Summary of the paper

Title The Hong Kong Sign Language Browser
Authors Felix Sze, Kloris Lau and Kevin Yu
Abstract This paper describes the design of the Hong Kong Sign Language Browser which was established for providing accessible online resources on the lexical variations of HKSL in order to support the promotion of sign language and other sign-related services in the local community. With continuous funding support from the government since 2012, local Deaf organizations and Deaf signers of diverse backgrounds are invited to contribute their sign language knowledge in the data collection and evaluation process. Each year Deaf informants proficient in HKSL are invited to CSLDS to provide signing data to a pre-defined list of lexical targets. Their signing data are analyzed and variants are identified. These video data are then placed in an online platform for local Deaf organizations for rating and comments, and they can contribute data as well if there are additional variants not yet covered in the initial round of data collection. Once finalized, the lexical variants are placed in the Hong Kong Sign Language Browser for free public access. For each lexical target, each variant is indicated by a different color. Variants that are more commonly used and seen by Deaf organizations are listed first whereas the least common variants are listed last.
Full paper The Hong Kong Sign Language Browser
Bibtex @InProceedings{SZE18.18037,
  author = {Felix Sze ,Kloris Lau and Kevin Yu},
  title = {The Hong Kong Sign Language Browser},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)},
  year = {2018},
  month = {may},
  date = {7-12},
  location = {Miyazaki, Japan},
  editor = {Mayumi Bono and Eleni Efthimiou and Stavroula-Evita Fotinea and Thomas Hanke and Julie Hochgesang and Jette Kristoffersen and Johanna Mesch and Yutaka Osugi},
  publisher = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)},
  address = {Paris, France},
  isbn = {979-10-95546-01-6},
  language = {english}
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