LREC 2000 2nd International Conference on Language Resources & Evaluation  
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Paper Title
Paper Id
GenerationAnnotating a Corpus to Develop and Evaluate Discourse Entity Realization Algorithms: Issues and Preliminary Results193
Resources for Multilingual Text Generation in Three Slavic Languages241
Generative LexiconARISTA Generative Lexicon for Compound Greek Medical Terms360
GenericityObtaining Predictive Results with an Objective Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Systems: Experiments with the DCR Assessment Paradigm36
GenreShallow Discourse Genre Annotation in CallHome Spanish228
German Dialectal RegionsRegional Pronunciation Variants for Automatic Segmentation307
Gold StandardEvaluation of Word Alignment Systems137
Grammar AcquisitionA Treebank of Spanish and its Application to Parsing66
Grammar CheckingLooking for Errors: A Declarative Formalism for Resource-adaptive Language Checking299
GrammarsUsing a Formal Approach to Evaluate Grammars285
Language Resources Development at the Spanish Royal Academy297
An Open Source Grammar Development Environment and Broad-coverage English Grammar Using HPSG371
Grammatical coverageTarget Suites for Evaluating the Coverage of Text Generators92
Grammatical DataTools for the Generation of Morphological Entries in Dictionaries338
Grammatical DictionaryThe Multi-layer Language Knowledge Base of Chinese NLP29
Grammatical RelationsAutomatic Assignment of Grammatical Relations218
Grammatical RulesAutomatic Style Categorisation of Corpora in the Greek Language301
Grammatical TaggingA Web-based Advanced and User Friendly System: The Oslo Corpus of Tagged Norwegian Texts363
Grapheme-Phoneme ConversionAn Optimised FS Pronunciation Resource Generator for Highly Inflecting Languages251
Grapheme-to-Phoneme ConversionA Computational Platform for Development of Morphologic and Phonetic Lexica175
Design of Optimal Slovenian Speech Corpus for Use in the Concatenative Speech Synthesis System177
Graphic User InterfacePLEDIT - A New Efficient Tool for Management of Multilingual Pronunciation Lexica and Batchlists53
GraphicalA Graphical Parametric Language-Independent Tool for the Annotation of Speech Corpora314
GreekGREEK ToBI: A System for the Annotation of Greek Speech Corpora7
Named Entity Recognition in Greek Texts173
A Robust Parser for Unrestricted Greek Text174
A Unified POS Tagging Architecture and its Application to Greek181
Greek CharactersGRUHD: A Greek database of Unconstrained Handwriting289
Greek LanguageAutomatic Style Categorisation of Corpora in the Greek Language301
Design and Implementation of the Online ILSP Greek Corpus336
GSM signalsSPEECHDAT-CAR. A Large Speech Database for Automotive Environments373