SUMMARY : Session O18-M Multimodal Corpora Annotation and Tools


Title A Multimodal Result Ontology for Integrated Semantic Web Dialogue Applications
Authors D. Sonntag, M. Romanelli
Abstract General purpose ontologies and domain ontologies make up the infrastructure of the Semantic Web, which allow for accurate data representations with relations, and data inferences. In our approach to multimodal dialogue systems providing question answering functionality (SMARTWEB), the ontological infrastructure is essential. We aim at an integrated approach in which all knowledge-aware system modules are based on interoperating ontologiesin a common data model. The discourse ontology is meant to provide the necessary dialogue- and HCI concepts. We present the ontological syntactic structure of multimodal question answering results as partof this discourse ontology which extends the W3C EMMA annotation framework and uses MPEG-7 annotations. In addition, we describe anextension to ontological result structures where automatic and context-based sorting mechanisms can be naturally incorporated.
Keywords Dialogue Systems, NLP, Multimodality, Semantic Web,Ontologies, EMMA, MPEG-7, DOLCE, SUMO LANGUAGES:RDF, XML, EMMA
Full paper A Multimodal Result Ontology for Integrated Semantic Web DialogueApplications