Texts |
51 | Lothar Lemnitzer, Holger Wunsch and Piklu Gupta | Enriching GermaNet with verb-noun relations - a case study of lexical acquisition |
52 | Jens Nilsson, Joakim Nivre | MaltEval : An Evaluation and Visualization Tool for Dependency Parsing |
54 | Dan Tufiş, Alexandru Ceauşu | DIAC+ : A Professional Diacritics Recovering System |
55 | Briony Williams, Rhys James Jones | Acquiring Pronunciation Data for a Placenames Lexicon in a Less-Resourced Language |
56 | Dan Tufiş, Elena Irimia, Radu Ion, Alexandru Ceauşu | Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition for Part of Speech Tagging |
57 | Krzysztof Marasek, Ryszard Gubrynowicz | Design and Data Collection for Spoken Polish Dialogs Database |
60 | Zhuli Xie, Barbara Di Eugenio, Peter C. Nelson | From Extracting to Abstracting : Generating Quasi-abstractive Summaries |
61 | Chun-Yuan Teng and Hsin-Hsi Chen | Event Detection and Summarization in Weblogs with Temporal Collocations |
62 | Hiroyuki Shinnou, Minoru Sasaki | Spectral Clustering for a Large Data Set by Reducing the Similarity Matrix Size |
64 | Danica Damljanovic, Valentin Tablan, Kalina Bontcheva | A Text-based Query Interface to OWL Ontologies |
66 | Daniel Zeman | Reusable Tagset Conversion Using Tagset Drivers |
67 | Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković, Duško Vitas, Ivan Obradović | The Usage of Various Lexical Resources and Tools to Improve the Performance of Web Search Engines |
68 | Lynette Melnar, Chen Liu | Borrowing Language Resources for Development of Automatic Speech Recognition for Low- and Middle-Density Languages |
69 | Nick Campbell | Tools & Resources for Visualising Coversational-Speech Interaction |
70 | Marco Guerini, Carlo Strapparava, Oliviero Stock | Resources for Persuasion |
71 | Marco Guerini, Carlo Strapparava, Oliviero Stock | Valentino : A tool for Valence Shifting of Natural Language Texts |
72 | Yuhang Yang, Qin Lu, Tiejun Zhao | Chinese Term Extraction Based on Delimiters |
73 | Diana Santos, Rosário Silva, Susana Inácio | What’s in a Colour ? Studying and Contrasting Colours with COMPARA |
75 | Erhard Hinrichs and Monica L. Lau | In contrast - A Complex Discourse Connective |
76 | Einav Itamar, Alon Itai | Using Movie Subtitles for Creating a Large-Scale Bilingual Corpora |
77 | Beata Trawinski and Jan-Philipp Soehn | A Multilingual Database of Polarity Items |
78 | Serge Sharoff, Mikhail Kopotev, Tomaž Erjavec, Anna Feldman, Dagmar Divjak | Designing and Evaluating a Russian Tagset |
79 | Jonas Sjöbergh, Kenji Araki | What is Poorly Said is a Little Funny |
83 | Nasser Abouzakhar, Ben Allison, Louise Guthrie | Unsupervised Learning-based Anomalous Arabic Text Detection |
84 | Adrian Popescu, Gregory Grefenstette | A Conceptual Approach to Web Image Retrieval |
86 | Alain Joubert, Mathieu Lafourcade | Evolutionary basic notions for a thematic representation of general knowledge |
87 | Eduardo Blanco, Nuria Castell and Dan Moldovan | Causal Relation Extraction |
88 | Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ulrich Heid | Head or Non-head ? Semi-automatic procedures for extracting and classifying subcategorisation properties of compounds |
89 | Tomaž Erjavec, Simon Krek | The JOS morphosyntactically tagged corpus of Slovene |
90 | Dan Tufiş, Radu Ion, Alexandru Ceauşu and Dan Ştefănescu | RACAI’s Linguistic Web Services |
91 | Denis Maurel | Prolexbase : A multilingual relational lexical database of proper names |
92 | Hanno Biber, Evelyn Breiteneder, Karlheinz Mörth | Words in Contexts. Digital Editions of Literary Journals in the "AAC - Austrian Academy Corpus" |
93 | Harry Bunt, Chwhynny Overbeeke | Towards formal interpretation of semantic annotation |
94 | Georg Rehm, Marina Santini, Alexander Mehler, Pavel Braslavski, Rüdiger Gleim, Andrea Stubbe, Svetlana Symonenko, Mirko Tavosanis and Vedrana Vidulin | Towards a Reference Corpus of Web Genres for the Evaluation of Genre Identification Systems |
95 | Thomas Schmidt, Susan Duncan, Oliver Ehmer, Jeffrey Hoyt, Michael Kipp, Dan Loehr,Magnus Magnusson, Travis Rose, Han Sloetjes | An exchange format for multimodal annotations |
96 | Han Ren, Donghong Ji, Lei Han | A Research on Automatic Chinese Catchword Extraction |
97 | Georg Rehm, Oliver Schonefeld, Andreas Witt, Timm Lehmberg, Christian Chiarcos, Hanan Bechara, Florian Eishold, Kilian Evang, Magdalena Leshtanska, Aleksandar Savkov, Matthias Stark | The Metadata-Database of a Next Generation Sustainability Web-Platform for Language Resources |
99 | Brian Weiss, Craig Schlenoff, Greg Sanders, Michelle Steves, Sherri Condon, Jon Phillips and Dan Parvaz | Performance Evaluation of Speech Translation Systems |
101 | Annie Zaenen, Danny Bobrow, Cleo Condoravdi | The Encoding of lexical implications in VerbNet Predicates of change of locations |
102 | Nicolás Morales, Javier Tejedor, Javier Garrido, José Colás, Doroteo T. Toledano | STC-TIMIT : Generation of a Single-channel Telephone Corpus |
104 | Janne Bondi Johannessen, Torbjørn Nordgård, Lars Nygaard | Evaluation of Linguistics-Based Translation |
105 | Stephen Purpura, John Wilkerson and Dustin Hillard | The U.S. Policy Agenda Legislation Corpus Volume 1 - a Language Resource from 1947 - 1998 |
106 | Inderjeet Mani, Janet Hitzeman, Justin Richer, Dave Harris, Rob Quimby, Ben Wellner | SpatialML : Annotation Scheme, Corpora, and Tools |
107 | Qing Ma, Nakao Koichi, Masaki Murata, Hitoshi Isahara | Selection of Japanese-English Equivalents by Integrating High-quality Corpora and Huge Amounts of Web Data |
108 | Ernesto William De Luca, Birte Lönneker-Rodman | Integrating Metaphor Information into RDF/OWL EuroWordNet |
109 | Jack Halpern | Exploiting Lexical Resources for Disambiguating CJK and Arabic Orthographic Variants |
114 | Jiří Mírovský | Does Netgraph Fit Prague Dependency Treebank ? |
115 | Jahna Otterbacher, Dragomir R. Radev | Modeling Document Dynamics : An Evolutionary Approach |
116 | Vincent Vandeghinste, Peter Dirix, Ineke Schuurman, Stella Markantonatou, Sokratis Sofianopoulos, Marina Vassiliou, Olga Yannoutsou, Toni Badia, Maite Melero, Gemma Boleda, Michael Carl, Paul Schmidt | Evaluation of a Machine Translation System for Low Resource Languages : METIS-II |
117 | Sebastian Gottwald, Matthias Richter, Gerhard Heyer and Gerik Scheuermann | Tapping Huge Temporally Indexed Textual Resources with WCTAnalyze |
119 | Carlos D. Martínez-Hinarejos, Vicent Tamarit | Evaluation of different segmentation techniques for dialogue turns |
120 | Barbara Plank, Khalil Sima’an | Subdomain Sensitive Statistical Parsing using Raw Corpora |
121 | Beata Megyesi, Bengt Dahlqvist, Eva Pettersson Eva, Joakim Nivre | Swedish-Turkish Parallel Treebank |
123 | Paulo C F de Oliveira, Edson Wilson Torrens, Alexandre Cidral, Sidney Schossland, Evandro Bittencourt | Evaluating Summaries Automatically - a system proposal |
124 | Richard Johansson, Pierre Nugues | Comparing Dependency and Constituent Syntax for Frame-semantic Analysis |
126 | Julia Trushkina, Lieve Macken, Hans Paulussen | Sentence Alignment in DPC : Maximizing Precision, Minimizing Human Effort |
129 | Dimitrios Kokkinakis | MeSH® - From a Controlled Vocabulary to a Processable Resource |
130 | Yves Bestgen | Building Affective Lexicons from Specific Corpora for Automatic Sentiment Analysis |
132 | R.J.J.H. van Son, Wieneke Wesseling, Eric Sanders, Henk van den Heuvel | The IFADV corpus : A free dialog video corpus |
133 | Jonas Sjöbergh, Kenji Araki | A Multi-Lingual Dictionary of Dirty Words |
136 | Kate Forbes-Riley, Diane Litman, Scott Silliman, Amruta Purandare | Uncertainty Corpus : Resource to Study User Affect in Complex Spoken Dialogue Systems |
137 | Jin-Ji Li, Dong-Il Kim and Jong-Hyeok Lee | Annotation Guidelines for Chinese-Korean Word Alignment |
139 | Georg Rehm, Richard Eckart, Christian Chiarcos, Johannes Dellert | Ontology-Based XQuery’ing of XML-Encoded Language Resources on Multiple Annotation Layers |
142 | Cédric Messiant, Anna Korhonen, Thierry Poibeau | LexSchem : A Large Subcategorization Lexicon for French Verbs |
143 | Aljoscha Burchardt, Marco Pennacchiotti | FATE : a FrameNet-Annotated corpus for Textual Entailment |
144 | Thierry Poibeau and Cédric Messiant | Do we still Need Gold Standards for Evaluation ? |
145 | Neil Newbold and Lee Gillam | Automatic Document Quality Control |
146 | Jeremy Bensley and Andrew Hickl | Unsupervised Resource Creation for Textual Inference Applications |
147 | K. L. Kermanidis, A. Thanopoulos, M. Maragoudakis, N. Fakotakis | Eksairesis : A Domain-adaptable System for Ontology Building from Unstructured Text |
149 | Milan Gnjatović, Dietmar Rösner | On the Role of the NIMITEK Corpus in Developing an Emotion Adaptive Spoken Dialogue System |
152 | Oana Frunza | A Trainable Tokenizer, solution for multilingual texts and compound expression tokenization |
154 | Veronique Hoste, Els Lefever, Klaar Vanopstal, Isabelle Delaere | Learning-based Detection of Scientific Terms in Patient Information |
155 | Gwénolé Lecorvé, Guillaume Gravier, Pascale Sébillot | On the use of Web resources and natural language processing techniques to improve automatic speech recognition systems |
156 | Kjell Elenius, Eva Forsbom, Beáta Megyesi | Language Resources and Tools for Swedish : A Survey |
157 | Markus Dickinson, Chong Min Lee | Detecting Errors in Semantic Annotation |
158 | Mark Greenwood, José Iria, Fabio Ciravegna | Saxon : An Extensible Multimedia Annotator |
159 | Lars Nygaard, Joel Priestley, Anders Nøklestad, Janne Bondi Johannessen | Glossa : A multilingual, multimodal, configurable user interface |
160 | Muriel Amar, Sophie David, Rachel Panckhurst, Lisa Whistlecroft | Classification procedures for software evaluation |
161 | Marilisa Amoia, Claire Gardent | A Test Suite for Inference Involving Adjectives |
162 | Marco Baroni, Francis Chantree, Adam Kilgarriff, Serge Sharoff | CleanEval : a competition for cleaning webpages |
163 | Piroska Lendvai, Steve Hunt | From Field Notes Towards a Knowledge Base |
164 | Laura Stoia, Darla Magdalene Shockley, Donna K. Byron and Eric Fosler-Lussier | SCARE : A Situated Corpus with Annotated Referring Expressions |
165 | Satoshi Sato, Suguru Matsuyoshi, Yohsuke Kondoh | Automatic Assessment of Japanese Text Readability Based on a Textbook Corpus |
166 | Isaac G. Councill, C. Lee Giles, Min-Yen Kan | ParsCit : An open-source CRF reference string parsing package |
168 | Emilie Chételat-Pelé and Annelies Braffort | Sign Language Corpus Annotation : Toward A New Methodology |
169 | Shunsuke Kozawa, Hitomi Tohyama, Kiyotaka Uchimoto and Shigeki Matsubara | Automatic Acquisition of Usage Information for Language Resources |
172 | Jean-Yves Antoine, Abdenour Mokrane, Nathalie Friburger | Automatic Rich Annotation of Large Corpus of Conversational transcribed speech : the Chunking Task of the EPAC Project |
173 | Vincent Claveau | Automatic Translation of Biomedical Terms by Supervised Machine Learning |
174 | Stéphane Huet, Guillaume Gravier, Pascale Sébillot | Morphosyntactic resources for automatic speech recognition |
175 | Hiroyuki Kaji, Shin’ichi Tamamura, Dashtseren Erdenebat | Automatic Construction of a Japanese-Chinese Dictionary via English |
176 | Tomas By | The Kalashnikov 691 dependency bank |
177 | Michael Wiegand, Jochen L. Leidner, Dietrich Klakow | Cost-Sensitive Learning in Answer Extraction |
184 | Isa Maks, Piek Vossen, Roxane Segers, Hennie van der Vliet | Adjectives in the Dutch semantic lexical database CORNETTO |
185 | I. Leturia, A. Gurrutxaga, N. Areta, E. Pociello | Analysis and performance of morphological query expansion and language-filtering words on Basque web searching |
186 | Svetla Koeva, Borislav Rizov, Svetlozara Leseva | Chooser - A Multi-Task Annotation Tool |
187 | Sebastian Möller, Florian Gödde and Maria Wolters | Corpus Analysis of Spoken Smart-Home Interactions with Older Users |
188 | Antonio Toral, Rafael Muñoz, Monica Monachini | Named Entity WordNet |
189 | Anna Joan, Jorge Vivaldi, Mercè Lorente | Turning a term extractor into a new domain : first experiences |
190 | Marie-Jeanne Derouin, André Le Meur | Presentation of the new ISO-Standard for the representation of entries in dictionaries : ISO 1951 |
191 | Hiroaki SATO | New Functions of FrameSQL for Multilingual FrameNets |
192 | Adrian Iftene, Alexandra Balahur-Dobrescu | Named Entity Relation Mining Using Wikipedia |
193 | Stanislas Oger, Georges Linarès, Frédéric Béchet | Local methods for on-demand out-of-vocabulary word retrieval |
197 | David Griol, Lluís F. Hurtado, Encarna Segarra, Emilio Sanchis | Acquisition and Evaluation of a Dialog Corpus through WOz and Dialog Simulation Techniques |
198 | Toni Badia, Maite Melero and Oriol Valentín | Rapid deployment of a new METIS language pair : Catalan-English |
200 | Laura Kallmeyer, Timm Lichte, Wolfgang Maier, Yannick Parmentier, Johannes Dellert | Developing a TT-MCTAG for German with an RCG-based Parser |
202 | Marco Pennacchiotti, Diego De Cao, Paolo Marocco, Roberto Basili | Towards a Vector Space Model for FrameNet-like Resources |
203 | Juan Aparicio, Mariona Taulé, Ma. Antònia Martí | AnCora-Verb : A Lexical Resource for the Semantic Annotation of Corpora |
205 | M. Kemps-Snijders, A. Klassmann, C. Zinn, P. Berck, A. Russel, P. Wittenburg | Exploring and Enriching a Language Resource Archive via the Web |
207 | Sylwia Ozdowska | Cross-corpus evaluation of word alignment |
208 | Han Sloetjes, Peter Wittenburg | Annotation by category - ELAN and ISO DCR |
210 | Markus Dickinson and Charles Jochim | A Simple Method for Tagset Comparision |
211 | Adam Przepiórkowski, Rafał L. Górski, Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Marek Łaziński | Towards the National Corpus of Polish |
212 | Aleksander Buczyński, Adam Przepiórkowski | Demo : An Open Source Tool for Partial Parsing and Morphosyntactic Disambiguation |
213 | Łukasz Degórski, Michał Marcinczuk, Adam Przepiórkowski | Definition extraction using a sequential combination of baseline grammars and machine learning classifiers |
214 | Thepchai Supnithi, Suchinder Singh, Taneth Ruangrajitpakorn, Prachya Boonkwan, Monthika Boriboon | Open CCG Workbench and Visualization Tool |
215 | Ekaterina Buyko, Christian Chiarcos, Antonio Pareja-Lora | Ontology-Based Interface Specifications for an NLP Pipeline Architecture |
216 | Marc Finthammer, Irene Cramer | Exploring and Navigating : Tools for GermaNet |
217 | Míriam Luján, Carlos D. Martínez, Vicente Alabau | Evaluation of several Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression variants for language adaptation. |
218 | Ø. Andersen, J. Nioche, E.J. Briscoe and J. Carroll | The BNC Parsed with RASP4UIMA |
219 | Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Asunción Gómez-Pérez | Towards a Glossary of Activities in the Ontology Engineering Field |
220 | Matthieu Hermet, Alain Désilets, Stan Szpakowicz | Using the Web as a Linguistic Resource to Automatically Correct Lexico-Syntactic Errors |
221 | Francisco Alvarez, Antonio Vaquero, Fernando Sáenz | Conceptual Modeling of Ontology-based Linguistic Resources with a Focus on Semantic Relations |
222 | Marc Kemps-Snijders, Menzo Windhouwer, Peter Wittenburg, Sue Ellen Wright | ISOcat : Corralling Data Categories in the Wild |
226 | Doroteo T. Toledano, D. Hernandez-Lopez, C. Esteve-Elizalde, J. Fierrez, J. Ortega-Garcia, D. Ramos, J. Gonzalez-Rodriguez | BioSec Multimodal Biometric Database in Text-Dependent Speaker Recognition |
227 | Davide Fossati, Barbara Di Eugenio | I saw TREE trees in the park : How to correct real-word spelling mistakes |
228 | Dafydd Gibbon, Jolanta Bachan | An automatic close copy speech synthesis tool for large-scale speech corpus evaluation |
229 | Steven Bethard, William Corvey, Sara Klingenstein, James H. Martin | Building a Corpus of Temporal-Causal Structure |
231 | Yoshihiko Hayashi, Chiharu Narawa, Monica Monachini, Claudia Soria, Nicoletta Calzolari | Ontologizing Lexicon Access Functions based on an LMF-based Lexicon Taxonomy |
234 | Silke Scheible | Annotating Superlatives |
235 | Berenike Loos and Lasse Schwarten | A Semantic Memory for Incremental Ontology Population |
236 | Paula Estrella, Andrei Popescu-Belis, Maghi King | Improving Quality Models for MT Evaluation Based on Evaluators’ Feedback |
237 | Kallirroi Georgila, Maria Wolters, Vasilis Karaiskos, Melissa Kronenthal, Robert Logie, Neil Mayo, Johanna D. Moore, Matt Watson | A Fully Annotated Corpus for Studying the Effect of Cognitive Ageing on Users’ Interactions with Spoken Dialogue Systems |
238 | Shigeyoshi Kitazawa, Shinya Kiriyama, Tomohiko Kasami, Shogo Ishikawa, Naofumi Otani, Hiroaki Horiuchi and Yoichi Takebayashi | A Multimodal Infant Behavior Annotation for Developmental Analysis of Demonstrative Expressions |
239 | Jette Viethen, Robert Dale, Emiel Krahmer, Mariet Theune, Pascal Touset | Controlling Redundancy in Referring Expressions |
240 | Stefan Scherer, Petra-Maria Strauß | A Flexible Wizard of Oz Environment for Rapid Prototyping |
241 | Yannick Versley, Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Massimo Poesio, Vladimir Eidelman, Alan Jern, Jason Smith, Xiaofeng Yang, Alessandro Moschitti | BART : A Modular Toolkit for Coreference Resolution |
244 | Laurianne Sitbon, Patrice Bellot, Philippe Blache | Evaluating Robustness Of A QA System Through A Corpus Of Real-Life Questions |
246 | Laurianne Sitbon, Patrice Bellot, Philippe Blache | Evaluation Of Lexical Resources And Semantic Networks On A Corpus Of Mental Associations |
247 | Bruno Cartoni | Lexical Resources for Automatic Translation of Constructed Neologisms : the Case Study of Relational Adjectives |
249 | Lena Grothe, Ernesto William De Luca and Andreas Nürnberger | A Comparative Study on Language Identification Methods |
250 | Joao Graça, Joana Paulo Pardal, Luísa Coheur and Diamantino Caseiro | Building a golden collection of parallel Multi-Language Word Alignment |
253 | Steliana Ivanova, Sandra Kübler | POS Tagging for German : How Important is the Right Context ? |
254 | Leen Cleuren, Jacques Duchateau, Pol Ghesquière, Hugo Van hamme | Children’s Oral Reading Corpus (CHOREC) : Description and Assessment of Annotator Agreement |
255 | Piek Vossen, Isa Maks, Roxane Segers, Hennie VanderVliet | Integrating lexical units, synsets and ontology in the Cornetto Database |
256 | Marie-Jean Meurs, Frédéric Duvert, Frédéric Béchet, Fabrice Lefèvre, Renato de Mori | Semantic Frame Annotation on the French MEDIA corpus |
258 | Yasuharu Den, Junpei Nakamura, Toshinobu Ogiso, Hideki Ogura | A proper approach to Japanese morphological analysis : Dictionary, model, and evaluation |
259 | Yujie Zhang, Zhulong Wang, Kiyotaka Uchimoto, Qing Ma, Hitoshi Isahara | Word Alignment Annotation in a Japanese-Chinese Parallel Corpus |
262 | Paul Buitelaar, Thomas Eigner | Ontology Search with the OntoSelect Ontology Library |
264 | Pitel Guillaume, Grefenstette Gregory | Semi-automatic Building Method for a Multidimensional Affect Dictionary for a New Language |
270 | Cássia Trojahn, Paulo Quaresma, Renata Vieira | A Framework for Multilingual Ontology Mapping |
272 | Heike Bieler, Stefanie Dipper | Measures for Term and Sentence Relevances : an Evaluation for German |
273 | Diana Maynard, Wim Peters, Yaoyong Li | Evaluating Evaluation Metrics for Ontology-Based Applications : Infinite Reflection |
274 | Iñaki Alegria, Klara Ceberio, Nerea Ezeiza, Aitor Soroa, Gregorio Hernandez | Spelling Correction : from two-level morphology to open source |
275 | Diana McCarthy | Lexical Substitution as a Framework for Multiword Evaluation |
276 | Ann Devitt, Khurshid Ahmad | Sentiment Analysis and the Use of Extrinsic Datasets in Evaluation |
277 | Thierry Bazillon, Yannick Estève, Daniel Luzzati | Manual vs assisted transcription of prepared and spontaneous speech |
278 | Eric Sanders, Asuncion Moreno, Herbert Tropf, Lynette Melnar, Nurit Dekel, Breanna Gillies, Niklas Paulsson | LILA : Cellular Telephone Speech Databases from Asia |
279 | Jeroen Geertzen, Volha Petukhova, Harry Bunt | Evaluating Dialogue Act Tagging with Naive and Expert Annotators |
280 | Cyril Grouin | Certification and cleaning up of a text corpus : towards an evaluation of the “grammatical” quality of a corpus |
281 | Špela Vintar, Darja Fišer | Harvesting Multi-Word Expressions from Parallel Corpora |
283 | Antonio Moreno Sandoval, Doroteo T. Toledano, Raúl de la Torre, Marta Garrote, José M. Guirao | Developing a Phonemic and Syllabic Frequency Inventory for Spontaneous Spoken Castilian Spanish and their Comparison to Text-Based Inventories |
284 | Francesca Fallucchi, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto | Yet Another Platform for Extracting Knowledge from Corpora |
286 | Christian Hänig, Stefan Bordag, Uwe Quasthoff | UnsuParse : Unsupervised Parsing with unsupervised Part of Speech tagging |
287 | Philippe Dreuw, Carol Neidle, Vassilis Athitsos, Stan Sclaroff and Hermann Ney | Benchmark Databases for Video-Based Automatic Sign Language Recognition |
288 | Tony Veale, Yanfen Hao | Acquiring Naturalistic Concept Descriptions from the Web |
289 | Susan Robinson, David Traum, Midhun Ittycheriah, Joe Henderer | What would you ask a Conversational Agent ? Observations of Human-Agent Dialogues in a Museum Setting |
290 | Drahomíra "johanka" Spoustová, Pavel Pecina, Jan Hajič, Miroslav Spousta | Validating the Quality of Full Morphological Annotation |
291 | Mark D. Arehart, Keith J. Miller | A Ground Truth Dataset for Matching Culturally Diverse Romanized Person Names |
292 | Michael Carl | Using Log-linear Models for Tuning Machine Translation Output |
293 | Alexandre Patry, Philippe Langlais | MISTRAL : A Statistical Machine Translation Decoder for Speech Recognition Lattices |
294 | Margarita Alonso Ramos, Owen Rambow and Leo Wanner | Using Semantically Annotated Corpora to Build Collocation Resources |
295 | Kirk Baker, Chris Brew | Statistical Identification of English Loanwords in Korean Using Automatically Generated Training Data |
296 | Rogelio Nazar, Jorge Vivaldi, Teresa Cabré | A Suite to Compile and Analyze an LSP Corpus |
297 | Massimo Poesio, Ron Artstein | Anaphoric Annotation in the ARRAU Corpus |
299 | Mark Przybocki, Kay Peterson, Sébastien Bronsart | Translation Adequacy and Preference Evaluation Tool (TAP-ET) |
300 | Dominic Widdows, Kathleen Ferraro | Semantic Vectors : A Scalable Open Source Package and Online Technology Management Application |
301 | Hiroyuki Shinnou, Minoru Sasaki | Division of Example Sentences Based on the Meaning of a Target Word Using Semi-supervised Clustering |
303 | Cristina Mota, Ralph Grishman | Is this NE tagger getting old ? |
304 | Ondřej Bojar, Miroslav Janíček, Zdenĕk Žabokrtský, Pavel Češka, Peter Beňa | CzEng 0.7 : Parallel Corpus with Community-Supplied Translations |
306 | Peter Anick, Vijay Murthi, Shaji Sebastian | Similar Term Discovery using Web Search |
308 | Jonathan H. Clark, Robert Frederking, Lori Levin | Toward Active Learning in Data Selection : Automatic Discovery of Language Features During Elicitation |
309 | Joydeep Nath, Monojit Choudhury, Animesh Mukherjee, Christian Biemann, Niloy Ganguly | Unsupervised Parts-of-Speech Induction for Bengali |
313 | Michael Mohler, Rada Mihalcea | Babylon Parallel Text Builder : Gathering Parallel Texts for Low-Density Languages |
315 | Alessandra Zarcone, Alessandro Lenci | Computational Models for Event Type Classification in Context |
316 | Jana Trojanová, Marek Hrúz, Pavel Campr, Milos Zelezny | Design and Recording of Czech Audio-Visual Database with Impaired Conditions for Continuous Speech Recognition |
317 | Tamás Váradi, Steven Krauwer, Peter Wittenburg, Martin Wynne, Kimmo Koskenniemi | CLARIN : Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure |
319 | Markpong Jongtaveesataporn, Chai Wutiwiwatchai, Koji Iwano, Sadaoki Furui | Thai Broadcast News Corpus Construction and Evaluation |
321 | Davide Buscaldi, Paolo Rosso | Geo-WordNet : Automatic Georeferencing of WordNet |
322 | L. Devillers, J.-C. Martin | Coding Emotional Events in Audiovisual Corpora |
323 | Ulrich Heid, Marion Weller | Tools for collocation extraction : preferences for active vs. passive |
324 | Pavlina Fragkou, Georgios Petasis, Aris Theodorakos, Vangelis Karkaletsis, Constantine D. Spyropoulos | BOEMIE ontology-based text annotation tool |
326 | Grazyna Demenko, Stefan Grocholewski, Katarzyna Klessa, Jerzy Ogórkiewicz, Agnieszka Wagner, Marek Lange, Daniel Śledziński, Natalia Cylwik | Jurisdic - Polish Speech Database for taking dictation of legal texts |
327 | Stavros Ntalampiras, Ilyas Potamitis, Todor Ganchev, Nikos Fakotakis | Audio Database in Support of Potential Threat and Crisis Situation Management |
328 | Prokopis Prokopidis, Vassia Karra, Aggeliki Papagianopoulou, Stelios Piperidis | Condensing sentences for subtitle generation |
329 | Jindřich Matoušek, Daniel Tihelka, Jan Romportl | Building of a Speech Corpus Optimised for Unit Selection TTS Synthesis |
330 | Hennie Brugman, Véronique Malaisé, Laura Hollink | A Common Multimedia Annotation Framework for Cross Linking Cultural Heritage Digital Collections |
331 | Tiago Freitas, Fabíola Santos | CORP-ORAL : Spontaneous Speech Corpus for European Portuguese |
334 | Núria Bel, Sergio Espeja, Montserrat Marimon | Automatic acquisition for low frequency lexical items |
335 | Katrin Tomanek and Udo Hahn | Approximating Learning Curves for Active-Learning-Driven Annotation |
336 | Stefan Scherer, Hansjörg Hofmann, Malte Lampmann, Martin Pfeil, Steffen Rhinow, Friedhelm Schwenker, Günther Palm | Emotion Recognition from Speech : Stress Experiment |
337 | Sankaran Baskaran, Kalika Bali, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Monojit Choudhury, Girish Nath Jha, Rajendran S., Saravanan K., Sobha L., KVS Subbarao | A Common Parts-of-Speech Tagset Framework for Indian Languages |
340 | Bogdan Babych, Serge Sharoff, Anthony Hartley | Generalising lexical translation strategies for MT using comparable corpora |
342 | Claire Grover, Sharon Givon, Richard Tobin, Julian Ball | Named Entity Recognition for Digitised Historical Texts |
343 | Ghazi Abuhakema, Reem Faraj, Anna Feldman, Eileen Fitzpatrick | Annotating an Arabic Learner Corpus for Error |
344 | Tomas Dekens, Yorgos Patsis, Werner Verhelst, Frédéric Beaugendre and François Capman | A Multi-Sensor Speech Database with Applications towards Robust Speech Processing in Hostile Environments |
345 | G. Aguado de Cea, J. Puche Alosete, J.A. Ramos | Tagging Spanish Texts : the Problem of ‘se’ |
346 | Andrea Agili, Marco Fabbri, Alessandro Panunzi, Manuel Zini | Integration of a Multilingual Keyword Extractor in a Document Management System |
347 | Milena Yankova, Horacio Saggion, Hamish Cunningham | A Framework for Identity Resolution and Merging for Multi-source Information Extraction |
348 | Martin Emms | Tree-distance and some other variants of evalb |
349 | Peter Adolphs, Stephan Oepen, Ulrich Callmeier, Berthold Crysmann, Dan Flickinger, Bernd Kiefer | Some Fine Points of Hybrid Natural Language Parsing |
351 | Eneko Agirre, Aitor Soroa | Using the Multilingual Central Repository for Graph-Based Word Sense Disambiguation |
352 | Simon Mille, Leo Wanner | Making Text Resources Accessible to the Reader : The Case of Patent Claims |
353 | Daiga Deksne, Raivis Skadiņš, Inguna Skadiņa | Dictionary of Multiword Expressions for Translation into Highly Inflected Languages |
355 | Marianne Santaholma, Nikos Chatzichrisafis | A knowledge-modeling approach for multilingual Regulus lexica |
358 | Ute Ziegenhain, Hanne Fersøe, Henk van den Heuvel, Asuncion Moreno | LC-STAR II : starring more lexica |
359 | Isabel Trancoso, Rui Martins, Helena Moniz, Ana Isabel Mata, M. Céu Viana | The LECTRA Corpus - Classroom Lecture Transcriptions in European Portuguese |
361 | Reut Tsarfaty, Yoav Goldberg | Word-Based or Morpheme-Based ? Annotation Strategies for Modern Hebrew Clitics |
363 | Fredric Gey, David Kirk Evans, Noriko Kando | A Japanese-English Technical Lexicon for Translation and Language Research |
364 | Daan Broeder, Thierry Declerck, Erhard Hinrichs, Stelios Piperidis, Laurent Romary, Nicoletta Calzolari and Peter Wittenburg | Foundation of a Component-based Flexible Registry for Language Resources and Technology |
365 | N. Oostdijk, M. Reynaert, P. Monachesi, G. van Noord, R. Ordelman, I. Schuurman, V. Vandeghinste | From D-Coi to SoNaR : A reference corpus for Dutch |
366 | C. Cucchiarini, J. Driesen, H. Van hamme, E. Sanders | Recording Speech of Children, Non-Natives and Elderly People for HLT Applications : the JASMIN-CGN Corpus. |
368 | Daniela Goecke, Maik Stührenberg, Andreas Witt | Influence of Text Type and Text Length on Anaphoric Annotation |
370 | Daan Broeder, David Nathan, Sven Strömqvist, Remco van Veenendaal | Building a federation of Language Resource Repositories ; the DAM-LR project and its continuation within CLARIN |
373 | Piek Vossen, Eneko Agirre, Nicoletta Calzolari, Christiane Fellbaum, Shu-kai Hsieh, Chu-Ren Huang, Hitoshi Isahara, Kyoko Kanzaki, Andrea Marchetti, Monica Monachini, Federico Neri, Remo Raffaelli, German Rigau, Maurizio Tescon, Joop VanGent | KYOTO : A System for Mining, Structuring, and Distributing Knowledge Across Languages and Cultures |
375 | Mario Crespo Miguel, Paul Buitelaar | Domain-Specific English-To-Spanish Translation of FrameNet |
376 | Paul Trilsbeek, Daan Broeder, Tobias van Valkenhoef, Peter Wittenburg | A Grid of Regional Language Archives |
377 | Hagen Fürstenau | Enriching Frame Semantic Resources with Dependency Graphs |
378 | Siham Boulaknadel, Beatrice Daille, Driss Aboutajdine | A multi-word term extraction program for Arabic language |
380 | Dieter van Uytvanck, Alex Dukers, Jacquelijn Ringersma, Paul Trilsbeek | Language-Sites : Accessing and Presenting Language Resources via Geographic Information Systems |
382 | A. Cüneyd Tantug, Kemal Oflazer, Ilknur D. El-Kahlout | BLEU+ : A Tool for Fine-Grained BLEU Computation |
383 | Jussi Karlgren, Hercules Dalianis, Bart Jongejan | Experiments to investigate the connection between case distribution and topical relevance of search terms in an information retrieval setting |
384 | Kirk Roberts and Andrew Hickl | Scaling Answer Type Detection to Large Hierarchies |
385 | P. Spyns, E. D’Halleweyn, C. Cucchiarini | The Dutch-Flemish comprehensive approach to HLT stimulation and innovation : STEVIN, HLT Agency and beyond |
386 | Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan, Chaomei Chen, Roberto Pinho | Identifying Strategic Information from Scientific Articles through Sentence Classification |
389 | Borislav Rizov | Hydra : A Modal Logic Tool for Wordnet Development, Validation and Exploration |
390 | Javier Álvez, Jordi Atserias, Jordi Carrera, Salvador Climent, Egoitz Laparra, Antoni Oliver and German Rigau | Complete and Consistent Annotation of WordNet using the Top Concept Ontology |
391 | Bento Carlos Dias-da-Silva, Ariani Di Felippo, Maria das Graças Volpe Nunes | The Automatic Mapping of Princeton WordNet Lexical-Conceptual Relations onto the Brazilian Portuguese WordNet Database |
392 | Matthias Eck, Stephan Vogel, Alex Waibel | Communicating Unknown Words in Machine Translation |
393 | Roser Morante | Semantic role labeling tools trained on the Cast3LB-CoNNL-SemRol corpus |
397 | Dan Cristea, Corina Forăscu, Marius Răschip, Michael Zock | How to Evaluate and Raise the Quality in a Collaborative Lexicographic Approach |
398 | Grazyna Vetulani, Zygmunt Vetulani, Tomasz Obrębski | Verb-Noun Collocation SyntLex Dictionary - Corpus-Based Approach |
399 | Gregory A. Sanders, Sébastien Bronsart, Sherri Condon, Craig Schlenoff | Odds of Successful Transfer of Low-level Concepts : A Key Metric for Bidirectional Speech-to-speech Machine Translation |
400 | Tomoyosi Akiba, Kiyoaki Aikawa, Yoshiaki Itoh, Tatsuya Kawahara, Hiroaki Nanjo, Hiromitsu Nishizaki, Norihito Yasuda, Yoichi Yamashita, Katunobu Itou | Test Collections for Spoken Document Retrieval from Lecture Audio Data |
402 | Susana de Azeredo, Silvia Maria W. Moraes, Vera Lúcia Strube de Lima | Keywords, k-NN and Neural Networks : A Support for Hierarchical Categorization of Texts in Brazilian Portuguese |
403 | Masaki Itagaki, Takako Aikawa | Post-MT Term Swapper : Supplementing a Statistical Machine Translation System with a User Dictionary |
404 | Junko Kubo, Keita Tsuji, Shigeo Sugimoto | Temporal Aspects of Terminology for Automatic Term Recognition : Case Study on Women’s Studies Terms |
405 | Jun Okamoto, Kiyoko Uchiyama and Shun Ishizaki | A Contextual Dynamic Network Model for WSD Using Associative Concept Dictionary |
407 | Hossam Ibrahim, Kareem Darwish, Abdel-Rahim Abdel-sabor | Automatic Extraction of Textual Elements from News Web Pages |
409 | C. Ray Graham, Deryle Lonsdale, Casey Kennington, Aaron Johnson and Jeremiah McGhee | Elicited Imitation as an Oral Proficiency Measure with ASR Scoring |
410 | Eiko Yamamoto, Hitoshi Isahara, Akira Terada, Yasunori Abe | Extraction of Informative Expressions from Domain-specific Documents |
411 | Francis Bond, Hitoshi Isahara, Kyoko Kanzaki, Kiyotaka Uchimoto | Boot-strapping a WordNet using multiple existing WordNets |
415 | Ruifeng Xu, Yunqing Xia, Kam-Fai Wong, Wenjie Li | Opinion Annotation in On-line Chinese Product Reviews |
418 | David Manzano-Macho, Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Daniel Borrajo | Unsupervised and Domain Independent Ontology Learning. Combining Heterogeneous Sources of Evidence |
419 | Florian Schiel, Christian Heinrich, Sabine Barfüsser, Thomas Gilg | ALC - Alcohol Language Corpus |
420 | Torsten Zesch, Christof Müller and Iryna Gurevych | Extracting Lexical Semantic Knowledge from Wikipedia and Wiktionary |
421 | Petr Pollák, Jan Volín, Radek Skarnitzl | Phone Segmentation Tool with Integrated Large Pronunciation Lexicon and Czech Phonetically Labelled Reference Database |
422 | Tokunaga Takenobu, Dain Kaplan, Chu-Ren Huang, Shu-Kai Hsieh, Nicoletta Calzolari, Monica Monachini, Claudia Soria, Shirai Kiyoaki, Virach Sornlertlamvanich, Thatsanee Charoenporn, Xia YingJu | Adapting International Standard for Asian Language Technologies |
423 | Takashi Tsunakawa, Naoaki Okazaki, Jun’ichi Tsujii | Building Bilingual Lexicons Uusing Lexical Translation Probabilities via Pivot Languages |
424 | Michael Kluck, Axel Huckstorf | The European Thesaurus on International Relations and Area Studies - A Multilingual Resource for Indexing, Retrieval, and Translation |
425 | Kathrin Eichler, Holmer Hemsen and Günter Neumann | Unsupervised Relation Extraction From Web Documents |
427 | Evi Marzelou, Maria Zourari, Voula Giouli, Stelios Piperidis | Building a Greek corpus for Textual Entailment |
428 | Hitomi Tohyama, Shunsuke Kozawa, Kiyotaka Uchimoto, Shigeki Matsubara and Hitoshi Isahara | Construction of a Metadata Database for Efficient Development and Use of Language Resources |
429 | YaMin Chou, Chu-Ren Huang, Jia-Fei Hong | The Extended Architecture of Hantology for Kanji |
433 | Kyoko Kanzaki, Francis Bond, Noriko Tomuro, Hitoshi Isahara | Extraction of Attribute Concepts from Japanese Adjectives |
434 | Horacio Rodríguez, David Farwell, Javi Farreres, Manuel Bertran, Musa Alkhalifa, M. Antonia Martí | Arabic WordNet : Semi-automatic Extensions using Bayesian Inference |
435 | Bolette S. Pedersen, Anna Braasch, Lina Henriksen, Sussi Olsen, Claus Povlsen | Merging a Syntactic Resource with a WordNet - a Feasibility Study of a Merge between STO and DanNet |
437 | Iñaki Sainz, Ibon Saratxaga, Eva Navas, Inmaculada Hernáez, Jon Sanchez, Iker Luengo, Igor Odriozola | Subjective evaluation of an emotional speech database for Basque |
438 | Magnus Rosell, Sumithra Velupillai | Revealing Relations between Open and Closed Answers in Questionnaires through Text Clustering Evaluation |
439 | Isa Maks, Carole Tiberius, Remco van Veenendaal | Standardising bilingual lexical resources according to the Lexicon Markup Framework |
440 | Reiko Kaji, Hajime Mochizuki | Constructing a Database of Non-Japanese Pronunciations of Different Japanese Romanizations |
442 | Rune Sætre, Brian Kemper, Kanae Oda, Naoaki Okazaki, Yukiko Matsuoka, Norihiro Kikuchi, Hiroaki Kitano, Sophia Ananiadou, Jun’ichi Tsujii | Connecting Text Mining and Pathways using the PathText Resource |
443 | Pierrette Bouillon, Sonia Halimi, Yukie Nakao, Kyoko Kanzaki, Hitoshi Isahara, Nikos Tsourakis, Marianne Starlander, Beth Ann Hockey, Manny Rayner | Developing Non-European Translation Pairs in a Medium-Vocabulary Medical Speech Translation System |
444 | Marta R. Costa-jussà, José A. R. Fonollosa and Enric Monte | Using Reordering in Statistical Machine Translation based on Recursive Alignment Block Classification |
445 | Steven Bird, Robert Dale, Bonnie J. Dorr, Bryan Gibson, Mark T. Joseph, Min-Yen Kan, Dongwon Lee, Brett Powley, Dragomir R. Radev, Yee Fan Tan | The ACL Anthology Reference Corpus : A Reference Dataset for Bibliographic Research in Computational Linguistics |
447 | Chris Biemann, Uwe Quasthoff, Gerhard Heyer, Florian Holz | ASV Toolbox – A Modular Collection of Language Exploration Tools |
448 | Michelina Savino, Laura Scivetti, Mario Refice | Integrating Audio and Visual Information for Modelling Communicative Behaviours Perceived as Different |
449 | Philippe Blache, Roxane Bertrand and Gaëlle Ferré | Creating and exploiting multimodal annotated corpora |
451 | Eli Pociello, Antton Gurrutxaga, Eneko Agirre, Izaskun Aldezabal and German Rigau | WNTERM : Combining the Basque WordNet and a Terminological Dictionary |
454 | Rubén Fernández, Luis A. Hernández, Eduardo López, José Alcázar, Guillermo Portillo, Doroteo T. Toledano | Design of a multimodal database for research on automatic detection of severe apnoea cases |
455 | A. Laurent, T. Merlin, S. Meignier, Y. Estève, P. Deléglise | Combined systems for automatic phonetic transcription of proper nouns |
458 | Atsushi Fujii, Masao Utiyama, Mikio Yamamoto, Takehito Utsuro | Producing a Test Collection for Patent Machine Translation in the Seventh NTCIR Workshop |
459 | Bartosz Broda, Magdalena Derwojedowa, Maciej Piasecki, Stanislaw Szpakowicz | Corpus-based Semantic Relatedness for the Construction of Polish WordNet |
460 | Xinglong Wang, Claire Grover | Learning the Species of Biomedical Named Entities from Annotated Corpora |
461 | Iker Luengo, Eva Navas, Iñaki Sainz, Ibon Saratxaga, Jon Sanchez, Igor Odriozola, Inma Hernaez | Text independent speaker identification in multilingual environments |
463 | Le An Ha, Gabriela Fernandez, Ruslan Mitkov, Gloria Corpas | Mutual bilingual terminology extraction |
465 | Germán Sanchis-Trilles, Joan Andreu Sánchez | Using Parsed Corpora for Estimating Stochastic Inversion Transduction Grammars |
468 | Takanobu Nishiura, Masato Nakayama, Yuki Denda, Norihide Kitaoka, Kazumasa Yamamoto, Takeshi Yamada, Satoru Tsuge, Chiyomi Miyajima, Masakiyo Fujimoto, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Satoshi Tamura, Shingo Kuroiwa, Kazuya Takeda, Satoshi Nakamura | Evaluation Framework for Distant-talking Speech Recognition under Reverberant Environments — Newest Part of the CENSREC Series— |
469 | Hiroaki Saito, Shunta Kuboya, Takaaki Sone, Hayato Tagami, Kyoko Ohara | The Japanese FrameNet Software Tools |
471 | Adriana Roventini, Nilda Ruimy | Mapping Events and Abstract Entities from PAROLE-SIMPLE-CLIPS to ItalWordNet |
472 | Akira Ozaki, Sunao Hara, Takashi Kusakawa, Chiyomi Miyajima, Takanori Nishino, Norihide Kitaoka, Katunobu Itou, Kazuya Takeda | In-car Speech Data Collection along with Various Multimodal Signals |
473 | Michael Roth, Sabine Schulte im Walde | Corpus Co-Occurrence, Dictionary and Wikipedia Entries as Resources for Semantic Relatedness Information |
475 | Kathrin Spreyer, Jonas Kuhn, Bettina Schrader | Identification of Comparable Argument-Head Relations in Parallel Corpora |
477 | Martin Reynaert | All, and only, the errors : more complete and consistent spelling and OCR-error correction evaluation |
478 | Petya Osenova, Kiril Simov, Eelco Mossel | Language Resources for Semantic Document Annotation and Crosslingual Retrieval |
479 | Svitlana Kurella, Serge Sharoff, Anthony Hartley | Corpus-based Tools for Computer-assisted Acquisition of Reading Abilities in Cognate Languages |
481 | Jan Pomikálek, Pavel Rychlý | Detecting co-derivative documents in large text collections |
482 | Yi Zhang, Valia Kordoni | Robust Parsing with a Large HPSG Grammar |
483 | Jesús Giménez, Lluís Màrquez | Towards Heterogeneous Automatic MT Error Analysis |
484 | Jörg Tiedemann | Synchronizing Translated Movie Subtitles |
486 | Ingunn Amdal, Ole Morten Strand, Jørn Almberg and Torbjørn Svendsen | RUNDKAST : An Annotated Norwegian Broadcast News Speech Corpus |
487 | Olga Uryupina | Error Analysis for Learning-based Coreference Resolution |
490 | Sara Tonelli, Rodolfo Delmonte, Antonella Bristot | Enriching the Venice Italian Treebank with dependency and grammatical relations |
491 | Rafiya Begum, Samar Husain, Lakshmi Bai, Dipti Misra Sharma | Developing Verb Frames for Hindi |
493 | ĐINH Quang Thắng , LÊ Hồng Phương, NGUYỄN Thị Minh Huyền, NGUYỄN Cẩm Tú, Mathias ROSSIGNOL, VŨ Xuân Lương | Word segmentation of Vietnamese texts : a comparison of approaches |
495 | Ana-Maria Barbu | Romanian Lexical Data Bases : Inflected and Syllabic Forms Dictionaries |
496 | Yuka Tateisi, Yusuke Miyao, Kenji Sagae, Jun’ichi Tsujii | GENIA-GR : a Grammatical Relation Corpus for Parser Evaluation in the Biomedical Domain |
499 | Christian Raymond, Kepa Joseba Rodriguez, Giuseppe Riccardi | Active Annotation in the LUNA Italian Corpus of Spontaneous Dialogues |
500 | Amalia Todiraşcu, Dan Tufiş, Ulrich Heid, Christopher Gledhill, Dan Ştefanescu, Marion Weller, François Rousselot | A Hybrid Approach to Extracting and Classifying Verb+Noun Constructions |
501 | Siaw-Fong Chung, Laurent Prévot, Mingwei Xu, Kathleen Ahrens, Shu-Kai Hsieh, Chu-Ren Huang | Extracting Concrete Senses of Lexicon through Measurement of Conceptual Similarity in Ontologies |
502 | Nick Webb, Ting Liu, Mark Hepple, Yorick Wilks | Cross-Domain Dialogue Act Tagging |
507 | Ineke Schuurman | Spatiotemporal annotation using MiniSTEx : How to deal with alternative, foreign, vague and/or obsolete names ? |
509 | Martí Quixal, Toni Badia, Francesc Benavent, Jose R. Boullosa, Judith Domingo, Bernat Grau, Guillem Massó, Oriol Valentín | User-centred design of language checking tools |
510 | Florian Schiel, Hannes Mögele | Talking and Looking : the SmartWeb Multimodal Interaction Corpus |
511 | L. Lamel, S. Rosset, C. Ayache, D. Mostefa, J. Turmo, P. Comas | Question Answering on Speech Transcriptions : the QAST evaluation in CLEF |
512 | Takeshi Abekawa and Kyo Kageura | Constructing a corpus that indicates patterns of modification between draft and final translations by human translators |
514 | Mehdi Embarek and Olivier Ferret | Learning patterns for building resources about semantic relations in the medical domain |
515 | Scott Piao, John McNaught and Sophia Ananiadou | Clustering Related Terms with Definitions |
516 | Barry Haddow and Beatrice Alex | Exploiting Multiply Annotated Corpora in Biomedical Information Extraction Tasks |
518 | Tiit Hennoste, Olga Gerassimenko, Riina Kasterpalu, Mare Koit, Andriela Rääbis, Krista Strandson | From Human Communication to Intelligent User Interfaces : Corpora of Spoken Estonian |
519 | Atsushi Fujii | Producing an Encyclopedic Dictionary Using Patent Documents |
520 | W. Heeren, F. de Jong, L. van der Werff, M. Huijbregts and R. Ordelman | Evaluation of Spoken Document Retrieval for Historic Speech Collections |
521 | Michael Kipp | Spatiotemporal Coding in ANVIL |
522 | Costanza Navarretta and Sussi Olsen | Annotating abstract pronominal anaphora in the DAD project |
523 | Lothar Lemnitzer and Paola Monachesi | Extraction and evaluation of keywords from Learning Objects – a multilingual approach |
524 | Masatoshi Tsuchiya, Satoru Kogure, Hiromitsu Nishizaki, Kengo Ohta, Seiichi Nakagawa | Developing Corpus of Japanese Classroom Lecture Speech Contents |
528 | C. Bosco, A. Mazzei, V. Lombardo, G. Attardi, A. Corazza, A. Lavelli, L. Lesmo, G. Satta, M. Simi | Comparing Italian parsers on a common treebank : the Evalita experience |
533 | Maria Teresa Pazienza, Armando Stellato, Alexandra Tudorache | JMWNL : An extensible multilingual library for accessing wordnets in different languages |
534 | Emiliano Giovannetti, Simone Marchi, Simonetta Montemagni, Roberto Bartolini | Ontology Learning and Semantic Annotation : a Necessary Symbiosis |
535 | Sherri Condon, Jon Phillips, Christy Doran, John Aberdeen, Dan Parvaz, Beatrice Oshika, Greg Sanders and Craig Schlenoff | Applying Automated Metrics to Speech Translation Dialogs |
536 | Dino Ienco, Serena Villata, Cristina Bosco | Automatic extraction of subcategorization frames for Italian |
537 | Kremena Ivanova, Ulrich Heid, Sabine Schulte im Walde, Adam Kilgarriff, Jan Pomikalek | Evaluating a German Sketch Grammar : A Case Study on Noun Phrase Case |
538 | Ziqi Zhang, José Iria, Christopher Brewster and Fabio Ciravegna | A Comparative Evaluation of Term Recognition Algorithms |
539 | Constantin Orăsan, Oana Andreea Chiorean | Evaluation of a Cross-lingual Romanian-English Multi-document Summariser |
540 | Peng Zhang, Wenjie Li, Furu Wei, Qin Lu, Yuexian Hou | Exploiting the Role of Position Feature in Chinese Relation Extraction |
541 | Gaoying Cui, Qin Lu, Wenjie Li, Yirong Chen | Corpus Exploitation from Wikipedia for Ontology Construction |
542 | Bogdan Babych, Anthony Hartley | Sensitivity of automated MT evaluation metrics on higher quality MT output : BLEU vs task-based evaluation methods |
543 | Julia Ritz, Stefanie Dipper, Michael Götze | Annotation of Information Structure : An Evaluation Across Different Types of Texts |
544 | Laura Kassner, Vivi Nastase, Michael Strube | Acquiring a Taxonomy from the German Wikipedia |
545 | Konrad Hofbauer, Stefan Petrik, Horst Hering | The ATCOSIM Corpus of Non-Prompted Clean Air Traffic Control Speech |
546 | María Teresa Vicente-Díez, Doaa Samy and Paloma Martínez | An empirical approach to a preliminary successful identification and resolution of temporal expressions in Spanish news corpora |
547 | Paul Thompson, Philip Cotter, Sophia Ananiadou, John McNaught, Simonetta Montemagni, Andrea Trabucco, Giulia Venturi | Building a Bio-Event Annotated Corpus for the Acquisition of Semantic Frames from Biomedical Corpora |
549 | Saša Hasan and Hermann Ney | A multi-genre SMT system for Arabic to French |
550 | Yorick Wilks, David Benyon, Christopher Brewster, Pavel Ircing and Oli Mival | Dialogue, Speech and Images : The Companions Project Data Set |
551 | Zhiyi Song, Stephanie Strassel | Entity Translation and the Alignment in the ACE-07 ET Task |
552 | Ben Allison & Louise Guthrie | Authorship Attribution of E-Mail : Comparing Classifiers Over a New Corpus for Evaluation |
553 | Simon Krek, Vojko Gorjanc, Špela Arhar | Slovene Terminology Web Portal and the TBX-Compatible Simplified DTD/schema |
554 | Rena Nemoto, Ioana Vasilescu, Martine Adda-Decker | Speech errors on frequently observed homophones in French : Perceptual evaluation vs automatic classification |
556 | C.J. Rupp, Ann Copestake, Peter Corbett, Peter Murray-Rust, Advaith Siddharthan, Simone Teufel, Benjamin Waldron | Language Resources and Chemical Informatics |
557 | Thomas Winkler, Theodoros Kostoulas, Richard Adderley, Christian Bonkowski, Todor Ganchev, Joachim Köhler, Nikos Fakotakis | The MoveOn Motorcycle Speech Corpus |
558 | Hiromi itoh Ozaku, Akinori Abe, Kaoru Sagara and Kiyoshi Kogure | Relationships between nursing conversations and activities |
559 | Folkert de Vriend, Jan Pieter Kunst, Louis ten Bosch, Charlotte Giesbers, Roeland van Hout | Evaluating the Relationship between Linguistic and Geographic Distances using a 3D Visualization |
560 | Sanaz Jabbari, Ben Allison, Louise Guthrie | Using A Probabilistic Model Of Context To DetectWord Obfuscation |
561 | Shiyan Ou, Viktor Pekar, Constantin Orăsan, Christian Spurk, Matteo Negri | Development and Alignment of a Domain-Specific Ontology for Question Answering |
562 | Maria Teresa Pazienza, Marco Pennacchiotti, Armando Stellato | A Web Browser Extension for growing-up Ontological Knowledge from Traditional Web Content |
564 | Keiji Shinzato, Daisuke Kawahara, Chikara Hashimoto, Sadao Kurohashi | A Large-Scale Web Data Collection as a Natural Language Processing Infrastructure |
565 | Michael Kaisser, John B. Lowe | Creating a Research Collection of Question Answer Sentence Pairs with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk |
566 | Andrea Esuli, Fabrizio Sebastiani and Ilaria C. Urciuoli | Annotating Expressions of Opinion and Emotion in the Italian Content Annotation Bank |
567 | Sara Tonelli, Emanuele Pianta | Frame information transfer from English to Italian |
568 | U. Hahn, E. Beisswanger, E. Buyko, M. Poprat, K. Tomanek, J. Wermter | Semantic Annotations for Biology — A Corpus Development Initiative at the Jena University Language & Information Engineering (JULIE) Lab |
569 | Manuel Kountz, Ulrich Heid, Kerstin Eckart | A LAF/GrAF based Encoding Scheme for underspecified Representations of syntactic Annotations |
573 | Laurent Blin, Olivier Boeffard and Vincent Barreaud | WEB-based listening test system for speech synthesis and speech conversion evaluation |
574 | Christoph Draxler, Florian Schiel, Tania Ellbogen | F0 Of Adolescent Speakers – First Results for the German Ph@ttSessionz Database |
575 | Yoshiko Arimoto, Sumio Ohno, Hitoshi Iida | Automatic Emotional Degree Labeling for Speakers’ Anger Utterance during Natural Japanese Dialog |
576 | Valeria Quochi, Monica Monachini, Riccardo Del Gratta, Nicoletta Calzolari | A Lexicon for Biology and Bioinformatics : The BOOTStrep Experience |
577 | Maria Teresa Pazienza, Armando Stellato, Alexandra Tudorache | A Bottom-up Comparative Study of EuroWordNet and WordNet 3.0 Lexical and Semantic Relations |
578 | Viktor Bielický, Otakar Smrž | Building the Valency Lexicon of Arabic Verbs |
580 | Andrei Popescu-Belis, Mike Flynn, Pierre Wellner, Philippe Baudrion | Task-based evaluation of meeting browsers : from task elicitation to user behavior analysis |
581 | Jordi Atserias, Hugo Zaragoza, Massimiliano Ciaramita, Giuseppe Attardi | Semantically Annotated Snapshot of the English Wikipedia |
582 | Pedro Concejero, Daniel Tapias, Juan José Rodríguez, Juan Carlos Luengo, Sebastián Sánchez | Methodology for Evaluating the Usability of User Interfaces in Mobile Services |
583 | Sandra Kübler, Wolfgang Maier, Ines Rehbein, Yannick Versley | How to Compare Treebanks |
584 | A. Brutti, L. Cristoforetti, W. Kellermann, L. Marquardt, M. Omologo | WOZ Acoustic Data Collection for Interactive TV |
586 | Linus Sellberg, Arne Jönsson | Using Random Indexing to improve Singular Value Decomposition for Latent Semantic Analysis |
587 | Jerid Francom and Mans Hulden | Parallel multi-theory annotations of syntactic structure |
588 | Chen Yirong, Lu Qin, Li Wenjie, Cui Gaoying | Chinese Core Ontology Construction from a Bilingual Term Bank |
590 | Massimo Poesio, Udo Kruschwitz, Jon Chamberlain | ANAWIKI : Creating Anaphorically Annotated resources Through Web Cooperation |
592 | Verena Rieser and Oliver Lemon | Automatic Learning and Evaluation of User-Centered Objective Functions for Dialogue System Optimisation |
594 | Grzegorz Chrupala, Georgiana Dinu, Josef van Genabith | Learning Morphology with Morfette |
595 | Alessandra Potrich, Emanuele Pianta | L-ISA : Learning Domain Specific Isa-Relations from the Web |
596 | Laure Charonnat, Gaëlle Vidal and Olivier Boeffard | Automatic phone segmentation of expressive speech |
598 | Riccardo Del Gratta, Nilda Ruimy, Antonio Toral | Simple-Clips ongoing research : more information with less data by implementing inheritance |
599 | Davide Picca, Alfio Massimiliano Gliozzo, Massimiliano Ciaramita | Supersense Tagger for Italian |
600 | Wei-Hao Lin and Alexander Hauptmann | Vox Populi Annotation : Measuring Intensity of Ideological Perspectives by Aggregating Group Judgments |
604 | Jordi Carrera, Irene Castellón, Salvador Climent, Marta Coll-Florit | Towards Spanish Verbs’ Selectional Preferences Automatic Acquisition. Semantic Annotation of the SenSem Corpus |
606 | Pierre Lanchantin, Andrew C. Morris, Xavier Rodet, Christophe Veaux | Automatic Phoneme Segmentation with Relaxed Textual Constraints |
607 | Ngan Nguyen, Jin-Dong Kim, Junichi Tsujii | Challenges in Pronoun Resolution System for Biomedical Text |
608 | Davide Picca, Alfio Massimiliano Gliozzo, Aldo Gangemi | LMM : an OWL-DL MetaModel to Represent Heterogeneous Lexical Knowledge |
609 | Hitoshi Isahara, Francis Bond, Kiyotaka Uchimoto, Masao Utiyama, Kyoko Kanzaki | Development of the Japanese WordNet |
610 | Tommaso Caselli, Nancy Ide, Roberto Bartolini | A Bilingual Corpus of Inter-linked Events |
611 | Neil Newbold, Bogdan Vrusias, Lee Gillam | Lexical Ontology Extraction Using Terminology Analysis : Automating Video Annotation |
612 | Victoria Bobicev and Tatiana Zidraşco | Estimating Word Phonosemantics |
613 | Petra-Maria Strauß, Holger Hoffmann, Wolfgang Minker, Heiko Neumann, Günther Palm, Stefan Scherer, Harald C. Traue and Ulrich Weidenbacher | The PIT Corpus Of German Multi-Party Dialogues |
614 | Feiyu Xu, Hans Uszkoreit, Hong Li, Niko Felger | Adaptation of Relation Extraction Rules to New Domains |
616 | Edouard Geoffrois | An Economic View on Human Language Technology Evaluation |
617 | Nancy Ide, Collin Baker, Christiane Fellbaum, Charles Fillmore, Rebecca Passonneau | MASC : The Manually Annotated Sub-Corpus of American English |
618 | Asuka Sumida, Naoki Yoshinaga, Kentaro Torisawa | Boosting Precision and Recall of Hyponymy Relation Acquisition from Hierarchical Layouts in Wikipedia |
619 | Rajat Kumar Mohanty, Pushpak Bhattacharyya | Lexical Resources for Semantics Extraction |
620 | Nikos Tsourakis, Maria Georgescul, Pierrette Bouillon and Manny Rayner | Building Mobile Spoken Dialogue Applications Using Regulus |
621 | P. Paroubek, I. Robba, A. Vilnat, C. Ayache | EASY, Evaluation of Parsers of French : what are the results ? |
622 | Nadine Perera, Michael Pitz, Manfred Pinkal | CLIoS : Cross-lingual Induction of Speech Recognition Grammars |
623 | Rita Marinelli, Melissa Tiberi, Remo Bindi | Encoding Terms from a Scientific Domain in a Terminological Database : Methodology and Criteria |
624 | Mukda Suktarachan, Dussadee Thamvijit, Sachit Rajbhandari, Daoyos Noikongka, Puwarat P. Na Mahasarakram, Panita Yongyuth, Asanee Kawtrakul, Margherita Sini | Workbench with Authoring Tools for Collaborative Multi-lingual Ontological Knowledge Construction and Maintenance |
625 | Benjamin Farber, Dayne Freitag, Nizar Habash, Owen Rambow | Improving NER in Arabic Using a Morphological Tagger |
626 | Violaine Prince, Jacques Chauché | Building a Bilingual Representation of the Roget Thesaurus for French to English Machine Translation |
627 | Paula Cristina Vaz, David Martins de Matos, Nuno J. Mamede | Using Lexical Acquisition to Enrich a Predicate Argument Reusable Database |
628 | Elena Cabrio, Milen Kouylekov, Bernardo Magnini, Matteo Negri, Laura Hasler, Constantin Orăsan, David Tomás, José L. Vicedo, Guenter Neumann, Corinna Weber | The QALL-ME Benchmark : a Multilingual Resource of Annotated Spoken Requests for Question Answering |
629 | Maria Teresa Pazienza, Armando Stellato | Clustering of terms from translation dictionaries and synonyms lists to automatically build more structured Linguistic Resources |
630 | B. Magnini, A. Cappelli, F. Tamburini, C. Bosco, A. Mazzei, V. Lombardo, F. Bertagna, N. Calzolari, A. Toral, V. Bartalesi Lenzi, R. Sprugnoli, and M. Speranza | Evaluation of Natural Language Tools for Italian : EVALITA 2007 |
631 | Kristina Vučković, Marko Tadić, Zdravko Dovedan | Rule Based Chunker for Croatian |
632 | N. Moreau, D. Mostefa, R. Stiefelhagen, S. Burger, K. Choukri | Data Collection for the CHIL CLEAR 2007 Evaluation Campaign |
635 | Stephan Busemann, Yajing Zhang | Identifying Foreign Person Names in Chinese Text |
638 | Lucie Mladová, Šárka Zikánová, Eva Hajičová | From Sentence to Discourse : Building an Annotation Scheme for Discourse Based on Prague Dependency Treebank |
639 | Cong-Phap Huynh, Christian Boitet, Hervé Blanchon | SECTra_w.1 : an Online Collaborative System for Evaluating, Post-editing and Presenting MT Translation Corpora |
640 | António Branco, Francisco Costa, Pedro Martins, Filipe Nunes, João Silva, Sara Silveira | LXService : Web Services of Language Technology for Portuguese |
641 | Luka Nerima, Eric Wehrli | Generating Bilingual Dictionaries by Transitivity |
643 | Sonja Bosch, Laurette Pretorius, Kholisa Podile, Axel Fleisch | Experimental fast-tracking of morphological analysers for Nguni languages |
644 | Valeria Quochi, Basilio Calderone | Learning properties of Noun Phrases : from data to functions |
645 | Emanuele Pianta, Christian Girardi, Roberto Zanoli | The TextPro tool suite |
647 | Mark D. Arehart, Chris Wolf, Keith J. Miller | Adjudicator Agreement and System Rankings for Person Name Search |
648 | Chris Reed, Raquel Mochales Palau, Glenn Rowe, Marie-Francine Moens | Language Resources for Studying Argument |
651 | Piotr Bański, Radosław Moszczyński | Enhancing an English-Polish electronic dictionary for multiword expression research |
652 | Martine Garnier-Rizet, Gilles Adda, Frederik Cailliau, Jean-Luc Gauvain, Sylvie Guillemin-Lanne, Lori Lamel, Stephan Vanni, ClaireWaast-Richard | CallSurf - Automatic transcription, indexing and structuration of call center conversational speech for knowledge extraction and query by content |
654 | Mehrnoush Shamsfard | Towards Semi Automatic Construction of a Lexical Ontology for Persian |
656 | Riccardo Del Gratta, Roberto Bartolini, Tommaso Caselli, Monica Monachini, Claudia Soria and Nicoletta Calzolari | UFRA : A UIMA-based Approach to Federated Language Resource Architecture |
657 | Simon Scerri, Myriam Mencke, Brian Davis, Siegfried Handschuh | Evaluating the Ontology underlying sMail - the Conceptual Framework for Semantic Email Communication |
658 | D. Llorens, F. Prat, A. Marzal, J. M. Vilar, M. J. Castro, J. C. Amengual, S. Barrachina, A. Castellanos, S. España, J. A. Gómez, J. Gorbe, A. Gordo, V. Palazón, G. Peris, R. Ramos-Garijo, F. Zamora | The UJIpenchars Database : A Pen-Based Database of Isolated Handwritten Characters |
660 | Margot Mieskes, Michael Strube | Parameters for Topic Boundary Detection in Multi Party Dialogues |
661 | Sopheap Seng, Sethserey Sam, Laurent Besacier, Brigitte Bigi, Eric Castelli | First Broadcast News Transcription System for Khmer Language |
662 | Weiruo Qu, Christoph Ringlstetter, Randy Goebel | Targeting Chinese Nominal Compounds in Corpora |
663 | Eva Banik and Alan Lee | A Study of Parentheticals in Discourse Corpora— Implications for NLG Systems |
664 | Theodoros Kostoulas, Todor Ganchev, Iosif Mporas, Nikos Fakotakis | A Real-World Emotional Speech Corpus for Modern Greek |
665 | Margot Mieskes, Michael Strube | A Three-stage Disfluency Classifier for Multi Party Dialogues |
671 | Renata Dividino, Massimo Romanelli and Daniel Sonntag | Semiotic-based Ontology Evaluation Tool S-OntoEval |
674 | Beatrice Alex | Comparing Corpus-based toWeb-based Lookup Techniques for Automatic English Inclusion Detection |
676 | Laura Hasler | Centering Theory for Evaluation of Coherence in Computer-Aided Summaries |
677 | Stephanie Strassel, Mark Przybocki, Kay Peterson, Zhiyi Song, Kazuaki Maeda | Linguistic Resources and Evaluation Techniques for Evaluation of Cross-Document Automatic Content Extraction |
678 | Xiwen Cheng, Feiyu Xu | Fine-grained Opinion Topic and Polarity Identification |
679 | Jean Tavernier, Rosa Cowan, Michelle Vanni | Holy Moses ! Leveraging Existing Tools and Resources for Entity Translation |
685 | Sandra Williams, Richard Power | Deriving rhetorical complexity data from the RST-DT Corpus |
686 | Chu-Ren Huang, Lung-Hao Lee, Wei-guang Qu, Jia-Fei Hong, Shiwen Yu | Quality Assurance of Automatic Annotation of Very Large Corpora : a Study based on Heterogeneous Tagging Systems |
691 | Mark McConville, Myroslava O. Dzikovska | Evaluating Complement-Modifier Distinctions in a Semantically Annotated Corpus |
693 | Theresa Wilson | Annotating Subjective Content in Meetings |
695 | Václav Novák, Keith Hall | Inter-sentential Coreferences in Semantic Networks : An Evaluation of Manual Annotation |
698 | Eugenio Picchi, Eva Sassolini, Sebastiana Cucurullo, Francesca Bertagna, Paola Baroni | Semantic Press |
699 | Claire Cardie, Cynthia Farina, Matt Rawding, Adil Aijaz | An eRulemaking Corpus : Identifying Substantive Issues in Public Comments |
700 | Carmen Banea, Rada Mihalcea, Janyce Wiebe | A Bootstrapping Method for Building Subjectivity Lexicons for Languages with Scarce Resources |
702 | Lei Xia, José Iria | An Approach to Modeling Heterogeneous Resources for Information Extraction |
706 | Mohamed Maamouri, Seth Kulick, Ann Bies | Diacritic Annotation in the Arabic Treebank and Its Impact on Parser Evaluation |
707 | Viktor Trón | On the durational reduction of repeated mentions : recency and speaker effects |
709 | Josef Ruppenhofer, Swapna Somasundaran, Janyce Wiebe | Finding the Sources and Targets of Subjective Expressions |
710 | Chantal Enguehard, Harouna Naroua | Evaluation of Virtual Keyboards for West-African Languages |
712 | Georgiana Puşcaşu and Verginica Barbu Mititelu | Annotation of WordNet Verbs with TimeML Event Classes |
713 | Constantin Orăsan, Dan Cristea, Ruslan Mitkov, António Branco | Anaphora Resolution Exercise : An overview |
715 | Diana Trandabăţ and Maria Husarciuc | Romanian Semantic Roles Resource |
716 | Nikola Ljubešić, Tomislava Lauc, Damir Boras | Generating a Morphological Lexicon of Organization Entity Names |
717 | Jonathan Butters, Fabio Ciravegna | Using Similarity Metrics For Terminology Recognition |
718 | Ralf Krestel, Sabine Bergler and René Witte | Minding the Source : Automatic Tagging of Reported Speech in Newspaper Articles |
720 | Mark-Christoph Müller, Margot Mieskes, Michael Strube | Knowledge Sources for Bridging Resolution in Multi-Party Dialog |
721 | Johan Bos | Let’s not argue about semantics |
722 | Rebecca J. Passonneau, Tom Lippincott, Tae Yano and Judith Klavans | Relation between Agreement Measures on Human Labeling and Machine Learning Performance : Results from an Art History Domain |
724 | Claire Brierley, Eric Atwell | ProPOSEL : A Prosody and POS English Lexicon for Language Engineering |
725 | Christian Monson, Ariadna Font Llitjós, Vamshi Ambati, Lori Levin, Alon Lavie, Alison Alvarez, Roberto Aranovich, Jaime Carbonell, Robert Frederking, Erik Peterson, Katharina Probst | Linguistic Structure and Bilingual Informants Help Induce Machine Translation of Lesser-Resourced Languages |
728 | Fabio Rinaldi, Gerold Schneider, Kaarel Kaljurand, Michael Hess | Dependency-Based Relation Mining for Biomedical Literature |
729 | Joachim Gasch, Caren Brinckmann, Sylvia Dickgießer | memasysco : XML schema based metadata management system for speech corpora |
732 | Anca D. Dinu | On classifying coherent/incoherent Romanian short texts |
733 | Yu Chen, Andreas Eisele, Martin Kay | Improving Statistical Machine Translation Efficiency by Triangulation |
734 | Cosmin Bejan and Sanda Harabagiu | A Linguistic Resource for Discovering Event Structures and Resolving Event Coreference |
735 | Udhyakumar Nallasamy, Alan W Black, Tanja Schultz and Robert Frederking | NineOneOne : Recognizing and Classifying Speech for Handling Minority Language Emergency Calls |
736 | Kugatsu Sadamitsu, Satoshi Sekine, Mikio Yamamoto | Sentiment analysis based on probabilistic models using inter-sentence information |
737 | Catalina Hallett, David Hardcastle | Automatic rewriting of patient record narratives |
738 | Jalal Maleki, Lars Ahrenberg | Converting Romanized Persian to the Arabic Writing System |
739 | Natalie Schluter, Josef van Genabith | Treebank-Based Acquisition of LFG Parsing Resources for French |
740 | Carlos Gómez Gallo, T. Florian Jaeger, James Allen, Mary Swift | Production In A Multimodal Corpus : How Speakers Communicate Complex Actions |
741 | Luís C. Oliveira, Sérgio Paulo, Luís Figueira, Carlos Mendes, Ana Nunes, Joaquim Godinho | Methodologies for Designing and Recording Speech Databases for Corpus Based Synthesis |
742 | Stephan Walter | Linguistic Description and Automatic Extraction of Definitions from German Court Decisions |
743 | Lorraine Goeuriot, Natalia Grabar, Béatrice Daille | Characterization of scientific and popular science discourse in French, Japanese and Russian |
746 | Karel Pala, Lukáš Svoboda, Pavel Šmerk | Czech MWE Database |
748 | Jan Bungeroth, Daniel Stein, Philippe Dreuw, Hermann Ney, Sara Morrissey, Andy Way, Lynette van Zijl | The ATIS Sign Language Corpus |
749 | Stefan Hahn, Patrick Lehnen, Christian Raymond, Hermann Ney | A Comparison of Various Methods for Concept Tagging for Spoken Language Understanding |
750 | Jonathan Chevelu, Nelly Barbot, Olivier Boeffard and Arnaud Delhay | Comparing set-covering strategies for optimal corpus design |
751 | Meghan Lammie Glenn, Stephanie Strassel, Lauren Friedman, Haejoong Lee | Management of Large Annotation Projects Involving Multiple Human Judges : a case study of GALE Machine Translation Post-editing |
754 | Rashmi Prasad, Nikhil Dinesh, Alan Lee, Eleni Miltsakaki, Livio Robaldo, Aravind Joshi, Bonnie Webber | The Penn Discourse TreeBank 2.0. |
755 | Marian Reed, Denise DiPersio and Christopher Cieri | The Linguistic Data Consortium Member Survey : Purpose, Execution and Results |
758 | Angus Roberts, Robert Gaizasukas, Mark Hepple, Yikun Guo | Combining terminology resources and statistical methods for entity recognition : an evaluation |
759 | Kim Luyckx, Walter Daelemans | Personae : a corpus for author and personality prediction from text |
760 | Diana Santos, Alberto Simões | Portuguese-English word alignment : some experiments |
762 | David Day, Janet Hitzeman, Michael Wick, Keith Crouch, Massimo Poesio | A Corpus for Cross-Document Co-reference |
763 | Alessandro Lenci, Barbara McGillivray, Simonetta Montemagni, Vito Pirrelli | Unsupervised acquisition of verb subcategorization frames from shallow-parsed corpora |
764 | Karin Kipper-Schuler, Vinod Kaggal, James Masanz, Philip Ogren and Guergana Savova | System evaluation on a named entity corpus from clinical notes |
765 | Márton Miháltz | Knowledge-based Coreference Resolution for Hungarian |
769 | Branimir Boguraev and Mary Neff | Navigating through Dense Annotation Spaces |
770 | Thierry Declerck | A Framework for Standardized Syntactic Annotation |
771 | Jade Goldstein-Stewart, Kerri A. Goodwin, Roberta E. Sabin, Ransom K. Winder | Creating and Using a Correlated Corpora to Glean Communicative Commonalities |
772 | Stephanie Strassel, Lauren Friedman, Safa Ismael, Linda Brandschain | New Resources for Document Classification, Analysis and Translation Technologies |
773 | Ulrich Schäfer, Hans Uszkoreit, Christian Federmann, Torsten Marek, Yajing Zhang | Extracting and Querying Relations in Scientific Papers on Language Technology |
774 | Jennifer Foster and Josef van Genabith | Parser Evaluation and the BNC : Evaluating 4 constituency parsers with 3 metrics |
775 | Kazuaki Maeda, Haejoong Lee, Shawn Medero, Julie Medero, Robert Parker, Stephanie Strassel | Annotation Tool Development for Large-Scale Corpus Creation Projects at the Linguistic Data Consortium |
776 | Mark Fishel, Heiki-Jaan Kaalep | Experiments on Processing Overlapping Parallel Corpora |
777 | Eric Atwell, Bayan Abu Shawar | An AI-Inspired Intelligent Agent/Student Architecture to Combine Language Resources Research and Teaching |
779 | Kazuaki Maeda, Xiaoyi Ma, Stephanie Strassel | Creating Sentence-Aligned Parallel Text Corpora from a Large Archive of Potential Parallel Text using BITS and Champollion |
780 | Hitoshi Isahara, Masao Utiyama, Eiko Yamamoto, Akira Terada, Yasunori Abe | Application of Resource-based Machine Translation to Real Business Scenes |
783 | Eline Westerhout, Paola Monachesi | Creating glossaries using pattern-based and machine learning techniques |
784 | Yves Peirsman, Simon De Deyne, Kris Heylen, Dirk Geeraerts | The Construction and Evaluation of Word Space Models |
785 | Arne Mauser, Saša Hasan and Hermann Ney | Automatic Evaluation Measures for Statistical Machine Translation System Optimization |
786 | Rudolf Muhr | The Pronouncing Dictionary of Austrian German (AGPD) and the Austrian Phonetic Database (ADABA) – Report on a large Phonetic Resources Database of the three Major Varieties of German |
787 | Einar Meister, Jaak Vilo | Strengthening the Estonian Language Technology |
788 | M. Adda-Decker, C. Barras, G. Adda, P. Paroubek, P. Boula de Mareüil, B. Habert | Annotation and analysis of overlapping speech in political interviews |
789 | Stephen A. Boxwell and Michael White | Projecting Propbank Roles onto the CCGbank |
790 | Kiyotaka Uchimoto and Yasuharu Den | Word-level Dependency-structure Annotation to Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese and Its Application |
791 | Caroline Lavecchia, David Langlois and Kamel Smaïli | Phrase-Based Machine Translation based on Simulated Annealing |
793 | Christopher Cieri, Stephanie Strassel, Meghan Glenn, Reva Schwartz, Wade Shen, Joseph Campbell | Bridging the Gap between Linguists and Technology Developers : Large-Scale, Sociolinguistic Annotation for Dialect and Speaker Recognition |
794 | Jeremy Nicholson, Valia Kordoni, Yi Zhang, Timothy Baldwin, Rebecca Dridan | Evaluating and Extending the Coverage of HPSG Grammars : A Case Study for German |
795 | Malvina Nissim, Sara Perboni | The Italian Particle ne : Corpus Construction and Analysis |
796 | Philip V. Ogren, Guergana K. Savova, Christopher G. Chute | Constructing Evaluation Corpora for Automated Clinical Named Entity Recognition |
797 | David Hardcastle, Donia Scott | Can We Evaluate the Quality of Generated Text ? |
798 | Tejaswini Deoskar and Mats Rooth | Induction of Treebank-Aligned Lexical Resources |
802 | Meni Adler, Yael Netzer, Yoav Goldberg, David Gabay and Michael Elhadad | Tagging a Hebrew Corpus : The Case of Participles |
804 | Pavel Campr, Marek Hrúz, Jana Trojanová | Collection and Preprocessing of Czech Sign Language Corpus for Sign Language Recognition |
805 | Keith J. Miller, Mark Arehart, Catherine Ball, John Polk, Alan Rubenstein, Ken Samuel, Elizabeth Schroeder, Eva Vecchi, Chris Wol | An Infrastructure, Tools and Methodology for Evaluation of Multicultural Name Matching Systems |
806 | Caren Brinckmann, Stefan Kleiner, Ralf Knöbl, Nina Berend | German Today : an areally extensive corpus of spoken Standard German |
807 | Mohamed Maamouri, Ann Bies, Seth Kulick | Enhancing the Arabic Treebank : A Collaborative Effort toward New Annotation Guidelines |
811 | Arno Hartholt, Thomas Russ, David Traum, Eduard Hovy, Susan Robinson | A Common Ground for Virtual Humans : Using an Ontology in a Natural Language Oriented Virtual Human Architecture |
812 | Thorsten Trippel, Michael Maxwell, Greville Corbett, Cambell Prince, Christopher Manning, Stephen Grimes and Steve Moran | Lexicon Schemas and Related Data Models : when Standards Meet Users |
813 | Veselin Stoyanov, Claire Cardie | Annotating Topics of Opinions |
814 | Majid Razmara and Leila Kosseim | Answering List Questions using Co-occurrence and Clustering |
815 | Susanne Burger, Kornel Laskowski and Matthias Wölfel | A Comparative Cross-Domain Study of the Occurrence of Laughter in Meeting and Seminar Corpora |
816 | Wolodja Wentland, Johannes Knopp, Carina Silberer, Matthias Hartung | Building a Multilingual Lexical Resource for Named Entity Disambiguation,Translation and Transliteration |
817 | Corina Forăscu | GMT to +2 or How Can TimeML Be Used in Romanian |
818 | Kris Heylen, Yves Peirsman, Dirk Geeraerts, Dirk Speelman | Modelling Word Similarity. An Evaluation of Automatic Synonymy Extraction Algorithms |
819 | R. Catizone, A. Dingli, H. Pinto, Y. Wilks | Information Extraction Tools and Methods for Understanding Dialogue in a Companion |
820 | Youssef Drissi, Branimir Boguraev, David Ferrucci, Paul T. Keyser and Anthony Levas | A Development Environment for Configurable Meta-Annotators in a Pipelined NLP Architecture |
821 | Kyoko Hirose Ohara | Lexicon, Grammar, and Multilinguality in the Japanese FrameNet |
822 | Marianna Apidianaki | Translation-oriented Word Sense Induction Based on Parallel Corpora |
823 | Lynne Cahill | Using similarity measures to extend the LinGO lexicon |
825 | Dave Toney, Sophie Rosset, Aurélien Max, Olivier Galilbert, Eric Bilinski | An evaluation of spoken and textual interaction in the RITEL interactive question answering system |
826 | Todor Arnaudov, Ruslan Mitkov | Smarty – Extendable Framework for Bilingual and Multilingual Comprehension Assistants |
827 | Karine Megerdoomian and Dan Parvaz | Low-Density Language Bootstrapping : The Case of Tajiki Persian |
828 | Doaa Samy and Ana González-Ledesma | Pragmatic Annotation of Discourse Markers in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus (Arabic- Spanish-English) |
830 | Gerard de Melo, Gerhard Weikum | Mapping Roget’s Thesaurus and WordNet to French |
831 | Daisuke Kawahara, Kiyotaka Uchimoto | A Method for Automatically Constructing Case Frames for English |
832 | Eric Ringger, Marc Carmen, Robbie Haertel, Kevin Seppi, Deryle Lonsdale, Peter, McClanahan, James Carroll, Noel Ellison | Assessing the Costs of Machine-Assisted Corpus Annotation through a User Study |
835 | Antonio Bonafonte, Jordi Adell, Ignasi Esquerra, Silvia Gallego, Asunción Moreno, Javier Pérez | Corpus and Voices for Catalan Speech Synthesis |
843 | Nizar Habash and Ryan Roth | Identification of Naturally Occurring Numerical Expressions in Arabic |
844 | Reginald Hobbs, Jamal Laoudi, Clare R. Voss | MTriage : Web-enabled Software for the Creation, Machine Translation, and Annotation of Smart Documents |
847 | Veronika Vincze, György Szarvas, Attila Almási, Dóra Szauter, Róbert Ormándi, Richárd Farkas, Csaba Hatvani and János Csirik | Hungarian word sense disambiguated corpus |
848 | Harald Hammarstöm, Christina Thornell, Malin Petzell, Torbjörn Westerlund | Bootstrapping Language Description : The case of Mpiemo (Bantu A, Central African Republic) |
849 | Olga N. Lashevskaja, Olga Yu. Shemanaeva | Semantic Annotation Layer in Russian National Corpus : Lexical Classes of Nouns and Adjectives |
851 | Olga Pustylnikov, Alexander Mehler, Rüdiger Gleim | A Unified Database of Dependency Treebanks. Integrating, Quantifying & Evaluating Dependency Data. |
855 | M. Adda-Decker, T. Pellegrini, E. Bilinski, G. Adda | Developments of Lëtzebuergesch resources for automatic speech processing and linguistic studies |
856 | A. Allauzen, H. Bonneau-Maynard | Training and evaluation of POS taggers on the French MULTITAG corpus |
858 | Péter Halácsy, András Kornai, Péter Németh, Dániel Varga | Parallel creation of gigaword corpora for medium density languages – an interim report |
860 | Takahiro Ono, Hitomi Tohyama, Shigeki Matsubara | Construction and Analysis of Word-level Time-aligned Simultaneous Interpretation Corpus |
861 | Christopher Cieri, Mark Liberman | 15 Years of Language Resource Creation and Sharing : A Progress Report on LDC Activities |
862 | Liviu P. Dinu, Marius Popescu, Anca Dinu | Authorship Identification of Romanian Texts with Controversial Paternity |
863 | Christophe Veaux, Gregory Beller, Xavier Rodet | IrcamCorpusTools : an extensible platform for speech corpora exploitation |
864 | Bodil Nistrup Madsen, Hanne Erdman Thomsen | A Taxonomy of Lexical Metadata Categories |
866 | David Guthrie, Louise Guthrie, Yorick Wilks | An Unsupervised Approach for the Detection of Outliers in Corpora |
867 | Peter Adolphs | Acquiring a Poor Man’s Inflectional Lexicon for German |
869 | George Demetriou, Robert Gaizauskas, Haotian Sun and Angus Roberts | ANNALIST — ANNotation ALIgnment and Scoring Tool |
870 | Patcharee Varasai, Chaveevan Pechsiri, Thana Sukvari, Vee Satayamas and Asanee Kawtrakul | Building an Annotated Corpus for Text Summarization and Question Answering |
871 | Michael Rosner | ODL : An Object Description Language for Lexical Information |
873 | Rodney D. Nielsen, Wayne Ward, James H. Martin and Martha Palmer | Annotating Students’ Understanding of Science Concepts |
874 | Erin Fitzgerald, Frederick Jelinek | Linguistic Resources for Reconstructing Spontaneous Speech Text |
875 | Mehrnoush Shamsfard, Hakimeh Fadaee | A Hybrid Morphology-Based POS Tagger for Persian |
877 | Nianwen Xue, Hua Zhong and Kai-Yun Chen | Annotating "tense" in a tense-less language |
880 | Martha Palmer, Olga Babko-Malaya, Ann Bies, Mona Diab, Mohammed Maamouri, Aous Mansouri, Wajdi Zaghouani | A Pilot Arabic Propbank |
881 | Maarten Janssen, Tiago Freitas | Spock - a Spoken Corpus Client |
882 | Yoji Kiyota, Noriyuki Tamura, Satoshi Sakai, Hiroshi Nakagawa, Hidetaka Masuda | Automated Subject Induction from Query Keywords through Wikipedia Categories and Subject Headings |
884 | Márk Fék, Nicolas Audibert, János Szabó, Albert Rilliard, Géza Németh, Véronique Aubergé | Multimodal Spontaneous Expressive Speech Corpus for Hungarian |
885 | Stefan Evert | A lightweight and efficient tool for cleaning Web pages |
886 | Marius Paşca | Low-Complexity Heuristics for Deriving Fine-Grained Classes of Named Entities from Web Textual Data |
887 | Clare R. Voss, Jamal Laoudi, Jeffrey Micher | Exploitation of an Arabic Language Resource for MT Evaluation : Using Buckwalter-based Lookup Tool to Augment CMU Alignment Algorithm |
892 | L.M. Spracklin, D.Z. Inkpen, A. Nayak | Using the Complexity of the Distribution of Lexical Elements as a Feature in |
894 | Anil Kumar Singh, Kiran Pala and Harshit Surana | Authorship Attribution |
896 | Marine Carpuat, Dekai Wu | Evaluation of Context-dependent Phrasal Translation Lexicons for Statistical Machine Translation |
898 | Victoria Arranz, Franck Gandcher, Valérie Mapelli and Khalid Choukri | A Guide for the Production of Reusable Language Resources |
899 | Valérie Mapelli, Victoria Arranz, Hélène Mazo, Khalid Choukri | Latest Developments in ELRA’s Services |
900 | Olivier Hamon and Djamel Mostefa | An Experimental Methodology for an End-to-End Evaluation in Speech-to-Speech Translation |
901 | Djamel Mostefa, Arnaud Vallee | New telephone speech databases for French : a children database and an optimized adult corpus |
902 | Linda Brandschain, Christopher Cieri, David Graff, Abby Neely, Kevin Walker | Speaker Recognition : Building the Mixer 4 and 5 Corpora |
903 | Nilda Ruimy, Antonio Toral | More Semantic Links in the SIMPLE-CLIPS Database |
907 | Romaric Besançon, Stéphane Chaudiron, Djamel Mostefa, Ismaïl Timimi, Khalid Choukri | The InFile project : a crosslingual filtering systems evaluation campaign |
908 | Éric Villemonte de la Clergerie, Olivier Hamon, Djamel Mostefa, Christelle Ayache, Patrick Paroubek and Anne Vilnat | PASSAGE : from French Parser Evaluation to Large Sized Treebank |
909 | Olga Babko-Malaya | Annotation of Nuggets and Relevance in GALE Distillation Evaluation |
911 | Brian Davis, Siegfried Handschuh, Alexander Troussov, John Judge, Mikhail Sogrin | Linguistically Light Lexical Extensions for Ontologies |
912 | Aicha Bouhjar | Amazigh Language Terminology in Morocco or Management of a ‘Multidimensional’ Variation |
913 | Carol Peters, Martin Braschler, Giorgio Di Nunzio, Nicola Ferro, Julio Gonzalo, Mark Sanderson | From Research to Application in Multilingual Information Access : the Contribution of Evaluation |
914 | J.V. White, D. Hunter, J.D. Goldstein | Statistical Evaluation of Information Distillation Systems |
916 | Bente Maegaard, M. Atiyya, K. Choukri, S. Krauwer, C. Mokbel, M. Yaseen | MEDAR – collaboration between European and Mediterranean Arabic partners |