Keywords |
Paper Title |
Paper Id |
SALT | Accessibility of Multilingual Terminological Resources - Current Problems and Prospects for the Future | 283 |
Satellited-Framed Language | Semantic Encoding of Danish Verbs in SIMPLE - Adapting a Verb Framed Model to a Satellite-framed Language | 13 |
Scheme-Scripting | The Universal XML Organizer: UXO | 253 |
Scientific and Cultural Research | Models of Russian Text/Speech Interactive Databases for Supporting of Scientific, Practical and Cultural Researches | 185 |
Segmentation | Annotation of a Multichannel Noisy Speech Corpus | 358 |
Segmentation Tools | SegWin: a Tool for Segmenting, Annotating, and Controlling the Creation of a Database of Spoken Italian Varieties | 310 |
Semantic Classification | Controlled Bootstrapping of Lexico-semantic Classes as a Bridge between Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Knowledge: Methodology and Evaluation | 99 |
Semantic Lexicon | Automatic Generation of Dictionary Definitions from a Computational Lexicon | 306 |
Semantic Lexicons | Annotating, Disambiguating & Automatically Extending the Coverage of the Swedish SIMPLE Lexicon | 84 |
Semantic Network | A Step toward Semantic Indexing of an Encyclopedic Corpus | 161 |
Semantic Resource Construction | Chinese-English Semantic Resource Construction | 327 |
Semantic Similarity | What's in a Thesaurus? | 180 |
Semantic Tagging | An Experiment of Lexical-Semantic Tagging of an Italian Corpus | 60 |
Annotating, Disambiguating & Automatically Extending the Coverage of the Swedish SIMPLE Lexicon | 84 |
Semantics | Extraction of Semantic Clusters for Terminological Information Retrieval from MRDs | 35 |
Semetic Language SR | Creation of Spoken Hebrew Databases | 52 |
Sense Discrimination | Lexical and Translation Equivalence in Parallel Corpora | 122 |
Sense Distinctions | Semantic Tagging for the Penn Treebank | 197 |
Sense Tagging | An Experiment of Lexical-Semantic Tagging of an Italian Corpus | 60 |
SENSEVAL | English Senseval: Report and Results | 8 |
Sentence Aligment | Some Technical Aspects about Aligning Near Languages | 186 |
Sentence Alignment | Automatic Extraction of English-Chinese Term Lexicons from Noisy Bilingual Corpora | 208 |
Sentence Extraction | Term-based Identification of Sentences for Text Summarisation | 106 |
Server | The Cost258 Signal Generation Test Array | 1 |
SGML | A Proposal for the Integration of NLP Tools using SGML-Tagged Documents | 68 |
A Multi-view Hyperlexicon Resource for Speech and Language System Development | 243 |
Shallow Parsing | Annotating, Disambiguating & Automatically Extending the Coverage of the Swedish SIMPLE Lexicon | 84 |
Shallow Processing | Looking for Errors: A Declarative Formalism for Resource-adaptive Language Checking | 299 |
Shalow Parsing | Building a Treebank for French | 230 |
Signal-Level Annotation | POSCAT: A Morpheme-based Speech Corpus Annotation Tool | 224 |
Similarity Measure | Cardinal, Nominal or Ordinal Similarity Measures in Comparative Evaluation of Information Retrieval Process | 367 |
SIMPLE | Annotating, Disambiguating & Automatically Extending the Coverage of the Swedish SIMPLE Lexicon | 84 |
SIMPLE Computational Lexicon | Automatic Generation of Dictionary Definitions from a Computational Lexicon | 306 |
Size-Limited Resources | Using Few Clues Can Compensate the Small Amount of Resources Available for Word Sense Disambiguation | 350 |
SLDSs Evaluation Procedures | Dialogue Annotation for Language Systems Evaluation | 33 |
Slovene Langauge | Morphosyntactic Tagging of Slovene: Evaluating Taggers and Tagsets | 146 |
Software Architectur | TyPTex: Inductive Typological Text Classification by Multivariate Statistical Analysis for NLP Systems Tuning/Evaluation | 254 |
SORIDA | Design Methodology for Bilingual Pronunciation Dictionary | 269 |
Sound Scene | Acoustical Sound Database in Real Environments for Sound Scene Understanding and Hands-Free Speech Recognition | 356 |
Spanish | A Treebank of Spanish and its Application to Parsing | 66 |
Language Resources Development at the Spanish Royal Academy | 297 |
Spanish and Portuguese | SALA: SpeechDat across Latin America. Results of the First Phase | 10 |
Speaker Recognition | Design Issues in Text-Independent Speaker Recognition Evaluation | 286 |
Speech | The Cost258 Signal Generation Test Array | 1 |
Guidelines for Japanese Speech Synthesizer Evaluation | 77 |
Models of Russian Text/Speech Interactive Databases for Supporting of Scientific, Practical and Cultural Researches | 185 |
Shallow Discourse Genre Annotation in CallHome Spanish | 228 |
Speech Act | Shallow Discourse Genre Annotation in CallHome Spanish | 228 |
Speech Corpora | Orthographic Transcription of the Spoken Dutch Corpus | 87 |
Enhancing Speech Corpus Resources with Multiple Lexical Tag Layers | 183 |
A Graphical Parametric Language-Independent Tool for the Annotation of Speech Corpora | 314 |
Speech Corpus | Corpora of Slovene Spoken Language for Multi-lingual Applications | 288 |
Speech Corpus Annotation | The ISLE Corpus of Non-Native Spoken English | 313 |
Speech Corpus Annotation Tool | POSCAT: A Morpheme-based Speech Corpus Annotation Tool | 224 |
Speech Corpus Design | The ISLE Corpus of Non-Native Spoken English | 313 |
Speech Data Annotation | Development of Acoustic and Linguistic Resources for Research and Evaluation in Interactive Vocal Information Servers | 90 |
Speech Database | Labeling of Prosodic Events in Slovenian Speech Database GOPOLIS | 292 |
Speech Databases | Recruitment Techniques for Minority Language Speech Databases: Some Observations | 167 |
Issues in Design and Collection of Large Telephone Speech Corpus for Slovenian Language | 246 |
Developing a Multilingual Telephone Based Information System in African Languages | 329 |
SpeechDat-Car Fixed Platform | 331 |
COCOSDA - a Progress Report | 364 |
Speech Dictation Task | Issues in Design and Collection of Large Telephone Speech Corpus for Slovenian Language | 246 |
Speech Generation | Evaluation of a Dialogue System Based on a Generic Model that Combines Robust Speech Understanding and Mixed-initiative Control | 101 |
Speech Input/Output | COCOSDA - a Progress Report | 364 |
Speech Lexica | Enhancing Speech Corpus Resources with Multiple Lexical Tag Layers | 183 |
Speech Processing | Object-oriented Access to the Estonian Phonetic Database | 128 |
Survey of Language Engineering Needs: a Language Resources Perspective | 317 |
Speech Recognition | SALA: SpeechDat across Latin America. Results of the First Phase | 10 |
Creation of Spoken Hebrew Databases | 52 |
SPEECON - Speech Data for Consumer Devices | 63 |
Evaluation of a Dialogue System Based on a Generic Model that Combines Robust Speech Understanding and Mixed-initiative Control | 101 |
Cross-lingual Interpolation of Speech Recognition Models | 147 |
Spontaneous Speech Corpus of Japanese | 262 |
The ISLE Corpus of Non-Native Spoken English | 313 |
Using Lexical Semantic Knowledge from Machine Readable Dictionaries for Domain Independent Language Modelling | 357 |
SPEECHDAT-CAR. A Large Speech Database for Automotive Environments | 373 |
Speech Synthesis | Perceptual Evaluation of Text-to-Speech Implementation of Enclitic Stress in Greek | 48 |
Speech Transcription Tool | Transcribing with Annotation Graphs | 192 |
Speech Understanding | Evaluation of a Dialogue System Based on a Generic Model that Combines Robust Speech Understanding and Mixed-initiative Control | 101 |
SpeechDat | Recruitment Techniques for Minority Language Speech Databases: Some Observations | 167 |
SpeechDat-Car | SpeechDat-Car Fixed Platform | 331 |
Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation | Lessons Learned from a Task-based Evaluation of Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation | 215 |
Spoken Commands | Corpora of Slovene Spoken Language for Multi-lingual Applications | 288 |
Spoken Corpora | GREEK ToBI: A System for the Annotation of Greek Speech Corpora | 7 |
Spoken Corpus | Language Resources Development at the Spanish Royal Academy | 297 |
Spoken Database | Creation of Spoken Hebrew Databases | 52 |
Spoken Dialog Systems | MDWOZ: A Wizard of Oz Environment for Dialog Systems Development | 104 |
Spoken Dialogue Architectures | Galaxy-II as an Architecture for Spoken Dialogue Evaluation | 116 |
Spoken Dialogue Dystems | Dialogue and Prompting Strategies Evaluation in the DEMON System | 38 |
Galaxy-II as an Architecture for Spoken Dialogue Evaluation | 116 |
Spoken Dialogue Systems | On the Use of Prosody for On-line Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Systems | 43 |
Evaluation of a Dialogue System Based on a Generic Model that Combines Robust Speech Understanding and Mixed-initiative Control | 101 |
A Methodology for Evaluating Spoken Language Dialogue Systems and Their Components | 135 |
Spoken Dutch | Orthographic Transcription of the Spoken Dutch Corpus | 87 |
Spoken Language Corpora | The Spoken Dutch Corpus. Overview and First Evaluation | 110 |
Spoken Language Dialogue Systems | Issues in the Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Systems - Experience from the ACCeSS Project | 162 |
Spoken Language Resources | Orthographic Transcription of the Spoken Dutch Corpus | 87 |
Annotating Communication Problems Using the MATE Workbench | 134 |
Spoken Language Understanding | Obtaining Predictive Results with an Objective Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Systems: Experiments with the DCR Assessment Paradigm | 36 |
Spoken Language Varieties | SegWin: a Tool for Segmenting, Annotating, and Controlling the Creation of a Database of Spoken Italian Varieties | 310 |
Spoken Portuguese | Spoken Portuguese: Geographic and Social Varieties | 71 |
Spontaneous Speech | What are Transcription Errors and Why are They made? | 205 |
The Influence of Scenario Constraints on the Spontaneity of Speech. A Comparison of Dialogue Corpora | 217 |
Spontaneous Speech Corpus of Japanese | 262 |
Standardisation | Annotating Communication Problems Using the MATE Workbench | 134 |
COCOSDA - a Progress Report | 364 |
Standardization | Using a Large Set of EAGLES-compliant Morpho-syntactic Descriptors as a Tagset for Probabilistic Tagging | 11 |
Towards a Standard for Meta-descriptions of Language Resources | 125 |
Issues from Corpus Analysis that have influenced the On-going Development of Various Haitian Creole Text- and Speech-based NLP Systems and Applications | 342 |
Standards | The American National Corpus: A Standardized Resource for American English | 196 |
Standards and Tools | Issues in Corpus Creation and Distribution: The Evolution of the Linguistic Data Consortium | 209 |
Statistical Language Model | Semi-automatic Construction of a Tree-annotated Corpus Using an Iterative Learning Statistical Language Model | 341 |
Statistical Linguistics | Modern Greek Corpus Taxonomy | 351 |
Statistical Machine Translation | Evaluation of TRANSTYPE, a Computer-aided Translation Typing System: A Comparison of a Theoretical- and a User-oriented Evaluation Procedures | 34 |
Cairo: An Alignment Visualization Tool | 58 |
Statistical NLP | Term-based Identification of Sentences for Text Summarisation | 106 |
Statistics | Survey of Language Engineering Needs: a Language Resources Perspective | 317 |
Stress | Perceptual Evaluation of Text-to-Speech Implementation of Enclitic Stress in Greek | 48 |
Structure Driven Processing | Interarbora and Thistle - Delivering Linguistic Structure by the Internet | 319 |
Stylesheet | The MATE Workbench Annotation Tool, a Technical Description | 166 |
Stylistic Analysis | Modern Greek Corpus Taxonomy | 351 |
Subband Approach | Perceptual Evaluation of a New Subband Low Bit Rate Speech Compression System based on Waveform Vector Quantization and SVD Postfiltering | 16 |
Subcategorization | Learning Verb Subcategorization from Corpora: Counting Frame Subsets | 145 |
Automatic Assignment of Grammatical Relations | 218 |
Subject Field Codes | Integrating Subject Field Codes into WordNet | 219 |
Sublanguages | Sublanguage Dependent Evaluation: Toward Predicting NLP performances | 252 |
ARISTA Generative Lexicon for Compound Greek Medical Terms | 360 |
Success Rate | Issues in the Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Systems - Experience from the ACCeSS Project | 162 |
Surface realization | Target Suites for Evaluating the Coverage of Text Generators | 92 |
Surveys | For a Repository of NLP Tools | 316 |
Survey of Language Engineering Needs: a Language Resources Perspective | 317 |
Recent Developments within the European Language Resources Association (ELRA) | 377 |
SVD | Perceptual Evaluation of a New Subband Low Bit Rate Speech Compression System based on Waveform Vector Quantization and SVD Postfiltering | 16 |
Syntactic Analysis | A Strategy for the Syntactic Parsing of Corpora: from Constraint Grammar Output to Unification-based Processing | 111 |
Syntactic and Semantic Constraints | Extraction of Concepts and Multilingual Information Schemes from French and English Economics Documents | 202 |
Syntactic Annotation of Corpora | Where Opposites Meet. A Syntactic Meta-scheme for Corpus Annotation and Parsing Evaluation | 98 |
Syntactic Normalization | An Architecture for Document Routing in Spanish: Two Language Components, Pre-processor and Parser | 91 |
Syntactic Patterns | Producing LRs in Parallel with Lexicographic Description: the DCC project | 112 |
Syntax | Semantico-syntactic Tagging of Very Large Corpora: the Case of Restoration of Nodes on the Underlying Level | 18 |
Coreference in Annotating a Large Corpus | 19 |
Towards A Universal Tool For NLP Resource Acquisition | 28 |
An XML-based Representation Format for Syntactically Annotated Corpora | 59 |
A Treebank of Spanish and its Application to Parsing | 66 |
Learning Verb Subcategorization from Corpora: Counting Frame Subsets | 145 |
Syntax-Semantics Linking | SIMPLE: A General Framework for the Development of Multilingual Lexicons | 61 |
Synthesizer | Guidelines for Japanese Speech Synthesizer Evaluation | 77 |
System Evaluation Methodologies | The Evaluation of Systems for Cross-language Information Retrieval | 70 |