TOPICS: Browse articles of the conference sorted by topic
A - C - D - E - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - S - T - U - V - W
C |
Cognitive methods |
Integrating Metaphor Information into RDF/OWL EuroWordNet
From Human Communication to Intelligent User Interfaces: Corpora of Spoken Estonian
Estimating Word Phonosemantics
Learning properties of Noun Phrases: from data to functions
Controlled languages |
MeSH©: from a Controlled Vocabulary to a Processable Resource
Automatic Document Quality Control
Making Text Resources Accessible to the Reader: the Case of Patent Claims
Temporal Aspects of Terminology for Automatic Term Recognition: Case Study on Womens Studies Terms
The European Thesaurus on International Relations and Area Studies - a Multilingual Resource for Indexing, Retrieval, and Translation
The ATCOSIM Corpus of Non-Prompted Clean Air Traffic Control Speech
A Text-based Query Interface to OWL Ontologies
Corpus (creation, annotation, etc.) |
STC-TIMIT: Generation of a Single-channel Telephone Corpus
The U.S. Policy Agenda Legislation Corpus Volume 1 - a Language Resource from 1947 - 1998
SpatialML: Annotation Scheme, Corpora, and Tools
Selection of Japanese-English Equivalents by Integrating High-quality Corpora and Huge Amounts of Web Data
Does Netgraph Fit Prague Dependency Treebank?
Swedish-Turkish Parallel Treebank
Sentence Alignment in DPC: Maximizing Precision, Minimizing Human Effort
Introducing DRS (The Digital Replay System): a Tool for the Future of Corpus Linguistic Research and Analysis
The IFADV Corpus: a Free Dialog Video Corpus
Uncertainty Corpus: Resource to Study User Affect in Complex Spoken Dialogue Systems
Annotation Guidelines for Chinese-Korean Word Alignment
Ontology-Based XQuerying of XML-Encoded Language Resources on Multiple Annotation Layers
FATE: a FrameNet-Annotated Corpus for Textual Entailment
Unsupervised Resource Creation for Textual Inference Applications
On the Role of the NIMITEK Corpus in Developing an Emotion Adaptive Spoken Dialogue System
A Semantically Annotated Swedish Medical Corpus
Detecting Errors in Semantic Annotation
Glossa: a Multilingual, Multimodal, Configurable User Interface
A Test Suite for Inference Involving Adjectives
Cleaneval: a Competition for Cleaning Web Pages
SCARE: a Situated Corpus with Annotated Referring Expressions
Automatic Assessment of Japanese Text Readability Based on a Textbook Corpus
Sign Language Corpus Annotation: toward a new Methodology
LIRICS Semantic Role Annotation: Design and Evaluation of a Set of Data Categories
Automatic Rich Annotation of Large Corpus of Conversational transcribed speech: the Chunking Task of the EPAC Project
The Kalshnikov 691 Dependency Bank
Analysis and Performance of Morphological Query Expansion and Language-Filtering Words on Basque Web Searching
Chooser: a Multi-Task Annotation Tool
Corpus Analysis of Spoken Smart-Home Interactions with Older Users
Acquisition and Evaluation of a Dialog Corpus through WOz and Dialog Simulation Techniques
Towards a Vector Space Model for FrameNet-like Resources
Cross-Corpus Evaluation of Word Alignment
A Simple Method for Tagset Comparision
Towards the National Corpus of Polish
Ontology-Based Interface Specifications for a NLP Pipeline Architecture
The BNC Parsed with RASP4UIMA
An Automatic Close Copy Speech Synthesis Tool for Large-Scale Speech Corpus Evaluation
Building a Corpus of Temporal-Causal Structure
Annotating Superlatives
A Fully Annotated Corpus for Studying the Effect of Cognitive Ageing on Users Interactions with Spoken Dialogue Systems
A Multimodal Infant Behavior Annotation for Developmental Analysis of Demonstrative Expressions
A Flexible Wizard of Oz Environment for Rapid Prototyping
Evaluating Robustness Of A QA System Through A Corpus Of Real-Life Questions
Evaluation of Lexical Resources and Semantic Networks on a Corpus of Mental Associations
The Annotation Guidelines of the Latin Dependency Treebank and Index Thomisticus Treebank: the Treatment of some specific Syntactic Constructions in Latin
Building a Golden Collection of Parallel Multi-Language Word Alignment
Childrens Oral Reading Corpus (CHOREC): Description and Assessment of Annotator Agreement
Semantic Frame Annotation on the French MEDIA corpus
Word Alignment Annotation in a Japanese-Chinese Parallel Corpus
Manual vs Assisted Transcription of Prepared and Spontaneous Speech
Evaluating Dialogue Act Tagging with Naive and Expert Annotators
The 2008 Oriental COCOSDA Book Project: in Commemoration of the First Decade of Sustained Activities in Asia
Certification and Cleaning up of a Text Corpus: Towards an Evaluation of the Grammatical Quality of a Corpus
Developing a Phonemic and Syllabic Frequency Inventory for Spontaneous Spoken Castilian Spanish and their Comparison to Text-Based Inventories
Benchmark Databases for Video-Based Automatic Sign Language Recognition
Acquiring Naturalistic Concept Descriptions from the Web
What would you Ask a conversational Agent? Observations of Human-Agent Dialogues in a Museum Setting
Validating the Quality of Full Morphological Annotation
A Ground Truth Dataset for Matching Culturally Diverse Romanized Person Names
Using Semantically Annotated Corpora to Build Collocation Resources
A Suite to Compile and Analyze an LSP Corpus
Anaphoric Annotation in the ARRAU Corpus
Process Model for Composing High-quality Text Corpora
Division of Example Sentences Based on the Meaning of a Target Word Using Semi-Supervised Clustering
Is this NE tagger getting old?
CzEng 0.7: Parallel Corpus with Community-Supplied Translations
Toward Active Learning in Data Selection: Automatic Discovery of Language Features During Elicitation
Design and Recording of Czech Audio-Visual Database with Impaired Conditions for Continuous Speech Recognition
Thai Broadcast News Corpus Construction and Evaluation
Coding Emotional Events in Audiovisual Corpora
BOEMIE Ontology-Based Text Annotation Tool
Audio Database in Support of Potentiel Threat and Crisis Situation Management
Building of a Speech Corpus Optimised for Unit Selection TTS Synthesis
A Common Multimedia Annotation Framework for Cross Linking Cultural Heritage Digital Collections
CORP-ORAL: Spontaneous Speech Corpus for European Portuguese
Approximating Learning Curves for Active-Learning-Driven Annotation
Annotating an Arabic Learner Corpus for Error
AnCora: Multilevel Annotated Corpora for Catalan and Spanish
The LECTRA Corpus - Classroom Lecture Transcriptions in European Portuguese
Word-Based or Morpheme-Based? Annotation Strategies for Modern Hebrew Clitics
From D-Coi to SoNaR: a reference corpus for Dutch
Recording Speech of Children, Non-Natives and Elderly People for HLT Applications: the JASMIN-CGN Corpus.
Influence of Text Type and Text Length on Anaphoric Annotation
A Grid of Regional Language Archives
Enriching Frame Semantic Resources with Dependency Graphs
Scaling Answer Type Detection to Large Hierarchies
Creation of Learner Corpus and Its Application to Speech Recognition
Semantic Role Labeling Tools Trained on the Cast3LB-CoNNL-SemRol Corpus
Verb-Noun Collocation SyntLex Dictionary: Corpus-Based Approach
Automatic Extraction of Textual Elements from News Web Pages
Opinion Annotation in On-line Chinese Product Reviews
ALC: Alcohol Language Corpus
Building a Greek corpus for Textual Entailment
Constructing a Database of Non-Japanese Pronunciations of Different Japanese Romanizations
Connecting Text Mining and Pathways using the PathText Resource
The ACL Anthology Reference Corpus: A Reference Dataset for Bibliographic Research in Computational Linguistics
ASV Toolbox: a Modular Collection of Language Exploration Tools
Creating and Exploiting Multimodal Annotated Corpora
Design of a Multimodal Database for Research on Automatic Detection of Severe Apnoea Cases
Producing a Test Collection for Patent Machine Translation in the Seventh NTCIR Workshop
Learning the Species of Biomedical Named Entities from Annotated Corpora
Corpus Co-Occurrence, Dictionary and Wikipedia Entries as Resources for Semantic Relatedness Information
The AUTONOMATA Spoken Names Corpus
Detecting Co-Derivative Documents in Large Text Collections
Synchronizing Translated Movie Subtitles
RUNDKAST: an Annotated Norwegian Broadcast News Speech Corpus
Enriching the Venice Italian Treebank with Dependency and Grammatical Relations
Word Segmentation of Vietnamese Texts: a Comparison of Approaches
GENIA-GR: a Grammatical Relation Corpus for Parser Evaluation in the Biomedical Domain
Active Annotation in the LUNA Italian Corpus of Spontaneous Dialogues
Cross-Domain Dialogue Act Tagging
Spatiotemporal Annotation Using MiniSTEx: how to deal with Alternative, Foreign, Vague and/or Obsolete Names?
Enriching GermaNet with verb-noun relations - a case study of lexical acquisition
Talking and Looking: the SmartWeb Multimodal Interaction Corpus
Constructing a Corpus that Indicates Patterns of Modification between Draft and Final Translations by Human Translators
Exploiting Multiply Annotated Corpora in Biomedical Information Extraction Tasks
From Human Communication to Intelligent User Interfaces: Corpora of Spoken Estonian
Producing an Encyclopedic Dictionary using Patent Documents
Spatiotemporal Coding in ANVIL
Annotating Abstract Pronominal Anaphora in the DAD Project
Developing Corpus of Japanese Classroom Lecture Speech Contents
Comparing Italian parsers on a common Treebank: the EVALITA experience
Automatic extraction of subcategorization frames for Italian
Corpus Exploitation from Wikipedia for Ontology Construction
Annotation of Information Structure: an Evaluation across different Types of Texts
The ATCOSIM Corpus of Non-Prompted Clean Air Traffic Control Speech
An Empirical Approach to a Preliminary Successful Identification and Resolution of Temporal Expressions in Spanish News Corpora
Building a Bio-Event Annotated Corpus for the Acquisition of Semantic Frames from Biomedical Corpora
A Multi-Genre SMT System for Arabic to French
Dialogue, Speech and Images: the Companions Project Data Set
Entity Translation and Alignment in the ACE-07 ET Task
Language Resources and Chemical Informatics
The MoveOn Motorcycle Speech Corpus
Relationships between Nursing Converstaions and Activities
Creating a Research Collection of Question Answer Sentence Pairs with Amazons Mechanical Turk
Annotating Expressions of Opinion and Emotion in the Italian Content Annotation Bank
Frame Information Transfer from English to Italian
Semantic Annotations for Biology: a Corpus Development Initiative at the Jena University Language & Information Engineering (JULIE) Lab
A LAF/GrAF based Encoding Scheme for underspecified Representations of syntactic Annotations.
Design and Data Collection for Spoken Polish Dialogs Database
Automatic Emotional Degree Labeling for Speakers Anger Utterance during Natural Japanese Dialog
Building the Valency Lexicon of Arabic Verbs
Semantically Annotated Snapshot of the English Wikipedia
WOZ Acoustic Data Collection for Interactive TV
Parallel Multi-Theory Annotations of Syntactic Structure
ANAWIKI: Creating Anaphorically Annotated Resources through Web Cooperation
Automatic Phone Segmentation of Expressive Speech
Vox Populi Annotation: Measuring Intensity of Ideological Perspectives by Aggregating Group Judgments
Towards Spanish Verbs Selectional Preferences Automatic Acquisition: Semantic Annotation of the SenSem Corpus
Automatic Phoneme Segmentation with Relaxed Textual Constraints
Challenges in Pronoun Resolution System for Biomedical Text
A Bilingual Corpus of Inter-linked Events
The PIT Corpus of German Multi-Party Dialogues
MASC: the Manually Annotated Sub-Corpus of American English
EASY, Evaluation of Parsers of French: what are the Results?
Encoding Terms from a Scientific Domain in a Terminological Database: Methodology and Criteria
The QALL-ME Benchmark: a Multilingual Resource of Annotated Spoken Requests for Question Answering
Data Collection for the CHIL CLEAR 2007 Evaluation Campaign
From Sentence to Discourse: Building an Annotation Scheme for Discourse Based on Prague Dependency Treebank
SECTra_w.1: an Online Collaborative System for Evaluating, Post-editing and Presenting MT Translation Corpora
Adjudicator Agreement and System Rankings for Person Name Search
Language Resources for Studying Argument
The UJIpenchars Database: a Pen-Based Database of Isolated Handwritten Characters
Reusable Tagset Conversion Using Tagset Drivers
Parameters for Topic Boundary Detection in Multi-Party Dialogues
First Broadcast News Transcription System for Khmer Language
Targeting Chinese Nominal Compounds in Corpora
A Study of Parentheticals in Discourse Corpora - Implications for NLG Systems
A Real-World Emotional Speech Corpus for Modern Greek
A Three-stage Disfluency Classifier for Multi Party Dialogues
Linguistic Resources and Evaluation Techniques for Evaluation of Cross-Document Automatic Content Extraction
Borrowing Language Resources for Development of Automatic Speech Recognition for Low- and Middle-Density Languages
Deriving Rhetorical Complexity Data from the RST-DT Corpus
Quality Assurance of Automatic Annotation of Very Large Corpora: a Study based on heterogeneous Tagging System
Evaluating Complement-Modifier Distinctions in a Semantically Annotated Corpus
Annotating Subjective Content in Meetings
An eRulemaking Corpus: Identifying Substantive Issues in Public Comments
Resources for Persuasion
Diacritic Annotation in the Arabic Treebank and its Impact on Parser Evaluation
Finding the Sources and Targets of Subjective Expressions
Annotation of WordNet Verbs with TimeML Event Classes
Romanian Semantic Role Resource
Whats in a Colour? Studying and Contrasting Colours with COMPARA
A Linguistic Resource for Discovering Event Structures and Resolving Event Coreference
Treebank-Based Acquisition of LFG Parsing Resources for French
Production in a Multimodal Corpus: how Speakers Communicate Complex Actions
Linguistic Description and Automatic Extraction of Definitions from German Court Decisions
Characterization of Scientific and Popular Science Discourse in French, Japanese and Russian
Czech MWE Database
The ATIS Sign Language Corpus
In Contrast - A Complex Discourse Connective
Comparing Set-Covering Strategies for Optimal Corpus Design
Management of Large Annotation Projects Involving Multiple Human Judges: a Case Study of GALE Machine Translation Post-editing
The Penn Discourse TreeBank 2.0.
Personae: a Corpus for Author and Personality Prediction from Text
Using Movie Subtitles for Creating a Large-Scale Bilingual Corpora
Portuguese-English Word Alignment: some Experiments
A Corpus for Cross-Document Co-reference
Unsupervised Acquisition of Verb Subcategorization Frames from Shallow-Parsed Corpora
System Evaluation on a Named Entity Corpus from Clinical Notes
Navigating through Dense Annotation Spaces
Creating and Using a Correlated Corpus to Glean Communicative Commonalities
New Resources for Document Classification, Analysis and Translation Technologies
Parser Evaluation and the BNC: Evaluating 4 constituency parsers with 3 metrics
Annotation Tool Development for Large-Scale Corpus Creation Projects at the Linguistic Data Consortium
Experiments on Processing Overlapping Parallel Corpora
An AI-inspired intelligent agent/student architecture to combine Language Resources research and teaching
Creating Sentence-Aligned Parallel Text Corpora from a Large Archive of Potential Parallel Text using BITS and Champollion
Annotation and analysis of overlapping speech in political interviews
Projecting Propbank Roles onto the CCGbank
Word-level Dependency-structure Annotation to Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese and its Application
Bridging the Gap between Linguists and Technology Developers: Large-Scale, Sociolinguistic Annotation for Dialect and Speaker Recognition
The Italian Particle ne: Corpus Construction and Analysis
Constructing Evaluation Corpora for Automated Clinical Named Entity Recognition
Tagging a Hebrew Corpus: the Case of Participles
Collection and Preprocessing of Czech Sign Language Corpus for Sign Language Recognition
An Infrastructure, Tools and Methodology for Evaluation of Multicultural Name Matching Systems
German Today: a really extensive Corpus of Spoken Standard German
Enhancing the Arabic Treebank: a Collaborative Effort toward New Annotation Guidelines
Annotating Topics of Opinions
A Comparative Cross-Domain Study of the Occurrence of Laughter in Meeting and Seminar Corpora
GMT to +2 or how can TimeML be used in Romanian
Lexicon, Grammar, and Multilinguality in the Japanese FrameNet
Pragmatic Annotation of Discourse Markers in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus (Arabic- Spanish-English)
Assessing the Costs of Machine-Assisted Corpus Annotation through a User Study
Corpus and Voices for Catalan Speech Synthesis
Identification of Naturally Occurring Numerical Expressions in Arabic
MTriage: Web-enabled Software for the Creation, Machine Translation, and Annotation of Smart Documents
Hungarian Word-Sense Disambiguated Corpus
Semantic Annotation Layer in Russian National Corpus: Lexical Classes of Nouns and Adjectives
A Unified Database of Dependency Treebanks: Integrating, Quantifying & Evaluating Dependency Data
Developments of Lëtzebuergesch Resources for Automatic Speech Processing and Linguistic Studies
Parallel Creation of Gigaword Corpora for Medium Density Languages - an Interim Report
Construction and Analysis of Word-level Time-aligned Simultaneous Interpretation Corpus
15 Years of Language Resource Creation and Sharing: a Progress Report on LDC Activities
IrcamCorpusTools: an Extensible Platform for Spoken Corpora Exploitation
An Unsupervised Probabilistic Approach for the Detection of Outliers in Corpora
Building an Annotated Corpus for Text Summarization and Question Answering
Annotating Students Understanding of Science Concepts
Linguistic Resources for Reconstructing Spontaneous Speech Text
Annotating tense in a Tense-less Language
Head or Non-head? Semi-automatic Procedures for Extracting and Classifying Subcategorisation Properties of Compounds.
Multimodal Spontaneous Expressive Speech Corpus for Hungarian
The JOS Morphosyntactically Tagged Corpus of Slovene
Speaker Recognition: Building the Mixer 4 and 5 Corpora
PASSAGE: from French Parser Evaluation to Large Sized Treebank
Annotation of Nuggets and Relevance in GALE Distillation Evaluation
Quick Rich Transcriptions of Arabic Broadcast News Speech Data
Words in Contexts: Digital Editions of Literary Journals in the AAC - Austrian Academy Corpus
Towards Formal Interpretation of Semantic Annotation
Towards a Reference Corpus of Web Genres for the Evaluation of Genre Identification Systems
An Exchange Format for Multimodal Annotations
The Metadata-Database of a Next Generation Sustainability Web-Platform for Language Resources
L |
Language modelling |
On the Use of Web Resources and Natural Language Processing Techniques to Improve Automatic Speech Recognition Systems
Morphosyntactic Resources for Automatic Speech Recognition
Presentation of the New ISO-Standard for the Representation of Entries in Dictionaries: ISO 1951
Local Methods for On-Demand Out-of-Vocabulary Word Retrieval
I saw TREE trees in the park: How to Correct Real-Word Spelling Mistakes
A Comparative Study on Language Identification Methods
A Proper Approach to Japanese Morphological Analysis: Dictionary, Model, and Evaluation
Using Log-linear Models for Tuning Machine Translation Output
Statistical Identification of English Loanwords in Korean Using Automatically Generated Training Data
Professor or Screaming Beast? Detecting Anomalous Words in Chinese
Creation of Learner Corpus and Its Application to Speech Recognition
A Contextual Dynamic Network Model for WSD Using Associative Concept Dictionary
DIAC+: a Professional Diacritics Recovering System
Authorship Attribution of E-Mail: Comparing Classifiers over a New Corpus for Evaluation
Using a Probabilistic Model of Context to Detect Word Obfuscation
From Extracting to Abstracting: Generating Quasi-abstractive Summaries
Clustering of Terms from Translation Dictionaries and Synonyms Lists to Automatically Build more Structured Linguistic Resources
Sentiment Analysis Based on Probabilistic Models Using Inter-Sentence Information
Automatic Rewriting of Patient Record Narratives
Phrase-Based Machine Translation based on Simulated Annealing
A Common Ground for Virtual Humans: Using an Ontology in a Natural Language Oriented Virtual Human Architecture
Bootstrapping Language Description: the case of Mpiemo (Bantu A, Central African Republic)
A Lightweight and Efficient Tool for Cleaning Web Pages
Lexicon, lexical database |
A Compact Arabic Lexical Semantics Language Resource Based on the Theory of Semantic Fields
The Encoding of lexical implications in VerbNet Predicates of change of locations
Integrating Metaphor Information into RDF/OWL EuroWordNet
Exploiting Lexical Resources for Disambiguating CJK and Arabic Orthographic Variants
MeSH©: from a Controlled Vocabulary to a Processable Resource
Building Affective Lexicons from Specific Corpora for Automatic Sentiment Analysis
A Multi-Lingual Dictionary of Dirty Words
LexSchem: a Large Subcategorization Lexicon for French Verbs
Learning-based Detection of Scientific Terms in Patient Information
A Test Suite for Inference Involving Adjectives
Automatic Construction of a Japanese-Chinese Dictionary via English
Adjectives in the Dutch Semantic Lexical Database CORNETTO
Named Entity WordNet
New Functions of FrameSQL for Multilingual FrameNets
Local Methods for On-Demand Out-of-Vocabulary Word Retrieval
AnCora-Verb: A Lexical Resource for the Semantic Annotation of Corpora
Ensuring Semantic Interoperability on Lexical Resources
Exploring and Navigating: Tools for GermaNet
Conceptual Modeling of Ontology-based Linguistic Resources with a Focus on Semantic Relations
Ontologizing Lexicon Access Functions based on an LMF-based Lexicon Taxonomy
A Semantic Memory for Incremental Ontology Population
Evaluation of Lexical Resources and Semantic Networks on a Corpus of Mental Associations
Lexical Resources for Automatic Translation of Constructed Neologisms: the Case Study of Relational Adjectives
Integrating Lexical Units, Synsets and Ontology in the Cornetto Database
A Proper Approach to Japanese Morphological Analysis: Dictionary, Model, and Evaluation
Semi-automatic Building Method for a Multidimensional Affect Dictionary for a New Language
Lexical Substitution as a Framework for Multiword Evaluation
Certification and Cleaning up of a Text Corpus: Towards an Evaluation of the Grammatical Quality of a Corpus
Harvesting Multi-Word Expressions from Parallel Corpora
Using Semantically Annotated Corpora to Build Collocation Resources
Geo-WordNet: Automatic Georeferencing of WordNet
Tools for Collocation Extraction: Preferences for Active vs. Passive
Automatic Acquisition for low frequency lexical items
Dictionary of Multiword Expressions for Translation into highly Inflected Languages
A Knowledge-Modeling Approach for Multilingual Regulus Lexica
LC-STAR II: Starring more Lexica
A Japanese-English Technical Lexicon for Translation and Language Research
KYOTO: a System for Mining, Structuring and Distributing Knowledge across Languages and Cultures
Domain-Specific English-To-Spanish Translation of FrameNet
Enriching Frame Semantic Resources with Dependency Graphs
Hydra: a Modal Logic Tool for Wordnet Development, Validation and Exploration
Complete and Consistent Annotation of WordNet using the Top Concept Ontology
The Automatic Mapping of Princeton WordNet Lexical-Conceptual Relations onto the Brazilian Portuguese WordNet Database
Communicating Unknown Words in Machine Translation
How to Evaluate and Raise the Quality in a Collaborative Lexicographic Approach
Verb-Noun Collocation SyntLex Dictionary: Corpus-Based Approach
Post-MT Term Swapper: Supplementing a Statistical Machine Translation System with a User Dictionary
Temporal Aspects of Terminology for Automatic Term Recognition: Case Study on Womens Studies Terms
Boot-Strapping a WordNet Using Multiple Existing WordNets
Opinion Annotation in On-line Chinese Product Reviews
COLDIC, a Lexicographic Platform for LMF compliant lexica
Extracting Lexical Semantic Knowledge from Wikipedia and Wiktionary
Adapting International Standard for Asian Language Technologies
Building Bilingual Lexicons using Lexical Translation Probabilities via Pivot Languages
The Extended Architecture of Hantology for Japan Kanji
Extraction of Attribute Concepts from Japanese Adjectives
Arabic WordNet: Semi-automatic Extensions using Bayesian Inference
Merging a Syntactic Resource with a WordNet: a Feasibility Study of a Merge between STO and DanNet
Standardising Bilingual Lexical Resources According to the Lexicon Markup Framework
WNTERM: Enriching the MCR with a Terminological Dictionary
Combined Systems for Automatic Phonetic Transcription of Proper Nouns
Corpus-based Semantic Relatedness for the Construction of Polish WordNet
Mapping Events and Abstract Entities from PAROLE-SIMPLE-CLIPS to ItalWordNet
Corpus Co-Occurrence, Dictionary and Wikipedia Entries as Resources for Semantic Relatedness Information
Developing Verb Frames for Hindi
Romanian Lexical Data Bases: Inflected and Syllabic Forms Dictionaries
Enriching GermaNet with verb-noun relations - a case study of lexical acquisition
JMWNL: an Extensible Multilingual Library for Accessing Wordnets in Different Languages
Evaluating a German Sketch Grammar: A Case Study on Noun Phrase Case
DIAC+: a Professional Diacritics Recovering System
Acquiring Pronunciation Data for a Placenames Lexicon in a Less-Resourced Language
Evaluating the Relationship between Linguistic and Geographic Distances using a 3D Visualization
Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition for Part of Speech Tagging
Frame Information Transfer from English to Italian
A lexicon for biology and bioinformatics: the BOOTStrep experience.
A Bottom-up Comparative Study of EuroWordNet and WordNet 3.0 Lexical and Semantic Relations
Building the Valency Lexicon of Arabic Verbs
Simple-Clips ongoing research: more information with less data by implementing inheritance
Development of the Japanese WordNet
MASC: the Manually Annotated Sub-Corpus of American English
Boosting Precision and Recall of Hyponymy Relation Acquisition from Hierarchical Layouts in Wikipedia
Lexical Resources for Semantics Extraction
Encoding Terms from a Scientific Domain in a Terminological Database: Methodology and Criteria
Improving NER in Arabic Using a Morphological Tagger
Building a Bilingual Representation of the Roget Thesaurus for French to English Machine Translation
Using Lexical Acquisition to Enrich a Predicate Argument Reusable Database
Clustering of Terms from Translation Dictionaries and Synonyms Lists to Automatically Build more Structured Linguistic Resources
Generating Bilingual Dictionaries by Transitivity
Enhancing an English-Polish Electronic Dictionary for Multiword Expression Research
Towards Semi Automatic Construction of a Lexical Ontology for Persian
UFRA: a UIMA-based Approach to Federated Language Resource Architecture
Quality Assurance of Automatic Annotation of Very Large Corpora: a Study based on heterogeneous Tagging System
Evaluating Complement-Modifier Distinctions in a Semantically Annotated Corpus
A Bootstrapping Method for Building Subjectivity Lexicons for Languages with Scarce Resources
Valentino: A Tool for Valence Shifting of Natural Language Texts
Annotation of WordNet Verbs with TimeML Event Classes
Generating a Morphological Lexicon of Organization Entity Names
Chinese Term Extraction Based on Delimiters
Knowledge Sources for Bridging Resolution in Multi-Party Dialog
ProPOSEL: A Prosody and POS English Lexicon for Language Engineering
Czech MWE Database
Unsupervised Acquisition of Verb Subcategorization Frames from Shallow-Parsed Corpora
A Multilingual Database of Polarity Items
Creating Glossaries Using Pattern-Based and Machine Learning Techniques
Evaluating and Extending the Coverage of HPSG Grammars: A Case Study for German
Induction of Treebank-Aligned Lexical Resources
Lexicon Schemas and Related Data Models: when Standards Meet Users
Building a Multilingual Lexical Resource for Named Entity Disambiguation, Translation and Transliteration
Modelling Word Similarity: an Evaluation of Automatic Synonymy Extraction Algorithms.
Using Similarity Measures to Extend the LinGO Lexicon
Smarty - Extendable Framework for Bilingual and Multilingual Comprehension Assistants
Mapping Rogets Thesaurus and WordNet to French
A Method for Automatically Constructing Case Frames for English
Semantic Annotation Layer in Russian National Corpus: Lexical Classes of Nouns and Adjectives
Acquiring a Poor Mans Inflectional Lexicon for German
ODL: an Object Description Language for Lexical Information
A Pilot Arabic Propbank
Evaluation of Context-Dependent Phrasal Translation Lexicons for Statistical Machine Translation
More Semantic Links in the SIMPLE-CLIPS Database
Prolexbase: a Multilingual Relational Lexical Database of Proper Names
Amazigh Language Terminology in Morocco or Management of a Multidimensional Variation
LR Infrastructures and Architectures |
Tapping Huge Temporally Indexed Textual Resources with WCTAnalyze
Ontology-Based XQuerying of XML-Encoded Language Resources on Multiple Annotation Layers
Language Resources and Tools for Swedish: A Survey
Glossa: a Multilingual, Multimodal, Configurable User Interface
AnCora-Verb: A Lexical Resource for the Semantic Annotation of Corpora
Exploring and Enriching a Language Resource Archive via the Web
Towards the National Corpus of Polish
Ontology-Based Interface Specifications for a NLP Pipeline Architecture
The BNC Parsed with RASP4UIMA
ISOcat: Corralling Data Categories in the Wild
An Inverted Index for Storing and Retrieving Grammatical Dependencies
The 2008 Oriental COCOSDA Book Project: in Commemoration of the First Decade of Sustained Activities in Asia
Process Model for Composing High-quality Text Corpora
Babylon Parallel Text Builder: Gathering Parallel Texts for Low-Density Languages
CLARIN: Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure
A Common Multimedia Annotation Framework for Cross Linking Cultural Heritage Digital Collections
Integration of a Multilingual Keyword Extractor in a Document Management System
Foundation of a Component-based Flexible Registry for Language Resources and Technology
Building a Federation of Language Resource Repositories: the DAM-LR Project and its Continuation within CLARIN.
A Grid of Regional Language Archives
Language-Sites: Accessing and Presenting Language Resources via Geographic Information Systems
The Dutch-Flemish Comprehensive Approach to HLT Stimulation and Innovation: STEVIN, HLT Agency and beyond
Extracting Lexical Semantic Knowledge from Wikipedia and Wiktionary
Adapting International Standard for Asian Language Technologies
Merging a Syntactic Resource with a WordNet: a Feasibility Study of a Merge between STO and DanNet
ASV Toolbox: a Modular Collection of Language Exploration Tools
A Coreference Corpus and Resolution System for Dutch
User-Centred Design of Error Correction Tools
JMWNL: an Extensible Multilingual Library for Accessing Wordnets in Different Languages
Slovene Terminology Web Portal and the TBX-Compatible Simplified DTD/schema
A Large-Scale Web Data Collection as a Natural Language Processing Infrastructure
Semantic Annotations for Biology: a Corpus Development Initiative at the Jena University Language & Information Engineering (JULIE) Lab
Enhancing an English-Polish Electronic Dictionary for Multiword Expression Research
UFRA: a UIMA-based Approach to Federated Language Resource Architecture
A Multilingual Database of Polarity Items
An Infrastructure, Tools and Methodology for Evaluation of Multicultural Name Matching Systems
Lexicon, Grammar, and Multilinguality in the Japanese FrameNet
ODL: an Object Description Language for Lexical Information
Head or Non-head? Semi-automatic Procedures for Extracting and Classifying Subcategorisation Properties of Compounds.
A Guide for the Production of Reusable Language Resources
Towards Formal Interpretation of Semantic Annotation
LR national/international projects, organizational/policy issues |
A Compact Arabic Lexical Semantics Language Resource Based on the Theory of Semantic Fields
Language Resources and Tools for Swedish: A Survey
Exploring and Enriching a Language Resource Archive via the Web
Towards the National Corpus of Polish
LILA: Cellular Telephone Speech Databases from Asia
The 2008 Oriental COCOSDA Book Project: in Commemoration of the First Decade of Sustained Activities in Asia
AnCora: Multilevel Annotated Corpora for Catalan and Spanish
LC-STAR II: Starring more Lexica
From D-Coi to SoNaR: a reference corpus for Dutch
Building a Federation of Language Resource Repositories: the DAM-LR Project and its Continuation within CLARIN.
A Grid of Regional Language Archives
The Dutch-Flemish Comprehensive Approach to HLT Stimulation and Innovation: STEVIN, HLT Agency and beyond
Adapting International Standard for Asian Language Technologies
Construction of a Metadata Database for Efficient Development and Use of Language Resources
Merging a Syntactic Resource with a WordNet: a Feasibility Study of a Merge between STO and DanNet
The ACL Anthology Reference Corpus: A Reference Dataset for Bibliographic Research in Computational Linguistics
Corpus-based Semantic Relatedness for the Construction of Polish WordNet
Romanian Lexical Data Bases: Inflected and Syllabic Forms Dictionaries
Slovene Terminology Web Portal and the TBX-Compatible Simplified DTD/schema
Development of the Japanese WordNet
An Economic View on Human Language Technology Evaluation
Data Collection for the CHIL CLEAR 2007 Evaluation Campaign
An eRulemaking Corpus: Identifying Substantive Issues in Public Comments
Romanian Semantic Role Resource
The Linguistic Data Consortium Member Survey: Purpose, Execution and Results
Strengthening the Estonian Language Technology
15 Years of Language Resource Creation and Sharing: a Progress Report on LDC Activities
Authorship Identification of Romanian Texts with Controversial Paternity
Estimating the Resource Adaption Cost from a Resource Rich Language to a Similar Resource Poor Language
Latest Developments in ELRAs Services
MEDAR: Collaboration between European and Mediterranean Arabic Partners to Support the Development of Language Technology for Arabic
LR web services |
Glossa: a Multilingual, Multimodal, Configurable User Interface
Cleaneval: a Competition for Cleaning Web Pages
ParsCit: an Open-source CRF Reference String Parsing Package
Exploring and Enriching a Language Resource Archive via the Web
Ontologizing Lexicon Access Functions based on an LMF-based Lexicon Taxonomy
Benchmark Databases for Video-Based Automatic Sign Language Recognition
A Suite to Compile and Analyze an LSP Corpus
Process Model for Composing High-quality Text Corpora
Automatic Extraction of Textual Elements from News Web Pages
COLDIC, a Lexicographic Platform for LMF compliant lexica
Construction of a Metadata Database for Efficient Development and Use of Language Resources
Connecting Text Mining and Pathways using the PathText Resource
Slovene Terminology Web Portal and the TBX-Compatible Simplified DTD/schema
A Large-Scale Web Data Collection as a Natural Language Processing Infrastructure
ANAWIKI: Creating Anaphorically Annotated Resources through Web Cooperation
LX-Service: Web Services of Language Technology for Portuguese
UFRA: a UIMA-based Approach to Federated Language Resource Architecture
The Usage of Various Lexical Resources and Tools to Improve the Performance of Web Search Engines
Exploitation of an Arabic Language Resource for Machine Translation Evaluation: using Buckwalter-based Lookup Tool to Augment CMU Alignment Algorithm
RACAIs Linguistic Web Services
Words in Contexts: Digital Editions of Literary Journals in the AAC - Austrian Academy Corpus
M |
Machine Translation, SpeechToSpeech Translation |
Evaluation of Linguistics-Based Translation
Selection of Japanese-English Equivalents by Integrating High-quality Corpora and Huge Amounts of Web Data
Exploiting Lexical Resources for Disambiguating CJK and Arabic Orthographic Variants
Evaluation of a Machine Translation System for Low Resource Languages: METIS-II
Sentence Alignment in DPC: Maximizing Precision, Minimizing Human Effort
Automatic Translation of Biomedical Terms by Supervised Machine Learning
Automatic Construction of a Japanese-Chinese Dictionary via English
Rapid Deployment of a New METIS Language Pair: Catalan-English
Cross-Corpus Evaluation of Word Alignment
Improving Contextual Quality Models for MT Evaluation Based on Evaluators Feedback
Lexical Resources for Automatic Translation of Constructed Neologisms: the Case Study of Relational Adjectives
Building a Golden Collection of Parallel Multi-Language Word Alignment
Word Alignment Annotation in a Japanese-Chinese Parallel Corpus
Using Log-linear Models for Tuning Machine Translation Output
MISTRAL: a Statistical Machine Translation Decoder for Speech Recognition Lattices
Translation Adequacy and Preference Evaluation Tool (TAP-ET)
CzEng 0.7: Parallel Corpus with Community-Supplied Translations
Toward Active Learning in Data Selection: Automatic Discovery of Language Features During Elicitation
Generalising Lexical Translation Strategies for MT Using Comparable Corpora
Dictionary of Multiword Expressions for Translation into highly Inflected Languages
Communicating Unknown Words in Machine Translation
Odds of Successful Transfer of Low-Level Concepts: a Key Metric for Bidirectional Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation in DARPAs TRANSTAC Program
Post-MT Term Swapper: Supplementing a Statistical Machine Translation System with a User Dictionary
Building Bilingual Lexicons using Lexical Translation Probabilities via Pivot Languages
Developing Non-European Translation Pairs in a Medium-Vocabulary Medical Speech Translation System
Using Reordering in Statistical Machine Translation based on Alignment Block Classification
Producing a Test Collection for Patent Machine Translation in the Seventh NTCIR Workshop
Using Parsed Corpora for Estimating Stochastic Inversion Transduction Grammars
Towards Heterogeneous Automatic MT Error Analysis
Constructing a Corpus that Indicates Patterns of Modification between Draft and Final Translations by Human Translators
Applying Automated Metrics to Speech Translation Dialogs
Evaluation of a Cross-lingual Romanian-English Multi-document Summariser
Sensitivity of Automated MT Evaluation Metrics on Higher Quality MT Output: BLEU vs Task-Based Evaluation Methods
A Multi-Genre SMT System for Arabic to French
Entity Translation and Alignment in the ACE-07 ET Task
Lexical Resources for Semantics Extraction
Building a Bilingual Representation of the Roget Thesaurus for French to English Machine Translation
Generating Bilingual Dictionaries by Transitivity
Holy Moses! Leveraging Existing Tools and Resources for Entity Translation
Linguistic Structure and Bilingual Informants Help Induce Machine Translation of Lesser-Resourced Languages
Improving Statistical Machine Translation Efficiency by Triangulation
NineOneOne: Recognizing and Classifying Speech for Handling Minority Language Emergency Calls
Converting Romanized Persian to the Arabic Writing Systems
The ATIS Sign Language Corpus
Management of Large Annotation Projects Involving Multiple Human Judges: a Case Study of GALE Machine Translation Post-editing
Using Movie Subtitles for Creating a Large-Scale Bilingual Corpora
Portuguese-English Word Alignment: some Experiments
Creating Sentence-Aligned Parallel Text Corpora from a Large Archive of Potential Parallel Text using BITS and Champollion
Application of Resource-based Machine Translation to Real Business Scenes
Automatic Evaluation Measures for Statistical Machine Translation System Optimization
Phrase-Based Machine Translation based on Simulated Annealing
Translation-oriented Word Sense Induction Based on Parallel Corpora
Low-Density Language Bootstrapping: the Case of Tajiki Persian
MTriage: Web-enabled Software for the Creation, Machine Translation, and Annotation of Smart Documents
Training and Evaluation of POS Taggers on the French MULTITAG Corpus
Annotating tense in a Tense-less Language
Evaluation of Context-Dependent Phrasal Translation Lexicons for Statistical Machine Translation
An Experimental Methodology for an End-to-End Evaluation in Speech-to-Speech Translation
Performance Evaluation of Speech Translation Systems
Metadata |
Automatic Acquisition of Usage Information for Language Resources
ISOcat: Corralling Data Categories in the Wild
Structural Metadata Annotation of Speech Corpora: Comparing Broadcast News and Broadcast Conversations
Foundation of a Component-based Flexible Registry for Language Resources and Technology
Language-Sites: Accessing and Presenting Language Resources via Geographic Information Systems
Construction of a Metadata Database for Efficient Development and Use of Language Resources
Standardising Bilingual Lexical Resources According to the Lexicon Markup Framework
Parallel Multi-Theory Annotations of Syntactic Structure
memasysco: XML schema based metadata management system for speech corpora
A Taxonomy of Lexical Metadata Categories
Latest Developments in ELRAs Services
The Metadata-Database of a Next Generation Sustainability Web-Platform for Language Resources
Morphology |
Exploiting Lexical Resources for Disambiguating CJK and Arabic Orthographic Variants
Analysis and Performance of Morphological Query Expansion and Language-Filtering Words on Basque Web Searching
A Question Answering System for German. Experiments with Morphological Linguistic Resources
Lexical Resources for Automatic Translation of Constructed Neologisms: the Case Study of Relational Adjectives
Spelling Correction: from Two-Level Morphology to Open Source
Unsupervised Parts-of-Speech Induction for Bengali
A Common Parts-of-Speech Tagset Framework for Indian Languages
Word-Based or Morpheme-Based? Annotation Strategies for Modern Hebrew Clitics
Experiments to Investigate the Connection between Case Distribution and Topical Relevance of Search Terms in an Information Retrieval Setting
Romanian Lexical Data Bases: Inflected and Syllabic Forms Dictionaries
Learning Morphology with Morfette
Improving NER in Arabic Using a Morphological Tagger
Experimental Fast-Tracking of Morphological Analysers for Nguni Languages
Diacritic Annotation in the Arabic Treebank and its Impact on Parser Evaluation
Designing and Evaluating a Russian Tagset
Tagging a Hebrew Corpus: the Case of Participles
Enhancing the Arabic Treebank: a Collaborative Effort toward New Annotation Guidelines
Acquiring a Poor Mans Inflectional Lexicon for German
A Hybrid Morphology-Based POS Tagger for Persian
Annotating tense in a Tense-less Language
Multilinguality |
Evaluation of a Machine Translation System for Low Resource Languages: METIS-II
Swedish-Turkish Parallel Treebank
Sentence Alignment in DPC: Maximizing Precision, Minimizing Human Effort
A Trainable Tokenizer, solution for multilingual texts and compound expression tokenization
Automatic Translation of Biomedical Terms by Supervised Machine Learning
Automatic Construction of a Japanese-Chinese Dictionary via English
Presentation of the New ISO-Standard for the Representation of Entries in Dictionaries: ISO 1951
New Functions of FrameSQL for Multilingual FrameNets
Cross-Corpus Evaluation of Word Alignment
Evaluation of several Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression Variants for Language Adaptation.
Bilingual Text Classification using the IBM 1 Translation Model
A Comparative Study on Language Identification Methods
MISTRAL: a Statistical Machine Translation Decoder for Speech Recognition Lattices
Statistical Identification of English Loanwords in Korean Using Automatically Generated Training Data
Babylon Parallel Text Builder: Gathering Parallel Texts for Low-Density Languages
Generalising Lexical Translation Strategies for MT Using Comparable Corpora
A Multi-sensor Speech Database with Applications towards Robust Speech Processing in hostile Environments
A Knowledge-Modeling Approach for Multilingual Regulus Lexica
A Japanese-English Technical Lexicon for Translation and Language Research
Odds of Successful Transfer of Low-Level Concepts: a Key Metric for Bidirectional Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation in DARPAs TRANSTAC Program
Boot-Strapping a WordNet Using Multiple Existing WordNets
The European Thesaurus on International Relations and Area Studies - a Multilingual Resource for Indexing, Retrieval, and Translation
Constructing a Database of Non-Japanese Pronunciations of Different Japanese Romanizations
Developing Non-European Translation Pairs in a Medium-Vocabulary Medical Speech Translation System
Text Independent Speaker Identification in Multilingual Environments
Mutual Bilingual Terminology Extraction
The Japanese FrameNet Software Tools
Identification of Comparable Argument-Head Relations in Parallel Corpora
Language Resources for Semantic Document Annotation and Crosslingual Retrieval
Corpus-Based Tools for Computer-Assisted Acquisition of Reading Abilities in Cognate Languages
The AUTONOMATA Spoken Names Corpus
Synchronizing Translated Movie Subtitles
A Hybrid Approach to Extracting and Classifying Verb+Noun Constructions
Constructing a Corpus that Indicates Patterns of Modification between Draft and Final Translations by Human Translators
Extraction and Evaluation of Keywords from Learning Objects: a Multilingual Approach
JMWNL: an Extensible Multilingual Library for Accessing Wordnets in Different Languages
Acquiring a Taxonomy from the German Wikipedia
Frame Information Transfer from English to Italian
A Bottom-up Comparative Study of EuroWordNet and WordNet 3.0 Lexical and Semantic Relations
CLIoS: Cross-lingual Induction of Speech Recognition Grammars
Building a Bilingual Representation of the Roget Thesaurus for French to English Machine Translation
The QALL-ME Benchmark: a Multilingual Resource of Annotated Spoken Requests for Question Answering
Experimental Fast-Tracking of Morphological Analysers for Nguni Languages
Comparing Corpus-based to Web-based Lookup Techniques for Automatic English Inclusion Detection
Borrowing Language Resources for Development of Automatic Speech Recognition for Low- and Middle-Density Languages
A General Methodology for Mapping EuroWordNets to the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology
A Bootstrapping Method for Building Subjectivity Lexicons for Languages with Scarce Resources
Whats in a Colour? Studying and Contrasting Colours with COMPARA
Improving Statistical Machine Translation Efficiency by Triangulation
Characterization of Scientific and Popular Science Discourse in French, Japanese and Russian
Using Movie Subtitles for Creating a Large-Scale Bilingual Corpora
Designing and Evaluating a Russian Tagset
Application of Resource-based Machine Translation to Real Business Scenes
An Evaluation Resource for Geographic Information Retrieval
Building a Multilingual Lexical Resource for Named Entity Disambiguation, Translation and Transliteration
GMT to +2 or how can TimeML be used in Romanian
Lexicon, Grammar, and Multilinguality in the Japanese FrameNet
Smarty - Extendable Framework for Bilingual and Multilingual Comprehension Assistants
Low-Density Language Bootstrapping: the Case of Tajiki Persian
Pragmatic Annotation of Discourse Markers in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus (Arabic- Spanish-English)
Mapping Rogets Thesaurus and WordNet to French
Parallel Creation of Gigaword Corpora for Medium Density Languages - an Interim Report
Estimating the Resource Adaption Cost from a Resource Rich Language to a Similar Resource Poor Language
RACAIs Linguistic Web Services
Prolexbase: a Multilingual Relational Lexical Database of Proper Names
From Research to Application in Multilingual Information Access: the Contribution of Evaluation
Multimedia annotation and processing |
Introducing DRS (The Digital Replay System): a Tool for the Future of Corpus Linguistic Research and Analysis
Saxon: an Extensible Multimedia Annotator
Sign Language Corpus Annotation: toward a new Methodology
Annotation by Category: ELAN and ISO DCR
A Multimodal Infant Behavior Annotation for Developmental Analysis of Demonstrative Expressions
Audio Database in Support of Potentiel Threat and Crisis Situation Management
A Common Multimedia Annotation Framework for Cross Linking Cultural Heritage Digital Collections
Automatic Identification of Temporal Information in Tourism Web Pages
Integrating Audio and Visual Information for Modelling Communicative Behaviours Perceived as Different
Creating and Exploiting Multimodal Annotated Corpora
In-car Speech Data Collection along with Various Multimodal Signals
Evaluation of Spoken Document Retrieval for Historic Speech Collections
Spatiotemporal Coding in ANVIL
Dialogue, Speech and Images: the Companions Project Data Set
Task-Based Evaluation of Meeting Browsers: from Task Elicitation to User Behavior Analysis
Lexical Ontology Extraction using Terminology Analysis: Automating Video Annotation
The PIT Corpus of German Multi-Party Dialogues
Data Collection for the CHIL CLEAR 2007 Evaluation Campaign
Tools & Resources for Visualising Conversational-Speech Interaction
Annotation Tool Development for Large-Scale Corpus Creation Projects at the Linguistic Data Consortium
A Conceptual Approach to Web Image Retrieval
Construction and Analysis of Word-level Time-aligned Simultaneous Interpretation Corpus
MultiWord Expressions & Collocations |
Using the Web as a Linguistic Resource to Automatically Correct Lexico-Syntactic Errors
Lexical Substitution as a Framework for Multiword Evaluation
Harvesting Multi-Word Expressions from Parallel Corpora
Using Semantically Annotated Corpora to Build Collocation Resources
Tools for Collocation Extraction: Preferences for Active vs. Passive
Dictionary of Multiword Expressions for Translation into highly Inflected Languages
A Multi-Word Term Extraction Program for Arabic Language
Verb-Noun Collocation SyntLex Dictionary: Corpus-Based Approach
A Hybrid Approach to Extracting and Classifying Verb+Noun Constructions
A Comparative Evaluation of Term Recognition Algorithms
Rule-Based Chunker for Croatian
Enhancing an English-Polish Electronic Dictionary for Multiword Expression Research
Targeting Chinese Nominal Compounds in Corpora
The Usage of Various Lexical Resources and Tools to Improve the Performance of Web Search Engines
Czech MWE Database
A Multilingual Database of Polarity Items
Identification of Naturally Occurring Numerical Expressions in Arabic
Linguistically Light Lexical Extensions for Ontologies
S |
Semantic Web |
Integrating Metaphor Information into RDF/OWL EuroWordNet
Towards a Glossary of Activities in the Ontology Engineering Field
Ontology Search with the OntoSelect Ontology Library
A Framework for Multilingual Ontology Mapping
BOEMIE Ontology-Based Text Annotation Tool
Unsupervised and Domain Independent Ontology Learning: Combining Heterogeneous Sources of Evidence
Automatic Identification of Temporal Information in Tourism Web Pages
Development and Alignment of a Domain-Specific Ontology for Question Answering
A Web Browser Extension for Growing-up Ontological Knowledge from Traditional Web Content
LMM: an OWL-DL MetaModel to Represent Heterogeneous Lexical Knowledge
Lexical Ontology Extraction using Terminology Analysis: Automating Video Annotation
A Text-based Query Interface to OWL Ontologies
Knowledge Sources for Bridging Resolution in Multi-Party Dialog
Extracting and Querying Relations in Scientific Papers on Language Technology
RACAIs Linguistic Web Services
Linguistically Light Lexical Extensions for Ontologies
Semantics |
A Compact Arabic Lexical Semantics Language Resource Based on the Theory of Semantic Fields
The Encoding of lexical implications in VerbNet Predicates of change of locations
SpatialML: Annotation Scheme, Corpora, and Tools
Comparing Dependency and Constituent Syntax for Frame-semantic Analysis
FATE: a FrameNet-Annotated Corpus for Textual Entailment
Unsupervised Resource Creation for Textual Inference Applications
A Semantically Annotated Swedish Medical Corpus
Detecting Errors in Semantic Annotation
LIRICS Semantic Role Annotation: Design and Evaluation of a Set of Data Categories
New Functions of FrameSQL for Multilingual FrameNets
Investigating the Structure of Procedural Texts for Answering How-to Questions
AnCora-Verb: A Lexical Resource for the Semantic Annotation of Corpora
Annotation by Category: ELAN and ISO DCR
Extended Named Entity Ontology with Attribute Information
Building a Corpus of Temporal-Causal Structure
Evaluation of Lexical Resources and Semantic Networks on a Corpus of Mental Associations
Integrating Lexical Units, Synsets and Ontology in the Cornetto Database
Semantic Frame Annotation on the French MEDIA corpus
Harvesting Multi-Word Expressions from Parallel Corpora
Anaphoric Annotation in the ARRAU Corpus
Computational Models for Event Type Classification in Context
Professor or Screaming Beast? Detecting Anomalous Words in Chinese
Domain-Specific English-To-Spanish Translation of FrameNet
Enriching Frame Semantic Resources with Dependency Graphs
Complete and Consistent Annotation of WordNet using the Top Concept Ontology
The Automatic Mapping of Princeton WordNet Lexical-Conceptual Relations onto the Brazilian Portuguese WordNet Database
Representation of Atypical Entities in Ontologies
WNTERM: Enriching the MCR with a Terminological Dictionary
Mapping Events and Abstract Entities from PAROLE-SIMPLE-CLIPS to ItalWordNet
Corpus Co-Occurrence, Dictionary and Wikipedia Entries as Resources for Semantic Relatedness Information
Evaluation Metrics for Automatic Temporal Annotation of Texts
Spatiotemporal Annotation Using MiniSTEx: how to deal with Alternative, Foreign, Vague and/or Obsolete Names?
Enriching GermaNet with verb-noun relations - a case study of lexical acquisition
Learning Patterns for Building Resources about Semantic Relations in the Medical Domain
Building a Bio-Event Annotated Corpus for the Acquisition of Semantic Frames from Biomedical Corpora
Using a Probabilistic Model of Context to Detect Word Obfuscation
Building the Valency Lexicon of Arabic Verbs
Chinese Core Ontology Construction from a Bilingual Term Bank
Towards Spanish Verbs Selectional Preferences Automatic Acquisition: Semantic Annotation of the SenSem Corpus
A Bilingual Corpus of Inter-linked Events
Lexical Resources for Semantics Extraction
Using Lexical Acquisition to Enrich a Predicate Argument Reusable Database
Evaluating the Ontology underlying sMail - the Conceptual Framework for Semantic Email Communication
Inter-sentential Coreferences in Semantic Networks: An Evaluation of Manual Annotation
Finding the Sources and Targets of Subjective Expressions
Romanian Semantic Role Resource
Lets not Argue about Semantics
Relation between Agreement Measures on Human Labeling and Machine Learning Performance: Results from an Art History Domain
Whats in a Colour? Studying and Contrasting Colours with COMPARA
On Classifying Coherent/Incoherent Romanian Short Texts
In Contrast - A Complex Discourse Connective
The Construction and Evaluation of Word Space Models
Projecting Propbank Roles onto the CCGbank
Modelling Word Similarity: an Evaluation of Automatic Synonymy Extraction Algorithms.
Translation-oriented Word Sense Induction Based on Parallel Corpora
Hungarian Word-Sense Disambiguated Corpus
Semantic Annotation Layer in Russian National Corpus: Lexical Classes of Nouns and Adjectives
Evolutionary Basic Notions for a Thematic Representation of General Knowledge
Causal Relation Extraction
Annotating Students Understanding of Science Concepts
A Pilot Arabic Propbank
More Semantic Links in the SIMPLE-CLIPS Database
Towards Formal Interpretation of Semantic Annotation
Sign language |
Benchmark Databases for Video-Based Automatic Sign Language Recognition
The ATIS Sign Language Corpus
Collection and Preprocessing of Czech Sign Language Corpus for Sign Language Recognition
Speech recognition and understanding |
STC-TIMIT: Generation of a Single-channel Telephone Corpus
On the Use of Web Resources and Natural Language Processing Techniques to Improve Automatic Speech Recognition Systems
Morphosyntactic Resources for Automatic Speech Recognition
Local Methods for On-Demand Out-of-Vocabulary Word Retrieval
Evaluation of several Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression Variants for Language Adaptation.
BioSec Multimodal Biometric Database in Text-Dependent Speaker Recognition
Manual vs Assisted Transcription of Prepared and Spontaneous Speech
Thai Broadcast News Corpus Construction and Evaluation
JURISDIC: Polish Speech Database for Taking Dictation of Legal Texts
Emotion Recognition from Speech: Stress Experiment
The LECTRA Corpus - Classroom Lecture Transcriptions in European Portuguese
Creation of Learner Corpus and Its Application to Speech Recognition
Elicited Imitation as an Oral Proficiency Measure with ASR Scoring
Developing Non-European Translation Pairs in a Medium-Vocabulary Medical Speech Translation System
Combining Multiple Models for Speech Information Retrieval
Combined Systems for Automatic Phonetic Transcription of Proper Nouns
Evaluation Framework for Distant-talking Speech Recognition under Reverberant Environments: newest Part of the CENSREC Series -
Active Annotation in the LUNA Italian Corpus of Spontaneous Dialogues
Applying Automated Metrics to Speech Translation Dialogs
Speech Errors on Frequently Observed Homophones in French: Perceptual Evaluation vs Automatic Classification
F0 of Adolescent Speakers - First Results for the German Ph@ttSessionz Database
Automatic Phoneme Segmentation with Relaxed Textual Constraints
Building Mobile Spoken Dialogue Applications Using Regulus
CLIoS: Cross-lingual Induction of Speech Recognition Grammars
CallSurf: Automatic Transcription, Indexing and Structuration of Call Center Conversational Speech for Knowledge Extraction and Query by Content
First Broadcast News Transcription System for Khmer Language
Borrowing Language Resources for Development of Automatic Speech Recognition for Low- and Middle-Density Languages
On the Durational Reduction of Repeated Mentions: Recency and Speaker Effects
NineOneOne: Recognizing and Classifying Speech for Handling Minority Language Emergency Calls
A Comparison of Various Methods for Concept Tagging for Spoken Language Understanding
The Pronouncing Dictionary of Austrian German (AGPD) and the Austrian Phonetic Database (ADABA): Report on a large Phonetic Resources Database of the three Major Varieties of German
Annotation and analysis of overlapping speech in political interviews
Developments of Lëtzebuergesch Resources for Automatic Speech Processing and Linguistic Studies
New Telephone Speech Databases for French: a Children Database and an optimized Adult Corpus
Speaker Recognition: Building the Mixer 4 and 5 Corpora
Speech resource/database |
The IFADV Corpus: a Free Dialog Video Corpus
Corpus Analysis of Spoken Smart-Home Interactions with Older Users
BioSec Multimodal Biometric Database in Text-Dependent Speaker Recognition
An Automatic Close Copy Speech Synthesis Tool for Large-Scale Speech Corpus Evaluation
A Fully Annotated Corpus for Studying the Effect of Cognitive Ageing on Users Interactions with Spoken Dialogue Systems
A Multimodal Infant Behavior Annotation for Developmental Analysis of Demonstrative Expressions
Childrens Oral Reading Corpus (CHOREC): Description and Assessment of Annotator Agreement
Structural Metadata Annotation of Speech Corpora: Comparing Broadcast News and Broadcast Conversations
Manual vs Assisted Transcription of Prepared and Spontaneous Speech
LILA: Cellular Telephone Speech Databases from Asia
Developing a Phonemic and Syllabic Frequency Inventory for Spontaneous Spoken Castilian Spanish and their Comparison to Text-Based Inventories
Design and Recording of Czech Audio-Visual Database with Impaired Conditions for Continuous Speech Recognition
Thai Broadcast News Corpus Construction and Evaluation
JURISDIC: Polish Speech Database for Taking Dictation of Legal Texts
Building of a Speech Corpus Optimised for Unit Selection TTS Synthesis
CORP-ORAL: Spontaneous Speech Corpus for European Portuguese
Emotion Recognition from Speech: Stress Experiment
A Multi-sensor Speech Database with Applications towards Robust Speech Processing in hostile Environments
The LECTRA Corpus - Classroom Lecture Transcriptions in European Portuguese
Recording Speech of Children, Non-Natives and Elderly People for HLT Applications: the JASMIN-CGN Corpus.
Test Collections for Spoken Document Retrieval from Lecture Audio Data
ALC: Alcohol Language Corpus
Phone Segmentation Tool with Integrated Pronunciation Lexicon and Czech Phonetically Labelled Reference Database.
Design of a Multimodal Database for Research on Automatic Detection of Severe Apnoea Cases
Evaluation Framework for Distant-talking Speech Recognition under Reverberant Environments: newest Part of the CENSREC Series -
In-car Speech Data Collection along with Various Multimodal Signals
The AUTONOMATA Spoken Names Corpus
RUNDKAST: an Annotated Norwegian Broadcast News Speech Corpus
Talking and Looking: the SmartWeb Multimodal Interaction Corpus
Developing Corpus of Japanese Classroom Lecture Speech Contents
The ATCOSIM Corpus of Non-Prompted Clean Air Traffic Control Speech
The MoveOn Motorcycle Speech Corpus
Design and Data Collection for Spoken Polish Dialogs Database
F0 of Adolescent Speakers - First Results for the German Ph@ttSessionz Database
WOZ Acoustic Data Collection for Interactive TV
CallSurf: Automatic Transcription, Indexing and Structuration of Call Center Conversational Speech for Knowledge Extraction and Query by Content
A Real-World Emotional Speech Corpus for Modern Greek
Tools & Resources for Visualising Conversational-Speech Interaction
On the Durational Reduction of Repeated Mentions: Recency and Speaker Effects
Methodologies for Designing and Recording Speech Databases for Corpus Based Synthesis
Creating and Using a Correlated Corpus to Glean Communicative Commonalities
The Pronouncing Dictionary of Austrian German (AGPD) and the Austrian Phonetic Database (ADABA): Report on a large Phonetic Resources Database of the three Major Varieties of German
Annotation and analysis of overlapping speech in political interviews
Word-level Dependency-structure Annotation to Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese and its Application
Bridging the Gap between Linguists and Technology Developers: Large-Scale, Sociolinguistic Annotation for Dialect and Speaker Recognition
German Today: a really extensive Corpus of Spoken Standard German
Construction and Analysis of Word-level Time-aligned Simultaneous Interpretation Corpus
IrcamCorpusTools: an Extensible Platform for Spoken Corpora Exploitation
Spock - a Spoken Corpus Client
Multimodal Spontaneous Expressive Speech Corpus for Hungarian
New Telephone Speech Databases for French: a Children Database and an optimized Adult Corpus
Speaker Recognition: Building the Mixer 4 and 5 Corpora
Speech synthesis, Text-to-speech systems |
An Automatic Close Copy Speech Synthesis Tool for Large-Scale Speech Corpus Evaluation
Evaluation of Modules and Tools for Speech Synthesis: the ECESS Framework
Building of a Speech Corpus Optimised for Unit Selection TTS Synthesis
Acquiring Pronunciation Data for a Placenames Lexicon in a Less-Resourced Language
Automatic Phoneme Segmentation with Relaxed Textual Constraints
Methodologies for Designing and Recording Speech Databases for Corpus Based Synthesis
Corpus and Voices for Catalan Speech Synthesis
Standards for LRs |
Language Resources and Tools for Swedish: A Survey
LIRICS Semantic Role Annotation: Design and Evaluation of a Set of Data Categories
The Kalshnikov 691 Dependency Bank
Presentation of the New ISO-Standard for the Representation of Entries in Dictionaries: ISO 1951
Annotation by Category: ELAN and ISO DCR
ISOcat: Corralling Data Categories in the Wild
Ontologizing Lexicon Access Functions based on an LMF-based Lexicon Taxonomy
A Common Parts-of-Speech Tagset Framework for Indian Languages
AnCora: Multilevel Annotated Corpora for Catalan and Spanish
LC-STAR II: Starring more Lexica
From D-Coi to SoNaR: a reference corpus for Dutch
Temporal Aspects of Terminology for Automatic Term Recognition: Case Study on Womens Studies Terms
COLDIC, a Lexicographic Platform for LMF compliant lexica
Standardising Bilingual Lexical Resources According to the Lexicon Markup Framework
All, and only, the Errors: more Complete and Consistent Spelling and OCR-Error Correction Evaluation
A Large-Scale Web Data Collection as a Natural Language Processing Infrastructure
A LAF/GrAF based Encoding Scheme for underspecified Representations of syntactic Annotations.
A lexicon for biology and bioinformatics: the BOOTStrep experience.
Evaluation of Natural Language Tools for Italian: EVALITA 2007
Reusable Tagset Conversion Using Tagset Drivers
Annotation of WordNet Verbs with TimeML Event Classes
memasysco: XML schema based metadata management system for speech corpora
Methodologies for Designing and Recording Speech Databases for Corpus Based Synthesis
A Framework for Standardized Syntactic Annotation
Lexicon Schemas and Related Data Models: when Standards Meet Users
GMT to +2 or how can TimeML be used in Romanian
A Unified Database of Dependency Treebanks: Integrating, Quantifying & Evaluating Dependency Data
A Taxonomy of Lexical Metadata Categories
The JOS Morphosyntactically Tagged Corpus of Slovene
A Guide for the Production of Reusable Language Resources
An Exchange Format for Multimodal Annotations
Statistical methods |
Evaluation of Different Segmentation Techniques for Dialogue Turns
Subdomain Sensitive Statistical Parsing using Raw Corpora
Unsupervised Resource Creation for Textual Inference Applications
Cost-Sensitive Learning in Answer Extraction
Towards a Vector Space Model for FrameNet-like Resources
Bilingual Text Classification using the IBM 1 Translation Model
Using the Web as a Linguistic Resource to Automatically Correct Lexico-Syntactic Errors
Controlling Redundancy in Referring Expressions
Building a Golden Collection of Parallel Multi-Language Word Alignment
Measures for Term and Sentence Relevances: an Evaluation for German
UnsuParse: unsupervised Parsing with unsupervised Part of Speech Tagging
Using Log-linear Models for Tuning Machine Translation Output
A Suite to Compile and Analyze an LSP Corpus
A Japanese-English Technical Lexicon for Translation and Language Research
Extraction of Informative Expressions from Domain-specific Documents
Building Bilingual Lexicons using Lexical Translation Probabilities via Pivot Languages
Using Reordering in Statistical Machine Translation based on Alignment Block Classification
Corpus-based Semantic Relatedness for the Construction of Polish WordNet
A Dependency Parser for Thai
Error Analysis for Learning-based Coreference Resolution
A Hybrid Approach to Extracting and Classifying Verb+Noun Constructions
Automatic extraction of subcategorization frames for Italian
Authorship Attribution of E-Mail: Comparing Classifiers over a New Corpus for Evaluation
Using a Probabilistic Model of Context to Detect Word Obfuscation
Learning Morphology with Morfette
Automatic Phone Segmentation of Expressive Speech
Vox Populi Annotation: Measuring Intensity of Ideological Perspectives by Aggregating Group Judgments
Identifying Foreign Person Names in Chinese Text
Targeting Chinese Nominal Compounds in Corpora
Using Similarity Metrics For Terminology Recognition
Improving Statistical Machine Translation Efficiency by Triangulation
Treebank-Based Acquisition of LFG Parsing Resources for French
Automatic Evaluation Measures for Statistical Machine Translation System Optimization
Phrase-Based Machine Translation based on Simulated Annealing
Induction of Treebank-Aligned Lexical Resources
Answering List Questions using Co-occurrence and Clustering
An Unsupervised Probabilistic Approach for the Detection of Outliers in Corpora
Statistical Evaluation of Information Distillation Systems
A Research on Automatic Chinese Catchword Extraction
Summarisation |
Evaluating Summaries Automatically - A system Proposal
Measures for Term and Sentence Relevances: an Evaluation for German
Condensing Sentences for Subtitle Generation
Identifying Strategic Information from Scientific Articles through Sentence Classification
Evaluation of a Cross-lingual Romanian-English Multi-document Summariser
From Extracting to Abstracting: Generating Quasi-abstractive Summaries
Event Detection and Summarization in Weblogs with Temporal Collocations
Parameters for Topic Boundary Detection in Multi-Party Dialogues
Centering Theory for Evaluation of Coherence in Computer-Aided Summaries
Syntax |
Evaluation of Linguistics-Based Translation
Swedish-Turkish Parallel Treebank
Comparing Dependency and Constituent Syntax for Frame-semantic Analysis
LexSchem: a Large Subcategorization Lexicon for French Verbs
Annotating Superlatives
The Annotation Guidelines of the Latin Dependency Treebank and Index Thomisticus Treebank: the Treatment of some specific Syntactic Constructions in Latin
Tree Distance and Some Other Variants of Evalb
Word-Based or Morpheme-Based? Annotation Strategies for Modern Hebrew Clitics
Using Parsed Corpora for Estimating Stochastic Inversion Transduction Grammars
Identification of Comparable Argument-Head Relations in Parallel Corpora
Robust Parsing with a Large HPSG Grammar
Enriching the Venice Italian Treebank with Dependency and Grammatical Relations
Developing Verb Frames for Hindi
Comparing Italian parsers on a common Treebank: the EVALITA experience
Evaluating a German Sketch Grammar: A Case Study on Noun Phrase Case
How to Compare Treebanks
Parallel Multi-Theory Annotations of Syntactic Structure
From Sentence to Discourse: Building an Annotation Scheme for Discourse Based on Prague Dependency Treebank
Evaluating Complement-Modifier Distinctions in a Semantically Annotated Corpus
A Framework for Standardized Syntactic Annotation
Word-level Dependency-structure Annotation to Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese and its Application
Enhancing the Arabic Treebank: a Collaborative Effort toward New Annotation Guidelines
A Method for Automatically Constructing Case Frames for English
PASSAGE: from French Parser Evaluation to Large Sized Treebank
T |
Tagging |
Automatic Rich Annotation of Large Corpus of Conversational transcribed speech: the Chunking Task of the EPAC Project
Morphosyntactic Resources for Automatic Speech Recognition
Chooser: a Multi-Task Annotation Tool
A Simple Method for Tagset Comparision
♠ Demo: An Open Source Tool for Partial Parsing and Morphosyntactic Disambiguation
POS Tagging for German: how important is the Right Context?
A Proper Approach to Japanese Morphological Analysis: Dictionary, Model, and Evaluation
Validating the Quality of Full Morphological Annotation
Unsupervised Parts-of-Speech Induction for Bengali
A Common Parts-of-Speech Tagset Framework for Indian Languages
Annotating an Arabic Learner Corpus for Error
Tagging Spanish Texts: the Problem of Problem of SE
The Japanese FrameNet Software Tools
Enriching the Venice Italian Treebank with Dependency and Grammatical Relations
Spatiotemporal Annotation Using MiniSTEx: how to deal with Alternative, Foreign, Vague and/or Obsolete Names?
Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition for Part of Speech Tagging
Semantic Annotations for Biology: a Corpus Development Initiative at the Jena University Language & Information Engineering (JULIE) Lab
Automatic Phone Segmentation of Expressive Speech
Supersense Tagger for Italian
The TextPro Tool Suite
Reusable Tagset Conversion Using Tagset Drivers
Quality Assurance of Automatic Annotation of Very Large Corpora: a Study based on heterogeneous Tagging System
Minding the Source: Automatic Tagging of Reported Speech in Newspaper Articles
ProPOSEL: A Prosody and POS English Lexicon for Language Engineering
A Comparison of Various Methods for Concept Tagging for Spoken Language Understanding
Designing and Evaluating a Russian Tagset
Projecting Propbank Roles onto the CCGbank
Tagging a Hebrew Corpus: the Case of Participles
Pragmatic Annotation of Discourse Markers in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus (Arabic- Spanish-English)
Assessing the Costs of Machine-Assisted Corpus Annotation through a User Study
Training and Evaluation of POS Taggers on the French MULTITAG Corpus
A Hybrid Morphology-Based POS Tagger for Persian
A Lightweight and Efficient Tool for Cleaning Web Pages
The JOS Morphosyntactically Tagged Corpus of Slovene
Text mining |
The U.S. Policy Agenda Legislation Corpus Volume 1 - a Language Resource from 1947 - 1998
Tapping Huge Temporally Indexed Textual Resources with WCTAnalyze
Building Affective Lexicons from Specific Corpora for Automatic Sentiment Analysis
A Trainable Tokenizer, solution for multilingual texts and compound expression tokenization
From Field Notes towards a Knowledge Base
Automatic Acquisition of Usage Information for Language Resources
Turning a Term Extractor into a new Domain: first Experiences
Named Entity Relation Mining using Wikipedia
Annotating Superlatives
Similar Term Discovery using Web Search
Ping-pong Document Clustering using NMF and Linkage-Based Refinement
Identifying Strategic Information from Scientific Articles through Sentence Classification
Automatic Extraction of Textual Elements from News Web Pages
Extraction of Informative Expressions from Domain-specific Documents
Unsupervised and Domain Independent Ontology Learning: Combining Heterogeneous Sources of Evidence
Revealing Relations between Open and Closed Answers in Questionnaires through Text Clustering Evaluation
Connecting Text Mining and Pathways using the PathText Resource
Learning the Species of Biomedical Named Entities from Annotated Corpora
Clustering Related Terms with Definitions
A Comparative Evaluation of Term Recognition Algorithms
Exploiting the Role of Position Feature in Chinese Relation Extraction
Building a Bio-Event Annotated Corpus for the Acquisition of Semantic Frames from Biomedical Corpora
Language Resources and Chemical Informatics
Using Random Indexing to improve Singular Value Decomposition for Latent Semantic Analysis
Spectral Clustering for a Large Data Set by Reducing the Similarity Matrix Size
CallSurf: Automatic Transcription, Indexing and Structuration of Call Center Conversational Speech for Knowledge Extraction and Query by Content
Fine-grained Opinion Topic and Polarity Identification
Semantic Press
Dependency-Based Relation Mining for Biomedical Literature
Sentiment Analysis Based on Probabilistic Models Using Inter-Sentence Information
Converting Romanized Persian to the Arabic Writing Systems
The Penn Discourse TreeBank 2.0.
ANNALIST - ANNotation ALIgnment and Scoring Tool
Low-Complexity Heuristics for Deriving Fine-Grained Classes of Named Entities from Web Textual Data
Using the Complexity of the Distribution of Lexical Elements as a Feature in Authorship Attribution
A Research on Automatic Chinese Catchword Extraction
Tools, systems, applications |
STC-TIMIT: Generation of a Single-channel Telephone Corpus
Selection of Japanese-English Equivalents by Integrating High-quality Corpora and Huge Amounts of Web Data
Benchmarking Textual Annotation Tools for the Semantic Web
Does Netgraph Fit Prague Dependency Treebank?
Modeling Document Dynamics: an Evolutionary Approach
Evaluation of a Machine Translation System for Low Resource Languages: METIS-II
Tapping Huge Temporally Indexed Textual Resources with WCTAnalyze
Evaluation of Different Segmentation Techniques for Dialogue Turns
Evaluating Summaries Automatically - A system Proposal
Introducing DRS (The Digital Replay System): a Tool for the Future of Corpus Linguistic Research and Analysis
FATE: a FrameNet-Annotated Corpus for Textual Entailment
Do we Still Need Gold Standards for Evaluation?
Automatic Document Quality Control
Learning-based Detection of Scientific Terms in Patient Information
Classification Procedures for Software Evaluation
From Field Notes towards a Knowledge Base
Automatic Assessment of Japanese Text Readability Based on a Textbook Corpus
ParsCit: an Open-source CRF Reference String Parsing Package
Chooser: a Multi-Task Annotation Tool
Turning a Term Extractor into a new Domain: first Experiences
Rapid Deployment of a New METIS Language Pair: Catalan-English
Developing a TT-MCTAG for German with an RCG-based Parser
Ensuring Semantic Interoperability on Lexical Resources
♠ Demo: An Open Source Tool for Partial Parsing and Morphosyntactic Disambiguation
OpenCCG Workbench and Visualization Tool
Exploring and Navigating: Tools for GermaNet
Evaluation of several Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression Variants for Language Adaptation.
Using the Web as a Linguistic Resource to Automatically Correct Lexico-Syntactic Errors
I saw TREE trees in the park: How to Correct Real-Word Spelling Mistakes
A Flexible Wizard of Oz Environment for Rapid Prototyping
BART: A modular toolkit for coreference resolution
Word Alignment Annotation in a Japanese-Chinese Parallel Corpus
Ontology Search with the OntoSelect Ontology Library
Spelling Correction: from Two-Level Morphology to Open Source
Yet another Platform for Extracting Knowledge from Corpora
MISTRAL: a Statistical Machine Translation Decoder for Speech Recognition Lattices
Translation Adequacy and Preference Evaluation Tool (TAP-ET)
Semantic Vectors: a Scalable Open Source Package and Online Technology Management Application
Division of Example Sentences Based on the Meaning of a Target Word Using Semi-Supervised Clustering
Similar Term Discovery using Web Search
Evaluation of Modules and Tools for Speech Synthesis: the ECESS Framework
Condensing Sentences for Subtitle Generation
Tagging Spanish Texts: the Problem of Problem of SE
Integration of a Multilingual Keyword Extractor in a Document Management System
A Framework for Identity Resolution and Merging for Multi-source Information Extraction
Some Fine Points of Hybrid Natural Language Parsing
Making Text Resources Accessible to the Reader: the Case of Patent Claims
A Knowledge-Modeling Approach for Multilingual Regulus Lexica
Language-Sites: Accessing and Presenting Language Resources via Geographic Information Systems
BLEU+: a Tool for Fine-Grained BLEU Computation
Hydra: a Modal Logic Tool for Wordnet Development, Validation and Exploration
The Automatic Mapping of Princeton WordNet Lexical-Conceptual Relations onto the Brazilian Portuguese WordNet Database
Semantic Role Labeling Tools Trained on the Cast3LB-CoNNL-SemRol Corpus
Keywords, k-NN and Neural Networks: a Support for Hierarchical Categorization of Texts in Brazilian Portuguese
Elicited Imitation as an Oral Proficiency Measure with ASR Scoring
Extracting Lexical Semantic Knowledge from Wikipedia and Wiktionary
Phone Segmentation Tool with Integrated Pronunciation Lexicon and Czech Phonetically Labelled Reference Database.
Unsupervised Relation Extraction From Web Documents
ASV Toolbox: a Modular Collection of Language Exploration Tools
Creating and Exploiting Multimodal Annotated Corpora
Design of a Multimodal Database for Research on Automatic Detection of Severe Apnoea Cases
Mutual Bilingual Terminology Extraction
The Japanese FrameNet Software Tools
Corpus-Based Tools for Computer-Assisted Acquisition of Reading Abilities in Cognate Languages
Towards Heterogeneous Automatic MT Error Analysis
A Coreference Corpus and Resolution System for Dutch
User-Centred Design of Error Correction Tools
Clustering Related Terms with Definitions
MaltEval: an Evaluation and Visualization Tool for Dependency Parsing
Spatiotemporal Coding in ANVIL
Ontology Learning and Semantic Annotation: a Necessary Symbiosis
A Multi-Genre SMT System for Arabic to French
Acquiring Pronunciation Data for a Placenames Lexicon in a Less-Resourced Language
Evaluating the Relationship between Linguistic and Geographic Distances using a 3D Visualization
A Web Browser Extension for Growing-up Ontological Knowledge from Traditional Web Content
A LAF/GrAF based Encoding Scheme for underspecified Representations of syntactic Annotations.
WEB-Based Listening Test System for Speech Synthesis and Speech Conversion Evaluation
Task-Based Evaluation of Meeting Browsers: from Task Elicitation to User Behavior Analysis
Lexical Ontology Extraction using Terminology Analysis: Automating Video Annotation
Workbench with Authoring Tools for Collaborative Multi-lingual Ontological Knowledge Construction and Maintenance
Identifying Foreign Person Names in Chinese Text
SECTra_w.1: an Online Collaborative System for Evaluating, Post-editing and Presenting MT Translation Corpora
LX-Service: Web Services of Language Technology for Portuguese
The TextPro Tool Suite
Language Resources for Studying Argument
First Broadcast News Transcription System for Khmer Language
Semiotic-based Ontology Evaluation Tool (S-OntoEval)
Comparing Corpus-based to Web-based Lookup Techniques for Automatic English Inclusion Detection
Holy Moses! Leveraging Existing Tools and Resources for Entity Translation
Tools & Resources for Visualising Conversational-Speech Interaction
Semantic Press
An Approach to Modeling Heterogeneous Resources for Information Extraction
Valentino: A Tool for Valence Shifting of Natural Language Texts
Using Similarity Metrics For Terminology Recognition
memasysco: XML schema based metadata management system for speech corpora
Automatic Rewriting of Patient Record Narratives
Comparing Set-Covering Strategies for Optimal Corpus Design
System Evaluation on a Named Entity Corpus from Clinical Notes
Navigating through Dense Annotation Spaces
Annotation Tool Development for Large-Scale Corpus Creation Projects at the Linguistic Data Consortium
Experiments on Processing Overlapping Parallel Corpora
An AI-inspired intelligent agent/student architecture to combine Language Resources research and teaching
Creating Glossaries Using Pattern-Based and Machine Learning Techniques
Collection and Preprocessing of Czech Sign Language Corpus for Sign Language Recognition
A Development Environment for Configurable Meta-Annotators in a Pipelined NLP Architecture
A Conceptual Approach to Web Image Retrieval
Identification of Naturally Occurring Numerical Expressions in Arabic
MTriage: Web-enabled Software for the Creation, Machine Translation, and Annotation of Smart Documents
A Unified Database of Dependency Treebanks: Integrating, Quantifying & Evaluating Dependency Data
Parallel Creation of Gigaword Corpora for Medium Density Languages - an Interim Report
15 Years of Language Resource Creation and Sharing: a Progress Report on LDC Activities
IrcamCorpusTools: an Extensible Platform for Spoken Corpora Exploitation
ANNALIST - ANNotation ALIgnment and Scoring Tool
ODL: an Object Description Language for Lexical Information
Spock - a Spoken Corpus Client
A Lightweight and Efficient Tool for Cleaning Web Pages
Exploitation of an Arabic Language Resource for Machine Translation Evaluation: using Buckwalter-based Lookup Tool to Augment CMU Alignment Algorithm
An Exchange Format for Multimodal Annotations
A Research on Automatic Chinese Catchword Extraction
The Metadata-Database of a Next Generation Sustainability Web-Platform for Language Resources
Topic detection & tracking |
Parameters for Topic Boundary Detection in Multi-Party Dialogues
The INFILE Project: a Crosslingual Filtering Systems Evaluation Campaign
Typological databases |
Toward Active Learning in Data Selection: Automatic Discovery of Language Features During Elicitation
Estimating the Resource Adaption Cost from a Resource Rich Language to a Similar Resource Poor Language