Paper |
Paper Title |
Authors |
292 |
Labeling of Prosodic Events in Slovenian Speech Database GOPOLIS |
France Mihelic, Jerneja Gros, Elmar Noth, Volker Warnke |
353 |
Language Resources as by-Product of Evaluation: The MULTITAG Example |
Patrick Paroubek |
297 |
Language Resources Development at the Spanish Royal Academy |
Angel Martin Municio, Guillermo Rojo, Fernando Sanchez Leon, Octavio Pinillos |
210 |
Large, Multilingual, Broadcast News Corpora for Cooperative Research in Topic Detection and Tracking: The TDT-2 and TDT-3 Corpus Efforts |
Christopher Cieri, David Graff, Mark Liberman, Nii Martey, Stephanie Strassel |
234 |
Layout Annotation in a Corpus of Patient Information Leaflets |
Nadjet Bouayad-Agha |
281 |
Le Programme Compalex (COMPAraison LEXicale) |
Josue Ndamba, Jean Silence Bayamboussa |
213 |
Learning Preference of Dependency between Japanese Subordinate Clauses and its Evaluation in Parsing |
Takehito Utsuro |
145 |
Learning Verb Subcategorization from Corpora: Counting Frame Subsets |
Daniel Zeman, Anoop Sarkar |
215 |
Lessons Learned from a Task-based Evaluation of Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation |
Lori Levin, Boris Bartlog, Ariadna Font Llitjos, Donna Gates, Alon Lavie, Dorcas Wallace, Taro Watanabe, Monika Woszczyna |
122 |
Lexical and Translation Equivalence in Parallel Corpora |
Tamas Varadi |
148 |
Lexicalised Systematic Polysemy in WordNet |
Wim Peters, Ivonne Peters |
271 |
LEXIPLOIGISSI: An Educational Platform for the Teaching of Terminology in Greece |
Constandina Economou, Spyros Raptis, Gregory Stainhaouer |
214 |
Live Lexicons and Dynamic Corpora Adapted to the Network Resources for Chinese Spoken Language Processing Applications in an Internet Era |
Lin-Shan Lee, Lee-Feng Chien |
299 |
Looking for Errors: A Declarative Formalism for Resource-adaptive Language Checking |
Andrew Bredenkamp, Berthold Crysmann, Mirela Petrea |
93 |
LT TTT - A Flexible Tokenisation Tool |
Claire Grover, Colin Matheson, Andrei Mikheev, Marc Moens |