LREC 2000 2nd International Conference on Language Resources & Evaluation

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

List of all authors

Author Paper Title Paper
Rajman MartinDevelopment of Acoustic and Linguistic Resources for Research and Evaluation in Interactive Vocal Information Servers90
Rank ErhardThe Cost258 Signal Generation Test Array1
Rannon TamiCreation of Spoken Hebrew Databases52
Raptis SpyrosLEXIPLOIGISSI: An Educational Platform for the Teaching of Terminology in Greece271
Rasmark TorgnyThe Bank of Swedish300
Reape MikeEnabling Resource Sharing in Language Generation: an Abstract Reference Architecture244
Refice MarioSegWin: a Tool for Segmenting, Annotating, and Controlling the Creation of a Database of Spoken Italian Varieties310
Regel-Brietzmann PeterIssues in the Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Systems - Experience from the ACCeSS Project162
Reinsch MarkusThe Universal XML Organizer: UXO253
Relaño Gil JoséDialogue Annotation for Language Systems Evaluation33
Ribarov KirilRule-based Tagging: Morphological Tagset versus Tagset of Analytical Functions199
The (Un)Deterministic Nature of Morphological Context200
Ribas MartaSome Technical Aspects about Aligning Near Languages186
Ribeiro Ricardo DanielSome Language Resources and Tools for Computational Processing of Portuguese at INESC257
Richard GaëlSPEECHDAT-CAR. A Large Speech Database for Automotive Environments373
Ries KlausShallow Discourse Genre Annotation in CallHome Spanish228
Rilliard AlbertPerception and Analysis of a Reiterant Speech Paradigm: a Functional Diagnostic of Synthetic Prosody94
Rogríguez Gancedo M. CarmenDialogue Annotation for Language Systems Evaluation33
Rojc MatejA Computational Platform for Development of Morphologic and Phonetic Lexica175
Design of Optimal Slovenian Speech Corpus for Use in the Concatenative Speech Synthesis System177
Rojo GuillermoAn Architecture for Document Routing in Spanish: Two Language Components, Pre-processor and Parser91
Language Resources Development at the Spanish Royal Academy297
Romary LaurentXCES: An XML-based Encoding Standard for Linguistic Corpora172
Rosenzweig JosephEnglish Senseval: Report and Results8
Semantic Tagging for the Penn Treebank197
Rosset S.Predictive Performance of Dialog Systems303
Roux ClaudeA Step toward Semantic Indexing of an Encyclopedic Corpus161
Roux J.C.Developing a Multilingual Telephone Based Information System in African Languages329
Roventini AdrianaItalWordNet: a Large Semantic Database for Italian129
Rubio A.J.Evaluation of a Dialogue System Based on a Generic Model that Combines Robust Speech Understanding and Mixed-initiative Control101
Ruelle AlainEULER: an Open, Generic, Multilingual and Multi-platform Text-to-Speech System41
Ruimy NildaSIMPLE: A General Framework for the Development of Multilingual Lexicons61
Multilingual Linguistic Resources: From Monolingual Lexicons to Bilingual Interrelated Lexicons96
Russel AlbertThe EUDICO Project, Multi Media Annotation over the Internet45
Towards a Standard for Meta-descriptions of Language Resources125