LREC 2000 2nd International Conference on Language Resources & Evaluation  
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Paper Title
Paper Id
AccessibilityAccessibility of Multilingual Terminological Resources - Current Problems and Prospects for the Future283
A Web-based Advanced and User Friendly System: The Oslo Corpus of Tagged Norwegian Texts363
Acoustic AdaptationSPEECON - Speech Data for Consumer Devices63
Acquisition ToolsSpeechDat-Car Fixed Platform331
AdjunctsAutomatic Assignment of Grammatical Relations218
African LanguagesDeveloping a Multilingual Telephone Based Information System in African Languages329
Agglutinative LanguagesA Word-level Morphosyntactic Analyzer for Basque44
AlignmentBuilding the Croatian-English Parallel Corpus119
Grammarless Bracketing in an Aligned Bilingual Corpus164
The Bank of Swedish300
Analogy-Based AquisitionControlled Bootstrapping of Lexico-semantic Classes as a Bridge between Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Knowledge: Methodology and Evaluation99
Analysis-Modification-Synthesis systemsThe Cost258 Signal Generation Test Array1
Analytic ToolsIntroduction of KIBS (Korean Information Base System) Project239
Analytical FunctionsRule-based Tagging: Morphological Tagset versus Tagset of Analytical Functions199
AnaphoraCoreference Resolution Evaluation Based on Descriptive Specificity131
Annotating a Corpus to Develop and Evaluate Discourse Entity Realization Algorithms: Issues and Preliminary Results193
Anaphora ResolutionCLinkA A Coreferential Links Annotator179
Annotated CorporaOn the Usage of Kappa to Evaluate Agreement on Coding Tasks206
Annotated CorpusHua Yu: A Word-segmented and Part-Of-Speech Tagged Chinese Corpus372
Annotated Dialogue CorporaDialogue Annotation for Language Systems Evaluation33
AnnotationGREEK ToBI: A System for the Annotation of Greek Speech Corpora7
The EUDICO Project, Multi Media Annotation over the Internet45
An XML-based Representation Format for Syntactically Annotated Corpora59
The Spoken Dutch Corpus. Overview and First Evaluation110
Annotating Communication Problems Using the MATE Workbench134
The MATE Workbench Annotation Tool, a Technical Description166
Issues in Corpus Creation and Distribution: The Evolution of the Linguistic Data Consortium209
Large, Multilingual, Broadcast News Corpora for Cooperative Research in Topic Detection and Tracking: The TDT-2 and TDT-3 Corpus Efforts210
Annotating Resources for Information Extraction263
Annotation ErrorsWhat are Transcription Errors and Why are They made?205
Annotation frameworksDialogue Annotation for Language Systems Evaluation33
Annotation GraphsTranscribing with Annotation Graphs192
Annotation GuidelinesDeveloping Guidelines and Ensuring Consistency for Chinese Text Annotation287
Annotation SchemaBuilding a Treebank for Italian: a Data-driven Annotation Schema220
Annotation toolFAST - Towards a Semi-automatic Annotation of Corpora130
A Graphical Parametric Language-Independent Tool for the Annotation of Speech Corpora314
Annotation ToolsDialogue Annotation for Language Systems Evaluation33
Corpora of Slovene Spoken Language for Multi-lingual Applications288
SegWin: a Tool for Segmenting, Annotating, and Controlling the Creation of a Database of Spoken Italian Varieties310
Interactive Corpus Annotation334
NaniTrans: a Speech Labelling Tool345
Annotation of a Multichannel Noisy Speech Corpus358
ApplicationsPortuguese Corpora at CLUL72
ArchitectureSoftware Infrastructure for Language Resources: a Taxonomy of Previous Work and a Requirements Analysis170
ArchitecturesEnabling Resource Sharing in Language Generation: an Abstract Reference Architecture244
Argument StructureEstablishing the Upper Bound and Inter-judge Agreement of a Verb Classification Task233
ASRMHATLex: Lexical Resources for Modelling the French Pronunciation37
Regional Pronunciation Variants for Automatic Segmentation307
Assesment TechniquesCOCOSDA - a Progress Report364
Assessment and EvaluationFor a Repository of NLP Tools316
Automated Style CategorisationAutomatic Style Categorisation of Corpora in the Greek Language301
Automatic annotationTarget Suites for Evaluating the Coverage of Text Generators92
Automatic EvaluationEvaluation of Word Alignment Systems137
How to Evaluate Your Question Answering System Every Day ... and Still Get Real Work Done203
Automatic Generation of Constructed WordsGeDeriF: Automatic Generation and Analysis of Morphologically Constructed Lexical Resources279
Automatic Lexical AcquisitionEstablishing the Upper Bound and Inter-judge Agreement of a Verb Classification Task233
Automatic Term ExtractionTerm-based Identification of Sentences for Text Summarisation106
Automatic Text SummarizationA Comparison of Summarization Methods Based on Task-based Evaluation14
Automatically Category Code AssignmentAutomatically Expansion of Thesaurus Entries with a Different Thesaurus142