Summary of the paper

Title Workflow Management and Quality Control in the Development of the PJM Corpus: The Use of an Issue-Tracking System
Authors Piotr Mostowski, Anna Kuder, Joanna Filipczak and Paweł Rutkowski
Abstract The main goal of the present paper is to describe a workflow management and quality assurance system used in the project of developing the Polish Sign Language (polski język migowy, PJM) Corpus currently underway at the University of Warsaw, Poland. To ensure a satisfactory level of annotation quality, we implemented an external issue tracking system as a basic tool to manage all stages of the annotation process: segmenting the video recording into individual signs, adding glosses to the delineated signs, segmenting text into clauses, translating text into written Polish and adding grammar tags marking different language phenomena. This paper offers a detailed overview of the procedures that we employ, illustrating the most important advantages and disadvantages of our approach and the choices we have made.
Full paper Workflow Management and Quality Control in the Development of the PJM Corpus: The Use of an Issue-Tracking System
Bibtex @InProceedings{MOSTOWSKI18.18045,
  author = {Piotr Mostowski ,Anna Kuder ,Joanna Filipczak and Paweł Rutkowski},
  title = {Workflow Management and Quality Control in the Development of the PJM Corpus: The Use of an Issue-Tracking System},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)},
  year = {2018},
  month = {may},
  date = {7-12},
  location = {Miyazaki, Japan},
  editor = {Mayumi Bono and Eleni Efthimiou and Stavroula-Evita Fotinea and Thomas Hanke and Julie Hochgesang and Jette Kristoffersen and Johanna Mesch and Yutaka Osugi},
  publisher = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)},
  address = {Paris, France},
  isbn = {979-10-95546-01-6},
  language = {english}
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