
Tool for Czech Pronunciation Generation Combining Fixed Rules with Pronunciation Lexicon and Lexicon Management Tool


Petr Pollak (Czech Technical University in Prague CVUT FEL K331, Technicka 2, 16627 Praha 6 - Dejvice, Czech Republic) 

Vaclav Hanzl (Czech Technical University in Prague CVUT FEL K331, Technicka 2, 16627 Praha 6 - Dejvice, Czech Republic)


SO6: Phonetic Lexicons


This paper presents two different tools which may be used as a support of speech recognition. The tool "transc" is the first one and it generates the phonetic transcription (pronunciation) of given utterance. It is based mainly on fixed rules which can be defined for Czech pronunciation but it can work also with specified list of exceptions which is defined on lexicon basis. It allows the usage of "transc" for unknown text with high probability of correct phonetic transcription generation. The second part is devoted to lexicon management tool "lexedit" which may be useful in the phase of generation of pronunciation lexicon for collected corpora. The presented tool allows editing of pronunciation, playing examples of pronunciation, comparison with reference lexicon, updating of reference lexicon, etc.


Czech language, Phonetic transcription, Pronunciation lexicon, Tools

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