LREC 2000 2nd International Conference on Language Resources & Evaluation  
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Paper Title
Paper Id
EAGLESMethods and Metrics for the Evaluation of Dictation Systems: a Case Study56
E-J Parallel CorpusConstructing a Tagged E-J Parallel Corpus for Assisting Japanese Software Engineers in Writing English Abstracts78
ELDASurvey of Language Engineering Needs: a Language Resources Perspective317
Recent Developments within the European Language Resources Association (ELRA)377
Electronic DictionariesElectronic Language Resources for Polish: POLEX, CEGLEX and GRAMLEX62
Coping with Lexical Gaps when Building Aligned Multilingual Wordnets236
ELRASurvey of Language Engineering Needs: a Language Resources Perspective317
Recent Developments within the European Language Resources Association (ELRA)377
Empirical MethodsAnnotating a Corpus to Develop and Evaluate Discourse Entity Realization Algorithms: Issues and Preliminary Results193
EncyclopediaA Step toward Semantic Indexing of an Encyclopedic Corpus161
End-User EnvironmentsIssues from Corpus Analysis that have influenced the On-going Development of Various Haitian Creole Text- and Speech-based NLP Systems and Applications342
EnglishBuilding the Croatian-English Parallel Corpus119
Morphological Tagging to Resolve Morphological Ambiguities277
English and KoreanDesign Methodology for Bilingual Pronunciation Dictionary269
English PronunciationDesign Methodology for Bilingual Pronunciation Dictionary269
Environment sound recognitionAcoustical Sound Database in Real Environments for Sound Scene Understanding and Hands-Free Speech Recognition356
Error-SpottingOn the Use of Prosody for On-line Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Systems43
EvaluationEnhancing the TDT Tracking Evaluation5
English Senseval: Report and Results8
Using a Large Set of EAGLES-compliant Morpho-syntactic Descriptors as a Tagset for Probabilistic Tagging11
IREX: IR & IE Evaluation Project in Japanese27
Methods and Metrics for the Evaluation of Dictation Systems: a Case Study56
Guidelines for Japanese Speech Synthesizer Evaluation77
Target Suites for Evaluating the Coverage of Text Generators92
Evaluation of a Dialogue System Based on a Generic Model that Combines Robust Speech Understanding and Mixed-initiative Control101
The Spoken Dutch Corpus. Overview and First Evaluation110
Galaxy-II as an Architecture for Spoken Dialogue Evaluation116
Coreference Resolution Evaluation Based on Descriptive Specificity131
A Methodology for Evaluating Spoken Language Dialogue Systems and Their Components135
Evaluating Translation Quality as Input to Product Development136
Determining the Tolerance of Text-handling Tasks for MT Output139
Morphosyntactic Tagging of Slovene: Evaluating Taggers and Tagsets146
Issues in the Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Systems - Experience from the ACCeSS Project162
Evaluating Summaries for Multiple Documents in an Interactive Environment163
CLinkA A Coreferential Links Annotator179
Annotating a Corpus to Develop and Evaluate Discourse Entity Realization Algorithms: Issues and Preliminary Results193
The (Un)Deterministic Nature of Morphological Context200
ARC A3: A Method for Evaluating Term Extracting Tools and/or Semantic Relations between Terms from Corpora247
TyPTex: Inductive Typological Text Classification by Multivariate Statistical Analysis for NLP Systems Tuning/Evaluation254
Evaluation of a Generic Lexical Semantic Resource in Information Extraction259
An Evaluation Tool for Machine Translation: Fast Evaluation for MT Research278
Design Issues in Text-Independent Speaker Recognition Evaluation286
Predictive Performance of Dialog Systems303
Inter-annotator Agreement for a German Newspaper Corpus333
A Platform for Dutch in Human Language Technologies348
Cardinal, Nominal or Ordinal Similarity Measures in Comparative Evaluation of Information Retrieval Process367
Evaluation (predictive)Sublanguage Dependent Evaluation: Toward Predicting NLP performances252
Evaluation CriteriaUsing a Formal Approach to Evaluate Grammars285
Evaluation in Written Language ProcessingNL-Translex: Machine Translation for Dutch294
Evaluation MethodologyEvaluating Multi-party Multi-modal Systems368
Evaluation MetricsEvaluation of Word Alignment Systems137
Evaluation of Language Resources and ToolsEvaluating Wordnets in Cross-language Information Retrieval: the ITEM Search Engine250
Evaluation ProtocolsEvaluation of TRANSTYPE, a Computer-aided Translation Typing System: A Comparison of a Theoretical- and a User-oriented Evaluation Procedures34
Event RecognitionTuning Lexicons to New Operational Scenarios330
EventsAnnotating Events and Temporal Information in Newswire Texts321
Exercise(s)Determining the Tolerance of Text-handling Tasks for MT Output139
Expanding EntryAutomatically Expansion of Thesaurus Entries with a Different Thesaurus142
ExtractionA Step toward Semantic Indexing of an Encyclopedic Corpus161
ExTrECCDesigning a Tool for Exploiting Bilingual Comparable Corpora20