
OrienTel - Multilingual access to interactive communication services for the Mediterranean and the Middle East


Rainer Siemund (Philips Speech Processing) 

Barbara Heuft (Philips Speech Processing) 

Khalid Choukri (ELDA) 

Ossama Emam (IBM) 

Emmanuel Maragoudakis (University of Patras) 

Herbert Tropf (Siemens) 

Oren Gedge (Natural Speech Communication) 

Sherrie Shammass (Natural Speech Communication) 

Asuncion Moreno (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) 

Albino Nogueiras Rodriguez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) 

Imed Zitouni (Lucent Technologies) 

Dorota Iskra (SPEX (The Netherlands))


SP2: Speech Varieties And Multilingual ASR


OrienTel is a project funded within the European Commission's IST framework that focuses on collecting linguistic data for telephony-based IT applications across the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Languages covered in this SpeechDat-based project are Cypriote Greek, Turkish, Hebrew, different varieties of Arabic, French, English and German. Within the project's lifetime of 30 months, starting in September 2001, OrienTel will produce a set of 22 databases, develop dialect adaptation techniques, conduct research into multilingual acoustic modelling and deploy two demonstrators as a proof of concept. 


Multilinguality, Telephony, Mediterranean, Middle east

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