Title Mapping Dependency Structures to Phrase Structures and the Automatic Acquisition of Mapping Rules
Author(s) Bernd Bohnet (1), Halyna Seniv (2)

(1) Institute for Intelligent Systems -- University of Stuttgart, Universit "atsstr. 38, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany, bohnet@iis.uni-stuttgart.de; (2) Institute of Natural Language Processing -- University of Stuttgart, Azenbergstra{\ss}e 12, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany, senivha@ims.uni-stuttgart.de}

Session O22-EW
Abstract This paper describes a simple graph grammar based formalism that is capable to translate dependency structures into phrase structures. A procedure is introduced for the automatic acquisition of mapping rules from corpora which are annotated with both phrase structures and dependency structures. The acquired rules are evaluated by applying them to a corpus annotated with dependency structures.
Keyword(s) Converstion of dependency structures to phrase structures, depdendency structures, phrase structures, linearization, word order, precedence units
Language(s) All
Full Paper 663.pdf