LREC 2000 2nd International Conference on Language Resources & Evaluation  
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Paper Title
Paper Id
Paradigmatic and Semantic Properties of SuffixesDerivation in the Czech National Corpus153
Parallel CorporaLexical and Translation Equivalence in Parallel Corpora122
Something Borrowed, Something Blue: Rule-based Combination of POS Taggers158
Parallel CorpusBuilding the Croatian-English Parallel Corpus119
A Parallel Corpus of Italian/German Legal Texts140
Parallel Multilingual Evaluation MaterialsA Parallel English-Japanese Query Collection for the Evaluation of On-Line Help Systems248
Parallel TextEvaluation of Word Alignment Systems137
Parallell CorporaThe Bank of Swedish300
ParametricA Graphical Parametric Language-Independent Tool for the Annotation of Speech Corpora314
PAROLETowards a Strategy for a Representation of Collocations - Extending the Danish PAROLE-lexicon47
ParsingA Treebank of Spanish and its Application to Parsing66
Providing Internet Access to Portuguese Corpora: the AC/DC Project85
An Architecture for Document Routing in Spanish: Two Language Components, Pre-processor and Parser91
Building a Treebank for French230
Parsing EvaluationWhere Opposites Meet. A Syntactic Meta-scheme for Corpus Annotation and Parsing Evaluation98
Partial ParsingPoS Disambiguation and Partial Parsing Bidirectional Interaction169
A Robust Parser for Unrestricted Greek Text174
PartnershipRecent Developments within the European Language Resources Association (ELRA)377
Part-of-Speech TaggingA Web-based Text Corpora Development System105
The Bank of Swedish300
PerceptionOn the Use of Prosody for On-line Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Systems43
Perceptual EvaluationPerceptual Evaluation of a New Subband Low Bit Rate Speech Compression System based on Waveform Vector Quantization and SVD Postfiltering16
Perceptual Evaluation of Text-to-Speech Implementation of Enclitic Stress in Greek48
Performance VariationsSublanguage Dependent Evaluation: Toward Predicting NLP performances252
Performances MeasuresPredictive Performance of Dialog Systems303
Phonetic DatabaseObject-oriented Access to the Estonian Phonetic Database128
Phonetic KnowledgeObject-oriented Access to the Estonian Phonetic Database128
PhoneticsModels of Russian Text/Speech Interactive Databases for Supporting of Scientific, Practical and Cultural Researches185
Phrasal verbsSemantic Encoding of Danish Verbs in SIMPLE - Adapting a Verb Framed Model to a Satellite-framed Language13
PolishAn HPSG-Annotated Test Suite for Polish272
Polish MorphologyElectronic Language Resources for Polish: POLEX, CEGLEX and GRAMLEX62
PolysemyWhat's in a Thesaurus?180
Portuguese CorpusSpoken Portuguese: Geographic and Social Varieties71
Portuguese ResourcesImproving Lexical Databases with Collocational Information: Data from Portuguese340
Portuguese VarietiesSpoken Portuguese: Geographic and Social Varieties71
Portuguese Corpora at CLUL72
PoS DisambiguationPoS Disambiguation and Partial Parsing Bidirectional Interaction169
POS TaggingSomething Borrowed, Something Blue: Rule-based Combination of POS Taggers158
A Unified POS Tagging Architecture and its Application to Greek181
Part of Speech Tagging and Lemmatisation for the Spoken Dutch Corpus216
Sublanguage Dependent Evaluation: Toward Predicting NLP performances252
POS1Morphological Tagging to Resolve Morphological Ambiguities277
Predicate-Argument StructureSemantic Tagging for the Penn Treebank197
PrioritiesA Platform for Dutch in Human Language Technologies348
Privileged co-OccurrenceImproving Lexical Databases with Collocational Information: Data from Portuguese340
Probabilistic MethodUsing Few Clues Can Compensate the Small Amount of Resources Available for Word Sense Disambiguation350
ProcessingA Strategy for the Syntactic Parsing of Corpora: from Constraint Grammar Output to Unification-based Processing111
Productivity of SuffixesDerivation in the Czech National Corpus153
Project IntroductionIntroduction of KIBS (Korean Information Base System) Project239
Prompting StrategyDialogue and Prompting Strategies Evaluation in the DEMON System38
PronunciationAn Optimised FS Pronunciation Resource Generator for Highly Inflecting Languages251
Pronunciation DictionaryDesign Methodology for Bilingual Pronunciation Dictionary269
Pronunciation Lexica EditorPLEDIT - A New Efficient Tool for Management of Multilingual Pronunciation Lexica and Batchlists53
Pronunciation LexiconPLEDIT - A New Efficient Tool for Management of Multilingual Pronunciation Lexica and Batchlists53
Pronunciation ModelMHATLex: Lexical Resources for Modelling the French Pronunciation37
Pronunciation TrainingThe ISLE Corpus of Non-Native Spoken English313
Pronunciation VariantsA French Phonetic Lexicon with Variants for Speech and Language Processing133
Prosodic BoundariesLabeling of Prosodic Events in Slovenian Speech Database GOPOLIS292
ProsodyGREEK ToBI: A System for the Annotation of Greek Speech Corpora7
On the Use of Prosody for On-line Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Systems43
Perceptual Evaluation of Text-to-Speech Implementation of Enclitic Stress in Greek48
Labeling of Prosodic Events in Slovenian Speech Database GOPOLIS292