Title |
Standards and best practice for multilingual computational lexicons: ISLE MILE …. and more |
Authors |
Nicoletta Calzolari (Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale, CNR, Pisa, Italy) Ralph Grishman (New York University, USA) Martha Palmer (Penn University, USA) |
Session |
Panel P4 |
Abstract |
ISLE (International Standards for Language Engineering) is a transatlantic standards oriented initiative under the Human Language Technology (HLT) programme within the EU-US International Research Co-operation. It is a continuation of the European EAGLES (Expert Advisory Group for Language Engineering Standards) initiative, carried out through a number of subsequent projects funded by the European Commission (EC) since 1993. Within the multilingual computational lexicons Working Group, ISLE aims at: extending EAGLES work on lexical semantics, necessary to establish inter-language links; designing and proposing standards for multilingual lexicons; developing a prototype tool to implement lexicon guidelines and standards; creating exemplary EAGLES-conformant sample lexicons and tagging exemplary corpora for validation purposes; and developing standardised evaluation procedures for lexicons. After a short introduction on the ISLE proposal for standards, the MILE (Multilingual ISLE Lexical Entry), we will focus the discussion on short and medium term requirements with respect to standards for multilingual lexicons and content encoding, in particular industrial requirements. We will stress the importance of reaching consensus on (linguistic and non-linguistic) “content”, in addition to agreement on formats and encoding issues, and will define further steps necessary to converge on common priorities. Semantic Web standards and the needs of content processing technologies will be also addressed. |
Keywords |
Lexical standards, Multiligual lexicons, Content processing technologies |
Full Paper |