
Building a Maritime Domain Lexicon: a Few Considerations on the Database Structure and the Semantic Coding


Rita Marinelli, Adriana Roventini, Alessandro Enea

Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale C.N.R. Pisa, Italy




In this paper we refer about the building we are carrying out of a specialized lexicon belonging to the maritime domain, together with the coding performed according to the ItalWordNet semantic relations model. The main characteristics of the lexical semantic database and the specific features of the specialized language are taken into consideration and, in particular, we concentrate our attention on the following items: i) the main characteristics of this lexicon, its different levels of specificity and its distribution within different sub domains; ii) the verb class semantic coding; iii) the suitable concepts to outline a specific maritime domain ontology.


Lexical semantic database - terminological resources - semantic relations

Language(s) Italian, English
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