SUMMARY : Session P9-M


Title TQB: Accessing Multimodal Data Using a Transcript-based Query and Browsing Interface
Authors A. Popescu-belis, M. Georgescul
Abstract This article describes an interface for searching and browsing multimodal recordings of group meetings. We provide first an overall perspective of meeting processing and retrieval applications, and distinguish between the media/modalities that are recorded and the ones that are used for browsing. We then proceed to describe the data and the annotations that are stored in a meeting database. Two scenarios of use for the transcript-based query and browsing interface (TQB) are then outlined: search and browse vs. overview and browse. The main functionalities of TQB, namely the database backend and the multimedia rendering solutions are described. An outline of evaluation perspectives is finally provided, with a description of the user interaction features that will be monitored.
Keywords Multimodal interfaces, meeting browsers, dialogue annotation, multimodal corpora
Full paper TQB: Accessing Multimodal Data Using a Transcript-based Query and Browsing Interface