
An Algorithm to Find Words from Definitions


Dominique Dutoit (Memodata, 17, rue Dumont d.Urville, 14000 Caen, France CRISCO, CNRS, Université de Caen, 14032 Caen Cedex, France)

Pierre Nugues (Computer Science Department, Lund University, LTH, Box 118 221 00 Lund, Sweden)


WP2: Lexicons


This paper presents a system to find automatically words from a definition or a paraphrase. The system uses a lexical database of French words that is comparable in its size to WordNet and an algorithm that evaluates distances in the semantic graph between hypernyms and hyponyms of the words in the definition. The paper first outlines the structure of the lexical network on which the method is based. It then describes the algorithm. Finally, it concludes with examples of results we have obtained.


Find words

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