Paper |
Paper Title |
Authors |
58 |
Cairo: An Alignment Visualization Tool |
Noah A. Smith, Michael E. Jahr |
367 |
Cardinal, Nominal or Ordinal Similarity Measures in Comparative Evaluation of Information Retrieval Process |
Christine Michel |
189 |
CDB - A Database of Lexical Collocations |
Brigitte Krenn |
327 |
Chinese-English Semantic Resource Construction |
Bonnie J. Dorr, Gina-Anne Levow, Dekang Lin, Scott Thomas |
179 |
CLinkA A Coreferential Links Annotator |
Constantin Orasan |
364 |
COCOSDA - a Progress Report |
Nick Campbell |
2 |
Collocations as Word Co-ocurrence Restriction Data - An Application to Japanese Word Processor - |
Kosho Shudo, Masahito Takahashi, Yasuo Koyama, Kenji Yoshimura |
78 |
Constructing a Tagged E-J Parallel Corpus for Assisting Japanese Software Engineers in Writing English Abstracts |
Masumi Narita |
99 |
Controlled Bootstrapping of Lexico-semantic Classes as a Bridge between Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Knowledge: Methodology and Evaluation |
Paolo Allegrini, Simonetta Montemagni, Vito Pirrelli |
236 |
Coping with Lexical Gaps when Building Aligned Multilingual Wordnets |
Luisa Bentivogli, Emanuele Pianta, Fabio Pianesi |
100 |
Coreference Annotation: Whither? |
Rodger Kibble, Kees van Deemter |
19 |
Coreference in Annotating a Large Corpus |
Eva Hajicova, Jarmila Panenova, Petr Sgall |
131 |
Coreference Resolution Evaluation Based on Descriptive Specificity |
Francois Trouilleux, Eric Gaussier, Gabriel G. Bes, Annie Zaenen |
288 |
Corpora of Slovene Spoken Language for Multi-lingual Applications |
Jerneja Gros, France Mihelic, Simon Dobrisek, Tomaz Erjavec, Mario Zganec |
187 |
Corpus Resources and Minority Language Engineering |
Tony McEnery, Paul Baker, Lou Burnard |
22 |
Creating and Using Domain-specific Ontologies for Terminological Applications |
Diana Maynard, Sophia Ananiadou |
52 |
Creation of Spoken Hebrew Databases |
Tami Rannon, Ofra Golani, Anat Goren, Sherrie Shammass, Ami Moyal |
147 |
Cross-lingual Interpolation of Speech Recognition Models |
Giorgio Micca, Alessandra Frasca, Maria Gabriella Di Benedetto |