Emerald 1 |
Emerald 2 |
Adria |
Europa A |
Europa B |
Europa C |
Europa D |
Mediterranea 1 |
Mediterranea 2 |
Monday 23 |
am |
W12 Joint Second Workshop on Language and Ontology (LangOnto2) & Terminology and Knowledge Structures (TermiKS)  |
W5 Cross-Platform Text Mining and Natural Language Processing Interoperability  |
W39 9th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora Special Topic: Continuous Vector Space Models and Comparable Corpora  |
W19 Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages - Towards an Alliance for Digital Language Diversity (CCURL 2016)  |
W31 Improving Social Inclusion using NLP: Tools and resources  |
W25 Emotion and Sentiment Analysis (ESA 2016)  |
W28 2nd Workshop on Visualization as added value in the development, use and evaluation of Language Resources (VisLR II)  |
T3 Integrating Generative Lexicon and Lexical Semantic Resources |
pm |
W9 Resources and ProcessIng of linguistic and extra-linguistic Data from people with various forms of cognitive/psychiatric impairments (RaPID)  |
W15 Text Analytics for Cybersecurity and Online Safety (TA-COS)  |
T6 7th International Sketch Engine event |
Tuesday 24 |
am |
W13 5th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2016): Managing, Building and Using Linked Language Resources  |
W10 GLOBALEX 2016: Lexicographic Resources for Human Language Technology  |
W18 Translation evaluation: From fragmented tools and data sets to an integrated ecosystem?  |
W16 2nd Workshop on Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools: Social Media  |
W40 ETHI-CA² 2016: ETHics In Corpus collection, Annotation and Application  |
W1 Sideways 2016  |
W35 Multimodal Corpora 2016 (MMC 2016)  |
T7 Multilingual FrameNet: Linguistic Insights, Computational Challenges, and Application  (Tutorial Description) |
T2 Emotions in language: Linguistic and computational approaches  (Tutorial Extended Abstract)  |
pm |
W38 3rd Workshop on Indian Language Data Resource and Evaluation - WILDRE-3  |
W42 Legal Issues  |
W7 EMOT (Emotions, Metaphors, Ontology & Terminology) during disaster  |
T5 English Resource Semantics |
T4 Affect Detection from Text - from Affect Sciences to Computational Models  |
Saturday 28 |
am |
W8 7th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Corpus Mining  |
W4 ISA-12 12th Joint ACL-ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation  |
W34 Natural Language Processing for Translation Memories 2016  |
W23 4REAL Workshop on Research Results Reproducibility, and Resources Citation in Science and Technology of Language  |
W36 Normalisation and Analysis of Social Media Texts (NormSoMe)  |
W27 Just talking - casual talk among humans and machines  |
W11 Quality Assessment for Text Simplification (QATS)  |
pm |
W41 Controlled Language Applications  |
W43 Novel Incentives for Collecting Data and Annotation from People: types, implementation, tasking requirements, workflow and results  |
W6 4th Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC-4)  |
W30 RE-WOCHAT 2016: Workshop on Collecting and Generating Resources for Chatbots and Conversational Agents Development and Evaluation  |