
Report on the Revision of the Lexicographical Standard ISO 1951 Presentation/Representation of Entries in Dictionaries


Marie-Jeanne Derouin (Langenscheidt Fachverlag GmbH Postfach 40 11 20 D-80711 München Germany)

Dr. André Le Meur (Laboratoire RESO – CNRS – UMR 6590 Université Rennes 2 6, Avenue Gaston Berger F-35043 Rennes, France)


WP2: Lexicons


The two authors of this paper belong to the expert commission of the standardization bodies in France (AFNOR) and in Germany (DIN) and are, within the ISO/TC37/SC2, project leader and expert for the revision of the ISO-standard. In this paper we will report on the revision of the standard ISO 1951 Presentation/Representation of entries in dictionaries which will give recommendation regarding the organization of lexicographical entries and take in account the computer-based dictionary manuscript and its various uses and reuses on different print and electronic devices.


ISO 1951

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