
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

Author Title



Abeillé, Anne

Enriching a French Treebank

Adachi, Kazuki

Perceptual Evaluation of Quality Deterioration Owing to Prosody Modification

Adda, G.

Automatic Audio and Manual Transcripts Alignment, Time-code Transfer and Selection of Exact Transcripts

Adda-Decker, M.

Automatic Audio and Manual Transcripts Alignment, Time-code Transfer and Selection of Exact Transcripts

Afify, Mohamed

Collection and Evaluation of Broadcast News Data for Arabic

Agirre, Eneko

Cross-Language Acquisition of Semantic Models for Verbal Predicates

Exploring Portability of Syntactic Information from English to Basque

Publicly Available Topic Signatures for all WordNet Nominal Senses

The Effect of Bias on an Automatically-built Word Sense Corpus

Aguado de Cea, Guadalupe

OntoTag's Linguistic Ontologies: Enhancing Higher Level and Semantic Web Annotations

Ahmad, Khurshid

Discovery of (New) Knowledge and the Analysis of Text Corpora

Summarization of Multimodal Information

Text Corpora, Local Grammars and Prediction

Ahmad, Saif

Summarization of Multimodal Information

Ahoua, Firmin

WALA: A Multilingual Resource Repository for West African Languages

Aikawa, Takako

Multilingual Corpus-based Approach to the Resolution of English –ing

Aioanei, Daniel

A Multilingual Phonological Resource Toolkit for Ubiquitous Speech Technology

Aires, Rachel

What is my Style? Using Stylistic Features of Portuguese Web Texts to Classify Web Pages According to Users' Needs

Akiba, Tomoyosi

Collecting Spontaneously Spoken Queries for Information Retrieval

Akiba, Yasuhiro

How Does Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation Correlate with Human Scoring as the Number of Reference Translations Increases?

Incremental Methods to Select Test Sentences for Evaluating Translation Ability

Alani, Harith

Data Driven Ontology Evaluation

Alberto, Paulo

The OLISSIPO and LECTIO Projects

Aldinger, Nadine

Towards a Dynamic Lexicon: Predicting the Syntactic Argument Structure of Complex Verbs

Alegria, I.

A XML-Based Term Extraction Tool for Basque

Alexandris, Christina

Reusing Language Resources for Speech Applications involving Emotion

The COST278 Pan-European Broadcast News Database

Alfonseca, Enrique

Application of the BLEU Method for Evaluating Free-text Answers in an E-learning Environment

Allegrini, Paolo

NLP-enhanced Content Filtering Within the POESIA Project

Allen, James F.

Semi-automatic Syntactic and Semantic Corpus Annotation with a Deep Parser

Allison, Timothy

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

Alonge, Antonietta

Metaphors in Wordnets: From Theory to Practice

Alonso i Alemany, Laura

Multiple Sequence Alignment for Characterizing the Lineal Structure of Revision

Re-using High-quality Resources for Continued Evaluation of Automated Summarization Systems

Semantic Categorization of Spanish Se-constructions

Alphonse, Yalina

Automatisation of the Activity of Term Collection in Different Languages

Methodology For Building Thematic Indexes In Medicine For French

Altosaar, Toomas

Design of an Interactive Web-based User Interface for Speech Database Query Formation

Aluísio, Sandra

The Lácio-Web: Corpora and Tools to Advance Brazilian Portuguese Language Investigations and Computational Linguistic Tools

What is my Style? Using Stylistic Features of Portuguese Web Texts to Classify Web Pages According to Users' Needs

Álvarez-de-Mon, Inmaculada

OntoTag's Linguistic Ontologies: Enhancing Higher Level and Semantic Web Annotations

Amaral, Carlos

Design and Implementation of a Semantic Search Engine for Portuguese

Amaro, Raquel

Multifunctional Computational Lexicon of Contemporary Portuguese: An Available Resource for Multitype Applications

Ando, Maya

Automatic Extraction of Hyponyms from Japanese Newspapers. Using Lexico-syntactic Patterns

Anick, Peter

Exploiting Anchor Text as a Lexical Resource

Antoine, Jean-Yves

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

Araya, Raúl

Mercedes, a Term-in-Context Highlighter

Archer, Dawn

Evaluating Lexical Resources for a Semantic Tagger

Armstrong, Susan

Building and Using a Corpus of Shallow Dialogue Annotated Meetings

User Query Analysis for the Specification and Evaluation of a Dialogue Processing and Retrieval System

Arranz, Victoria

Bilingual Connections for Trilingual Corpora: An XML Approach

Artigas, N.

MiniCors and Cast3LB: Two Semantically Tagged Spanish Corpora

Aston, Guy

Introducing the La Repubblica Corpus: A Large Annotated TEI(XML)-compliant Corpus of Newspaper Italian

Atserias, Jordi

Automatic Acquisition of Sense Examples Using ExRetriever

Cross-Language Acquisition of Semantic Models for Verbal Predicates

Spanish WordNet 1.6: Porting the Spanish Wordnet Across Princeton Versions

Towards the Meaning Top Ontology: Sources of Ontological Meaning

Atutxa, Aitziber

Cross-Language Acquisition of Semantic Models for Verbal Predicates

Exploring Portability of Syntactic Information from English to Basque

Atwell, Eric

A Chatbot as a Novel Corpus Visualization Tool

Aubergé, Véronique

Evaluating an Authentic Audio-Visual Expressive Speech Corpus

E-Wiz: a Trapper Protocol for Hunting the Expressive Speech Corpora in Lab

Audibert, Nicolas

Evaluating an Authentic Audio-Visual Expressive Speech Corpus

E-Wiz: a Trapper Protocol for Hunting the Expressive Speech Corpora in Lab



Babych, Bogdan

Calibrating Resource-light Automatic MT Evaluation: a Cheap Approach to Ranking MT Systems by the Usability of Their Output

Modelling Legitimate Translation Variation for Automatic Evaluation of MT Quality

Bacelar do Nascimento, Maria Fernanda

Providing On-line Access to Portuguese Language Resources: Corpora and Lexicons

The C-ORAL-ROM CORPUS. A Multilingual Resource of Spontaneous Speech for Romance Languages

Bach, Carme

The GENOMA-KB Project: Towards the Integration of Concepts, Terms, Textual Corpora and Entities

Badia, Toni

ALLES: Integrating NLP in ICALL Applications

NLP-enhanced Error Checking for Catalan Unrestricted Text

Badii, Costanza

Methods of Digital Access for Legal Language Documentation

Bae, Hee-Sook

Korean-Chinese-Japanese Multilingual Wordnet with Shared Semantic Hierarchy

Bae, Sun-Mee

Lexical Analysis of Agglutinative Languages Using a Dictionary of Lemmas and Lexical Transducers

Bai, Bing

Designing a Realistic Evaluation of an End-to-end Interactive Question Answering System

Bailly, Gérard

Evaluation of a Speech Cuer: From Motion Capture to a Concatenative Text-to-cued Speech System

Baker, Collin F.

FrameNet as a "Net"

Balabanova, Elisaveta

A Language Resources Infrastructure for Bulgarian

Baldwin, Timothy

A Multilingual Database of Idioms

Evaluating the FOKS Error Model

Road-testing the English Resource Grammar Over the British National Corpus

Bali, Kalika

Automatic Generation of Compound Word Lexicon for Hindi Speech Synthesis

Banga, Eduardo Rodríguez

A Galician Textual Corpus for Morphosyntactic Tagging with Application to Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Bański, Piotr

A Search Tool for Corpora with Positional Tagsets and Ambiguities

Barbu, Ana-Maria

A Word Alignment System Based on a Translation Equivalence Extractor

Barbu, Eduard

A Methodology and Associated Tools for Building Interlingual Wordnets

Baroni, Marco

BootCaT: Bootstrapping Corpora and Terms from the Web

Introducing the La Repubblica Corpus: A Large Annotated TEI(XML)-compliant Corpus of Newspaper Italian

Using Cooccurrence Statistics and the Web to Discover Synonyms in a Technical Language

Baroni, Paola

ENABLER Thematic Network of National Projects: Technical, Strategic and Political Issues of LRs

Barras, C.

Automatic Audio and Manual Transcripts Alignment, Time-code Transfer and Selection of Exact Transcripts

Barreiro, Anabela

On the Problems of Creating a Golden Standard of Inflected Forms in Portuguese

Portuguese Large-scale Language Resources for NLP Applications

Barreto, Florbela

Multifunctional Computational Lexicon of Contemporary Portuguese: An Available Resource for Multitype Applications

Barrier, Nicolas

Enriching a French Treebank

Bartolini, Roberto

Hybrid Constraints for Robust Parsing: First Experiments and Evaluation

Semantic Mark-up of Italian Legal Texts Through NLP-based Techniques

Bartsch, Sabine

Annotating a Corpus for Building a Domain-specific Knowledge Base

Basili, Roberto

A Similarity Measure for Unsupervised Semantic Disambiguation

A2Q: An Agent-based Architecure for Multilingual Q&A

Large Scale Experiments for Semantic Labeling of Noun Phrases in Raw Text

Batliner, A.

"You Stupid Tin Box" - Children Interacting with the AIBO Robot: A Cross-linguistic Emotional Speech Corpus.

Bauer, Josef G.

Evaluation of Microphone Array Front-Ends for ASR - an Extension of the AURORA Framework

Bauman, Syd

Migrating Language Resources from SGML to XML: The Text Encoding Initiative Recommendations

Towards an International Standard on Feature Structure Representation

Baumann, Stefan

The MULI Project: Annotation and Analysis of Information Structure in German and English

Beale, Stephen

Some Meaning Procedures of Ontological Semantics

The Rationale for Building an Ontology Expressly for NLP

Beautemps, Denis

Evaluation of a Speech Cuer: From Motion Capture to a Concatenative Text-to-cued Speech System

Béchet, Frédéric

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

Beeken, J.C.T.

The Centre for Dutch Language and Speech Technology (TST Centre)

Bekavac, Božo

Making Monolingual Corpora Comparable: a Case Study of Bulgarian and Croatian

Bel, Núria

Cost-effective Cross-lingual Document Classification

Lexical Entry Templates for Robust Deep Parsing

Bellare, Kedar

Generic Text Summarization Using WordNet

Belvin, Robert S.

A Fine-Grained Evaluation Method for Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation Using Concept Annotations

Creation of a Doctor-Patient Dialogue Corpus Using Standardized Patients

Bender, Emily M.

Road-testing the English Resource Grammar Over the British National Corpus

Benzmüller, Christoph

An Annotated Corpus of Tutorial Dialogs on Mathematical Theorem Proving

Bernardini, Silvia

BootCaT: Bootstrapping Corpora and Terms from the Web

Introducing the La Repubblica Corpus: A Large Annotated TEI(XML)-compliant Corpus of Newspaper Italian

Bernsen, Niels Ole

Evaluating Conversation with Hans Christian Andersen

Towards General-Purpose Annotation Tools – How Far Are We Today?

Usability Evaluation of Multimodal and Domain-Oriented Spoken Language Dialogue Systems

Bersani, Michele

A Suite of Tools for Marking Up Textual Data for Temporal Text Mining Scenarios

Bertagna, Francesca

Content Interoperability of Lexical Resources: Open Issues and "MILE" Perspectives

Using Semantic Language Resources to Support Textual Inference for Question Answering

Besacier, Laurent

Spoken and Written Language Resources for Vietnamese

Bhaskarabhatla, Ajay S. 

An XML Representation for Annotated Handwriting Datasets for Online Handwriting Recognition

Experiences in Collection of Handwriting Data for Online Handwriting Recognition in Indic Scripts

Bhattacharyya, Pushpak

Generic Text Summarization Using WordNet

Bia, Alejandro

Migrating Language Resources from SGML to XML: The Text Encoding Initiative Recommendations

Biber, Hanno

The AAC [Austrian Academy Corpus] – An Enterprise to Develop Large Electronic Text Corpora.

Bick, Eckhard

A Named Entity Recognizer for Danish

Biemann, Christian

Automatic Acquisition of Paradigmatic Relations Using Iterated Co-occurrences

Linguistic Corpus Search

Web Services for Language Resources and Language Technology Applications

Bigert, Johnny

Probabilistic Detection of Context-Sensitive Spelling Errors

Bilac, Slaven

Evaluating the FOKS Error Model

Bimbot, Frédéric

Development of New Telephone Speech Databases for French: the NEOLOGOS Project

Binnenpoorte, Diana

Improving Automatic Phonetic Transcription of Spontaneous Speech Through Variant-Based Pronunciation Variation Modelling

Bird, Steven

Functional Requirements for an Interlinear Text Editor

Management of Metadata in Linguistic Fieldwork: Experience from the ACLA Project

Securing Interpretability: The Case of Ega Language Documentation

Talkbank: Building an Open Unified Multimodal Database of Communicative Interaction

Bíró, Tamás

A New Approach to the Corpus-based Statistical Investigation of Hungarian Multi-word Lexemes

Bisi, Sabrina

Using Cooccurrence Statistics and the Web to Discover Synonyms in a Technical Language

Black, William J.

A Suite of Tools for Marking Up Textual Data for Temporal Text Mining Scenarios

Blair-Goldensohn, Sasha

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

Blitzer, John

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

Boëffard, Olivier

Development of New Telephone Speech Databases for French: the NEOLOGOS Project

Bohnet, Bernd

Mapping Dependency Structures to Phrase Structures and the Automatic Acquisition of Mapping Rules

Boitet, Christian

Collecting and Sharing Bilingual Spontaneous Speech Corpora: the ChinFaDial Experiment

Bonastre, J-F.

The ESTER Evaluation Campaign for the Rich Transcription of French Broadcast News

Bond, Francis

A Lexicon Module for a Grammar Development Environment

Bontcheva, Kalina

Automatic Language-Independent Induction of Gazetteer Lists

Large Scale Experiments for Semantic Labeling of Noun Phrases in Raw Text

Open-source Tools for Creation, Maintenance, and Storage of Lexical Resources for Language Generation from Ontologies

Web Services Architecture for Language Resources

Bopp, Stephan

How to Disassemble Alphabetical Processions - Morphological Treatment of Unknown Words

Bordag, Stefan

Automatic Acquisition of Paradigmatic Relations Using Iterated Co-occurrences

Web Services for Language Resources and Language Technology Applications

Bordel, G.

Development of Resources for a Bilingual Automatic Index System of Broadcast News in Basque and Spanish

Bordoni, Luciana

CHeM: A System for the Automatic Analysis of e-mails in the Restoration and Conservation Domain

Investigation on Semantics to Improve the COVAX System

Borno, Jamal

OrienTel - Telephony Databases Across Northern Africa and the Middle East

Bosch, Sonja E.

Software Tools for Morphological Tagging of Zulu Corpora and Lexicon Development

Bouillon, Pierrette

Automatisation of the Activity of Term Collection in Different Languages

Methodology For Building Thematic Indexes In Medicine For French

Semi-Automatic Derivation of a French Lexicon from CLIPS

Bouma, Gosse

A New Approach to the Corpus-based Statistical Investigation of Hungarian Multi-word Lexemes

Bousquet, Caroline

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

Boves, Lou

Improving Automatic Phonetic Transcription of Spontaneous Speech Through Variant-Based Pronunciation Variation Modelling

Using Large Multi-purpose Corpora for Specific Research Questions: Discourse Phenomena Related to Wh-questions in the Spoken Dutch Corpus

Bow, Catherine

Functional Requirements for an Interlinear Text Editor

Management of Metadata in Linguistic Fieldwork: Experience from the ACLA Project

Securing Interpretability: The Case of Ega Language Documentation

Braasch, Anna

STO: A Danish Lexicon Resource - Ready for Applications

Braffort, A.

Toward an Annotation Software for Video of Sign Language, Including Image Processing Tools and Signing Space Modelling

Branco, António

Evaluating Solutions for the Rapid Development of State-of-the-Art POS Taggers for Portuguese

Braschler, Martin

The Future of Evaluation for Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems

Breiteneder, Evelyn

The AAC [Austrian Academy Corpus] – An Enterprise to Develop Large Electronic Text Corpora.

Brewster, Christopher

Data Driven Ontology Evaluation

Brinckmann, Caren

The MULI Project: Annotation and Analysis of Information Structure in German and English

Briscoe, Ted

Can Anaphoric Definite Descriptions be Replaced by Pronouns?

Broeder, Daan

A Large Metadata Domain of Language Resources

Architecture for Distributed Language Resource Management and Archiving

Cross-Disciplinary Integration of Metadata Descriptions

Using Profiles for IMDI Metadata Creation

Web Services Architecture for Language Resources

Brown, Ralf

Data Collection and Analysis of Mapudungun Morphology for Spelling Correction

Brugman, Hennie

Annotating Multi-media/Multi-modal Resources with ELAN

Architecture for Distributed Language Resource Management and Archiving

Collaborative Annotation of Sign Language Data with Peer-to-Peer Technology

Web Services Architecture for Language Resources

Brun, Rémi

Evaluation of a Speech Cuer: From Motion Capture to a Concatenative Text-to-cued Speech System

Buchhorn, Markus

Architecture for Distributed Language Resource Management and Archiving

Buera, Luis

AV@CAR: A Spanish Multichannel Multimodal Corpus for In-Vehicle Automatic Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

Buitelaar, Paul

Evaluation Resources for Concept-based Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in the Medical Domain

Integrated Language Technologies for Multilingual Information Services in the MEMPHIS Project

Towards a Language Infrastructure for the Semantic Web

Towards Ontology Engineering Based on Linguistic Analysis

Bunt, Harry

Standardization in Multimodal Content Representation: Some Methodological Issues

Towards an International Standard on Feature Structure Representation

Burger, Susanne

The Italian NESPOLE! Corpus: a Multilingual Database with Interlingua Annotation in Tourism and Medical Domains

Burnard, Lou

Migrating Language Resources from SGML to XML: The Text Encoding Initiative Recommendations

Towards an International Standard on Feature Structure Representation

Busemann, Stephan

EGRAM – A Grammar Development Environment and its Usage for Language Generation

Resources and Techniques for Multilingual Information Extraction

Byrne, William J.

Issues in Annotation of the Czech Spontaneous Speech Corpus in the MALACH project



Cabré, M. Teresa

The GENOMA-KB Project: Towards the Integration of Concepts, Terms, Textual Corpora and Entities

Calapristi, Gus

Meaningful Clusters

Califf, M. E.

A Critical Survey of the Methodology for IE Evaluation

Callmeier, Ulrich

The DeepThought Core Architecture Framework

Calzolari, Federico

Unifying Lexicons in view of a Phonological and Morphological Lexical DB

Calzolari, Nicoletta

Content Interoperability of Lexical Resources: Open Issues and "MILE" Perspectives

ENABLER Thematic Network of National Projects: Technical, Strategic and Political Issues of LRs

Towards a Language Infrastructure for the Semantic Web

Cammisa, Marco

A Similarity Measure for Unsupervised Semantic Disambiguation

Large Scale Experiments for Semantic Labeling of Noun Phrases in Raw Text

Campbell, Joseph

Conversational Telephone Speech Corpus Collection for the NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation 2004

The Mixer Corpus of Multilingual, Multichannel Speaker Recognition Data

Campbell, Nick

Japanese MULTEXT: a Prosodic Corpus

Speech & Expression; the Value of a Longitudinal Corpus

Getting to the Heart of the Matter; Speech is More than Just the Expression of Text or Language

Campbell, Richard

Converting Treebank Annotations to Language Neutral Syntax

Cañulef, Eliseo

Data Collection and Analysis of Mapudungun Morphology for Spelling Correction

Cappeli, Giuseppe

The OLISSIPO and LECTIO Projects

Carayannis, G.

Bypassing Greeklish!

Carbonell, Jaime

Data Collection and Analysis of Mapudungun Morphology for Spelling Correction

Developing Language Resources for a Transnational Digital Government System

The Translation Correction Tool: English-Spanish User Studies

Cardenal-Lopez, Antonio

Transcrigal: A Bilingual System for Automatic Indexing of Broadcast News

Carl, Michael

Using Weighted Abduction to Align Term Variant Translations in Bilingual Texts

Carletta, Jean

An Annotation Scheme for Information Status in Dialogue

Carletta, Jean

Using the NITE XML Toolkit on the Switchboard Corpus to Study Syntactic Choice: a Case Study

Carpuat, Marine

Raising the Bar: Stacked Conservative Error Correction Beyond Boosting

Carreras, Xavier

FreeLing: An Open-Source Suite of Language Analyzers

Carroll, John

Cross-Language Acquisition of Semantic Models for Verbal Predicates

Carson-Berndsen, Julie

A Multilingual Phonological Resource Toolkit for Ubiquitous Speech Technology

Acquiring Reusable Multilingual Phonotactic Resources

Cartoni, Bruno

Automatisation of the Activity of Term Collection in Different Languages

Semi-Automatic Derivation of a French Lexicon from CLIPS

Carvalho, Paula

Portuguese Large-scale Language Resources for NLP Applications

Casacuberta, Francisco

Translation Memories Enrichment by Statistical Bilingual Segmentation

Castell, Núria

Bilingual Connections for Trilingual Corpora: An XML Approach

Castelli, Eric

Spoken and Written Language Resources for Vietnamese

Castellón, Irene

Multiple Sequence Alignment for Characterizing the Lineal Structure of Revision

Semantic Categorization of Spanish Se-constructions

Castelruiz, Amaia

Designing and Recording an Audiovisual Database of Emotional Speech in Basque

Castillo, Mauro

Automatic Acquisition of Sense Examples Using ExRetriever

Castro, María José

The SPARTACUS-Database: A Spanish Sentence Database for Offline Handwriting Recognition

Catizone, Roberta

Human Dialogue Modelling Using Annotated Corpora

Cattoni, Roldano

The Italian NESPOLE! Corpus: a Multilingual Database with Interlingua Annotation in Tourism and Medical Domains

Cavalli-Sforza, Violetta

Developing Language Resources for a Transnational Digital Government System

Ceccotti, Maria Luigia

Computational Lexicography and Carlo Emilio Gadda. Principe dell'Analisi e Duca della Buona Cognizione

Linguistic Miner: An Italian Linguistic Knowledge System

Çelebi, Arda

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

Cerezo, Pedro Concejero

Methodology for Rapid Prototyping and Testing of ASR Based User Interfaces

Černocký, Jan

Orthographic and Phonetic Annotation of Very Large Czech Corpora with Quality Assessment

Ceyssens, Tim

Use and Evaluation of Prosodic Annotations in Dutch

Chalamandaris, A.

Bypassing Greeklish!

Chang, Ru-Yng

Sinica BOW (Bilingual Ontological Wordnet): Integration of Bilingual WordNet and SUMO

Chao, Isaac

FreeLing: An Open-Source Suite of Language Analyzers

Charlet, Delphine

Development of New Telephone Speech Databases for French: the NEOLOGOS Project

Charnay, Laurent

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

Charniak, Eugene

Using the Penn Treebank to Evaluate Non-Treebank Parsers

Charoenporn, Thatsanee

Enriching a Thai Lexical Database with Selectional Preferences

Open Collaborative Development of the Thai Language Resources for Natural Language Processing

Charpentier, Francis

Development of New Telephone Speech Databases for French: the NEOLOGOS Project

Chaves, Rui Pedro

INQUER: A WordNet-based Question-Answering Application

Semi-Automatic UNL Dictionary Generation Using WordNet.PT

Chen, Hsin-Hsi

Collocation Extraction Using Web Statistics

Pattern Discovery in Named Organization Corpus

Chen, Lei

Evaluating Factors Impacting the Accuracy of Forced Alignments in a Multimodal Corpus

Cheng, David

Text Corpora, Local Grammars and Prediction

Chengqing, Zong

Collecting and Sharing Bilingual Spontaneous Speech Corpora: the ChinFaDial Experiment

Chodorow, Martin

Detecting Errors in English Article Usage with a Maximum Entropy Classifier Trained on a Large Diverse Corpus

Choi, Dae-Lim

Creation and Assessment of Korean Speech and Noise DB in Car Environment

Choi, Key-Sun

Korean-Chinese-Japanese Multilingual Wordnet with Shared Semantic Hierarchy

Lexical Analysis of Agglutinative Languages Using a Dictionary of Lemmas and Lexical Transducers

Choisier, A.

Toward an Annotation Software for Video of Sign Language, Including Image Processing Tools and Signing Space Modelling

Choukri, Khalid


Collection of SLR in the Asian-Pacific Area

Development of New Telephone Speech Databases for French: the NEOLOGOS Project

ENABLER Thematic Network of National Projects: Technical, Strategic and Political Issues of LRs

Network of Data Centres (NetDC): BNSC - An Arabic Broadcast News Speech Corpus

OrienTel - Telephony Databases Across Northern Africa and the Middle East

Recent Activities within the European Language Resources Association: Issues on Sharing Language Resources and Evaluation

Technolangue: A Permanent Evaluation and Information Infrastructure

The C-ORAL-ROM CORPUS. A Multilingual Resource of Spontaneous Speech for Romance Languages

The ESTER Evaluation Campaign for the Rich Transcription of French Broadcast News

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

The Future of Evaluation for Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems

Christodoulakis, Dimitris

Exploring Balkanet Shared Ontology for Multilingual Conceptual Indexing

Handling Subtle Sense Distinctions Through Wordnet Semantic Types

Chu, Yi-Lin

Pattern Discovery in Named Organization Corpus

Chua, Tat-Seng

A Public Reference Implementation of the RAP Anaphora Resolution Algorithm

Cieri, Christopher

A Progress Report from the Linguistic Data Consortium: Recent Activities in Resource Creation and Distribution and the Development of Tools and Standards

Talkbank: Building an Open Unified Multimodal Database of Communicative Interaction

The Fisher Corpus: a Resource for the Next Generations of Speech-to-Text

The Mixer Corpus of Multilingual, Multichannel Speaker Recognition Data

Çiloğlu, Tolga

Duration Modeling For Turkish Text-to-Speech Synthesis System

Cimiano, Philipp

Clustering Concept Hierarchies from Text

Ciravegna, F.

A Critical Survey of the Methodology for IE Evaluation

Civit, M.

MiniCors and Cast3LB: Two Semantically Tagged Spanish Corpora

Cizmar, Anton

The COST278 Pan-European Broadcast News Database

Clark, Alexander

Building and Using a Corpus of Shallow Dialogue Annotated Meetings

Clément, Lionel

Morphology Based Automatic Acquisition of Large-coverage Lexica

Towards an International Standard on Feature Structure Representation

Clergerie, Eric de la

Towards an International Standard on Feature Structure Representation

Clifford, Ray

The Effect of Text Difficulty on Machine Translation Performance -- A Pilot Study with ILR-Rated Texts in Spanish, Farsi, Arabic, Russian and Korean

Climent, Salvador

A Grammar and Style Checker Based on Internet Searches

Towards the Meaning Top Ontology: Sources of Ontological Meaning

Clough, Paul

EuroWordNet as a Resource for Cross-language Information Retrieval

Čmejrek, Martin

Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank. Syntactically Annotated Resources for Machine Translation

Coimbra, Rosa Lídia

An Acoustic Corpus Contemplating Regional Variation for Studies of European Portuguese Nasals

Collet, C.

Toward an Annotation Software for Video of Sign Language, Including Image Processing Tools and Signing Space Modelling

Collier, Nigel

An Annotation Scheme for a Rhetorical Analysis of Biology Articles

Annotation of Coreference Relations Among Linguistic Expressions and Images in Biological Articles

Comastri, Federica

Introducing the La Repubblica Corpus: A Large Annotated TEI(XML)-compliant Corpus of Newspaper Italian

Copestake, Ann

A Lexicon Module for a Grammar Development Environment

Coppola, Bonaventura

Multilingual Pattern Libraries for Question Answering: a Case Study for Definition Questions

Coray, Giovanni

An Argumentative Annotation Schema for Meeting Discussions

Corcho, Oscar

Benchmarking Ontology Tools. A Case Study for the WebODE Platform.

Correia, João

INQUER: A WordNet-based Question-Answering Application

Costa, Rute

The Verb in the Terminological Collocations. Contribution to the Development of a Morphological Analyser: MorphoCom

Coussé, Evie

The Influence of the Labeller’s Regional Background on Phonetic Transcriptions: Implications for the Evaluation of Spoken Language Resources

Cox, Christopher

Standards for Language Codes: developing ISO 639

Crasborn, Onno

Collaborative Annotation of Sign Language Data with Peer-to-Peer Technology

Using Profiles for IMDI Metadata Creation

Crego, Josep Maria

Bilingual Connections for Trilingual Corpora: An XML Approach

Cresti, Emanuela

The C-ORAL-ROM CORPUS. A Multilingual Resource of Spontaneous Speech for Romance Languages

Crow, Vernon

Meaningful Clusters

Cruz, Alberto J.

ALLES: Integrating NLP in ICALL Applications

Cucchiarelli, Alessandro

Automatic Generation of Glosses in the OntoLearn System

Cucchiarini, Catia

Improving Automatic Phonetic Transcription of Spontaneous Speech Through Variant-Based Pronunciation Variation Modelling

The New Dutch-Flemish HLT Programme: a Concerted Effort to Stimulate the HLT Sector

Cucurullo, Sebastiana

Linguistic Miner: An Italian Linguistic Knowledge System

Cui, Jia

Large Scale Experiments for Semantic Labeling of Noun Phrases in Raw Text

Cunningham, Hamish

Automatic Language-Independent Induction of Gazetteer Lists

Large Scale Experiments for Semantic Labeling of Noun Phrases in Raw Text

Cuřín, Jan

Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank. Syntactically Annotated Resources for Machine Translation



Dabbadie, Marianne

EVALDA-CESART Project: Terminological Resources Acquisition Tools Evaluation Campaign

Daelemans, Walter

Automatic Sentence Simplification for Subtitling in Dutch and English

Evaluation and Adaptation of the Celex Dutch Morphological Database

Multimodal, Multilingual Resources in the Subtitling Process

Unsupervised Text Mining for Ontology Extraction: An Evaluation of Statistical Measures

Daille, Béatrice

French-English Multi-word Term Alignment Based on Lexical Context Analysis

Dalby, David

Standards for Language Codes: developing ISO 639

Dalle, P.

Toward an Annotation Software for Video of Sign Language, Including Image Processing Tools and Signing Space Modelling

Dalli, Angelo

Web Services Architecture for Language Resources

Danieli, Morena

Evaluation of Consensus on the Annotation of Prosodic Breaks in the Romance Corpus of Spontaneous Speech "C-ORAL-ROM"

Daoudi, Khalid

Language Modeling Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks

D'Arcy, S.

"You Stupid Tin Box" - Children Interacting with the AIBO Robot: A Cross-linguistic Emotional Speech Corpus.

Dasmahapatra, Srinandan

Data Driven Ontology Evaluation

Daum, Michael

Automatic Transformation of Phrase Treebanks to Dependency Trees

David, Petr

The COST278 Pan-European Broadcast News Database

Davis, Neil

A Large-Scale Resource for Storing and Recognizing Technical Terminology

Day, David

Callisto: A Configurable Annotation Workbench

Debole, Franca

An Analysis of the Relative Difficulty of Reuters-21578 Subsets

Dębowski, Łukasz

A Search Tool for Corpora with Positional Tagsets and Ambiguities

Debus-Gregor, Esther

Tools for Upgrading Printed Dictionaries by Means of Corpus-based Lexical Acquisition

Declerck, Thierry

A Large Metadata Domain of Language Resources

Towards a Language Infrastructure for the Semantic Web

Towards an International Standard on Feature Structure Representation

Towards Ontology Engineering Based on Linguistic Analysis

Deepa, S. R.

Automatic Generation of Compound Word Lexicon for Hindi Speech Synthesis

Degeratu, Melania

An Automatic Method for Constructing Domain-Specific Ontology Resources

Degerstedt, Lars

Open Resources for Language Technology

Demirekler, Mubeccel

Duration Modeling For Turkish Text-to-Speech Synthesis System

Demiros, Iason

Multimodal, Multilingual Resources in the Subtitling Process

Demuynck, Kris

Automatic Phonemic Labeling and Segmentation of Spoken Dutch

Denis, Alexandre

Multimodal Meaning Representation for Generic Dialogue Systems Architectures

Devillers, L.

Reliability of Lexical and Prosodic Cues in Two Real-life Spoken Dialog Corpora

Devillers, Laurence

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

Deviren, Murat

Language Modeling Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks

D'Halleweyn, Elisabeth

The New Dutch-Flemish HLT Programme: a Concerted Effort to Stimulate the HLT Sector

Dias, Gaël

Evaluation of Different Similarity Measures for the Extraction of Multiword Units in a Reinforcement Learning Environment

Díaz, Francisco Campillo

A Galician Textual Corpus for Morphosyntactic Tagging with Application to Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Díaz, Lourdes

ALLES: Integrating NLP in ICALL Applications

Dieguez, Javier

The COST278 Pan-European Broadcast News Database

Transcrigal: A Bilingual System for Automatic Indexing of Broadcast News

Diehl, Frank

The COST 278 MASPER Initiative - Crosslingual Speech Recognition with Large Telephone Databases

Dimitrov, Stanko

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

Dingare, Shipra

An Annotation Scheme for Information Status in Dialogue

Using the NITE XML Toolkit on the Switchboard Corpus to Study Syntactic Choice: a Case Study

Dobrov, Boris

Development of Bilingual Domain-Specific Ontology for Automatic Conceptual Indexing

Development of Ontologies with Minimal Set of Conceptual Relations

Russian Information Retrieval Evaluation Seminar

Docio-Fernandez, Laura

Transcrigal: A Bilingual System for Automatic Indexing of Broadcast News

Doddington, George

The Automatic Content Extraction (ACE) Program – Tasks, Data, and Evaluation

Doikoff, Dimitar

A Language Resources Infrastructure for Bulgarian

Domingue, John

Beyond TREC's Filtering Track

Dowdall, James

Exploiting Language Resources for Semantic Web Annotations

The Role of MultiWord Terminology in Knowledge Management

Drabek, Elliott

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

Dragomirescu, Liviu

Tiered Tagging Revisited

Draxler, Christoph

SpeechRecorder - a Universal Platform Independent Multi-Channel Audio Recording Software

Drouin, Patrick

Detection of Domain Specific Terminology Using Corpora Comparison

Duchateau, Jacques

Use and Evaluation of Prosodic Annotations in Dutch

Dufour-Kowalski, Samuel

French-English Multi-word Term Alignment Based on Lexical Context Analysis

Dutoit, Dominique

The Integral Dictionary: An Ontological Resource for the Semantic Web: Integration of EuroWordNet, Balkanet, TID, and SUMO

Dutta, Kamlech

Information Extraction from Hindi Texts

Dybkjær, Hans

From Acts and Topics to Transactions and Dialogue Smoothness

Dybkjær, Laila

Evaluating Conversation with Hans Christian Andersen

From Acts and Topics to Transactions and Dialogue Smoothness

Towards General-Purpose Annotation Tools – How Far Are We Today?

Usability Evaluation of Multimodal and Domain-Oriented Spoken Language Dialogue Systems

Dzikovska, Myroslava O.

Semi-automatic Syntactic and Semantic Corpus Annotation with a Deep Parser



Eck, Matthias

Language Model Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation Based on Information Retrieval

Eisele, Andreas

Generating an Arabic Full-form Lexicon for Bidirectional Morphology Lookup

The DeepThought Core Architecture Framework

Ekpenyong, Moses

WALA: A Multilingual Resource Repository for West African Languages

Eliséi, Frédéric

Evaluation of a Speech Cuer: From Motion Capture to a Concatenative Text-to-cued Speech System

Ellbogen, Tania

The BITS Speech Synthesis Corpus for German

Elliott, Debbie

Calibrating Resource-light Automatic MT Evaluation: a Cheap Approach to Ranking MT Systems by the Usability of Their Output

Ellman, Jeremy

The Role of MultiWord Terminology in Knowledge Management

Emam, Ossama

Collection and Evaluation of Broadcast News Data for Arabic

OrienTel - Telephony Databases Across Northern Africa and the Middle East

Emonts, Michael

Current Projects in Languages of Military Interest at the Defense Language Institute

Enea, Alessandro

Building a Maritime Domain Lexicon: a Few Considerations on the Database Structure and the Semantic Coding

Erdem, Caglayan

A Data-driven Adaptation of Prosody in a Multilingual TTS

Erjavec, Tomaž

Making an XML-based Japanese-Slovene Learners' Dictionary

Migrating Language Resources from SGML to XML: The Text Encoding Initiative Recommendations

MULTEXT-East Version 3: Multilingual Morphosyntactic Specifications, Lexicons and Corpora

Towards an International Standard on Feature Structure Representation

Erk, Katrin

A Powerful and Versatile XML Format for Representing Role-semantic Annotation

Querying Both Time-aligned and Hierarchical Corpora with NXT Search

Escribano, Jordi

Multiple Sequence Alignment for Characterizing the Lineal Structure of Revision

España, Salvador

The SPARTACUS-Database: a Spanish Sentence Database for Offline Handwriting Recognition

Estopà, Rosa

The GENOMA-KB Project: Towards the Integration of Concepts, Terms, Textual Corpora and Entities

Evans, Richard

Categorizing Web Pages as a Preprocessing Step for Information Extraction

Evert, Stefan

Identifying Morphosyntactic Preferences in Collocations

The Statistical Analysis of Morphosyntactic Distributions

Ezeiza, A.

Development of Resources for a Bilingual Automatic Index System of Broadcast News in Basque and Spanish



Fafiotte, Georges

Collecting and Sharing Bilingual Spontaneous Speech Corpora: the ChinFaDial Experiment

Fakotakis, Nikos

A Bayesian Model for Shallow Syntactic Parsing of Natural Language Texts

A graphical Tool for Handling Rule Grammars in Java Speech Grammar Format

Bayesian Semantics Incorporation to Web Content for Natural Language Information Retrieval

Corpus Design, Recording and Phonetic Analysis of Greek Emotional Database

Cypriot Speech Database: Data Collection and Greek to Cypriot Dialect Adaptation

INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control

Learning to Predict Pitch Accents Using Bayesian Belief Networks for Greek Language

OrienTel - Telephony Databases Across Northern Africa and the Middle East

Farreres, Javier

Selecting the Correct English Synset for a Spanish Sense

Feliu, Judit

The GENOMA-KB Project: Towards the Integration of Concepts, Terms, Textual Corpora and Entities

Fernández, Juan

Automatic Acquisition of Sense Examples Using ExRetriever

Ferreira, Liliana

An Acoustic Corpus Contemplating Regional Variation for Studies of European Portuguese Nasals

Ferrés, Daniel

Automatic Building Gazetteers of Co-referring Named Entities

Automatic Classification of Geographic Named Entities

Ferru, Jean-Marie

Intranet Try To Find Project (ITTF): An Approach for the Search of Relevant Information Inside an Organization

Fersøe, Hanne

Creation and Validation of Large Lexica for Speech-to-Speech Translation Purposes

ELRA Validation Methodology and Standard Promotion for Linguistic Resources

ENABLER Thematic Network of National Projects: Technical, Strategic and Political Issues of LRs

Fiedler, Armin

An Annotated Corpus of Tutorial Dialogs on Mathematical Theorem Proving

Fillmore, Charles J.

FrameNet as a "Net"

Finch, Andrew

How Does Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation Correlate with Human Scoring as the Number of Reference Translations Increases?

Fiscus, Jonathan G.

NIST Language Technology Evaluation Cookbook

Results of the 2003 Topic Detection and Tracking Evaluation

Fitschen, Arne

SMOR: A German Computational Morphology Covering Derivation, Composition and Inflection

Flickinger, Dan

A Lexicon Module for a Grammar Development Environment

Road-testing the English Resource Grammar Over the British National Corpus

Fohr, Dominique

A Complete Understanding Speech System Based on Semantic Concepts

Development of New Telephone Speech Databases for French: the NEOLOGOS Project

Folch, H.

Highlighting Latent Structure in Documents

Fontenla, Elena Sacau

Parallel Corpora for the Galician Language: Building and Processing of the CLUVI (Linguistic Corpus of the University of Vigo)

Forsbom, Eva

MT Goes Farming: Comparing Two Machine Translation Approaches on a New Domain

Foster, Jennifer

Parsing Ungrammatical Input: an Evaluation Procedure

Foth, Kilian A.

Automatic Transformation of Phrase Treebanks to Dependency Trees

Fotinea, Stavroula-Evita

Reusing Language Resources for Speech Applications involving Emotion

François, Hélène

Development of new telephone speech databases for French : The NEOLOGOS Project

Development of New Telephone Speech Databases for French: the NEOLOGOS Project

Frangi, Alejandro

AV@CAR: A Spanish Multichannel Multimodal Corpus for In-Vehicle Automatic Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

Freitag, D.

A Critical Survey of the Methodology for IE Evaluation

Fuentes, Maria

Re-using High-quality Resources for Continued Evaluation of Automated Summarization Systems

Fujii, Atsushi

Collecting Spontaneously Spoken Queries for Information Retrieval

Test Collections for Patent-to-Patent Retrieval and Patent Map Generation in NTCIR-4 Workshop



Gaizauskas, Robert

A Labelled Corpus for Prepositional Phrase Attachment

A Large-Scale Resource for Storing and Recognizing Technical Terminology

Galliano, S.

The ESTER Evaluation Campaign for the Rich Transcription of French Broadcast News

Gamboa, César

VOXMEX Speech Database: Design of a Phonetically Balanced Corpus

Ganchev, Todor

INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control

Ganev, Hristo

The CLaRK System: XML-based Corpora Development System for Rapid Prototyping

Ganjavi, Shadi

Creation of a Doctor-Patient Dialogue Corpus Using Standardized Patients

García, Alberto J. Sánchez

Methodology for Rapid Prototyping and Testing of ASR Based User Interfaces

García, M.

MiniCors and Cast3LB: Two Semantically Tagged Spanish Corpora

García-Castro, Raúl

Benchmarking Ontology Tools. A Case Study for the WebODE Platform.

Garcia-Mateo, Carmen

The COST278 Pan-European Broadcast News Database

Transcrigal: A Bilingual System for Automatic Indexing of Broadcast News

Garg, Saurabh

Evaluation of Transcription and Annotation Tools for a Multi-modal, Multi-party Dialogue Corpus

Issues in Corpus Development for Multi-party Multi-modal Task-oriented Dialogue

Garmendia, Aitzpea

Abar-Hitz: An Annotation Tool for the Basque Dependency Treebank

Garnier, Sandrine

ALLES: Integrating NLP in ICALL Applications

Garofolo, John S.

NIST Language Technology Evaluation Cookbook

The NIST Meeting Room Pilot Corpus

Garrido, Juan María

Evaluation of Consensus on the Annotation of Prosodic Breaks in the Romance Corpus of Spontaneous Speech "C-ORAL-ROM"

Garside, Debbie

Standards for Language Codes: developing ISO 639

Garthwaite, Paul

Frequent Term Distribution Measures for Dataset Profiling

Gasperin, Caroline

Can Anaphoric Definite Descriptions be Replaced by Pronouns?

Gavrilidou, Maria

ENABLER Thematic Network of National Projects: Technical, Strategic and Political Issues of LRs

Gbéry, Eddi

WALA: A Multilingual Resource Repository for West African Languages

Gedge, Oren

OrienTel - Telephony Databases Across Northern Africa and the Middle East

Geißler, Christian

Evaluation of Microphone Array Front-Ends for ASR - an Extension of the AURORA Framework

Gendner, Véronique

The Ongoing Evaluation Campaign of Syntactic Parsing of French: EASY

Genoves Jr., Luiz C.

The Lácio-Web: Corpora and Tools to Advance Brazilian Portuguese Language Investigations and Computational Linguistic Tools

Geoffrois, E.

The ESTER Evaluation Campaign for the Rich Transcription of French Broadcast News

Georgescul, Maria

Building and Using a Corpus of Shallow Dialogue Annotated Meetings

Georgila, Kallirroi

A graphical Tool for Handling Rule Grammars in Java Speech Grammar Format

Georgiou, Panayiotis

Creation of a Doctor-Patient Dialogue Corpus Using Standardized Patients

Geumann, Anja

A Multilingual Phonological Resource Toolkit for Ubiquitous Speech Technology

Gévaudan, Paul

Dynamic Lexicographic Data Modelling. A Diachronic Dictionary Development Report

Geyken, Alexander

Bootstrapping a Database of German Multi-word Expressions

Ghorbel, Hatem

An Argumentative Annotation Schema for Meeting Discussions

Automatic Keyword Extraction from Spoken Text. A Comparison of Two Lexical Resources: EDR and WordNet

Gianni, F.

Toward an Annotation Software for Video of Sign Language, Including Image Processing Tools and Signing Space Modelling

Giannopoulos, G.

Bypassing Greeklish!

Gibbon, Dafydd

CoGesT: a Formal Transcription System for Conversational Gesture

Concept-based Queries: Combining and Reusing Linguistic Corpus Formats and Query Languages

Consistent Storage of Metadata in Inference Lexica: the MetaLex Approach

Securing Interpretability: The Case of Ega Language Documentation

WALA: A Multilingual Resource Repository for West African Languages

Gibert, Guillaume

Evaluation of a Speech Cuer: From Motion Capture to a Concatenative Text-to-cued Speech System

Gil, Àngel

NLP-enhanced Error Checking for Catalan Unrestricted Text

Gillam, Lee

Standards for Language Codes: developing ISO 639

Gillis, Steven

The Influence of the Labeller’s Regional Background on Phonetic Transcriptions: Implications for the Evaluation of Spoken Language Resources

Giménez, Jesús

Bilingual Connections for Trilingual Corpora: An XML Approach

SVMTool: A general POS Tagger Generator Based on Support Vector Machines

Gispert, Adrià de  

Bilingual Connections for Trilingual Corpora: An XML Approach

Giuliano, C.

A Critical Survey of the Methodology for IE Evaluation

Goedertier, Wim

A Spoken Afrikaans Language Resource Designed for Research on Pronunciation Variations

Linguistic Annotation of the Spoken Dutch Corpus: If We Had To Do It All Over Again

Goggi, Sara

From Weaver to the ALPAC Report

Gojenola, Koldo

Exploring Portability of Syntactic Information from English to Basque

Gómez-Guinovart, Xavier

Parallel Corpora for the Galician Language: Building and Processing of the CLUVI (Linguistic Corpus of the University of Vigo)

Gómez-Pérez, Asunción

Benchmarking Ontology Tools. A Case Study for the WebODE Platform.

Ontology Evaluation Functionalities of RDF(S), DAML+OIL, and OWL Parsers and Ontology Platforms

Gonçalves, Sérgio

Applying a Part-of-Speech Tagger to Postal Address Detection on the Web

Gonzalo, Julio

The Future of Evaluation for Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems

Goujon, Bénédicte

Semi-automatic Acquisition of Command Grammar

Goulian, J.

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

Gradmann, Stefan

The Language Belongs to the People!

Granoien, Neil

The Effect of Text Difficulty on Machine Translation Performance -- A Pilot Study with ILR-Rated Texts in Spanish, Farsi, Arabic, Russian and Korean

Gravier, G.

The ESTER Evaluation Campaign for the Rich Transcription of French Broadcast News

Grigorov, Ilko

The CLaRK System: XML-based Corpora Development System for Rapid Prototyping

Grishman, Ralph

Annotating Noun Argument Structure for NomBank

Gröbler, Tamás

MetaMorpho TM: A Rule-Based Translation Corpus

Grönroos, Mickel

Infrastructure for Collaborative Annotation of Speech

Guijarrubia, V.

Evaluation of a Spoken Phonetic Database in Basque Language

Guirao, José M.

Construction of a Bilingual Arabic-Spanish Lexicon of Verbs Based on a Parallel Corpus

Gulrajani, Greg

Cross-Disciplinary Integration of Metadata Descriptions

Guo, Yikun

A Large-Scale Resource for Storing and Recognizing Technical Terminology

Gurrutxaga, A.

A XML-Based Term Extraction Tool for Basque

Gustavii, Ebba

MT Goes Farming: Comparing Two Machine Translation Approaches on a New Domain

Gustman, Samuel

Issues in Annotation of the Czech Spontaneous Speech Corpus in the MALACH project

Gut, Ulrike

CoGesT: a Formal Transcription System for Conversational Gesture

Querying Both Time-aligned and Hierarchical Corpora with NXT Search

Guthrie, David

Large Scale Experiments for Semantic Labeling of Noun Phrases in Raw Text

Guthrie, Louise

Large Scale Experiments for Semantic Labeling of Noun Phrases in Raw Text



Ha, Le An

A Practical Comparison of Different Filters Used in Automatic Term Extraction

Habert, B.

Automatic Audio and Manual Transcripts Alignment, Time-code Transfer and Selection of Exact Transcripts

Highlighting Latent Structure in Documents

Hacker, C.

"You Stupid Tin Box" - Children Interacting with the AIBO Robot: A Cross-linguistic Emotional Speech Corpus.

Haddara, Meriam

Annotation of Anaphoric Expressions in an Aligned Bilingual Corpus

Hahn, Udo

An Annotated German-Language Medical Text Corpus as Language Resource

Pumping Documents Through a Domain and Genre Classification Pipeline

Hajič, Jan

Issues in Annotation of the Czech Spontaneous Speech Corpus in the MALACH project

Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank. Syntactically Annotated Resources for Machine Translation

Hajičová, Eva

Annotators’ Agreement: The Case of Topic-Focus Articulation

Hakim, Ali

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

Halácsy, Péter

Creating Open Language Resources for Hungarian

Hall, Phil

Collection of SLR in the Asian-Pacific Area

SALA II Across the Finish Line: A Large Collection of Mobile Telephone Speech Databases from North and Latin America completed

Haller, Johann

Using Weighted Abduction to Align Term Variant Translations in Bilingual Texts

Han, Na-Rae

Detecting Errors in English Article Usage with a Maximum Entropy Classifier Trained on a Large Diverse Corpus

Hansakunbuntheung, Chatchawarn

Open Collaborative Development of the Thai Language Resources for Natural Language Processing

Hansen, Dorte Haltrup

"Human Language Technology Elements in a Knowledge Organisation System - The VID Project"

Hansen-Schirra, Silvia

The MULI Project: Annotation and Analysis of Information Structure in German and English

Harabagiu, Sanda M.

Multi-Document Summarization Using Multiple-Sequence Alignment

NameNet: a Self-Improving Resource for Name Classification

Haralambiev, Kristiyan

Large Scale Experiments for Semantic Labeling of Noun Phrases in Raw Text

Harkema, Henk

A Large-Scale Resource for Storing and Recognizing Technical Terminology

Harper, Mary

Evaluating Factors Impacting the Accuracy of Forced Alignments in a Multimodal Corpus

Hartikainen, Elviira

Creation and Validation of Large Lexica for Speech-to-Speech Translation Purposes

Hartley, Anthony

Calibrating Resource-light Automatic MT Evaluation: a Cheap Approach to Ranking MT Systems by the Usability of Their Output

Modelling Legitimate Translation Variation for Automatic Evaluation of MT Quality

Hasler, Laura

"Why do you Ignore me?" - Proof that not all Direct Speech is Bad

A Comparison of Summarisation Methods Based on Term Specificity Estimation

Haton, Jean-Paul

A Complete Understanding Speech System Based on Semantic Concepts

Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios

An Automatic Method for Constructing Domain-Specific Ontology Resources

Havelka, Jiří

Annotators’ Agreement: The Case of Topic-Focus Articulation

Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank. Syntactically Annotated Resources for Machine Translation

Hayes, Jer

Concept Creation in Lexical Ontologies

Enriching WordNet Via Generative Metonymy and Creative Polysemy

Heeman, Peter A.

The American English SALA-II Data Collection

Heid, Ulrich

Identifying Morphosyntactic Preferences in Collocations

Querying Both Time-aligned and Hierarchical Corpora with NXT Search

SMOR: A German Computational Morphology Covering Derivation, Composition and Inflection

Tools for Upgrading Printed Dictionaries by Means of Corpus-based Lexical Acquisition

Hell, Benjamin

CoGesT: a Formal Transcription System for Conversational Gesture

Hemsen, Holmer

Evaluation of a Multimodal Dialogue System for Small-screen Devices

Henriksen, Lina

Corporate Voice Tone of Voice and Controlled Language Techniques

Hepple, Mark

A Large-Scale Resource for Storing and Recognizing Technical Terminology

Human Dialogue Modelling Using Annotated Corpora

NLP-enhanced Content Filtering Within the POESIA Project

Hernáez, Inmaculada

Designing and Recording an Audiovisual Database of Emotional Speech in Basque

Herrmann, Stefanie

A Multi-Modal Documentation System for Warao

Hess, Michael

Exploiting Language Resources for Semantic Web Annotations

Steps Towards Semantically Annotated Language Resources

The Role of MultiWord Terminology in Knowledge Management

Hetzler, Beth

Meaningful Clusters

Hidalgo, José Luis

The SPARTACUS-Database: a Spanish Sentence Database for Offline Handwriting Recognition

Hidalgo, Jose Maria Gomez

NLP-enhanced Content Filtering Within the POESIA Project

Hinrichs, Erhard

The Tüba-D/Z Treebank: Annotating German with a Context-Free Backbone

Hippisley, Andrew

A Natural Language Approach to Information Management: Tracking Scientific Advances Through the Structure of Words

Hlaváčová, Jaroslava

Derivational Relations in Flectional Languages - Czech Case

Hodász, Gábor

MetaMorpho TM: A Rule-Based Translation Corpus

Hoekstra, Heleen

Linguistic Annotation of the Spoken Dutch Corpus: If We Had To Do It All Over Again

Hoethker, Anja

Multimodal, Multilingual Resources in the Subtitling Process

Höge, Harald

Evaluation of Microphone Array Front-Ends for ASR - an Extension of the AURORA Framework

SALA II Across the Finish Line: A Large Collection of Mobile Telephone Speech Databases from North and Latin America completed

Holler, Anke

Exploiting Coreference Annotations for Text-to-Hypertext Conversion

Holub, Martin

Large Scale Experiments for Semantic Labeling of Noun Phrases in Raw Text

Hoonhout, Jettie

INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control

Horacek, Helmut

An Annotated Corpus of Tutorial Dialogs on Mathematical Theorem Proving

Horvat, Bogomir

A Data-driven Adaptation of Prosody in a Multilingual TTS

Acquisition and Annotation of Slovenian Broadcast News Database

The Development and Integration of the LDA-Toolkit Into COST249 SpeechDat(II) SIG Reference Recognizer

Hosaka, Junko

PBIE: A Data Preparation Toolkit Toward Developing a Parsing-Based Information Extraction System

Hospedales, Margarita

The GENOMA-KB Platform: Queries over Integrated Linguistic Resources

Höthker, Anja

Automatic Sentence Simplification for Subtitling in Dutch and English

Hotho, Andreas

Clustering Concept Hierarchies from Text

Hozjan, Vladimir

Acquisition and Annotation of Slovenian Broadcast News Database

Hozumi, Tanaka

Retrieving Annotated Corpora for Corpus Annotation

Huang, Chu-Ren

Distributional Consistency: As a General Method for Defining a Core Lexicon

Sinica BOW (Bilingual Ontological Wordnet): Integration of Bilingual WordNet and SUMO

Hughes, Baden

Functional Requirements for an Interlinear Text Editor

Management of Metadata in Linguistic Fieldwork: Experience from the ACLA Project

Securing Interpretability: The Case of Ega Language Documentation

Huisca, Rosendo

Data Collection and Analysis of Mapudungun Morphology for Spelling Correction

Hutanu, Mihaela

Towards Ontology Engineering Based on Linguistic Analysis

Hutchinson, Ben

Mining the Web for Discourse Markers



Ide, Nancy

A Registry of Standard Data Categories for Linguistic Annotation

Exploiting Semantic Web Technologies for Intelligent Access to Historical Documents

The American National Corpus First Release

Word Sense Disambiguation as a Wordnets' Validation Method in Balkanet

Ilarraza, Arantza Díaz de

Abar-Hitz: An Annotation Tool for the Basque Dependency Treebank

Illouz, Gabriel

The Ongoing Evaluation Campaign of Syntactic Parsing of French: EASY

Imaichi, Osamu

Constructing Word-Sense Association Networks from Bilingual Dictionary and Comparable Corpora

Infante-Lopez, Gabriel

Comparing the Ambiguity Reduction Abilities of Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars

Ínsua, Ana Martínez

A Galician Textual Corpus for Morphosyntactic Tagging with Application to Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Ion, Radu

Word Sense Disambiguation as a Wordnets' Validation Method in Balkanet

Ircing, Pavel

Issues in Annotation of the Czech Spontaneous Speech Corpus in the MALACH project

Ireson, Neil

NLP-enhanced Content Filtering Within the POESIA Project

Irie, Robert

Resources for Place Name Analysis

Isahara, Hitoshi

Enriching a Thai Lexical Database with Selectional Preferences

Extraction of Hyperonymy of Adjectives from Large Corpora by Using the Neural Network Model

Open Collaborative Development of the Thai Language Resources for Natural Language Processing

The Overview of the SST Speech Corpus of Japanese Learner English and Evaluation Through the Experiment on Automatic Detection of Learners' Errors

Isard, Amy

Multi-lingual Evaluation of a Natural Language Generation System

Ishizaki, Shun

Automatic Extraction of Hyponyms from Japanese Newspapers. Using Lexico-syntactic Patterns

Iskra, Dorota

OrienTel - Telephony Databases Across Northern Africa and the Middle East

SLR Validation: Current Trends and Developments

Itou, Katunobu

Collecting Spontaneously Spoken Queries for Information Retrieval

Ivanova, Krasimira

The CLaRK System: XML-based Corpora Development System for Rapid Prototyping

Iwayama, Makoto

Test Collections for Patent-to-Patent Retrieval and Patent Map Generation in NTCIR-4 Workshop

Izumi, Emi

The Overview of the SST Speech Corpus of Japanese Learner English and Evaluation Through the Experiment on Automatic Detection of Learners' Errors



Jamoussi, Salma

A Complete Understanding Speech System Based on Semantic Concepts

Janke, Ulrike

A Spoken Afrikaans Language Resource Designed for Research on Pronunciation Variations

Jänsch, Klaus

SpeechRecorder - a Universal Platform Independent Multi-Channel Audio Recording Software

Jansen, Peter J.

Developing Language Resources for a Transnational Digital Government System

Janus, Daniel

A Search Tool for Corpora with Positional Tagsets and Ambiguities

Jardino, M.

Highlighting Latent Structure in Documents

The Ongoing Evaluation Campaign of Syntactic Parsing of French: EASY

Jelinek, Fredrick

Large Scale Experiments for Semantic Labeling of Noun Phrases in Raw Text

Ji, Donghong

A Model of Semantic Representations Analysis for Chinese Sentences

Building a Conceptual Graph Bank for Chinese Language

Jimenez, Jorge

ALLES: Integrating NLP in ICALL Applications

Johnson, Heidi

Architecture for Distributed Language Resource Management and Archiving

Jones, Douglas

The Effect of Text Difficulty on Machine Translation Performance -- A Pilot Study with ILR-Rated Texts in Spanish, Farsi, Arabic, Russian and Korean

Jongejan, Bart

Corporate Voice Tone of Voice and Controlled Language Techniques

Jönsson, Arne

Open Resources for Language Technology

Joshi, Aravind

The Penn Discourse Treebank

Jouis, Christophe

Intranet Try To Find Project (ITTF): An Approach for the Search of Relevant Information Inside an Organization

Juhar, Jozef

The COST 278 MASPER Initiative - Crosslingual Speech Recognition with Large Telephone Databases



Kabadjov, Mijail A.

A General-Purpose, Off-the-shelf Anaphora Resolution Module: Implementation and Preliminary Evaluation

Kačič, Zdravko

A Data-driven Adaptation of Prosody in a Multilingual TTS

Acquisition and Annotation of Slovenian Broadcast News Database

Creating Slovenian Language Resources for Development of Speech-to-speech Translation Components

The COST 278 MASPER Initiative - Crosslingual Speech Recognition with Large Telephone Databases

The Development and Integration of the LDA-Toolkit Into COST249 SpeechDat(II) SIG Reference Recognizer

Kaji, Hiroyuki

Constructing Word-Sense Association Networks from Bilingual Dictionary and Comparable Corpora

Kaljurand, Kaarel

Exploiting Language Resources for Semantic Web Annotations

Kallulli, Dalina

A morphological Analyzer for Standard Albanian

Kamps, Jaap

Using WordNet to Measure Semantic Orientations of Adjectives

Kan, Min-Yen

A Public Reference Implementation of the RAP Anaphora Resolution Algorithm

Kando, Noriko

Test Collections for Patent-to-Patent Retrieval and Patent Map Generation in NTCIR-4 Workshop

Kang, Beom-mo

Sejong Korean Corpora in the Making

Kang, Wonseok

Korean-Chinese-Japanese Multilingual Wordnet with Shared Semantic Hierarchy

Kann, Viggo

Finding the Correct Interpretation of Swedish Compounds, a Statistical Approach

Kantor, Paul

Designing a Realistic Evaluation of an End-to-end Interactive Question Answering System

Kanzaki, Kyoko

Extraction of Hyperonymy of Adjectives from Large Corpora by Using the Neural Network Model

Karagjosova, Elena

An Annotated Corpus of Tutorial Dialogs on Mathematical Theorem Proving

Karasimos, Athanasios

Multi-lingual Evaluation of a Natural Language Generation System

Karavasili, Chara

A Natural Language Approach to Information Management: Tracking Scientific Advances Through the Structure of Words

Karavidas, Yannis

Multimodal, Multilingual Resources in the Subtitling Process

Karjalainen, Matti

Design of an Interactive Web-based User Interface for Speech Database Query Formation

Kashioka, Hideki

Grouping Synonymous Sentences from a Parallel Corpus

Kasper, Walter

Integrated Language Technologies for Multilingual Information Services in the MEMPHIS Project

Kasuriya, Sawit

Open Collaborative Development of the Thai Language Resources for Natural Language Processing

Kaushik, Saroj

Information Extraction from Hindi Texts

Kawahara, Daisuke

Toward Text Understanding: Integrating Relevance-tagged Corpus and Automatically Constructed Case Frames

Kawanami, Hiromichi

Perceptual Evaluation of Quality Deterioration Owing to Prosody Modification

Kawazoe, Ai

Annotation of Coreference Relations Among Linguistic Expressions and Images in Biological Articles

Keck, Hartmut

A Multi-Modal Documentation System for Warao

Kehoe, Andrew

Textual Distraction as a Basis for Evaluating Automatic Summarisers

Kelly, Diane

Designing a Realistic Evaluation of an End-to-end Interactive Question Answering System

Kelly, Robert

A Multilingual Phonological Resource Toolkit for Ubiquitous Speech Technology

Acquiring Reusable Multilingual Phonotactic Resources

Kepser, Stephan

A Multi-Modal Documentation System for Warao

Kiilerich, Svend

Evaluating Conversation with Hans Christian Andersen

Kikui, Genichiro

A Comparative Study on Human Communication Behaviors and Linguistic Characteristics for Speech-to-Speech Translation

Kim, Ara

Road-testing the English Resource Grammar Over the British National Corpus

Kim, Bong-Wan

Creation and Assessment of Korean Speech and Noise DB in Car Environment

Kim, Donghee

Korean-Chinese-Japanese Multilingual Wordnet with Shared Semantic Hierarchy

Kim, Eunhe

Korean-Chinese-Japanese Multilingual Wordnet with Shared Semantic Hierarchy

Kim, Hekyeong

Korean-Chinese-Japanese Multilingual Wordnet with Shared Semantic Hierarchy

Kim, Hunggyu

Sejong Korean Corpora in the Making

Kim, Young-Il

Creation and Assessment of Korean Speech and Noise DB in Car Environment

Kipper, Karin

Extending a Verb-lexicon Using a Semantically Annotated Corpus

Kirilov, Angel

Creation of Reusable Components and Language Resources for Named Entity Recognition in Russian

Kis, Balázs

A New Approach to the Corpus-based Statistical Investigation of Hungarian Multi-word Lexemes

MetaMorpho TM: A Rule-Based Translation Corpus

Kitak, Janez

Acquisition and Annotation of Slovenian Broadcast News Database

Kitamoto, Asanobu

Annotation of Coreference Relations Among Linguistic Expressions and Images in Biological Articles

Kladis, Basilis

INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control

Klatt, Stefan

A High Quality Partial Parser for Annotating German Text Corpora

Klenner, Manfred

Steps Towards Semantically Annotated Language Resources

Klímová, Jana

Derivational Relations in Flectional Languages - Czech Case

Kloots, Hanne

The Influence of the Labeller’s Regional Background on Phonetic Transcriptions: Implications for the Evaluation of Spoken Language Resources

Kluck, Michael

Evaluation of Cross-Language Information Retrieval Using the Domain-Specific GIRT Data as Parallel German-English Corpus

The Future of Evaluation for Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems

Ko, Jeongwoo

An Information Repository Model for Advanced Question Answering Systems

Koeling, Rob

Cross-Language Acquisition of Semantic Models for Verbal Predicates

Kokkinakis, Dimitrios

Intelligent Building of Language Resources for HLT Applications

Kokkinakis, George

A Bayesian Model for Shallow Syntactic Parsing of Natural Language Texts

A graphical Tool for Handling Rule Grammars in Java Speech Grammar Format

Learning to Predict Pitch Accents Using Bayesian Belief Networks for Greek Language

Kolkovska, Sia

A Language Resources Infrastructure for Bulgarian

Konagaya, Akihiko

PBIE: A Data Preparation Toolkit Toward Developing a Parsing-Based Information Extraction System

Konstantinou, Manos

Multimodal, Multilingual Resources in the Subtitling Process

Kordoni, Valia

Creating Multi-purpose Linguistic Resources for Modern Greek: a Deep Modern Greek Grammar

Kornai, András

Creating Open Language Resources for Hungarian

Koster, Cornelis H.A.

Cost-effective Cross-lingual Document Classification

The Language Belongs to the People!

Kotnik, Bojan

The Development and Integration of the LDA-Toolkit Into COST249 SpeechDat(II) SIG Reference Recognizer

Kouylekov, Milen

Multilingual Pattern Libraries for Question Answering: a Case Study for Definition Questions

Kozareva, Zornitsa

Cluster Analysis and Classification of Named Entities

Kozierok, Robyn

Callisto: A Configurable Annotation Workbench

Krahmer, Emiel

Evaluating Multimodal NLG Using Production Experiments

Král, Robert

Semantic Annotating of Czech Corpus via WSD

Kranias, Lambros

Automatic Translation Memory Fuzzy Match Post-Editing: A Step Beyond Traditional TM/MT Integration

Intelligent Building of Language Resources for HLT Applications

Krebber, Jan

INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control

Krieger, Hans-Ulrich

Resources and Techniques for Multilingual Information Extraction

Krstev, Cvetana

Combining Heterogeneous Lexical Resources

Kruengkrai, Canasai

Enriching a Thai Lexical Database with Selectional Preferences

Kruijff, Geert-Jan

The MULI Project: Annotation and Analysis of Information Structure in German and English

Kruijff-Korbayová, Ivana

An Annotated Corpus of Tutorial Dialogs on Mathematical Theorem Proving

The MULI Project: Annotation and Analysis of Information Structure in German and English

Kruyt, J. G.

Putting the Dutch PAROLE Corpus to Work

The Integrated Language Database of 8th - 21st-Century Dutch

Krynicki, Zygmunt

A Search Tool for Corpora with Positional Tagsets and Ambiguities

Kübler, Sandra

The Tüba-D/Z Treebank: Annotating German with a Context-Free Backbone

Kuboň, Vladislav

Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank. Syntactically Annotated Resources for Machine Translation

Kuhn, Jonas

Applying Computational Linguistic Techniques in a Documentary Project for Q'anjob'al (Mayan Guatemala)

Utilization of Multiple Language Resources for Robust Grammar-Based Tense and Aspect Classification

Kunze, Manuela

Corpus Based Enrichment of GermaNet Verb Frames

Kuo, Chin-Hwa

Improving Collocation Extraction for High Frequency Words

Kupść, Anna

Pronominal Anaphora Resolution for Unrestricted Text

Kuralenok, Igor

Russian Information Retrieval Evaluation Seminar

Kurochkin, Igor V.

PBIE: A Data Preparation Toolkit Toward Developing a Parsing-Based Information Extraction System

Kurohashi, Sadao

Toward Text Understanding: Integrating Relevance-tagged Corpus and Automatically Constructed Case Frames

Kushmerick, N.

A Critical Survey of the Methodology for IE Evaluation

Kyôsuke, Yoshida

Retrieving Annotated Corpora for Corpus Annotation



Lacalle, Oier Lopez de

Publicly Available Topic Signatures for all WordNet Nominal Senses

Lacatusu, V. Finley

Multi-Document Summarization Using Multiple-Sequence Alignment

Lam, Wai

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

Lambeau, Fabre

A Lexicon Module for a Grammar Development Environment

Lambert, Patrik

Bilingual Connections for Trilingual Corpora: An XML Approach

Landa, Josu

Translation Memories Enrichment by Statistical Bilingual Segmentation

Landragin, Frédéric

Multimodal Meaning Representation for Generic Dialogue Systems Architectures

Lang, Bernard

Morphology Based Automatic Acquisition of Large-coverage Lexica

Lange, Andreas

A Pattern Extraction Workbench Combining Multiple Linguistic Levels

Langlais, Philippe

Evaluating Variants of the Lesk Approach for Disambiguating Words

Langlois, David

Experiments on Building Language Resources for Multi-Modal Dialogue Systems

Lapalme, Guy

Evaluating Variants of the Lesk Approach for Disambiguating Words

Laprun, Christophe D.

The NIST Meeting Room Pilot Corpus

Larsen, Lars Bo

Usability Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Systems

Laurent, Dominique

Design and Implementation of a Semantic Search Engine for Portuguese

Laureys, Tom

Automatic Phonemic Labeling and Segmentation of Spoken Dutch

Evaluation and Adaptation of the Celex Dutch Morphological Database

Lavelli, A.

A Critical Survey of the Methodology for IE Evaluation

Lavie, Alon

Adding Syntactic Annotations to Transcripts of Parent-Child Dialogs

Data Collection and Analysis of Mapudungun Morphology for Spelling Correction

Le, Audrey N.

NIST Language Technology Evaluation Cookbook

Le, Viet-Bac

Spoken and Written Language Resources for Vietnamese

Leacock, Claudia

Detecting Errors in English Article Usage with a Maximum Entropy Classifier Trained on a Large Diverse Corpus

Lee, Hshiang-Pin

Sinica BOW (Bilingual Ontological Wordnet): Integration of Bilingual WordNet and SUMO

Lee, Juho

Korean-Chinese-Japanese Multilingual Wordnet with Shared Semantic Hierarchy

Lee, Kiyong

Towards an International Standard on Feature Structure Representation

Lee, Kwang-Hyun

Creation and Assessment of Korean Speech and Noise DB in Car Environment

Lee, Yong-Ju

Creation and Assessment of Korean Speech and Noise DB in Car Environment

Lehmann, Sabine

Automatisation of the Activity of Term Collection in Different Languages

Lenci, Alessandro

Content Interoperability of Lexical Resources: Open Issues and "MILE" Perspectives

ENABLER Thematic Network of National Projects: Technical, Strategic and Political Issues of LRs

Hybrid Constraints for Robust Parsing: First Experiments and Evaluation

Semantic Mark-up of Italian Legal Texts Through NLP-based Techniques

Towards a Language Infrastructure for the Semantic Web

Lenseigne, F.

Toward an Annotation Software for Video of Sign Language, Including Image Processing Tools and Signing Space Modelling

Lepage, Yves

Using Paradigm Tables to Generate New Utterances Similar to those Existing in Linguistic Resources

Levin, Lori

Data Collection and Analysis of Mapudungun Morphology for Spelling Correction

Liberman, Mark

A Progress Report from the Linguistic Data Consortium: Recent Activities in Resource Creation and Distribution and the Development of Tools and Standards

Lihan, Slavomir

The COST 278 MASPER Initiative - Crosslingual Speech Recognition with Large Telephone Databases

Lin, Chih-Long

Collocation Extraction Using Web Statistics

Lisboa, Raquel

An Acoustic Corpus Contemplating Regional Variation for Studies of European Portuguese Nasals

Lisowska, Agnes

User Query Analysis for the Specification and Evaluation of a Dialogue Processing and Retrieval System

Liu, Danyu

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

Liu, Jerry Cheng-Chieh

Large Scale Experiments for Semantic Labeling of Noun Phrases in Raw Text

Liu, Yang

Evaluating Factors Impacting the Accuracy of Forced Alignments in a Multimodal Corpus

Lizaso, P.

A XML-Based Term Extraction Tool for Basque

Lleida, Eduardo

AV@CAR: A Spanish Multichannel Multimodal Corpus for In-Vehicle Automatic Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

Llitjós, Ariadna Font

Data Collection and Analysis of Mapudungun Morphology for Spelling Correction

The Translation Correction Tool: English-Spanish User Studies

Loiwal, Navneet

Generic Text Summarization Using WordNet

Lombardo, Vincenzo

Building a Large Grammar for Italian

Lönneker, Birte

Metaphors in Wordnets: From Theory to Practice

Looks, Karin

CoGesT: a Formal Transcription System for Conversational Gesture

Lopes, José Gabriel Pereira

Cluster Analysis and Classification of Named Entities

Lopez de Ipina, K.

Development of Resources for a Bilingual Automatic Index System of Broadcast News in Basque and Spanish

Lorusso, Nicola

A2Q: An Agent-based Architecure for Multilingual Q&A

Loukachevitch, Natalia

Development of Bilingual Domain-Specific Ontology for Automatic Conceptual Indexing

Development of Ontologies with Minimal Set of Conceptual Relations

Russian Information Retrieval Evaluation Seminar

Louw, P. H.

The African Speech Technology Project: An Assessment

Lowe, Will

The Role of MultiWord Terminology in Knowledge Management

Luengo, Iker

Designing and Recording an Audiovisual Database of Emotional Speech in Basque



Ma, Qing

Extraction of Hyperonymy of Adjectives from Large Corpora by Using the Neural Network Model

Maas, Jan Frederik

Exploiting Coreference Annotations for Text-to-Hypertext Conversion

Macherey, Klaus

Large Scale Experiments for Semantic Labeling of Noun Phrases in Raw Text

Macleod, Catherine

Annotating Noun Argument Structure for NomBank

The Cross-Breeding of Dictionaries

MacWhinney, Brian

Adding Syntactic Annotations to Transcripts of Parent-Child Dialogs

Collaborative Commentary: Opening Up Spoken Language Databases

Talkbank: Building an Open Unified Multimodal Database of Communicative Interaction

Madhvanath, Sriganesh

An XML Representation for Annotated Handwriting Datasets for Online Handwriting Recognition

Experiences in Collection of Handwriting Data for Online Handwriting Recognition in Indic Scripts

Madsen, Bodil Nistrup

Principles of a System for Terminological Concept Modelling

Maeda, Kazuaki

Annotation Tools for Large-Scale Corpus Development: Using AGTK at the Linguistic Data Consortium

Maegaard, Bente

Corporate Voice Tone of Voice and Controlled Language Techniques

ENABLER Thematic Network of National Projects: Technical, Strategic and Political Issues of LRs

Industrial Needs for Language Resources

NEMLAR - An Arabic Language Resources Project

Magnini, Bernardo

Cross-Language Acquisition of Semantic Models for Verbal Predicates

Multilingual Pattern Libraries for Question Answering: a Case Study for Definition Questions

Maia, Belinda

The Corpógrafo – a Web-based Environment for Corpora Research

Maia, Eduardo

Evaluating Factors Impacting the Accuracy of Forced Alignments in a Multimodal Corpus

Maier, Elisabeth

How to Disassemble Alphabetical Processions - Morphological Treatment of Unknown Words

Maiorano, Steven J.

Multi-Document Summarization Using Multiple-Sequence Alignment

Maltese, Giulio

Creation and Validation of Large Lexica for Speech-to-Speech Translation Purposes

Mamede, Nuno J.

Rethinking Reusable Resources

Mammini, Michele

Unifying Lexicons in view of a Phonological and Morphological Lexical DB

Mana, Nadia

The Italian NESPOLE! Corpus: a Multilingual Database with Interlingua Annotation in Tourism and Medical Domains

Manfrin, Aline

The Lácio-Web: Corpora and Tools to Advance Brazilian Portuguese Language Investigations and Computational Linguistic Tools

What is my Style? Using Stylistic Features of Portuguese Web Texts to Classify Web Pages According to Users' Needs

Manov, Dimitar

Creation of Reusable Components and Language Resources for Named Entity Recognition in Russian

Manuélian, Hélène

Generating Coreferential Descriptions from a Structured Model of the Context

Mapelli, Valérie

ENABLER Thematic Network of National Projects: Technical, Strategic and Political Issues of LRs

Technolangue: A Permanent Evaluation and Information Infrastructure

Maragoudakis, Manolis

A Bayesian Model for Shallow Syntactic Parsing of Natural Language Texts

Bayesian Semantics Incorporation to Web Content for Natural Language Information Retrieval

Learning to Predict Pitch Accents Using Bayesian Belief Networks for Greek Language

Marchi, Simone

NLP-enhanced Content Filtering Within the POESIA Project

Mareüil, P. Boula de

Automatic Audio and Manual Transcripts Alignment, Time-code Transfer and Selection of Exact Transcripts

Mariani, Paola

Methods of Digital Access for Legal Language Documentation

Marimon, Montserrat

Lexical Entry Templates for Robust Deep Parsing

Marinelli, Rita

Building a Maritime Domain Lexicon: a Few Considerations on the Database Structure and the Semantic Coding

Proper Names and Polysemy: From a Lexicographic Experience

Marques, Nuno Cavalheiro

Applying a Part-of-Speech Tagger to Postal Address Detection on the Web

Màrquez, Lluís

MiniCors and Cast3LB: Two Semantically Tagged Spanish Corpora

SVMTool: A general POS Tagger Generator Based on Support Vector Machines

Marrafa, Palmira

Extending Wordnets To Implicit Information

INQUER: A WordNet-based Question-Answering Application

Semi-Automatic UNL Dictionary Generation Using WordNet.PT

Martell, Craig

Talkbank: Building an Open Unified Multimodal Database of Communicative Interaction

Martens, Jean-Pierre

A Spoken Afrikaans Language Resource Designed for Research on Pronunciation Variations

The COST278 Pan-European Broadcast News Database

Martí, Mª Antònia

Enriching EWN with Syntagmatic Information by Means of WSD

Enriching the Spanish EuroWordNet by Collocations

MiniCors and Cast3LB: Two Semantically Tagged Spanish Corpora

Martin, Alvin

Conversational Telephone Speech Corpus Collection for the NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation 2004

NIST Language Technology Evaluation Cookbook

Martin, Cassia Farria

Large Scale Experiments for Semantic Labeling of Noun Phrases in Raw Text

Martin, Philippe

The C-ORAL-ROM CORPUS. A Multilingual Resource of Spontaneous Speech for Romance Languages

WinPitch Corpus, a Text to Speech Alignment Tool for Multimodal Corpora

Martínez, David

The Effect of Bias on an Automatically-built Word Sense Corpus

Martínez, Gemma

The GENOMA-KB Project: Towards the Integration of Concepts, Terms, Textual Corpora and Entities

Martínez-Barco, Patricio

Automatic Extraction of Syntactic Semantic Patterns for Multilingual Resources

Martinovski, Bilyana

Evaluation of Transcription and Annotation Tools for a Multi-modal, Multi-party Dialogue Corpus

Issues in Corpus Development for Multi-party Multi-modal Task-oriented Dialogue

Martins, André

Design and Implementation of a Semantic Search Engine for Portuguese

Marx, Maarten

Using WordNet to Measure Semantic Orientations of Adjectives

Masayuki, Nakajima

Classification of Japanese Spatial Nouns

Massot, Marc

Automatic Building Gazetteers of Co-referring Named Entities

Automatic Classification of Geographic Named Entities

Re-using High-quality Resources for Continued Evaluation of Automated Summarization Systems

Masuda, Hidetaka

Terminal Device Oriented Comparable Corpora and its Alignment- Towards Extracting Paraphrasing Patterns

Mateo-Toledo, B'alam

Applying Computational Linguistic Techniques in a Documentary Project for Q'anjob'al (Mayan Guatemala)

Matos, David M. de

Rethinking Reusable Resources

Matoušek, Jindřich

The Design of Czech Language Formal Listening Tests for the Evaluation of TTS Systems

Matsumoto, Yuji

Building a Paraphrase Corpus for Speech Translation

Maučec, Mirjam Sepesy

Acquisition and Annotation of Slovenian Broadcast News Database

May, Win

Creation of a Doctor-Patient Dialogue Corpus Using Standardized Patients

Maynard, Diana

Automatic Language-Independent Induction of Gazetteer Lists

Creation of Reusable Components and Language Resources for Named Entity Recognition in Russian

Maynard, Hélène

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

Mazzei, Alessandro

Building a Large Grammar for Italian

Mazzoleni, Marco

Introducing the La Repubblica Corpus: A Large Annotated TEI(XML)-compliant Corpus of Newspaper Italian

Mc Tait, K.

The ESTER Evaluation Campaign for the Rich Transcription of French Broadcast News

Mc Tait, Kevin

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

McConvell, Patrick

Management of Metadata in Linguistic Fieldwork: Experience from the ACLA Project

McEnery, Tony

Evaluating Lexical Resources for a Semantic Tagger

The Lancaster Corpus of Mandarin Chinese: A Corpus for Monolingual and Contrastive Language Study

McHenry, Chad

Callisto: A Configurable Annotation Workbench

McNaught, John

A Domain-Independent Approach to IE Rule Development

McRoy, Susan

Evaluating Factors Impacting the Accuracy of Forced Alignments in a Multimodal Corpus

McShane, Marjorie

Some Meaning Procedures of Ontological Semantics

The Rationale for Building an Ontology Expressly for NLP

Mehta, Vaibhav

Generic Text Summarization Using WordNet

Meinedo, Hugo

The COST278 Pan-European Broadcast News Database

Melichar, Mirek

INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control

Mella, Odile

Development of New Telephone Speech Databases for French: the NEOLOGOS Project

Melvin, Robert S.

Creation of a Doctor-Patient Dialogue Corpus Using Standardized Patients

Mendes, Afonso

Design and Implementation of a Semantic Search Engine for Portuguese

Mendes, Amália

Providing On-line Access to Portuguese Language Resources: Corpora and Lexicons

Méndez, M.

Development of Resources for a Bilingual Automatic Index System of Broadcast News in Basque and Spanish

Menzel, Wolfgang

Automatic Transformation of Phrase Treebanks to Dependency Trees

Merino, Daniel Tapias

Methodology for Rapid Prototyping and Testing of ASR Based User Interfaces

Merkel, Magnus

A Pattern Extraction Workbench Combining Multiple Linguistic Levels

Messeguer, Xavier

Multiple Sequence Alignment for Characterizing the Lineal Structure of Revision

Meyers, Adam

Annotating Noun Argument Structure for NomBank

The Cross-Breeding of Dictionaries

Michel, Martial

The NIST Meeting Room Pilot Corpus

Miettinen, Manne

Infrastructure for Collaborative Annotation of Speech

Miguel, Antonio

AV@CAR: A Spanish Multichannel Multimodal Corpus for In-Vehicle Automatic Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

Mihalcea, Rada

Finding Semantic Associations on Express Lane

Miháltz, Márton

Word Sense Disambiguation Using Random Indexing

Mihelič, France

Development of Slovenian Broadcast News Speech Database

The COST278 Pan-European Broadcast News Database

Milde, Jan-Torsten

CoGesT: a Formal Transcription System for Conversational Gesture

Embedding IMDI Metadata into a Large Phonetic Corpus

Querying Both Time-aligned and Hierarchical Corpora with NXT Search

Miller, David

Conversational Telephone Speech Corpus Collection for the NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation 2004

The Fisher Corpus: a Resource for the Next Generations of Speech-to-Text

The Mixer Corpus of Multilingual, Multichannel Speaker Recognition Data

Miltsakaki, Eleni

The Penn Discourse Treebank

Minker, Wolfgang

Comparative Evaluation of a Stochastic Parser on Semantic and Syntactic-semantic Labels

Usability Evaluation of Multimodal and Domain-Oriented Spoken Language Dialogue Systems

Mitamura, Teruko

An Information Repository Model for Advanced Question Answering Systems

Pronominal Anaphora Resolution for Unrestricted Text

Mitchell, Alexis

The Automatic Content Extraction (ACE) Program – Tasks, Data, and Evaluation

Mitchell, Brian

A Labelled Corpus for Prepositional Phrase Attachment

Mitkov, Ruslan

Annotation of Anaphoric Expressions in an Aligned Bilingual Corpus

Categorizing Web Pages as a Preprocessing Step for Information Extraction

Mizuta, Yoko

An Annotation Scheme for a Rhetorical Analysis of Biology Articles

Mokken, Robert J.

Using WordNet to Measure Semantic Orientations of Adjectives

Möller, Sebastian

A New ITU-T Recommendation on the Evaluation of Telephone-Based Spoken Dialogue Systems

INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control

Monachini, Monica

Content Interoperability of Lexical Resources: Open Issues and "MILE" Perspectives

ELRA Validation Methodology and Standard Promotion for Linguistic Resources

ENABLER Thematic Network of National Projects: Technical, Strategic and Political Issues of LRs

Unifying Lexicons in view of a Phonological and Morphological Lexical DB

Monaco, Gregory Ernest

An Emerging Transcontinental Collaborative Research and Education Agenda in Human Language Technologies

Monceaux, Laura

The Ongoing Evaluation Campaign of Syntactic Parsing of French: EASY

Moneglia, Massimo

Evaluation of Consensus on the Annotation of Prosodic Breaks in the Romance Corpus of Spontaneous Speech "C-ORAL-ROM"

Measurements of Spoken Language Variability in a Multilingual Corpus. Predictable Aspects

Using PiTagger for Lemmatization and PoS Tagging of a Spontaneous Speech Corpus: C-Oral-Rom Italian

Monson, Christian

Augmenting Manual Dictionaries for Statistical Machine Translation Systems

Data Collection and Analysis of Mapudungun Morphology for Spelling Correction

Montemagni, Simonetta

Hybrid Constraints for Robust Parsing: First Experiments and Evaluation

NLP-enhanced Content Filtering Within the POESIA Project

Semantic Mark-up of Italian Legal Texts Through NLP-based Techniques

Montoyo, Andrés

Enriching EWN with Syntagmatic Information by Means of WSD

Montraveta, Ana Fernández

Semantic Categorization of Spanish Se-constructions

Moore, Robert C.

Using the Penn Treebank to Evaluate Non-Treebank Parsers

Morarescu, Paul

NameNet: a Self-Improving Resource for Name Classification

Moré, Joaquim

A Grammar and Style Checker Based on Internet Searches

Moreno, Asunción

Collection of SLR in the Asian-Pacific Area

Creation and Validation of Large Lexica for Speech-to-Speech Translation Purposes

OrienTel - Telephony Databases Across Northern Africa and the Middle East

SALA II Across the Finish Line: A Large Collection of Mobile Telephone Speech Databases from North and Latin America completed

Moreno-Sandoval, Antonio

Construction of a Bilingual Arabic-Spanish Lexicon of Verbs Based on a Parallel Corpus

The C-ORAL-ROM CORPUS. A Multilingual Resource of Spontaneous Speech for Romance Languages

Morin, Emmanuel

French-English Multi-word Term Alignment Based on Lexical Context Analysis

Mörth, Karlheinz

Rethinking Readability of Digital Editions – The Case of the AAC's "Digital Brenner"

Mostefa, Djamel

Development of New Telephone Speech Databases for French: the NEOLOGOS Project

Technolangue: A Permanent Evaluation and Information Infrastructure

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

Mota, Cristina

Portuguese Large-scale Language Resources for NLP Applications

Moutinho, Lurdes

An Acoustic Corpus Contemplating Regional Variation for Studies of European Portuguese Nasals

Müller, Karin

Semi-Automatic Construction of a Question Treebank

Murata, Masaki

Extraction of Hyperonymy of Adjectives from Large Corpora by Using the Neural Network Model

Musacchio, Maria Teresa

Discovery of (New) Knowledge and the Analysis of Text Corpora

Mustafa El Hadi, Widad

EVALDA-CESART Project: Terminological Resources Acquisition Tools Evaluation Campaign



Nagy, Viktor

Combining Symbolic and Statistical Methods in Morphological Analysis and Unknown Word Guessing

Nakagawa, Hiroshi

Terminal Device Oriented Comparable Corpora and its Alignment- Towards Extracting Paraphrasing Patterns

Nakaiwa, Hiromi

Incremental Methods to Select Test Sentences for Evaluating Translation Ability

Nakasone, Hirotaka

Conversational Telephone Speech Corpus Collection for the NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation 2004

The Mixer Corpus of Multilingual, Multichannel Speaker Recognition Data

Nanas, Nikolaos

Beyond TREC's Filtering Track

Nanba, Hidetsugu

Comparison of Some Automatic and Manual Methods for Summary Evaluation Based on the Text Summarization Challenge 2

Narayanan, Shrikanth

Creation of a Doctor-Patient Dialogue Corpus Using Standardized Patients

Narita, Masumi

Connector Usage in the English Essay Writing of Japanese EFL Learners

Năstase, Vivi

Finding Semantic Associations on Express Lane

Nava, Maria

Technolangue: A Permanent Evaluation and Information Infrastructure

Navarretta, Costanza

"Human Language Technology Elements in a Knowledge Organisation System - The VID Project"

Navarro, Borja

Automatic Extraction of Syntactic Semantic Patterns for Multilingual Resources

MiniCors and Cast3LB: Two Semantically Tagged Spanish Corpora

Navas, Eva

Designing and Recording an Audiovisual Database of Emotional Speech in Basque

Navigli, Roberto

Automatic Generation of Glosses in the OntoLearn System

Negri, Matteo

Multilingual Pattern Libraries for Question Answering: a Case Study for Definition Questions

Nekrestyanov, Igor

Russian Information Retrieval Evaluation Seminar

Németh, László

Creating Open Language Resources for Hungarian

Nenadic, Goran

Exploring Balkanet Shared Ontology for Multilingual Conceptual Indexing

Nerbonne, John

A New Approach to the Corpus-based Statistical Investigation of Hungarian Multi-word Lexemes

Neri, Francesca

Automatic Generation of Glosses in the OntoLearn System

Nerima, Luka

Using the Web as a Corpus for the Syntactic-Based Collocation Identification

Neto, Joao

The COST278 Pan-European Broadcast News Database

Neu, Julia

Creating Multi-purpose Linguistic Resources for Modern Greek: a Deep Modern Greek Grammar

Neugebauer, Moritz

A Multilingual Phonological Resource Toolkit for Ubiquitous Speech Technology

Phonological Treebanks. Issues in Generation and Application

Neumann, Stella

The MULI Project: Annotation and Analysis of Information Structure in German and English

Nevado, Francisco

Translation Memories Enrichment by Statistical Bilingual Segmentation

Ney, Hermann

Towards the Use of Word Stems and Suffixes for Statistical Machine Translation

Ngai, Grace

Raising the Bar: Stacked Conservative Error Correction Beyond Boosting

Nguyen, Thanh Bon

Developping Tools and Building Linguistic Resources for Vietnamese Morpho-syntactic Processing

Nguyen, Thi Minh Huyen

Developping Tools and Building Linguistic Resources for Vietnamese Morpho-syntactic Processing

Nica, Iulia

Enriching EWN with Syntagmatic Information by Means of WSD

Nie, Yu

A Model of Semantic Representations Analysis for Chinese Sentences

Niesler, T. R.

The African Speech Technology Project: An Assessment

Nikitina, Tatiana

Using the NITE XML Toolkit on the Switchboard Corpus to Study Syntactic Choice: a Case Study

Nikkhou, Mahtab

Network of Data Centres (NetDC): BNSC - An Arabic Broadcast News Speech Corpus

Nimb, Sanni

A Corpus-based Syntactic Lexicon for Adverbs

Nirenburg, Sergei

Some Meaning Procedures of Ontological Semantics

The Rationale for Building an Ontology Expressly for NLP

Nissim, Malvina

An Annotation Scheme for Information Status in Dialogue

Using the NITE XML Toolkit on the Switchboard Corpus to Study Syntactic Choice: a Case Study

Nobata, Chikashi

Definition, Dictionaries and Tagger for Extended Named Entity Hierarchy

Nogueiras, Albino

OrienTel - Telephony Databases Across Northern Africa and the Middle East

Nøklestad, Anders

Memory-based Classification of Proper Names in Norwegian

Nöth, E.

"You Stupid Tin Box" - Children Interacting with the AIBO Robot: A Cross-linguistic Emotional Speech Corpus.

Nouza, Jan

The COST278 Pan-European Broadcast News Database

Novák, Attila

Combining Symbolic and Statistical Methods in Morphological Analysis and Unknown Word Guessing

Nüebel, Rita

Evaluation and Adaptation of a Specialised Language Checking Tool for Non-specialised Machine Translation and Non-expert MT Users for Multi-lingual Telecooperation

Nugier, Sylvaine

An Evaluation Protocol for Text Mining Tools : ALCESTE SAS Text Miner SPAD-CRM and Temis Text Mining Solutions Testing

Nugues, Pierre

The Integral Dictionary: An Ontological Resource for the Semantic Web: Integration of EuroWordNet, Balkanet, TID, and SUMO

Nunes, Sérgio

Evaluation of Different Similarity Measures for the Extraction of Multiword Units in a Reinforcement Learning Environment

Nyberg, Eric

An Information Repository Model for Advanced Question Answering Systems

Pronominal Anaphora Resolution for Unrestricted Text

Nygaard, Lars

The OPUS Corpus - Parallel and Free:



Obradoviæ, Ivan

Combining Heterogeneous Lexical Resources

Odijk, Jan

Reusable Lexical Representations for Idioms

Oepen, Stephan

A Lexicon Module for a Grammar Development Environment

Road-testing the English Resource Grammar Over the British National Corpus

Ohtake, Kiyonori

A Comparison of Two Variant Corpora: The Same Content with Different Source

Okumura, Manabu

Comparison of Some Automatic and Manual Methods for Summary Evaluation Based on the Text Summarization Challenge 2

Okuno, Hiroshi G.

Incremental Methods to Select Test Sentences for Evaluating Translation Ability

Olejnik, Daniel

Towards Ontology Engineering Based on Linguistic Analysis

Oliveira, Leandro H. M. de

The Lácio-Web: Corpora and Tools to Advance Brazilian Portuguese Language Investigations and Computational Linguistic Tools

Oliveira, Paulo C F de

Summarization of Multimodal Information

Oliver, Antoni

A Grammar and Style Checker Based on Internet Searches

Enlarging the Croatian Morphological Lexicon by Automatic Lexical Acquisition from Raw Corpora

Olsen, Sussi

STO: A Danish Lexicon Resource - Ready for Applications

Oostdijk, Nelleke

Linguistic Annotation of the Spoken Dutch Corpus: If We Had To Do It All Over Again

Using Large Multi-purpose Corpora for Specific Research Questions: Discourse Phenomena Related to Wh-questions in the Spoken Dutch Corpus

Orăsan, Constantin

A Comparison of Summarisation Methods Based on Term Specificity Estimation

Annotation of Anaphoric Expressions in an Aligned Bilingual Corpus

Oravecz, Csaba

Combining Symbolic and Statistical Methods in Morphological Analysis and Unknown Word Guessing

Oronoz, Maite

Abar-Hitz: An Annotation Tool for the Basque Dependency Treebank

Ortega,  Alfonso

AV@CAR: A Spanish Multichannel Multimodal Corpus for In-Vehicle Automatic Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

Osenova, Petya

A Hybrid Strategy For Regular Grammar Parsing

A Language Resources Infrastructure for Bulgarian

Making Monolingual Corpora Comparable: a Case Study of Bulgarian and Croatian

Otterbacher, Jahna

CST Bank: A Corpus for the Study of Cross-document Structural Relationships

MEAD - a Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

RevisionBank: A Resource for Revision-based Multi-document Summarization and Evaluation

Özge, Umut

Development of a Corpus Workbench for the METU Turkish Corpus

Öztürk, Özlem

Duration Modeling For Turkish Text-to-Speech Synthesis System



Padó, Sebastian

A Powerful and Versatile XML Format for Representing Role-semantic Annotation

Querying Both Time-aligned and Hierarchical Corpora with NXT Search

Padró, Lluís

FreeLing: An Open-Source Suite of Language Analyzers

Multiple Sequence Alignment for Characterizing the Lineal Structure of Revision

Padró, Muntsa

Automatic Building Gazetteers of Co-referring Named Entities

Automatic Classification of Geographic Named Entities

FreeLing: An Open-Source Suite of Language Analyzers

Paik, Kyonghee

A Comparison of Two Variant Corpora: The Same Content with Different Source

Pala, Karel

Top Ontology as a Tool for Semantic Role Tagging

Pallett, David S.

NIST Language Technology Evaluation Cookbook

Pallotta, Vincenzo

An Argumentative Annotation Schema for Meeting Discussions

Automatic Keyword Extraction from Spoken Text. A Comparison of Two Lexical Resources: EDR and WordNet

INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control

Palmer, Alexis

Utilization of Multiple Language Resources for Robust Grammar-Based Tense and Aspect Classification

Palmer, Martha

Extending a Verb-lexicon Using a Semantically Annotated Corpus

Palomar, Manuel

Automatic Extraction of Syntactic Semantic Patterns for Multilingual Resources

Panizza, Andrea

Evaluation of Consensus on the Annotation of Prosodic Breaks in the Romance Corpus of Spontaneous Speech "C-ORAL-ROM"

Panunzi, Alessandro

Using PiTagger for Lemmatization and PoS Tagging of a Spontaneous Speech Corpus: C-Oral-Rom Italian

Papageorgiou, Harris

The COST278 Pan-European Broadcast News Database

Pardelli, Gabriella

From Weaver to the ALPAC Report

Pareja-Lora, Antonio

OntoTag's Linguistic Ontologies: Enhancing Higher Level and Semantic Web Annotations

Paroubek, P.

Automatic Audio and Manual Transcripts Alignment, Time-code Transfer and Selection of Exact Transcripts

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

The Ongoing Evaluation Campaign of Syntactic Parsing of French: EASY

Pasqualini, Leonardo

CHeM: A System for the Automatic Analysis of e-mails in the Restoration and Conservation Domain

Passonneau, Rebecca J.

Computing Reliability for Coreference Annotation

Pastra, Katerina

Image-Language Multimodal Corpora: Needs, Lacunae and an AI Synergy for Annotation

Paulsson, Niklas

Network of Data Centres (NetDC): BNSC - An Arabic Broadcast News Speech Corpus

Pauw, Guy De  

Evaluation and Adaptation of the Celex Dutch Morphological Database

Pavloviæ-Lažetiæ, Gordana

Combining Heterogeneous Lexical Resources

Pazienza, Maria Teresa

A2Q: An Agent-based Architecure for Multilingual Q&A

Pazó, Francisco Méndez

A Galician Textual Corpus for Morphosyntactic Tagging with Application to Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Pedersen, Bolette Sandford

"Human Language Technology Elements in a Knowledge Organisation System - The VID Project"

Pedrazzini, Sandro

How to Disassemble Alphabetical Processions - Morphological Treatment of Unknown Words

Pedro, Vasco Calais

An Information Repository Model for Advanced Question Answering Systems

Pekar, Viktor

A Comparison of Summarisation Methods Based on Term Specificity Estimation

Categorizing Web Pages as a Preprocessing Step for Information Extraction

Peñagarikano, M.

Development of Resources for a Bilingual Automatic Index System of Broadcast News in Basque and Spanish

Penton, David

Management of Metadata in Linguistic Fieldwork: Experience from the ACLA Project

Peradotto, Anne

An Evaluation Protocol for Text Mining Tools : ALCESTE SAS Text Miner SPAD-CRM and Temis Text Mining Solutions Testing

Peralta, Guilhem

Using Paradigm Tables to Generate New Utterances Similar to those Existing in Linguistic Resources

Perdigão, Fernando S.

An Efficient Word Confidence Measure Using Likelihood Ratio Scores

Pereira, Luísa

Providing On-line Access to Portuguese Language Resources: Corpora and Lexicons

Pereiro, Lorena Seijo

A Galician Textual Corpus for Morphosyntactic Tagging with Application to Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Pérez, Diana

Application of the BLEU Method for Evaluating Free-text Answers in an E-learning Environment

Pernelle, N.

Highlighting Latent Structure in Documents

Peters, Carol

The Future of Evaluation for Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems

Peters, Stanley

Evaluation Resources for Concept-based Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in the Medical Domain

Peters, Wim

Incremental Knowledge Acquisition from WordNet and EuroWordNet

Pettersson, Eva

MT Goes Farming: Comparing Two Machine Translation Approaches on a New Domain

Philip, Yann

Development of New Telephone Speech Databases for French: the NEOLOGOS Project

Pianesi, Fabio

The Italian NESPOLE! Corpus: a Multilingual Database with Interlingua Annotation in Tourism and Medical Domains

Pianta, Emanuele

The Italian NESPOLE! Corpus: a Multilingual Database with Interlingua Annotation in Tourism and Medical Domains

Piao, Scott S. L.

Evaluating Lexical Resources for a Semantic Tagger

Picchi, Eugenio

Linguistic Miner: An Italian Linguistic Knowledge System

Using PiTagger for Lemmatization and PoS Tagging of a Spontaneous Speech Corpus: C-Oral-Rom Italian

Piccioni, Lorenzo

Introducing the La Repubblica Corpus: A Large Annotated TEI(XML)-compliant Corpus of Newspaper Italian

XTERM: A Flexible Standard-Compliant XML-Based Termbase Management System

Piepenbrock, Richard

Linguistic Annotation of the Spoken Dutch Corpus: If We Had To Do It All Over Again

Pinheiro, Gisele Montilha

The Lácio-Web: Corpora and Tools to Advance Brazilian Portuguese Language Investigations and Computational Linguistic Tools

Pinto, Cláudia

Design and Implementation of a Semantic Search Engine for Portuguese

Pinto, Elisabeth

Development of New Telephone Speech Databases for French: the NEOLOGOS Project

Piperidis, Stelios

ENABLER Thematic Network of National Projects: Technical, Strategic and Political Issues of LRs

Multimodal, Multilingual Resources in the Subtitling Process

Pirrelli, Vito

Hybrid Constraints for Robust Parsing: First Experiments and Evaluation

Semantic Mark-up of Italian Legal Texts Through NLP-based Techniques

Piskorski, Jakub

Extraction of Polish Named-Entities

Integrated Language Technologies for Multilingual Information Services in the MEMPHIS Project

Pleva, Matus

The COST278 Pan-European Broadcast News Database

Poesio, Massimo

A General-Purpose, Off-the-shelf Anaphora Resolution Module: Implementation and Preliminary Evaluation

Acquiring Bayesian Networks from Text

Pohl, Gábor

A New Approach to the Corpus-based Statistical Investigation of Hungarian Multi-word Lexemes

Poibeau, Thierry

Semi-automatic Acquisition of Command Grammar

Pollák, Petr

Orthographic and Phonetic Annotation of Very Large Czech Corpora with Quality Assessment

Popescu, Octavian

Cross-Language Acquisition of Semantic Models for Verbal Predicates

Popescu-Belis, Andrei

Abstracting a Dialog Act Tagset for Meeting Processing

Building and Using a Corpus of Shallow Dialogue Annotated Meetings

Online Evaluation of Coreference Resolution

User Query Analysis for the Specification and Evaluation of a Dialogue Processing and Retrieval System

Popov, Borislav

Creation of Reusable Components and Language Resources for Named Entity Recognition in Russian

Popović, Maja

Towards the Use of Word Stems and Suffixes for Statistical Machine Translation

Potamitis, Ilyas

INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control

Prakash, Nupur

Information Extraction from Hindi Texts

Prasad, Rashmi

The Penn Discourse Treebank

Precoda, Kristin

A Fine-Grained Evaluation Method for Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation Using Concept Annotations

Preiss, Judita

Can Anaphoric Definite Descriptions be Replaced by Pronouns?

Pretorius, Laurette

Software Tools for Morphological Tagging of Zulu Corpora and Lexicon Development

Prokopidis, Prokopis

Multimodal, Multilingual Resources in the Subtitling Process

Przepiórkowski, Adam

A Search Tool for Corpora with Positional Tagsets and Ambiguities

Przybocki, Mark

Conversational Telephone Speech Corpus Collection for the NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation 2004

NIST Language Technology Evaluation Cookbook

The Automatic Content Extraction (ACE) Program – Tasks, Data, and Evaluation

Psutka, Josef

Issues in Annotation of the Czech Spontaneous Speech Corpus in the MALACH project

Psutka, Josef V.

Issues in Annotation of the Czech Spontaneous Speech Corpus in the MALACH project

Puşcaşu, Georgiana

A Framework for Temporal Resolution



Qi, Hong

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

Qiu, Long

A Public Reference Implementation of the RAP Anaphora Resolution Algorithm

Quasthoff, Uwe

Automatic Acquisition of Paradigmatic Relations Using Iterated Co-occurrences

Linguistic Corpus Search

Web Services for Language Resources and Language Technology Applications

Web Services for Language Resources and Language Technology Applications

Quatrain, Yasmina

An Evaluation Protocol for Text Mining Tools : ALCESTE SAS Text Miner SPAD-CRM and Temis Text Mining Solutions Testing

Quazza, Silvia

Evaluation of Consensus on the Annotation of Prosodic Breaks in the Romance Corpus of Spontaneous Speech "C-ORAL-ROM"

Quirk, Christopher B.

Training a Sentence-Level Machine Translation Confidence Measure

Quixal, Martí

ALLES: Integrating NLP in ICALL Applications

NLP-enhanced Error Checking for Catalan Unrestricted Text

Quochi, Valeria

Representing Italian Complex Nominals: A Pilot Study



Raake, Alexander

INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control

Radev, Dragomir

CST Bank: A Corpus for the Study of Cross-document Structural Relationships

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

RevisionBank: A Resource for Revision-based Multi-document Summarization and Evaluation

Radová, Vlasta

Issues in Annotation of the Czech Spontaneous Speech Corpus in the MALACH project

Rajman, Martin

Automatic Keyword Extraction from Spoken Text. A Comparison of Two Lexical Resources: EDR and WordNet

Comparative Evaluations in the Domain of Automatic Speech Recognition

INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control

Speech Recognition Simulation and its Application for Wizard-of-Oz Experiments

Ramakrishnan, Ganesh

Automatic Generation of Compound Word Lexicon for Hindi Speech Synthesis

Generic Text Summarization Using WordNet

Ramos, Margarita Alonso

Enriching the Spanish EuroWordNet by Collocations

Ramshaw, Lance

The Automatic Content Extraction (ACE) Program – Tasks, Data, and Evaluation

Ranchhod, Elisabete

Portuguese Large-scale Language Resources for NLP Applications

Rapp, Reinhard

A Freely Available Automatically Generated Thesaurus of Related Words

Utilizing the One-Sense-per-Discourse Constraint for Fully Unsupervised Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation

Raptis, S.

Bypassing Greeklish!

Rascu, Ecaterina

Using Weighted Abduction to Align Term Variant Translations in Bilingual Texts

Rayson, Paul

Evaluating Lexical Resources for a Semantic Tagger

Reeves, Ruth

Annotating Noun Argument Structure for NomBank

The Cross-Breeding of Dictionaries

Reichel, Uwe D.

Automated Morphological Segmentation and Evaluation

Reinberger, Marie-Laure

Unsupervised Text Mining for Ontology Extraction: An Evaluation of Statistical Measures

Renouf, Antoinette

Textual Distraction as a Basis for Evaluating Automatic Summarisers

Ribarov, Kiril

Towards Intelligent Written Cultural Heritage Processing - Lexical processing

Ribeiro, Catarina

INQUER: A WordNet-based Question-Answering Application

Semi-Automatic UNL Dictionary Generation Using WordNet.PT

Ribeiro, Ricardo

Rethinking Reusable Resources

Ricci, Annalisa

Multimodal Meaning Representation for Generic Dialogue Systems Architectures

Rico, Celia

ALLES: Integrating NLP in ICALL Applications

Rico, T.

Development of Resources for a Bilingual Automatic Index System of Broadcast News in Basque and Spanish

Riehemann, Susanne

A Fine-Grained Evaluation Method for Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation Using Concept Annotations

Riek, Laurel

Callisto: A Configurable Annotation Workbench

Rigau, German

Automatic Acquisition of Sense Examples Using ExRetriever

Cross-Language Acquisition of Semantic Models for Verbal Predicates

Spanish WordNet 1.6: Porting the Spanish Wordnet Across Princeton Versions

Towards the Meaning Top Ontology: Sources of Ontological Meaning

Rigouste, Loïs

Online Evaluation of Coreference Resolution

Rijke, Maarten de

Comparing the Ambiguity Reduction Abilities of Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars

Using WordNet to Measure Semantic Orientations of Adjectives

Rilliard, Albert

Evaluating an Authentic Audio-Visual Expressive Speech Corpus

E-Wiz: a Trapper Protocol for Hunting the Expressive Speech Corpora in Lab

Rinaldi, Fabio

Exploiting Language Resources for Semantic Web Annotations

Steps Towards Semantically Annotated Language Resources

The Role of MultiWord Terminology in Knowledge Management

Rincon, Antonio

SALA II Across the Finish Line: A Large Collection of Mobile Telephone Speech Databases from North and Latin America completed

Ringger, Eric K.

Converting Treebank Annotations to Language Neutral Syntax

Using the Penn Treebank to Evaluate Non-Treebank Parsers

Rittman, Robert

Designing a Realistic Evaluation of an End-to-end Interactive Question Answering System

Robba, Isabelle

The Ongoing Evaluation Campaign of Syntactic Parsing of French: EASY

Roberts, Angus

A Large-Scale Resource for Storing and Recognizing Technical Terminology

Roberts, Ian

A Large-Scale Resource for Storing and Recognizing Technical Terminology

Robinson, Susan

Evaluation of Multi-party Virtual Reality Dialogue Interaction

Evaluation of Transcription and Annotation Tools for a Multi-modal, Multi-party Dialogue Corpus

Issues in Corpus Development for Multi-party Multi-modal Task-oriented Dialogue

Rodríguez, Horacio

Automatic Building Gazetteers of Co-referring Named Entities

Automatic Classification of Geographic Named Entities

Automatically Selecting Domain Markers for Terminology Extraction

Re-using High-quality Resources for Continued Evaluation of Automated Summarization Systems

Selecting the Correct English Synset for a Spanish Sense

Rodríguez, L.J.

Evaluation of a Spoken Phonetic Database in Basque Language

Rodríguez, Manel

The GENOMA-KB Platform: Queries over Integrated Linguistic Resources

Rodríguez, Pilar

Application of the BLEU Method for Evaluating Free-text Answers in an E-learning Environment

Roeck, Anne De

A Framework for Evaluating the Suitability of Non-English Corpora for Language Engineering

Beyond TREC's Filtering Track

Frequent Term Distribution Measures for Dataset Profiling

Rojc, Matej

Creating Slovenian Language Resources for Development of Speech-to-speech Translation Components

Romano, L.

A Critical Survey of the Methodology for IE Evaluation

Romary, Laurent

A Large Metadata Domain of Language Resources

A Registry of Standard Data Categories for Linguistic Annotation

Developping Tools and Building Linguistic Resources for Vietnamese Morpho-syntactic Processing

Experiments on Building Language Resources for Multi-Modal Dialogue Systems

Multimodal Meaning Representation for Generic Dialogue Systems Architectures

Online Evaluation of Coreference Resolution

Standardization in Multimodal Content Representation: Some Methodological Issues

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

Towards a Reference Annotation Framework

Towards an International Standard on Feature Structure Representation

Ronzenknop, Antoine

Speech Recognition Simulation and its Application for Wizard-of-Oz Experiments

Rösner, Dietmar

Corpus Based Enrichment of GermaNet Verb Frames

Rosset, Sophie

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

Rossi, Franca

The Italian NESPOLE! Corpus: a Multilingual Database with Interlingua Annotation in Tourism and Medical Domains

Rossi, Sergio

Unifying Lexicons in view of a Phonological and Morphological Lexical DB

Rössler, Marc

Corpus-based Learning of Lexical Resources for German Named Entity Recognition

Rotovnik, Tomaž

Acquisition and Annotation of Slovenian Broadcast News Database

Roussanaly, Azim

Towards an International Standard on Feature Structure Representation

Rousset, M.C.

Highlighting Latent Structure in Documents

Roux, Claude

Towards an International Standard on Feature Structure Representation

Roux, J. C.

The African Speech Technology Project: An Assessment

Roventini, Adriana

Building a Maritime Domain Lexicon: a Few Considerations on the Database Structure and the Semantic Coding

Ruch, Patrick

An Argumentative Annotation Schema for Meeting Discussions

Ruggia, Ana

ALLES: Integrating NLP in ICALL Applications

Ruimy, Nilda

Semi-Automatic Derivation of a French Lexicon from CLIPS

Rung, András

Creating Open Language Resources for Hungarian

Ruotolo, Christine

Migrating Language Resources from SGML to XML: The Text Encoding Initiative Recommendations

Russel, Albert

Annotating Multi-media/Multi-modal Resources with ELAN

Collaborative Annotation of Sign Language Data with Peer-to-Peer Technology

Russell, M.

"You Stupid Tin Box" - Children Interacting with the AIBO Robot: A Cross-linguistic Emotional Speech Corpus.

Ryan, Sean

Designing a Realistic Evaluation of an End-to-end Interactive Question Answering System



Sacaleanu, Bogdan

Evaluation Resources for Concept-based Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in the Medical Domain

Sagae, Kenji

Adding Syntactic Annotations to Transcripts of Parent-Child Dialogs

Saggion, Horacio

Identifying Definitions in Text Collections for Question Answering

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

Sagot, Benoît

Morphology Based Automatic Acquisition of Large-coverage Lexica

Sahlgren, Magnus

Automatic Bilingual Lexicon Acquisition Using Random Indexing of Aligned Bilingual Data

Salkin, Robert

Designing a Realistic Evaluation of an End-to-end Interactive Question Answering System

Salmon-Alt, Susanne

Online Evaluation of Coreference Resolution

Towards a Reference Annotation Framework

Salor, Özgul

Duration Modeling For Turkish Text-to-Speech Synthesis System

Samiotou, Anna

Automatic Translation Memory Fuzzy Match Post-Editing: A Step Beyond Traditional TM/MT Integration

Intelligent Building of Language Resources for HLT Applications

Samy, Doaa

Construction of a Bilingual Arabic-Spanish Lexicon of Verbs Based on a Parallel Corpus

Sánchez, Jon

Designing and Recording an Audiovisual Database of Emotional Speech in Basque

Sanchez-Graillet, Olivia

Acquiring Bayesian Networks from Text

Sanders, Eric

Collection of SLR in the Asian-Pacific Area

SLR Validation: Current Trends and Developments

Sanders, Gregory A.

NIST Language Technology Evaluation Cookbook

Sanfilippo, Antonio

Meaningful Clusters

Sang, Erik Tjong Kim

Automatic Sentence Simplification for Subtitling in Dutch and English

Using a Parallel Transcript/Subtitle Corpus for Sentence Compression

Sangawa, Kristina Hmeljak

Making an XML-based Japanese-Slovene Learners' Dictionary

Sansò, Andrea

MED-TYP: A Typological Database for Mediterranean Languages

Santos, Diana

On the Problems of Creating a Golden Standard of Inflected Forms in Portuguese

The Corpógrafo – a Web-based Environment for Corpora Research

What is my Style? Using Stylistic Features of Portuguese Web Texts to Classify Web Pages According to Users' Needs

Santos, Ricardo

INQUER: A WordNet-based Question-Answering Application

Semi-Automatic UNL Dictionary Generation Using WordNet.PT

Saralegi, X.

A XML-Based Term Extraction Tool for Basque

Sarasola, Kepa

Exploring Portability of Syntactic Information from English to Basque

Sarkar, Avik

A Framework for Evaluating the Suitability of Non-English Corpora for Language Engineering

Frequent Term Distribution Measures for Dataset Profiling

Sarma, Anish Das

Generic Text Summarization Using WordNet

Sarma, Atish Das

Generic Text Summarization Using WordNet

Sarmento, Luís

The Corpógrafo – a Web-based Environment for Corpora Research

Saruwatari, Hiroshi

Perceptual Evaluation of Quality Deterioration Owing to Prosody Modification

Sasaki, Felix

Concept-based Queries: Combining and Reusing Linguistic Corpus Formats and Query Languages

Consistent Storage of Metadata in Inference Lexica: the MetaLex Approach

Co-reference in Japanese Task-oriented Dialogues: A Contribution to the Development of Language-specific and Language-general Annotation Schemes and Resources

Sasaki, Minoru

Information Retrieval System Using Latent Contextual Relevance

Semi-supervised Learning by Fuzzy Clustering and Ensemble Learning

Sasano, Ryohei

Toward Text Understanding: Integrating Relevance-tagged Corpus and Automatically Constructed Case Frames

Sassi, Manuela

Computational Lexicography and Carlo Emilio Gadda. Principe dell'Analisi e Duca della Buona Cognizione

From Weaver to the ALPAC Report

Linguistic Miner: An Italian Linguistic Knowledge System

Sassolini, Eva

Linguistic Miner: An Italian Linguistic Knowledge System

Sato, Chieko

Connector Usage in the English Essay Writing of Japanese EFL Learners

Sato, Dai

Terminal Device Oriented Comparable Corpora and its Alignment- Towards Extracting Paraphrasing Patterns

Sato, Hiroaki

FrameNet as a "Net"

Säuberlich, Bettina

Tools for Upgrading Printed Dictionaries by Means of Corpus-based Lexical Acquisition

Say, Bilge

Development of a Corpus Workbench for the METU Turkish Corpus

Schaden, Stefan

CrossTowns: Automatically Generated Phonetic Lexicons of Cross-lingual Pronunciation Variants of European City Names

Schäfer, Ulrich

The DeepThought Core Architecture Framework

Schiehlen, Michael

Automatic Methods to Supplement Broad-Coverage Subcategorization Lexicons

Schiel, Florian

MAUS Goes Iterative

The BITS Speech Synthesis Corpus for German

Schmid, Helmut

SMOR: A German Computational Morphology Covering Derivation, Composition and Inflection

Schmidt, Paul

ALLES: Integrating NLP in ICALL Applications

Scholze-Stubenrecht, Werner

Tools for Upgrading Printed Dictionaries by Means of Corpus-based Lexical Acquisition

Schonefeld, Oliver

Embedding IMDI Metadata into a Large Phonetic Corpus

Schouppe, Machteld

Linguistic Annotation of the Spoken Dutch Corpus: If We Had To Do It All Over Again

Schreibman, Susan

Migrating Language Resources from SGML to XML: The Text Encoding Initiative Recommendations

Schuchardt, Dietmar

INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control

Schutz, Alexander

Towards Ontology Engineering Based on Linguistic Analysis

Schuurman, Ineke

Linguistic Annotation of the Spoken Dutch Corpus: If We Had To Do It All Over Again

Schwartz, Lee

Multilingual Corpus-based Approach to the Resolution of English –ing

Sciarrone, Filippo

CHeM: A System for the Automatic Analysis of e-mails in the Restoration and Conservation Domain

Sebastiani, Fabrizio

An Analysis of the Relative Difficulty of Reuters-21578 Subsets

Seco, Nuno

Concept Creation in Lexical Ontologies

Enriching WordNet Via Generative Metonymy and Creative Polysemy

Sedláček, Radek

The Core of the Czech Derivational Dictionary

Segalovich, Ilya

Russian Information Retrieval Evaluation Seminar

Segouat, J.

Toward an Annotation Software for Video of Sign Language, Including Image Processing Tools and Signing Space Modelling

Sekine, Satoshi

Automatic Extraction of Hyponyms from Japanese Newspapers. Using Lexico-syntactic Patterns

Definition, Dictionaries and Tagger for Extended Named Entity Hierarchy

Seligman, Mark

Collecting and Sharing Bilingual Spontaneous Speech Corpora: the ChinFaDial Experiment

Senia, Francesco

Collection of SLR in the Asian-Pacific Area

SALA II Across the Finish Line: A Large Collection of Mobile Telephone Speech Databases from North and Latin America completed

Seniv, Halyna

Mapping Dependency Structures to Phrase Structures and the Automatic Acquisition of Mapping Rules

Seretan, Violeta

Using the Web as a Corpus for the Syntactic-Based Collocation Identification

Serignat, Jean-François

Spoken and Written Language Resources for Vietnamese

Setiawan, Panji

Evaluation of Microphone Array Front-Ends for ASR - an Extension of the AURORA Framework

Setzer, Andrea

Human Dialogue Modelling Using Annotated Corpora

Shammass, Shaunie

Creation and Validation of Large Lexica for Speech-to-Speech Translation Purposes

Sharoff, Serge

Towards Basic Categories for Describing Properties of Texts in a Corpus

Sharwood, Mike

ALLES: Integrating NLP in ICALL Applications

Shawar, Bayan Abu

A Chatbot as a Novel Corpus Visualization Tool

Shen, Wade

The Effect of Text Difficulty on Machine Translation Performance -- A Pilot Study with ILR-Rated Texts in Spanish, Farsi, Arabic, Russian and Korean

Sheremetyeva, Svetlana

A Flexible Language Acquisition Tool Kit for Natural Language Processing

Shigeyoshi, Kitazawa

Japanese MULTEXT: a Prosodic Corpus

Shikano, Kiyohiro

Perceptual Evaluation of Quality Deterioration Owing to Prosody Modification

Shimohata, Mitsuo

Building a Paraphrase Corpus for Speech Translation

Shin, Hyosik

Korean-Chinese-Japanese Multilingual Wordnet with Shared Semantic Hierarchy

Shinnou, Hiroyuki

Information Retrieval System Using Latent Contextual Relevance

Semi-supervised Learning by Fuzzy Clustering and Ensemble Learning

Shinya, Kiriyama

Japanese MULTEXT: a Prosodic Corpus

Siegel, Melanie

The DeepThought Core Architecture Framework

Siemund, Rainer

OrienTel - Telephony Databases Across Northern Africa and the Middle East

Silva, João

Evaluating Solutions for the Rapid Development of State-of-the-Art POS Taggers for Portuguese

Silva, Joaquim F. Ferreira da

Cluster Analysis and Classification of Named Entities

Silva, Raquel

The Verb in the Terminological Collocations. Contribution to the Development of a Morphological Analyser: MorphoCom

Simov, Alexander

The CLaRK System: XML-based Corpora Development System for Rapid Prototyping

Simov, Kiril

A Hybrid Strategy For Regular Grammar Parsing

A Language Resources Infrastructure for Bulgarian

Making Monolingual Corpora Comparable: a Case Study of Bulgarian and Croatian

The CLaRK System: XML-based Corpora Development System for Rapid Prototyping

Unexpected Productions May Well be Errors

Simpson, Jane

Management of Metadata in Linguistic Fieldwork: Experience from the ACLA Project

Sinopalnikova, Anna

Word Association Norms as a Unique Supplement of Traditional Language Resources

Sintek, Michael

Towards Ontology Engineering Based on Linguistic Analysis

Sjöbergh, Jonas

Finding the Correct Interpretation of Swedish Compounds, a Statistical Approach

Sklavounou, Elsa

Multimodal, Multilingual Resources in the Subtitling Process

Slavcheva, Milena

Verb Valency Descriptors for a Syntactic Treebank

Smaïli, Kamel

A Complete Understanding Speech System Based on Semantic Concepts

Language Modeling Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks

Small, Sharon

Designing a Realistic Evaluation of an End-to-end Interactive Question Answering System

Smeele, Paula

INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control

Smith, Carlota

Utilization of Multiple Language Resources for Robust Grammar-Based Tense and Aspect Classification

Smrz, Pavel

Top Ontology as a Tool for Semantic Role Tagging

Word Association Norms as a Unique Supplement of Traditional Language Resources

Snyder, Benjamin

Extending a Verb-lexicon Using a Semantically Annotated Corpus

Soler, Juan José Rodríguez

Methodology for Rapid Prototyping and Testing of ASR Based User Interfaces

Song, Peng

Designing a Realistic Evaluation of an End-to-end Interactive Question Answering System

Song, Youngbin

Korean-Chinese-Japanese Multilingual Wordnet with Shared Semantic Hierarchy

Sørensen, Henrik Selsøe

The Bilingual Web Dictionary on Demand

Soria, Claudia

Semantic Mark-up of Italian Legal Texts Through NLP-based Techniques

Sornlertlamvanich, Virach

Enriching a Thai Lexical Database with Selectional Preferences

Open Collaborative Development of the Thai Language Resources for Natural Language Processing

Soudi, Abdelhadi

An Emerging Transcontinental Collaborative Research and Education Agenda in Human Language Technologies

Generating an Arabic Full-form Lexicon for Bidirectional Morphology Lookup

Spranger, Kristina

Automatic Methods to Supplement Broad-Coverage Subcategorization Lexicons

Identifying Morphosyntactic Preferences in Collocations

Srdanović, Irena

Making an XML-based Japanese-Slovene Learners' Dictionary

Staab, Steffen

Clustering Concept Hierarchies from Text

Stamou, Sofia

Exploring Balkanet Shared Ontology for Multilingual Conceptual Indexing

Handling Subtle Sense Distinctions Through Wordnet Semantic Types

Stanford, Vincent M.

The NIST Meeting Room Pilot Corpus

Stankoviæ, Ranka

Combining Heterogeneous Lexical Resources

Steedman, Mark

An Annotation Scheme for Information Status in Dialogue

Steffen, Alexander

The BITS Speech Synthesis Corpus for German

Steffen, Diana

Evaluation Resources for Concept-based Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in the Medical Domain

Steffen, Jörg

Integrated Language Technologies for Multilingual Information Services in the MEMPHIS Project

N-Gram Language Modeling for Robust Multi-Lingual Document Classification

Steidl, S.

"You Stupid Tin Box" - Children Interacting with the AIBO Robot: A Cross-linguistic Emotional Speech Corpus.

Steiner, Erich

The MULI Project: Annotation and Analysis of Information Structure in German and English

Steinert, Kai

Evaluation of Microphone Array Front-Ends for ASR - an Extension of the AURORA Framework

Stephan, Jens

Evaluation of Multi-party Virtual Reality Dialogue Interaction

Evaluation of Transcription and Annotation Tools for a Multi-modal, Multi-party Dialogue Corpus

Issues in Corpus Development for Multi-party Multi-modal Task-oriented Dialogue

Stergar, Janez

A Data-driven Adaptation of Prosody in a Multilingual TTS

Stevenson, Mark

EuroWordNet as a Resource for Cross-language Information Retrieval

Storrer, Angelika

Exploiting Coreference Annotations for Text-to-Hypertext Conversion

Strapparava, Carlo

WordNet Affect: an Affective Extension of WordNet

Strassel, Stephanie

Annotation Tools for Large-Scale Corpus Development: Using AGTK at the Linguistic Data Consortium

Linguistic Resources for Effective, Affordable, Reusable Speech-to-Text

The Automatic Content Extraction (ACE) Program – Tasks, Data, and Evaluation

Strik, Helmer

Improving Automatic Phonetic Transcription of Spontaneous Speech Through Variant-Based Pronunciation Variation Modelling

On the Usefulness of Large Spoken Language Corpora for Linguistic Research

Strömqvist, Sven

A Large Metadata Domain of Language Resources

Strzalkowski, Tomek

Designing a Realistic Evaluation of an End-to-end Interactive Question Answering System

Suárez-Figueroa, M. Carmen

Ontology Evaluation Functionalities of RDF(S), DAML+OIL, and OWL Parsers and Ontology Platforms

Suderman, Keith

The American National Corpus First Release

Sugiura, Masatoshi

Connector Usage in the English Essay Writing of Japanese EFL Learners

Suguru, Saito

Classification of Japanese Spatial Nouns

Sukno, Federico

AV@CAR: A Spanish Multichannel Multimodal Corpus for In-Vehicle Automatic Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

Sumita, Eiichiro

Building a Paraphrase Corpus for Speech Translation

How Does Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation Correlate with Human Scoring as the Number of Reference Translations Increases?

Incremental Methods to Select Test Sentences for Evaluating Translation Ability

Sun, Ying

Designing a Realistic Evaluation of an End-to-end Interactive Question Answering System

Sundheim, Beth

Resources for Place Name Analysis

Surcin, Sylvain

Technolangue: A Permanent Evaluation and Information Infrastructure

Suzuki, Hisami

Phrase-Based Dependency Evaluation of a Japanese Parser

Using the Penn Treebank to Evaluate Non-Treebank Parsers

Swerts, Marc

Evaluation of Consensus on the Annotation of Prosodic Breaks in the Romance Corpus of Spontaneous Speech "C-ORAL-ROM"

The Influence of the Labeller’s Regional Background on Phonetic Transcriptions: Implications for the Evaluation of Spoken Language Resources

Swift, Mary D.

Semi-automatic Syntactic and Semantic Corpus Annotation with a Deep Parser

Szakadát, István

Creating Open Language Resources for Hungarian

Szaszak, Gyorgy

The COST 278 MASPER Initiative - Crosslingual Speech Recognition with Large Telephone Databases

Szekely, Rachel

Annotating Noun Argument Structure for NomBank

The Cross-Breeding of Dictionaries



Tabassi, Elham

The NIST Meeting Room Pilot Corpus

Tablan, Valentin

Web Services Architecture for Language Resources

Tadić, Marko

Enlarging the Croatian Morphological Lexicon by Automatic Lexical Acquisition from Raw Corpora

Making Monolingual Corpora Comparable: a Case Study of Bulgarian and Croatian

Tagnin, Stella E. O.

The Lácio-Web: Corpora and Tools to Advance Brazilian Portuguese Language Investigations and Computational Linguistic Tools

Taiichi, Hashimoto

Retrieving Annotated Corpora for Corpus Annotation

Takenobu, Tokunaga

Classification of Japanese Spatial Nouns

Retrieving Annotated Corpora for Corpus Annotation

Takezawa, Toshiyuki

A Comparative Study on Human Communication Behaviors and Linguistic Characteristics for Speech-to-Speech Translation

Talukdar, Partha Pratim

Automatic Generation of Compound Word Lexicon for Hindi Speech Synthesis

Tamburini, Fabio

Building Distributed Language Resources By Grid Computing

Tanaka, Hozumi

Evaluating the FOKS Error Model

Tanev, Hristo

Multilingual Pattern Libraries for Question Answering: a Case Study for Definition Questions

Tang, Li

A Model of Semantic Representations Analysis for Chinese Sentences

Building a Conceptual Graph Bank for Chinese Language

Tateisi, Yuka

Part-of-Speech Annotation of Biology Research Abstracts

Taulé, M.

MiniCors and Cast3LB: Two Semantically Tagged Spanish Corpora

Teich, Elke

The MULI Project: Annotation and Analysis of Information Structure in German and English

Teixeira, António

An Acoustic Corpus Contemplating Regional Variation for Studies of European Portuguese Nasals

Telljohann, Heike

The Tüba-D/Z Treebank: Annotating German with a Context-Free Backbone

Termier, A.

Highlighting Latent Structure in Documents

Tetreault, Joel R.

Evaluation of Transcription and Annotation Tools for a Multi-modal, Multi-party Dialogue Corpus

Semi-automatic Syntactic and Semantic Corpus Annotation with a Deep Parser

Teufel, Simone

Agreement in Human Factoid Annotation for Summarization Evaluation

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

Thies, Alexandra

CoGesT: a Formal Transcription System for Conversational Gesture

Thomsen, Hanne Erdman

Principles of a System for Terminological Concept Modelling

Thurmair, Gregor

Multilingual Content Processing

Tiedemann, Jörg

MT Goes Farming: Comparing Two Machine Translation Approaches on a New Domain

The OPUS Corpus - Parallel and Free:

Tihelka, Daniel

The Design of Czech Language Formal Listening Tests for the Evaluation of TTS Systems

Timimi, Ismail

EVALDA-CESART Project: Terminological Resources Acquisition Tools Evaluation Campaign

Ting, Liu

Designing a Realistic Evaluation of an End-to-end Interactive Question Answering System

Toda, Tomoki

Perceptual Evaluation of Quality Deterioration Owing to Prosody Modification

Todirascu, Amalia

Experiments on Building Language Resources for Multi-Modal Dialogue Systems

Tomofumi, Koyama

Classification of Japanese Spatial Nouns

Topper, Michael

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

Torcy, Patrick de

The Integral Dictionary: An Ontological Resource for the Semantic Web: Integration of EuroWordNet, Balkanet, TID, and SUMO

Torrejon, Enrique

ALLES: Integrating NLP in ICALL Applications

Torres, I.

Evaluation of a Spoken Phonetic Database in Basque Language

Toshihiko, Itoh

Japanese MULTEXT: a Prosodic Corpus

Tovar, C.

Development of Resources for a Bilingual Automatic Index System of Broadcast News in Basque and Spanish

Traboulsi, Hayssam

Text Corpora, Local Grammars and Prediction

Tran, Do-Dat

Spoken and Written Language Resources for Vietnamese

Traum, David

Evaluation of Multi-party Virtual Reality Dialogue Interaction

Evaluation of Transcription and Annotation Tools for a Multi-modal, Multi-party Dialogue Corpus

Issues in Corpus Development for Multi-party Multi-modal Task-oriented Dialogue

Trippel, Thorsten

CoGesT: a Formal Transcription System for Conversational Gesture

Concept-based Queries: Combining and Reusing Linguistic Corpus Formats and Query Languages

Consistent Storage of Metadata in Inference Lexica: the MetaLex Approach

Trommer, Jochen

A morphological Analyzer for Standard Albanian

Trón, Viktor

Creating Open Language Resources for Hungarian

Tropf, Herbert

Collection of SLR in the Asian-Pacific Area

OrienTel - Telephony Databases Across Northern Africa and the Middle East

Trutnev, Alex

Comparative Evaluations in the Domain of Automatic Speech Recognition

Speech Recognition Simulation and its Application for Wizard-of-Oz Experiments

Tsakou, Gianna

INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control

Tsao, Nai-Lung

Improving Collocation Extraction for High Frequency Words

Tsiakoulis, P.

Bypassing Greeklish!

Tsopanoglou, Anastasios

OrienTel - Telephony Databases Across Northern Africa and the Middle East

Tsovaltzi, Dimitra

An Annotated Corpus of Tutorial Dialogs on Mathematical Theorem Proving

Tsujii, Jun-ichi

Part-of-Speech Annotation of Biology Research Abstracts

Thesaurus or Logical Ontology, Which do we Need for Mining Text?

Tufiş, Dan

A Methodology and Associated Tools for Building Interlingual Wordnets

Term Translations in Parallel Corpora: Discovery and Consistency Check

Tiered Tagging Revisited

Word Sense Disambiguation as a Wordnets' Validation Method in Balkanet

Turmo, Jordi

Automatic Acquisition of Sense Examples Using ExRetriever

Automatic Building Gazetteers of Co-referring Named Entities

Automatic Classification of Geographic Named Entities

Turner, Alan

Meaningful Clusters

Tutin, Agnès

Annotation of Anaphoric Expressions in an Aligned Bilingual Corpus



Uchimoto, Kiyotaka

The Overview of the SST Speech Corpus of Japanese Learner English and Evaluation Through the Experiment on Automatic Detection of Learners' Errors

Ugartetxea, S.

A XML-Based Term Extraction Tool for Basque

Ugray, Gábor

A New Approach to the Corpus-based Statistical Investigation of Hungarian Multi-word Lexemes

Ule, Tylman

Unexpected Productions May Well be Errors

Ulivieri, Marisa

Unifying Lexicons in view of a Phonological and Morphological Lexical DB

Um, Yongnam

Creation and Assessment of Korean Speech and Noise DB in Car Environment

Umemura, Kyoji

Related Word-pairs Extraction Without Dictionaries

Uneson, Markus

Cross-Disciplinary Integration of Metadata Descriptions

A Large Metadata Domain of Language Resources

Uraga, Esmeralda

VOXMEX Speech Database: Design of a Phonetically Balanced Corpus

Uren, Victoria

Beyond TREC's Filtering Track

Urizar, R. 

A XML-Based Term Extraction Tool for Basque

Urua, Eno-Abasi

WALA: A Multilingual Resource Repository for West African Languages

Uryupina, Olga

Evaluating Name-Matching for Coreference Resolution

Uszkoreit, Hans

Evaluation Resources for Concept-based Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in the Medical Domain

Strategic Directions of National and International Research Funding

The MULI Project: Annotation and Analysis of Information Structure in German and English



Vahčič, Anton ml.

Making an XML-based Japanese-Slovene Learners' Dictionary

Valderrabanos, Antonio S.

ALLES: Integrating NLP in ICALL Applications

Valentín, Oriol

NLP-enhanced Error Checking for Catalan Unrestricted Text

Valitutti, Alessandro

WordNet Affect: an Affective Extension of WordNet

Van Bael, Christophe

On the Usefulness of Large Spoken Language Corpora for Linguistic Research

Van Compernolle, Dirk

Automatic Phonemic Labeling and Segmentation of Spoken Dutch

Evaluation and Adaptation of the Celex Dutch Morphological Database

Van den Heuvel, Henk

Collection of SLR in the Asian-Pacific Area

Creation and Validation of Large Lexica for Speech-to-Speech Translation Purposes

On the Usefulness of Large Spoken Language Corpora for Linguistic Research

SALA II Across the Finish Line: A Large Collection of Mobile Telephone Speech Databases from North and Latin America completed

SLR Validation: Current Trends and Developments

Van der Kamp, P. H. J.

Putting the Dutch PAROLE Corpus to Work

The Centre for Dutch Language and Speech Technology (TST Centre)

Van der Plas, Lonneke

Automatic Keyword Extraction from Spoken Text. A Comparison of Two Lexical Resources: EDR and WordNet

Van der Sluis, Ielka

Evaluating Multimodal NLG Using Production Experiments

Van Durme, Benjamin

Pronominal Anaphora Resolution for Unrestricted Text

Van Halteren, Hans

Agreement in Human Factoid Annotation for Summarization Evaluation

Van hamme, Hugo

Evaluation and Adaptation of the Celex Dutch Morphological Database

Use and Evaluation of Prosodic Annotations in Dutch

Vandecatseye, An

The COST278 Pan-European Broadcast News Database

Vandeghinste, Vincent

Using a Parallel Transcript/Subtitle Corpus for Sentence Compression

Vanderwende, Lucy

Using the Penn Treebank to Evaluate Non-Treebank Parsers

Vanroose, Peter

Multimodal, Multilingual Resources in the Subtitling Process

Vasilakopoulos, Argyrios

A Suite of Tools for Marking Up Textual Data for Temporal Text Mining Scenarios

Vasilescu, Florentina

Evaluating Variants of the Lesk Approach for Disambiguating Words

Vasilescu, I.

Reliability of Lexical and Prosodic Cues in Two Real-life Spoken Dialog Corpora

Vàzquez, Glòria

Semantic Categorization of Spanish Se-constructions

Vázquez, Sonia

Enriching EWN with Syntagmatic Information by Means of WSD

Veale, Tony

Concept Creation in Lexical Ontologies

Enriching WordNet Via Generative Metonymy and Creative Polysemy

Polysemy and Category Structure in WordNet: An Evidential Approach

Vega, Rodolfo

Data Collection and Analysis of Mapudungun Morphology for Spelling Correction

Veiga, Arlindo O.

An Efficient Word Confidence Measure Using Likelihood Ratio Scores

Velardi, Paola

Automatic Generation of Glosses in the OntoLearn System

Verdonik, Darinka

Acquisition and Annotation of Slovenian Broadcast News Database

Creating Slovenian Language Resources for Development of Speech-to-speech Translation Components

Vergnes, Myriam

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

Veronis, Jean

The C-ORAL-ROM CORPUS. A Multilingual Resource of Spontaneous Speech for Romance Languages

Veselá, Kateřina

Annotators’ Agreement: The Case of Topic-Focus Articulation

Vetulani, Zygmunt

An Environment for Dialogue Corpora Collection (ENDIACC)

Vicsi, Klara

The COST 278 MASPER Initiative - Crosslingual Speech Recognition with Large Telephone Databases

Vigouroux, Nadine

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

Vikner, Carl

Principles of a System for Terminological Concept Modelling

Vilain, Marc

Building part-of-speech Corpora Through Histogram Hopping

Villada, Begoña

A New Approach to the Corpus-based Statistical Investigation of Hungarian Multi-word Lexemes

Villada, M. Begoña

Discarding Noise in an Automatically Acquired Lexicon of Support verb Constructions

Villaneau, J.

The French MEDIA/EVALDA Project: the Evaluation of the Understanding Capability of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems.

Villarejo, Luís

Spanish WordNet 1.6: Porting the Spanish Wordnet Across Princeton Versions

Villavicencio, Aline

A Multilingual Database of Idioms

Villegas, Marta

Cost-effective Cross-lingual Document Classification

Vilnat, Anne

The Ongoing Evaluation Campaign of Syntactic Parsing of French: EASY

Vintar, Špela

Evaluation Resources for Concept-based Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in the Medical Domain

Vitas, Duško

Combining Heterogeneous Lexical Resources

Vivaldi, Jordi

Mercedes, a Term-in-Context Highlighter

Vivaldi, Jorge

Automatically Selecting Domain Markers for Terminology Extraction

The GENOMA-KB Project: Towards the Integration of Concepts, Terms, Textual Corpora and Entities

Vlaj, Damjan

Acquisition and Annotation of Slovenian Broadcast News Database

Vo, Bao Quoc

An Annotated Corpus of Tutorial Dialogs on Mathematical Theorem Proving

Vogel, Stephan

Augmenting Manual Dictionaries for Statistical Machine Translation Systems

Interpreting BLEU/NIST Scores: How Much Improvement do We Need to Have a Better System?

Language Model Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation Based on Information Retrieval

Volk, Martin

Evaluation Resources for Concept-based Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in the Medical Domain

Volpi, Alessandra

Introducing the La Repubblica Corpus: A Large Annotated TEI(XML)-compliant Corpus of Newspaper Italian

Voormann, Holger

Querying Both Time-aligned and Hierarchical Corpora with NXT Search

Vovos, Anestis

INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control

Vriend, Folkert de

SLR Validation: Current Trends and Developments

Vu, Xuan Luong

Developping Tools and Building Linguistic Resources for Vietnamese Morpho-syntactic Processing



Wacholder, Nina

Designing a Realistic Evaluation of an End-to-end Interactive Question Answering System

Wagner, Andreas

A Syntactically Annotated Corpus of Tibetan

Waibel, Alex

Interpreting BLEU/NIST Scores: How Much Improvement do We Need to Have a Better System?

Language Model Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation Based on Information Retrieval

Waldron, Benjamin

A Lexicon Module for a Grammar Development Environment

A Multilingual Database of Idioms

Walker, Kevin

The Fisher Corpus: a Resource for the Next Generations of Speech-to-Text

The Mixer Corpus of Multilingual, Multichannel Speaker Recognition Data

Walker, Marilyn

Can We Talk? Prospects for Automatically Training Spoken Dialogue Systems

Wambacq, Patrick

Automatic Phonemic Labeling and Segmentation of Spoken Dutch

Wanner, Leo

Enriching the Spanish EuroWordNet by Collocations

Webb, Nick

Human Dialogue Modelling Using Annotated Corpora

Webber, Bonnie

The Penn Discourse Treebank

Wehrli, Eric

Using the Web as a Corpus for the Syntactic-Based Collocation Identification

Weijnitz, Per

MT Goes Farming: Comparing Two Machine Translation Approaches on a New Domain

Weilhammer, Karl

Automated Morphological Segmentation and Evaluation

Weinstein, Clifford

The Effect of Text Difficulty on Machine Translation Performance -- A Pilot Study with ILR-Rated Texts in Spanish, Farsi, Arabic, Russian and Korean

Weischedel, Ralph

The Automatic Content Extraction (ACE) Program – Tasks, Data, and Evaluation

Weiss, Christian

A Framework for Data-driven Video-realistic Audio-visual Speech-synthesis

Wermter, Joachim

An Annotated German-Language Medical Text Corpus as Language Resource

Pumping Documents Through a Domain and Genre Classification Pipeline

Wible, David

Improving Collocation Extraction for High Frequency Words

Widdows, Dominic

Evaluation Resources for Concept-based Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in the Medical Domain

Wiebel, Dirk

Dynamic Lexicographic Data Modelling. A Diachronic Dictionary Development Report

Wigglesworth, Gillian

Management of Metadata in Linguistic Fieldwork: Experience from the ACLA Project

Wilks, Yorick

Data Driven Ontology Evaluation

Human Dialogue Modelling Using Annotated Corpora

Image-Language Multimodal Corpora: Needs, Lacunae and an AI Synergy for Annotation

Web Services Architecture for Language Resources

Wilson, Stephen

A Multilingual Phonological Resource Toolkit for Ubiquitous Speech Technology

Phonological Treebanks. Issues in Generation and Application

Winkel, Adam

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

Wissing, Daan

A Spoken Afrikaans Language Resource Designed for Research on Pronunciation Variations

Witt, Andreas

Concept-based Queries: Combining and Reusing Linguistic Corpus Formats and Query Languages

Co-reference in Japanese Task-oriented Dialogues: A Contribution to the Development of Language-specific and Language-general Annotation Schemes and Resources

Wittenburg, Peter

A Large Metadata Domain of Language Resources

Architecture for Distributed Language Resource Management and Archiving

Cross-Disciplinary Integration of Metadata Descriptions

Using Profiles for IMDI Metadata Creation

Web Services Architecture for Language Resources

Wolff, Christian

Linguistic Corpus Search

Web Services for Language Resources and Language Technology Applications

Web Services for Language Resources and Language Technology Applications

Woliński, Marcin

A Search Tool for Corpora with Positional Tagsets and Ambiguities

Wolska, Magdalena

An Annotated Corpus of Tutorial Dialogs on Mathematical Theorem Proving

Wong, M.

"You Stupid Tin Box" - Children Interacting with the AIBO Robot: A Cross-linguistic Emotional Speech Corpus.

Woolner, David

Exploiting Semantic Web Technologies for Intelligent Access to Historical Documents

Wright, Sue Ellen

A Global Data Category Registry for Interoperable Language Resources

Wu, Dekai

Raising the Bar: Stacked Conservative Error Correction Beyond Boosting



Xiao, Zhonghua

The Lancaster Corpus of Mandarin Chinese: A Corpus for Monolingual and Contrastive Language Study



Yablonsky, Serge A.

Integration of Russian Language Resources

Yamamoto, Eiko

Extraction of Hyperonymy of Adjectives from Large Corpora by Using the Neural Network Model

Related Word-pairs Extraction Without Dictionaries

Yamamoto, Kazuhide

A Comparison of Two Variant Corpora: The Same Content with Different Source

Yamamoto, Seiichi

Incremental Methods to Select Test Sentences for Evaluating Translation Ability

Yang, Lingpeng

A Model of Semantic Representations Analysis for Chinese Sentences

Building a Conceptual Graph Bank for Chinese Language

Young, Brian

Annotating Noun Argument Structure for NomBank

The Cross-Breeding of Dictionaries

Yu, Shiwen

Distributional Consistency: As a General Method for Defining a Core Lexicon

Yu, Yi-Cheng

Collocation Extraction Using Web Statistics



Zacur, Ernesto

AV@CAR: A Spanish Multichannel Multimodal Corpus for In-Vehicle Automatic Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

Zanchetta, Eros

XTERM: A Flexible Standard-Compliant XML-Based Termbase Management System

Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo

A Similarity Measure for Unsupervised Semantic Disambiguation

A2Q: An Agent-based Architecure for Multilingual Q&A

Large Scale Experiments for Semantic Labeling of Noun Phrases in Raw Text

Zeisler, Bettina

A Syntactically Annotated Corpus of Tibetan

Zervanou, Kalliopi

A Domain-Independent Approach to IE Rule Development

Zervas, Panagiotis

Learning to Predict Pitch Accents Using Bayesian Belief Networks for Greek Language

Žgank, Andrej

Acquisition and Annotation of Slovenian Broadcast News Database

The COST 278 MASPER Initiative - Crosslingual Speech Recognition with Large Telephone Databases

Zhang, Huarui

Distributional Consistency: As a General Method for Defining a Core Lexicon

Zhang, Ying

Interpreting BLEU/NIST Scores: How Much Improvement do We Need to Have a Better System?

Zhang, Zhu

CST Bank: A Corpus for the Study of Cross-document Structural Relationships

MEAD - A Platform for Multidocument Multilingual Text Summarization

Žibert, Janez

Development of Slovenian Broadcast News Speech Database

The COST278 Pan-European Broadcast News Database

Ziegenhain, Ute

Creation and Validation of Large Lexica for Speech-to-Speech Translation Purposes

Zielinska, Veronika

Annotating Noun Argument Structure for NomBank

The Cross-Breeding of Dictionaries

Zitouni, Imed

OrienTel - Telephony Databases Across Northern Africa and the Middle East

Zulueta, E.

Development of Resources for a Bilingual Automatic Index System of Broadcast News in Basque and Spanish