Title |
Co-reference in Japanese Task-oriented Dialogues: A Contribution to the Development of Language-specific and Language-general Annotation Schemes and Resources |
Author(s) |
Felix Sasaki, Andreas Witt Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft, Computerlinguistik und Texttechnologie |
Session |
O12-W |
Abstract |
This paper describes a corpus of Japanese task-oriented dialogues, i.e. its data, annotations, analysis methodology and preliminary results for the modeling of co-referential phenomena. Current corpus-based approaches to co-reference concentrate on textual data from English or other European languages. Hence, the emerging language-general models of co-reference miss input from dialogue data of non-European languages. We aim to fill this gap and contribute to a model of co-reference on various language-specific and language-general levels |
Keyword(s) |
annotation, data architecture, co-reference |
Language(s) | Japanese |
Full Paper |