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Title Authors
A BLARK extension for temporal annotation mining D. Gibbon, F. Fernandes, T. Trippel
A Closer Look at Skip-gram Modelling D. Guthrie, B. Allison, W. Liu, L. Guthrie, Y. Wilks
A Computational Lexicon of Contemporary Hebrew A. Itai, S. Wintner, S. Yona
A Conditional Random Field Framework for Thai Morphological Analysis C. Kruengkrai, V. Sornlertlamvanich, H. Isahara
A Corpus Search System Utilizing Lexical Dependency Structure Y. Kato, S. Matsubara, Y. Inagaki
A Corpus-based Approach to the Interpretation of Unknown Words with an Application to German S. Klatt
A Cross-language Approach to Rapid Creation of New Morpho-syntactically Annotated Resources A. Feldman, J. Hana, C. Brew
A Deep Linguistic Analysis for Cross-language Information Retrieval N. Semmar, M. Laib, C. Fluhr
A Deep-Parsing Approach to Natural Language Understanding in Dialogue System: Results of a Corpus-Based Evaluation A. Denis, M. Quignard, G. Pitel
A Dependency-based Algorithm for Grammar Conversion A. Shehata, F. Zanzotto
A Development Tool For Multilingual Ontology-based Conceptual G. Ajani, G. Boella, L. Lesmo, M. Martin, A. Mazze
A Dictionary Model for Unifying Machine Readable Dictionaries and Computational Concept Lexicons Y. Hayashi, T. Ishida
A Domain Ontology Production Tool Kit Based on Automatically Constructed Case Frames Y. Kiyota, H. Nakagawa
A Factored Functional Dependency Transformation of the English Penn Treebank for Probabilistic Surface Generation I. Langkilde-geary, J. Betteridge
A Framework to Integrate Ubiquitous Knowledge Modeling P. Filipe, N. Mamede
A French Non-Native Corpus for Automatic Speech Recognition T. Tan, L. Besacier
A German Sign Language Corpus of the Domain Weather Report J. Bungeroth, D. Stein, P. Dreuw, M. Zahedi, H. Ney
A Grapheme-Based Approach for Accent Restoration in Gikuyu P. Wagacha, G. Pauw, P. Githinji
A Hebrew Tree Bank Based on Cantillation Marks A. Wu, K. Lowery
A Large Subcategorization Lexicon for Natural Language Processing Applications A. Korhonen, Y. Krymolowski, T. Briscoe
A Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammar for Vietnamese P. Le, T. Nguyen, L. Romary, A. Roussanaly
A Methodology and Tool for Representing Language Resources for Information Extraction J. Iria, F. Ciravegna
A Methodology for Developing Multilingual Resources for Terminology M. L’homme, H. Bae 
A Model for Context-Based Evaluation of Language Processing Systems and its Application to Machine Translation Evaluation A. Popescu-belis, P. Estrella, M. King, N. Underwood
A Multimodal Result Ontology for Integrated Semantic Web Dialogue Applications D. Sonntag, M. Romanelli
A New Phase in Annotation Tool Development at the Linguistic Data Consortium: The Evolution of the Annotation Graph Toolkit K. Maeda, H. Lee, J. Medero, S. Strassel
A Part-of-speech tagger for Irish using Finite-State Morphology and Constraint Grammar Disambiguation E. Dhonnchadha, J. Genabith
A Preliminary Study for Building the Basque PropBank E. Agirre, I. Aldezabal, J. Etxeberria, E. Pociello
A Self-Referring Quantitative Evaluation of the ATR Basic Travel Expression Corpus (BTEC) K. Kageura, G. Kikui
A Spell Checker for a World Language: The New Microsoft’s Spanish Spell Checker F. Bustamante, A. Arnaiz, M. Ginés
A Study on Terminology Extraction Based on Classified Corpora C. Yirong, L. Qin, L. Wenjie, S. Zhifang, J. Luning
A Syntactically Annotated Corpus of Japanese Spoken Monologue T. Ohno, S. Matsubara, H. Kashioka, N. Kato, Y. Inagaki
A Syntactically and Semantically Tagged Corpus of Russian: State of the Art and Prospects J. Apresjan, I. Boguslavsky, B. Iomdin, L. Iomdin, A. Sannikov, V. Sizov
A Tree Kernel approach to Question and Answer Classification in Question Answering Systems A. Moschitti, R. Basili
A Unified Structure for Dutch Dialect Dictionary Data F. Vriend, L. Boves, H. Heuvel, R. Hout, J. Kruijsen, J. Swanenberg
A Uniform Interface to Large-Scale Linguistic Resources S. Sharoff
A Web Based General Thesaurus Browser to Support Indexing of Television and Radio Programs H. Brugman, V. Malaisé, L. Gazendam
A corpus of tutorial dialogs on theorem proving; the influence of the presentation of the study-material C. Benzmüller, H. Horacek, H. Lesourd, I. Kruijff-korbayova, M. Schiller, M. Wolska
A framework for real-time dictionary updating C. Fairon, S. Paumier
A highly accurate Named Entity corpus for Hungarian G. Szarvas, R. Farkas, L. Felföldi, A. Kocsor, J. Csirik
A joint intelligibility evaluation of French text-to-speech synthesis systems: the EvaSy SUS/ACR campaign P. Mareüil, C. D’alessandro, A. Raake, G. Bailly, M. Garcia, M. Morel
A joint prosody evaluation of French text-to-speech synthesis systems M. Garcia, C. D’alessandro, G. Bailly, P. Mareüil, M. Morel
A methodology for the joint development of the Basque WordNet and Semcor E. Agirre, I. Aldezabal, J. Etxeberria, E. Izagirre, K. Mendizabal, E. Pociello, M. Quintian
A mixed word / morphological approach for extending CELEX for high coverage on contemporary large corpora J. Vaneyghen, G. Pauw, D. Compernolle, W. Daelemans
A new approach to syntactic annotation N. Masaki, I. Hiroshi, H. Taiichi, T. Takenobu
A novel Textual Encoding paradigm based on Semantic Web tools and semantics G. Tummarello, C. Morbidoni, F. Kepler, F. Piazza, P. Puliti
A pilot study for a Corpus of Dutch Aphasic Speech (CoDAS) E. Westerhout, P. Monachesi
A task-oriented framework for evaluating theme detection systems: A discussion paper F. Ibekwe-sanjuan
A translated corpus of 30,000 French SMS C. Fairon, S. Paumier
ANNEX - a web-based Framework for Exploiting Annotated Media Resources P. Berck, A. Russel
Acceptance Testing of a Spoken Language Translation System R. Banchs, A. Bonafonte, J. Pérez
Acquis Communautaire Sentence Alignment using Support Vector Machines A. Ceauşu, D. Ştefănescu, D. Tufiş
Act-Topic Patterns for Automatically Checking Dialogue Models H. Dybkjćr, L. Dybkjćr
Adding multi-layer semantics to the Greek Dependency Treebank H. Papageorgiou, E. Desipri, M. Koutsombogera, K. Pouli, P. Prokopidis
Alexandria: A Powerful Multilingual Resource for Web D. Dutoit
Aligning Multilingual Thesauri D. Ştefănescu, D. Tufi
All Greek to me! An automatic Greeklish to Greek transliteration system A. Chalamandaris, A. Protopapas, P. Tsiakoulis, S. Rapti
An API for accessing the Data Category Registry M. Kemps-snijders, J. Ducret, L. Romary, P. Wittenburg
An Anaphora Resolution-Based Anonymization Module M. Poesio, M. Kabadjov, P. Goux, U. Kruschwitz, E. Bishop, L. Corti
An Annotated Corpus Management Tool: ChaKi Y. Matsumoto, M. Asahara, K. Hashimoto, Y. Tono, A. Ohtani, T. Morita
An Annotated Corpus of Typical Durations of Events F. Pan, R. Mulkar, J. Hobbs
An Answer Bank for Temporal Inference S. Harabagiu, C. Human
An Efficient Approach to Gold-Standard Annotation: Decision Points for Complex Tasks J. Medero, K. Maeda, S. Strassel, C. Walker
An Incremental Tri-Partite Approach To Ontology Learning J. Iria, C. Brewster, F. Ciravegna, Y. Wilks
An Introduction to NLP-based Textual Anonymisation B. Medlock
An Open Source Prosodic Feature Extraction Tool Z. Huang, L. Chen, M. Harper
An observatory on Spoken Italian linguistic resources and descriptive standards. M. Voghera, F. Cutugno
Analysis of TimeBank as a Resource for TimeML Parsing B. Boguraev, R. Ando
Analyzing the Effects of Spoken Dialog Systems on Driving Behavior J. Ko, F. Murase, T. Mitamura, E. Nyberg, M. Tateishi, I. Akahori
Annotating Bridging Anaphors in Italian: in Search of Reliability T. Caselli, I. Prodanof
Annotating COMPARA, a Grammar-aware Parallel Corpus D. Santos, S. Inácio
Annotating Emotions in Meetings D. Reidsma, D. Heylen, R. Ordelman
Annotating Information Structure in a Corpus of Spoken Danish P. Paggio
Annotating the Predicate-Argument Structure of Chinese Nominalizations N. Xue
Annotation Guidelines for Czech-English Word Alignment I. Kruijff-korbayová, K. Chvatalova, O. Postolache
Annotation and Analysis of Emotionally Relevant Behavior in the ISL Meeting Corpus K. Laskowski, S. Burger
Annotation of Emotions in Real-Life Video Interviews: Variability between Coders S. Abrilian, L. Devillers, J. Martin
Annotation of Temporal Relations with Tango M. Verhagen, R. Knippen, I. Mani, J. Pustejovsky
Applying Lexical Constraints on Morpho-Syntactic Patterns for the Identification of Conceptual-Relational Content in Specialized Texts J. Couturier, S. Neuvel, P. Drouin
Are you ready for a call? - Spontaneous conversations in tourism for speech-to-speech translation systems D. Verdonik, M. Rojc
Augmenting a Semantic Verb Lexicon with a Large Scale Collection of Example Sentences K. Inui, T. Hirano, R. Iida, A. Fujita, Y. Matsumoto
Automated Deep Lexical Acquisition for Robust Open Texts Processing Y. Zhang, V. Kordoni
Automated Summarization Evaluation with Basic Elements. E. Hovy, C. Lin, L. Zhou, J. Fukumoto
Automated detection and annotation of term definitions in German text corpora A. Storrer, S. Wellinghoff
Automatic Acquisition of Semantics-Extraction Patterns P. Smrž
Automatic Construction of Japanese WordNet H. Kaji, M. Watanabe
Automatic Detection and Semi-Automatic Revision of Non-Machine-Translatable Parts of a Sentence K. Uchimoto, N. Hayashida, T. Ishida, H. Isahara
Automatic Detection of Orthographics Cues for Cognate Recognition A. Mulloni, V. Pekar
Automatic Detection of Well Recognized Words in Automatic Speech Transcriptions J. Mauclair, Y. Estčve, S. Petit-renaud, P. Deléglise
Automatic Evaluation and Composition of NLP Pipelines with Web Services H. Halpin
Automatic Term Extraction from Knowledge Bank of Economics M. Brekke, K. Innselset, M. Kristiansen, K. Řvsthus
Automatic Terminology Intelligibility Estimation for Readership-oriented Technical Writing Y. Senda, Y. Sinohara, M. Okumura
Automatic Testing and Evaluation of Multilingual Language Technology Resources and Components U. Schäfer, D. Beck
Automatic extraction of subcategorization frames for French P. Chesley, S. Salmon-alt
BACO - A large database of text and co-occurrences L. Sarmento
BITT: A Corpus for Topic Tracking Evaluation on Multimodal Human-Robot-Interaction J. Maas, B. Wrede
BULB: A Unified Lexical Browser C. Havasi, J. Pustejovsky, M. Verhagen
Benefit of a Class-based Language Model for Real-time Closed-captioning of TV Ice-hockey Commentaries J. Hoidekr, J. Psutka, A. Pražák, J. Psutka
Beyond Multimedia Integration: corpora and annotations for cross-media decision mechanisms K. Pastra
Bikers Accessing the Web: The SmartWeb Motorbike Corpus M. Kaiser, H. Mögele, F. Schiel
Bilingual Machine-Aided Indexing J. Civera, A. Juan
Bilingual speech corpus in two phonetically similar languages V. Alabau, C. Martinez
Blind Evaluation for Thai Search Engines S. Tongchim, P. Srichaivattana, V. Sornlertlamvanich, H. Isahara
Bootstrapping New Language ASR Capabilities: Achieving Best Letter-to-Sound Performance under Resource Constraints J. Talley
Building Annotated Written and Spoken Arabic LRs in NEMLAR Project M. Yaseen, M. Attia, B. Maegaard, K. Choukri, N. Paulsson, S. Haamid, S. Krauwer, C. Bendahman, H. Fersře, M. Rashwan, B. Haddad, C. Mukbel, A. Mouradi, A. Al-kufaishi, M. Shahin, N. Chenfour, A. Ragheb
Building Carefully Tagged Bilingual Corpora to Cope with Linguistic Idiosyncrasy Y. Nitta, M. Saraki, S. Ikehara
Building Slovene WordNet T. Erjavec, T. Fišer
Building a Heterogeneous Information Retrieval Collection of Printed Arabic Documents A. Abdelsapor, N. Adly, K. Darwish, O. Emam, W. Magdy, M. Nagi
Building a Large-Scale Repository of Textual Entailment Rules M. Kouylekov, B. Magnini
Building a Lexical Database for an Interactive Joke-Generator R. Manurung, D. O’mara, H. Pain, G. Ritchie, A. Waller
Building a Parallel Multilingual Corpus (Arabic-Spanish-English) D. Samy, A. Sandoval, J. Guirao, E. Alfonseca
Building a Swedish-Turkish Parallel Corpus B. Megyesi, A. Hein, É. Johanson
Building a WordNet for Arabic S. Elkateb, W. Black, H. Rodríguez, M. Alkhalifa, E. Aribau, P. Vossen, A. Pease, C. Fellbaum
Building a historical corpus for Classical Portuguese: some technological aspects M. Sousa, T. Trippel
Building a network of topical relations from a corpus O. Ferret
Building a resource for studying translation shifts L. Cyrus
Building an Evaluation Corpus for German Question Answering by Harvesting Wikipedia I. Cramer, J. Leidner, D. Klakow
Building and Incorporating Language Models for Persian Continuous Speech Recognition Systems M. Bahrani, H. Sameti, N. Hafezi, H. Movassagh
Building lexical resources for PrincPar, a large coverage parser that generates principled semantic representations R. Subba, B. Eugenio, E. Terenzi
CEFLE and Direkt Profil: a New Computer Learner Corpus in French L2 and a System for Grammatical Profiling J. Granfeldt, P. Nugues, M. Ĺgren, J. Thulin, E. Persson, S. Schlyter
CESTA: First Conclusions of the Technolangue MT Evaluation Campaign O. Hamon, A. Popescu-belis, K. Choukri, M. Dabbadie, A. Hartley, W. Mustafa El Hadi, M. Rajman, I. Timimi
CLiMB ToolKit: A Case Study of Iterative Evaluation in a Multidisciplinary Project R. Passonneau, R. Blitz, D. Elson, A. Giral, J. Klavans
COMBINA-PT: A Large Corpus-extracted and Hand-checked Lexical Database of Portuguese Multiword Expressions A. Mendes, S. Antunes, M. Nascimento, J. Casteleiro, L. Pereira, T. Sá
Case Frame Compilation from the Web using High-Performance Computing D. Kawahara, S. Kurohashi
“Casselberveetovallarga” and other Unpronounceable Places: The CrossTowns Corpus S. Schaden, U. Jekosch
Champollion: A Robust Parallel Text Sentence Aligner X. Ma
Clustering acronyms in biomedical text for disambiguation N. Okazaki, S. Ananiadou
CoGrOO: a Brazilian-Portuguese Grammar Checker based on the CETENFOLHA Corpus J. Kinoshita, L. Salvador, C. Menezes
Collaborative Annotation that Lasts Forever: Using Peer-to-Peer Technology for Disseminating Corpora and Language Resources M. Balasubramanya, M. Higgins, P. Lucas, J. Senn, D. Widdows
Collection of Simultaneous Interpreting Patterns by Using Bilingual Spoken Monologue Corpus H. Tohyama, S. Matsubara
Collection, Encoding and Linguistic Processing of a Swedish Medical Corpus - The MEDLEX Experience D. Kokkinakis
Comparing linguistic information in treebank annotations C. Bosco, V. Lombardo
Comparison of Resource Discovery Methods A. Klassmann, F. Offenga, D. Broeder, R. Skiba, P. Wittenburg
Competitive Evaluation of Commercially Available Speech Recognizers in Multiple Languages S. Burger, Z. Sloane, J. Yang
Compiling large language resources using lexical similarity metrics for domain taxonomy learning R. Melz, P. Ryu, K. Choi
Component Evaluation in a Question Answering System L. Costa, L. Sarmento
Computer-aided summarisation -- what the user really wants C. Orasan, L. Hasler
Conceptual Vector Learning - Comparing Bootstrapping from a Thesaurus or Induction by Emergence M. Lafourcade
Constraint-Based Parsing as an Efficient Solution: Results from the Parsing Evaluation Campaign EASy T. Vanrullen, P. Blache, J. Balfourier
Constructing A Chinese Chat Language Corpus with A Two-Stage Incremental Annotation Approach Y. Xia, K. Wong., Wen. Li
Constructing a Named Entity Ontology from Web Corpora M. Lin, H. Chen
Construction of a FrameNet Labeler for Swedish Text R. Johansson, P. Nugues
Conversion of WordNet to a standard RDF/OWL representation M. Assem, A. Gangemi, G. Schreiber
Coreference Resolution with and without Linguistic Knowledge O. Uryupina
Corpus Annotation as a Test of a Linguistic Theory E. Hajicova, P. Sgall
Corpus Development and Publication A. Cole
Corpus Portal for Search in Monolingual Corpora U. Quasthoff, M. Richter, C. Biemann
Corpus Support for Machine Translation at LDC X. Ma, C. Cieri
Corpus description of the ESTER Evaluation Campaign for the Rich Transcription of French Broadcast News S. Galliano, E. Geoffrois, G. Gravier, J. Bonastre, D. Mostefa, K. Choukri
Corpus-Induced Corpus Clean-up M. Reynaert
Corpógrafo V3 - From Terminological Aid to Semi-automatic Knowledge Engineering L. Sarmento, B. Maia, D. Santos, A. Pinto, L. Cabral
Court Stenography-To-Text (“STT”) in Hong Kong: A Jurilinguistic Engineering Effort B. Tsou, T. Lai, K. Sin, L. Cheung
Creating Tools for Morphological Analysis of Sumerian V. Tablan, W. Peters, D. Maynard, H. Cunningham
Creating a Large-Scale Arabic to French Statistical MachineTranslation System S. Hasan, A. Isbihani, H. Ney
Creation and Use of Lexicons and Ontologies for NL Interfaces to Databases R. Bartolini, C. Caracciolo, E. Giovannetti, A. Lenci, S. Marchi, V. Pirrelli, C. Renso, L. Spinsanti
Creation and analysis of a Polish speech database for use in unit selection synthesis D. Oliver, K. Szklanny
Creation of a Japanese Adverb Dictionary that Includes Information on the Speaker’s Communicative Intention Using Machine Learning T. Kanamaru, M. Murata, H. Isahara
Creation of a corpus of multimodal spontaneous expressions of emotions in Human-Machine Interaction G. Lechenadec, V. Maffiolo, N. Chateau, J. Colletta
Czech-English Word Alignment O. Bojar, M. Prokopova
DanPASS - A Danish Phonetically Annotated Spontaneous Speech Corpus N. Grřnnum
Data for question answering: The case of why S. Verberne, L. Boves, N. Oostdijk, P. Coppen
Data, Annotations and Measures in EASY the Evaluation Campaign for Parsers of French. P. Paroubek, I. Robba, A. Vilnat, C. Ayache
Data-driven Amharic-English Bilingual Lexicon Acquisition S. Amsalu
Dealing with Imbalanced Data using Bayesian Techniques M. Maragoudakis, K. Kermanidis, A. Garbis, N. Fakotakis
Dealing with unknown words by simple decomposition: feasibility studies with Italian prefixes. B. Cartoni
Deep non-probabilistic parsing of large corpora B. Sagot, P. Boullier
Dependency-Based Phrase Alignment R. Ion, A. Ceauşu, D. Tufiş
Dependency-structure Annotation to Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese K. Uchimoto, R. Hamabe, T. Maruyama, K. Takanashi, T. Kawahara, H. Isahara
Design and acquisition of a telephone spontaneous speech dialogue corpus in Spanish: DIHANA J. Benedí, E. Lleida, A. Varona, M. Castro, I. Galiano, R. Justo, I. López de Letona, A. Miguel
Design, Construction and Validation of an Arabic-English Conceptual Interlingua for Cross-lingual Information Retrieval N. Habash, C. Mah, S. Imran, R. Calistri-yeh, P. Sheridan
Designing and Recording an Emotional Speech Database for Corpus Based Synthesis in Basque I. Saratxaga, E. Navas, I. Hernáez, I. Aholab
Detecting Inter-domain Semantic Shift using Syntactic Similarity M. Itagaki, A. Aue, T. Aikawa
Detection of inconsistencies in concept classifications in a large dictionary — Toward an improvement of the EDR electronic dictionary — E. Yamamoto, K. Kanzaki, H. Isahara
Developing Speech Synthesis for Under-Resourced Languages by "Faking it": An Experiment with Somali H. Somers, G. Evans, Z. Mohamed
Developing a ContextualizedMultimodal Corpus for Human-Robot Interaction A. Green, H. Hüttenrauch, E. Topp, K. Severinson
Developing a re-usable web-demonstrator for automatic anaphora resolution with support for manual editing of coreference chains A. Nřklestad, Ř. Reigem, C. Johansson
Developing and Using a Pilot Dialectal Arabic Treebank M. Maamouri, A. Bies, T. Buckwalter, M. Diab, N. Habash, O. Rambow, D. Tabessi
Development of Linguistic Ontology on Natural Sciences and Technology B. Dobrov, N. Loukachevitch
Development of a phoneme-to-phoneme (p2p) converter to improve the grapheme-to-phoneme (g2p) conversion of names Q. Yang, J. Martens, N. Konings, H. Heuvel
Development of the First LRs for Macedonian: Current Projects R. Ivanovska-naskova
Dialectal resources on-line: the ALT-Web experience N. Cucurullo, S. Montemagni, M. Paoli, E. Picchi, E. Sassolini
Dictionary Building with the Jibiki Platform: the GDEF case M. Mangeot, A. Chalvin
Dimensions in Dialogue Act Annotation H. Bunt
Discourse functions of duration in Mandarin: resource design and implementation D. Gibbon, S. Tseng
Discriminant-Based MRS Banking S. Oepen, J. Lřnning
Documenting variation across Europe and the Mediterranean: the Pavia Typological Database A. Sansň
Does a Virtual Talking Face Generate Proper Multimodal Cues to Draw User’s Attention to Points of Interest? S. Raidt, G. Bailly, F. Elisei
ECESS Inter-Module Interface Specification for Speech Synthesis J. Pérez, A. Bonafonte, H. Hain, E. Keller, S. Breuer, J. Tian
ELAN: a Professional Framework for Multimodality Research P. Wittenburg, H. Brugman, A. Russel, A. Klassmann, H. Sloetjes
EQueR: the French Evaluation campaign of Question-Answering Systems C. Ayache, B. Grau, A. Vilnat
Edit Distance: A Metric for Machine Translation Evaluation M. Przybocki, G. Sanders, A. Le
Elaborating the parameterized Equivalence Class Method for Dutch N. Grégoire
Error Analysis of Statistical Machine Translation Output D. Vilar, J. Xu, L. D'haro, H. Ney
EuroTermBank - a Terminology Resource based on Best Practice L. Henriksen, C. Povlsen, A. Vasiljevs
Evaluating Automatically Generated Timelines from the Web R. Catizone, A. Dalli, Y. Wilks
Evaluating Morphosyntactic Tagging of Croatian Texts Ž. Agić, M. Tadić
Evaluating Symbiotic Systems: the challenge M. King, N. Underwood
Evaluation Methods of a Linguistically Enriched Translation Memory System G. Hodász
Evaluation for Scenario Question Answering Systems M. Bilotti, E. Nyberg
Evaluation of Automatic Speech Recognition and Speech Language Translation within TC-STAR:Results from the first evaluation campaign D. Mostefa, O. Hamon, K. Choukri
Evaluation of Automatically Generated Transcriptions of Non-Native Pronunciations using a Phonetic Distance Measure S. Schaden
Evaluation of Information Access Technologies with Asian Languages at NTCIR Workshop A. Fujii, M. Iwayama, N. Kando
Evaluation of Stop Word Lists in Chinese Language F. Zou, F. Wang, X. Deng, S. Han
Evaluation of Web-based Corpora: Effects of Seed Selection and Time Interval M. Ueyama
Evaluation of multilingual text alignment systems: the ARCADE II project Y. Chiao, O. Kraif, D. Laurent, T. Nguyen, N. Semmar, F. Stuck, J. Véronis, W. Zaghouani
Evaluation of multimodal components within CHIL: The evaluation packages and results D. Mostefa, M. Garcia, K. Choukri
Example-Based Machine Translation Using a Dictionary of Word Pairs R. Rapp, C. Vide
Experimental detection of vowel pronunciation variants in Amharic T. Pellegrini, L. Lamel
Exploiting Dynamic Passage Retrieval for Spoken Question Recognition and Context Processing towards Speech-driven Information Access Dialogue T. Akiba
Exploiting Linguistic Knowledge in Language Modeling of Czech Spontaneous Speech P. Ircing, J. Hoidekr, J. Psutka
Exploiting Multiple Semantic Resources for Answer Selection J. Ko, L. Hiyakumoto, E. Nyberg
Exploiting Parallel Corpora for Supervised Word-Sense Disambiguation in English-Hungarian Machine Translation M. Miháltz, G. Pohl
Exploiting logical document structure for anaphora resolution D. Goecke, A. Witt
Exploiting text for extracting image processing resources G. Grefenstette, F. Debili, C. Fluhr, S. Zinger
Exploring HPSG-based Treebanks for Probabilistic Parsing HPSG grammar extraction G. Neumann, B. Crysmann
Exploring opportunities for Comparability and Enrichment by Linking lexical databases I. Maks, B. Boelhouwer
Extending VerbNet with Novel Verb Classes K. Kipper, A. Korhonen, N. Ryant, M. Palmer
Extending the Wizard of Oz Methodologie for Multimodal Language-enabled Systems M. Rajman, M. Ailomaa, A. Lisowska, M. Melichar, S. Armstrong
Extraction of Cross Language Term Correspondences H. Hjelm
Extraction of Temporal Information from Texts in Swedish A. Berglund, R. Johansson, P. Nugues
Extraction tools for collocations and their morphosyntactic specificities J. Ritz, U. Heid
FRASQUES: A Question Answering system in the EQueR evaluation campaign B. Grau, A. Ligozat, I. Robba, A. Vilnat, L. Monceau
Fear-type emotions of the SAFE Corpus: annotation issues C. Clavel, I. Vasilescu, L. Devillers, T. Ehrette, G. Richard
Feature-based Encoding and Querying Language Resources with Character Semantics B. Hughes, D. Gibbon, T. Trippel
Features of Terms in Actual Nursing Activities H. Ozaku, A. Abe, K. Sagara, N. Kuwahara, K. Kogure
Field Evaluation of a Single-Word Pronunciation Training System N. Bernsen, T. Hansen, S. Kiilerich, T. Madsen
Finding representative sets of dialect words for geographical regions M. Salmenkivi
Finding the Appropriate Generalization Level for Binary Ontological Relations Extracted from the Genia Corpus P. Cimiano, M. Hartung, E. Ratsch
Finite state tokenisation of an orthographical disjunctive agglutinative language: The verbal segment of Northern Sotho W. Anderson, P. Kotzé
FonDat1: A Speech Synthesis Corpus for Norwegian I. Amdal, T. Svendsen
Formal v. Informal: Register-Differentiated Arabic MT Evaluation in the PLATO Paradigm K. Miller, M. Vanni
Foundations of Modern Language Resource Archives P. Wittenburg, D. Broeder, W. Klein, S. Levinson, L. Romary
FreP: An electronic tool for extracting frequency information of phonological units from Portuguese written text S. Frota, M. Vigário, F. Martin
FreeLing 1.3: Syntactic and semantic services in an open-source NLP library J. Atserias, B. Casas, E. Comelles, M. González, L. Padró, M. Padró
From Natural Language to Databases via Ontologies L. Lesmo, L. Robaldo
From PropBank to EngValLex: Adapting the PropBank-Lexicon to the Valency Theory of the Functional Generative Description S. Cinková
Functioning of the Centre for Dutch Language and Speech Technology M. Boekestein, G. Depoorter, R. Veenendaal
GAIA: Common Framework for the Development of Speech Translation Technologies J. Pérez, A. Bonafonte
Gathering a corpus of multimodal computer-mediated meetings S. Luz, M. Bouamrane, M. Masoodian
General and Task-Specific Corpus Resources for Polish Adult Learners of English A. Bogacka, K. Dziubalska-kołaczyk, G. Krynicki, D. Pietrala, M. Wypych
Generating Typed Dependency Parses from Phrase Structure Parses M. Marneffe, B. Maccartney, C. Manning
Generation of Language Resources for the Development of Speech Technologies in Catalan A. Moreno, A. Febrer, L. Márquez
Generic NLP Tools for Supporting Shallow Ontology Building T. Declerck, M. Vela
Geocoding Multilingual Texts: Recognition, Disambiguation and Visualisation B. Pouliquen, M. Kimler, R. Steinberger, C. Ignat, T. Oellinger, K. Blackler, F. Fluart, W. Zaghouani, A. Widiger, A. Forslund, C. Best
Getting Deeper Semantics than Berkeley FrameNet with MSFA K. Kuroda, M. Utiyama, H. Isahara
Grammar-based tools for the creation of tagging resources for an unresourced language: the case of Northern Sotho U. Heid, E. Taljard, D. Prinsloo
Greek Named Entity Recognition using Support Vector Machines, Maximum Entropy and Onetime I. Michailidis, K. Diamantaras, S. Vasileiadis, Y. Frčre
H. C. Andersen Conversation Corpus N. Bernsen, L. Dybkjćr, S. Kiilerich
HAREM: An Advanced NER Evaluation Contest for Portuguese D. Santos, N. Seco, N. Cardoso, R. Vilela
Hand-crafted versus Machine-learned Inflectional Rules: The Euroling-SiteSeeker Stemmer and CST's Lemmatiser H. Dalianis, B. Jongejan
Hantology-A Linguistic Resource for Chinese Language Processing and Studying Y. Chou, C. Huang
Hierarchical Relationships "is-a": Distinguishing Belonging, Inclusion and Part/of Relationships. C. Jouis
Human Verb Associations as the Basis for Gold Standard Verb Classes: Validation against GermaNet and FrameNet S. Schulte
Human and machine recognition as a function of SNR B. Andrassy, H. Hoege
I-CAB: the Italian Content Annotation Bank B. Magnini, E. Pianta, C. Girardi, M. Negri, L. Romano, M. Speranza, V. Lenzi, R. Sprugnoli
IMORPHĒ: An Inheritance and Equivalence Based Morphology Description Compiler V. Cavalli-sforza, A. Soudi
ISA & ICA - Two Web Interfaces for Interactive Alignment of Bitexts alignment of parallel texts J. Tiedemann
Identifying Named Entities in Text Databases from the Natural History Domain C. Sporleder, M. Erp, T. Porcelijn, A. Bosch, P. Arntzen
Identifying and Classifying Terms in the Life Sciences: The Case of Chemical Terminology S. Anstein, G. Kremer, U. Reyle
If “it” were “then”, then when was “it”? Establishing the anaphoric role of “then” G. Puscasu, R. Mitkov
Impact of Question Decomposition on the Quality of Answer Summaries F. Lacatusu, A. Hickl, S. Harabagiu
Improving Automatic Emotion Recognition from Speech via Gender Differentiaion T. Vogt, E. Andre
Improving coverage and parsing quality of a large-scale LFG for German C. Rohrer, M. Forst
Inducing Sense-Discriminating Context Patterns from Sense-Tagged Corpora A. Rumshisky, J. Pustejovsky
Integrated Linguistic Resources for Language Exploitation Technologies S. Strassel, C. Cieri, A. Cole, D. Dipersio, M. Liberman, X. Ma, M. Maamouri, K. Maeda
Integrating Language Knowledge Resources to Extend the English Inclusion B. Alex
Integrating Linguistic Resources: The American National Corpus Model N. Ide, K. Suderman
Integrating Methods and LRs for Automatic Keyword Extraction from Open Domain Texts P. Alessandro, F. Marco, M. Massimo
Intelligent Dictionary Interfaces: Usability Evaluation of Access-Supporting Enhancements A. Sinopalnikova, P. Smrž
Inter-annotator Agreement on a Multilingual Semantic Annotation Task R. Passonneau, N. Habash, O. Rambow
Interaction between Lexical Base and Ontology with Formal Concept Analysis S. Li, Q. Lu, W. Li, R. Xu
Interoperability of audio corpora : the case of the French corpora O. Baude, M. Jacobson, A. Tchobanov, R. Walter
Iqmt: A Framework for Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation J. Giménez, E. Amigó
JASMIN-CGN: Extension of the Spoken Dutch Corpus with Speech of Elderly People, Children and Non-natives in the Human-Machine Interaction Modality C. Cucchiarini, H. Hamme, O. Herwijnen, F. Smits
KNACK-2002: a Richly Annotated Corpus of Dutch Written Text V. Hoste, G. Pauw
KUNSTI - Knowledge Generation for Norwegian Language Technology B. Maegaard, J. Fenstad, L. Ahrenberg, K. Kvale, K. Mühlenbock, B. Heid
LAMUS: the Language Archive Management and Upload System D. Broeder, A. Claus, F. Offenga, R. Skiba, P. Trilsbeek, P. Wittenburg
LEXADV - a multilingual semantic Lexicon for Adverbs S. Nimb
LEXUS, a web-based tool for manipulating lexical resources lexicon M. Kemps-snijders, M. Nederhof, P. Wittenburg
Language Challenges for Data Fusion in Question-Answering V. Moriceau
Language Resources Production Models: the Case of the INTERA Multilingual Corpus and Terminology M. Gavrilidou, P. Labropoulou, S. Piperidis, V. Giouli, N. Calzolari, M. Monachini, C. Soria, K. Choukri
Language Resources for Background Gathering H. Saggion, R. Gaizauskas
Language Specific and Topic Focused Web Crawling O. Medelyan, S. Schulz, J. Paetzold, M. Poprat, K. Markó
Language identification from suprasegmental cues: Speech synthesis of Greek utterances from different dialectal variations. D. Athanassia-lida, A. Chalamandaris
Layered Speech-Act Annotation for Spoken Dialogue Corpus Y. Irie, S. Matsubara, N. Kawaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, Y. Inagaki
Learning Database Content for Spoken Dialogue System Design J. Polifroni, M. Walker
Lemma-oriented dictionaries, concept-oriented terminology and translation memories A. Meur, M. Derouin
Leveraging Machine Readable Dictionaries in Discriminative Sequence Models B. Wellner, M. Vilain
LexiPass methodology: a conceptual path from frames to senses and back A. Oltramari
Lexical Markup Framework (LMF) G. Francopoulo, M. George, N. Calzolari, M. Monachini, N. Bel, M. Pet, C. Soria
Lexical similarity can distinguish between automatic and manual translations A. Patel, D. Radev
Lexicon Development for Varieties of Spoken Colloquial Arabic D. Graff, T. Buckwalter, M. Maamouri, H. Jin
LexikoNet - a lexical database based on type and role hierarchies A. Geyken, N. Schrader
Linguistic Resources for Speech Parsing A. Bies, S. Strassel, H. Lee, K. Maeda, S. Kulick, Y. Liu, M. Harper, M. Lease
Linguistic Suite for Polish Cadastral System W. Abramowicz, A. Filipowska, J. Piskorski, K. Węcel, K. Wieloc
Linguistic and Biological Annotations of Biological Interaction Events T. Ohta, Y. Tateisi, J. Kim, A. Yakushiji, J. Tsujii
Linguistic features modeling based on Partial New Cache K. Smaďli, C. Lavecchia, J. Haton
Linking Verbal Entries of Different Lexical Resources A. Roventini
Local Document Relevance Clustering in IR Using Collocation Information L. Wanner, M. Ramos
Long-term Analysis of Prosodic Features of Spoken Guidance System User Speech H. Kawanami, T. Kitamura, K. Shikano
Low-cost Customized Speech Corpus Creation for Speech Technology Applications K. Maeda, C. Cieri, K. Walker
MEDUSA: User-Centred Design and usability evaluation of Automatic Speech Recognition telephone services in Telefónica Móviles Espańa J. Soler, P. Cerezo, D. Merino, A. Sánchez
METIS-II: Machine Translation for Low Resource Languages V. Vandeghinste, I. Schuurman, M. Carl, S. Markantonatou, T. Badia
MOOD: A Modular Object-Oriented Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation A. Patry, F. Gotti, P. Langlais
MORBO/COMP: a multilingual database of compound words E. Guevara, S. Scalise, A. Bisetto, C. Melloni
MaltParser: A Data-Driven Parser-Generator for Dependency Parsing J. Nivre, J. Hall, J. Nilsson
Manual Annotation and Automatic Image Processing of Multimodal Emotional Behaviours: Validating the Annotation of TV Interviews J. Martin, G. Caridakis, L. Devillers, K. Karpouzis, S. Abrilian
Measuring Agreement on Set-valued Items (MASI) for Semantic and Pragmatic Annotation R. Passonneau
Merging two Ontology-based Lexical Resources N. Ruimy
Metadata Profile in the ISO Data Category Registry F. Offenga, D. Broeder, P. Wittenburg, J. Ducret, L. Romary
Methodological Aspects of Semantic Annotation H. Bunt, A. Schiffrin
Methodology of Lombard Speech Database Acquisition: Experiences with CLSD H. Boril, T. Boril, P. Pollák
Methods for Creating Semantic Orientation Dictionaries M. Taboada, C. Anthony, K. Voll
Mining Implicit Entities in Queries Wei. Li, Wen. Li, Q. Lu
Mining Knowledge fromWikipedia for the Question Answering task D. Buscaldi, P. Rosso
Mixing WordNet, VerbNet and PropBank for studying verb relations M. Pazienza, M. Pennacchiotti, F. Zanzotto
Modular Approach to Error Analysis and Evaluation for Multilingual Question Answering H. Shima, M. Wang, F. Lin, T. Mitamura
More Data and Tools for More Languages and Research Areas: A Progress Report on LDC Activities C. Cieri, M. Liberman Hungarian lexical database and morphological grammar V. Trón, P. Halácsy, P. Rebrus, A. Rung, P. Vajda, E. Simon
Morphological Tools for Six Small Uralic Languages A. Novák
Morphological annotation of Korean with Directly Maintainable Resources I. Berlocher, K. Huh, E. Laporte, J. Nam
Moving to dynamic computational lexicons with LeXFlow C. Soria, M. Tesconi, F. Bertagna, N. Calzolari, A. Marchetti, M. Monachini
Multi-domain Multi-lingual Named Entity Recognition: Revisiting & Grounding the resources issue V. Giouli, A. Konstandinidis, E. Desypri, H. Papageorgiou
Multilevel corpus analysis: generating and querying an AGset of spoken Italian (SpIt-MDb). R. Savy, F. Cutugno, C. Crocco
Multilingual Lexical Semantic Resources for Ontology Translation T. Declerck, A. Pérez, O. Vela, Z. Gantner, D. Manzano-macho
Multilingual Multidocument Summarization Tools and Evaluation H. Saggion
Multilingual Search in Libraries. The case-study of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano R. Bernardi, D. Calvanese, L. Dini, V. Tomaso, E. Frasnelli, U. Kugler, B. Plank
Multilingual parallel treebanking: a lean and flexible approach J. Kuhn, M. Jellinghaus
Multimedia Database of Meetings and Informal Interactions for Tracking Participant Involvement and Discourse Flow N. Campbell, T. Sadanobu, M. Imura, N. Iwahashi, S. Noriko, D. Douxchamps
Multiple Dimension Levenshtein Edit Distance Calculations for Evaluating Automatic Speech Recognition Systems During Simultaneous Speech J. Fiscus, J. Ajot, N. Radde, C. Laprun
NOMOS: A Semantic Web Software Framework for Annotation of Multimodal Corpora J. Niekrasz, J. Gruenstein
NPs for Events: Experiments in Coreference Annotation L. Hasler, C. Orasan, K. Naumann
Named Entity Extraction with Conjunction Disambiguation P. Mazur, R. Dale
Natural Language Processing: A Terminological and Statistical Approach G. Pardelli, M. Sassi, S. Goggi, P. Orsolini
New Approach to Frequency Dictionaries - Czech Example J. Hlaváčová
New tools for the encoding of lexical data extracted from corpus N. Bel, S. Espeja, M. Marimon
Next Generation Language Resources using Grid F. Calzolari, E. Sassolini, M. Sassi, S. Cucurullo, E. Picchi, F. Bertagna, A. Enea, M. Monachini, C. Soria, N. Calzolari
Non-probabilistic alignment of rare German and English nominal expressions B. Schrader
On Automatic Assignment of Verb Valency Frames in Czech J. Semecký
On the Web Trilingual Sign Language Dictionary to Learn the foreign Sign Language without Learning a Target Spoken Language E. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Kakihana
On the data base of Romanian syllables and some of its quantitative and cryptographic aspects L. Dinu, A. Dinu
Ongoing Developments in Automatically Adapting Lexical Resources to the Biomedical Domain D. Widdows, A. Toumouh, B. Dorow, A. Lehireche
OntoNERdIE -- Mapping and Linking Ontologies to Named Entity Recognition and Information Extraction Resources U. Schäfer
Ontological and Terminological Commitments and the Discourse of Specialist Communities K. Ahmad, M. Musacchio, G. Palumbo
Ontology Driven K-Portal Construction and K-Service Provision A. Kawtrakul, C. Pechsiri, T. Permpool, D. Thamvijit, P. Sornprasert, C. Yingsaeree, M. Suktarachan
Ontology-based Information Extraction with SOBA P. Buitelaar, P. Cimiano, S. Racioppa, M. Siegel
Ontology-based Language Archive Utilization P. Berck, H. Bibiko, M. Kemps-snijders, A. Russel, P. Wittenburg
Open Resources and Tools for the Shallow Processing of Portuguese: The TagShare Project F. Barreto, A. Branco, E. Ferreira, A. Mendes, M. Nascimento, F. Nunes, J. Silva
Open Source Corpus Analysis Tools for Malay T. Baldwin, S. Awab
Oriental COCOSDA: Past, Present and Future S. Itahashi, C. Tseng, S. Nakamura
POS-based Word Reorderings for Statistical Machine Translation M. Popovic, H. Ney
PYCOT: An Optimality Theory-based Pronoun Resolution Toolkit W. Gegg-harrison, D. Byron
Parallel Corpora and Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation for New Language Pairs via Multiple Intermediaries A. Eisele
Parallel Syntactic Annotation of Multiple Languages K. Miller, M. Vanni, O. Rambow, B. Dorr, D. Farwell, R. Green, N. Habash, S. Helmreich, E. Hovy, L. Levin, K. Miller, T. Mitamura, F. Reeder, A. Siddharthan
Part-of-Speech Tagging of Transcribed Speech M. Mieskes, M. Strube
Perspectives of Turning Prague Dependency Treebank into a Knowledge Base V. Novak, J. Hajic
POS tagset design for Italian R. Bernardi, A. Bolognesi, C. Seidenari, F. Tamburini
Predicting MT Quality as a Function of the Source Language D. Rojas, T. Aikawa
PrepNet: a Multilingual Lexical Description of Prepositions P. Saint-dizier
Preprocessing and Tokenisation Standards in DELPH-IN Tools B. Waldron, A. Copestake, U. Schäfer, B. Kiefer
Principles for annotating and reasoning with spatial information P. Morărescu
Progmatica: A Prosodic Database for European Portuguese D. Braga, L. Coelho, J. Teixeira, D. Freitas
Proper Names and Linguistic Dynamics R. Marinelli, R. Bindi
Query Expansion on Compounds B. Pedersen
Querying Both Parallel And Treebank Corpora: Evaluation Of A Corpus Query System U. Petersen
Question Answering Evaluation Survey L. Gillard, P. Bellot, M. El-bčze
REGULUS: A Generic Multilingual Open Source Platform for Grammar-Based Speech Applications M. Rayner, P. Bouillon, B. Hockey, N. Chatzichrisafis
ROTE: A Tool to Support Users in Defining the Relative Importance of Quality Characteristics A. Lisowska, N. Underwood
Real life emotions in French and English TV video clips: an integrated annotation protocol combining continuous and discrete approaches L. Devillers, R. Cowie, J. Martin, E. Douglas-cowie, S. Abrilian, M. Mcrorie
Rebuilding Lexical Resources for Information Retrieval using Sense Folder Detection and Merging Methods E. Luca, A. Nürnberger
Recognizing Acronyms and their Definitions in Swedish Medical Texts D. Kokkinakis, D. Dannélls
Reconsidering Language Identification for Written Language Resources B. Hughes, T. Baldwin, S. Bird, J. Nicholson, A. Mackinlay
Recurrent Markov Cluster (RMCL) Algorithm for the Refinement of the Semantic Network J. Jung, M. Miyake, H. Akam
Reducing the Granularity of a Computational Lexicon via an Automatic Mapping to a Coarse-Grained Sense Inventory R. Navigli
RefRef: A Tool for Viewing and Exploring Coreference Space H. Suzuki, G. Kacmarcik
Regional Bias in the Broad Phonetic Transcriptions of the Spoken Dutch Corpus E. Coussé, S. Gillis
Representation and Inference for Open-Domain QA: Strength and Limits of two Italian Semantic Lexicons F. Bertagna
Representing Linguistic Corpora and Their Annotations N. Ide, L. Romary
Results of the French Evalda-Media evaluation campaign for literal understanding H. Bonneau-maynard, C. Ayache, F. Bechet, A. Denis, A. Kuhn, F. Lefevre, D. Mostefa, M. Quignard, S. Rosset, C. Servan, J. Villaneau
Retrieving Terminological Data from the TxtCeram Tagged Domain Corpus: A First Step towards a Terminological Ontology A. Estellés, A. Alcina, V. Soler
RoCo-News: A Hand Validated Journalistic Corpus of Romanian D. Tufis, E. Irimia
Romanian Valence Dictionary in XML Format A. Barbu, E. Ionescu, V. Mititelu
Rule-Based Chunking and Reusability C. Grover, R. Tobin
SALTO - A Versatile Multi-Level Annotation Tool A. Burchardt, K. Erk, A. Frank, A. Kowalski, S. Pado
SAM - an annotation editor for parallel texts M. Geilfuss, J. Milde
SENTIWORDNET: A Publicly Available Lexical Resource for Opinion Mining A. Esuli, F. Sebastiani
SI-PRON: A Pronunciation Lexicon for Slovenian J. Gros, V. Cvetko-orešnik, P. Jakopin, A. Mihelic
SINOD - Slovenian non-native speech database A. Zgank, D. Verdonik, A. Markus, Z. Kacic
SKELETON: Specialised knowledge retrieval on the basis of terms and conceptual relations J. Feliu, J. Vivaldi, M. Cabré
SParseval: Evaluation Metrics for Parsing Speech B. Roark, M. Harper, E. Charniak, B. Dorr, M. Johnson, J. Kahn, Y. Liu, M. Ostendorf, J. Hale, A. Krasnyanskaya, M. Lease, I. Shafran, M. Snover, R. Stewart, L. Yung
SYMBERED - a Symbol-Concept Editing Tool M. Lundälv, K. Mühlenbock, B. Farre, A. Brännström
Searching for Language Resources on the Web: User Behaviour in the Open Language Archives Community B. Hughes
Searching treebanks for functional constraints: cross-lingual experiments in grammatical relation assignment F. Dell’orletta, A. Lenci, S. Montemagni, V. Pirrelli
Second Order Co-occurrence PMI for Determining the Semantic Similarity of Words M. Islam, D. Inkpen
Semantic Analysis of Abstract Nouns to Compile a Thesaurus of Adjectives K. Kanzaki, Q. Ma, E. Yamamoto, H. Isahara
Semantic Atomicity and Multilinguality in the Medical Domain: Design Considerations for the MorphoSaurus Subword Lexicon S. Schulz, K. Markó, P. Daumke, U. Hahn, S. Hanser, P. Nohama, R. Andrade, E. Pacheco, M. Romacker
Semantic Descriptors: The Case of Reflexive Verbs M. Slavcheva
Semantic Tag Extraction from WordNet Glosses A. Andreevskaia, S. Bergler
Semantic-Based Keyword Recovery Function for Keyword Extraction System R. Kongkachandra, K. Chamnongthai
Semi-automatic Building of Swedish Collocation Lexicon S. Cinkova, P. Pecina, P. Podvesky, P. Schlesinger
Sentiments on a Grid: Analysis of Streaming News and Views K. Ahmad, L. Gillam, D. Cheng
Set-up of a Unit-Selection Synthesis with a Prominent Voice S. Breuer, S. Bergmann, R. Dragon, S. Möller
Shallow Semantic Annotation of Bulgarian K. Simov, P. Osenova
Shalmaneser - A Toolchain For Shallow Semantic Parsing K. Erk, S. Pado
Sign Language corpus analysis: Synchronisation of linguistic annotation and numerical data J. Segouat, A. Braffort, E. Martin
Simulating Cub Reporter Dialogues: The collection of naturalistic human-human dialogues for information access to text archives E. Barker, R. Higashinaka, F. Mairesse, R. Gaizauskas, M. Walker, J. Foster
Skeleton Parsing in Chinese: Annotation Scheme and Guidelines M. Wong
SlinkET: A Partial Modal Parser for Events R. Sauri, M. Verhagen, J. Pustejovsk
Slips and errors in spoken data transcription I. Chiari
SmartWeb UMTS Speech Data Collection: The SmartWeb Handheld Corpus H. Mögele, M. Kaiser, F. Schiel
Spanish Synthesis Corpora M. Umbert, A. Moreno, P. Agüero, A. Bonafonte
Speech Recordings in Public Schools in Germany - the Perfect Show Case for Web-based Recordings and Annotation C. Draxler, K. Jänsch
Spelling Error Patterns in Spanish for Word Processing Applications F. Bustamante, E. Díaz
Spoken Russian in the Russian National Corpus (RNC) E. Grishina
Statistical Analysis for Thesaurus Construction using an Encyclopedic Corpus Y. Ohishi, K. Itou, K. Takeda, A. Fujii
Stochastic Spoken Natural Language Parsing in the Framework of the French MEDIA Evaluation Campaign D. Buehler, W. Minker
Structure, Annotation and Tools in the Basque ZT Corpus N. Areta, A. Gurrutxaga, I. Leturia, Z. Polin, R. Saiz, I. Alegria, X. Artola, A. Diaz de Ilarraza, N. Ezeiza, A. Sologaistoa, A. Soroa, A. Valverde
Structuring a Domain Vocabulary in a General Knowledge Environment N. Ruimy
Summarizing Answers for Complicated Questions L. Zhou, C. Lin, E. Hovy
SynAF: Towards a Standard for Syntactic Annotation T. Declerck
Syntactic Annotation of Large Corpora in STEVIN G. Noord, I. Schuurman, V. Vandeghinste
Syntactic Lexicon of Polish Predicative Nouns G. Vetulani, Z. Vetulani, T. Obrębski
T2O - Recycling Thesauri into a Multilingual Ontology A. Simőes, J. Almeida
TC-STAR: New language resources for ASR and SLT purposes H. Heuvel, K. Choukri, C. Gollan, A. Moreno, D. Mostefa
TC-STAR:Specifications of Language Resources and Evaluation for Speech Synthesis A. Bonafonte, H. Höge, I. Kiss, A. Moreno, U. Ziegenhain, H. Heuvel, H. Hain, X. Wang, M. Garcia
TQB: Accessing Multimodal Data Using a Transcript-based Query and Browsing Interface A. Popescu-belis, M. Georgescul
Tagging Heterogeneous Evaluation Corpora for Opinionated Tasks L. Ku, Y. Liang, H. Chen
Tagging a Corpus of Interpreted Speeches: the European Parliament Interpreting Corpus (EPIC) A. Sandrelli, C. Bendazzoli
Tagset Mapping and Statistical Training Data Cleaning-up F. Pîrvan, D. Tufi
Talbanken05: A Swedish Treebank with Phrase Structure and Dependency Annotation J. Nivre, J. Nilsson, J. Hall
Tangible Objects for the Acquisition of Multimodal Interaction Patterns R. Taib, N. Ruiz
Task-based MT Evaluation: From Who/When/Where Extraction to Event Understanding J. Laoudi, C. Tate, C. Voss
Techno-langue: The French National Initiative for Human Language Technologies (HLT) S. Chaudiron, J. Mariani
Technologies for a Federation of Language Resource Archives D. Broeder, F. Offenga, P. Wittenburg, P. Kamp, D. Nathan, S. Strömqvist
Temporality in relation with discourse structure C. Forăscu, I. Pistol, D. Cristea
Terminological Resources Acquisition Tools: Toward a User-oriented Evaluation Model W. Mustafa el Hadi, I. Timimi, M. Dabbadie, K. Choukri, O. Hamon, Y. Chiao
Test Collections for Patent Retrieval and Patent Classification in the Fifth NTCIRWorkshop N. Kando, A. Fujii, M. Iwayama, N. Kando
Text Mining for Semantic Relations as a Support Base of a Scientific Portal Generator V. Nováček, P. Smrž, J. Pomikálek
The ALVIS Format for Linguistically Annotated Documents A. Nazarenko, E. Alphonse, J. Derivičre, T. Hamon, G. Vauvert, D. Weissenbacher
The ASK Corpus - a Language Learner Corpus of Norwegian as a Second Language K. Tenfjord, P. Meurer, K. Hofland
The Affective Weight of Lexicon C. Strapparava, A. Valitutti, O. Stock
The African Varieties of Portuguese: Compiling Comparable Corpora and Analyzing Data-Derived Lexicon M. Nascimento, J. Gonçalves, L. Pereira, A. Estrela, A. Pereira, R. Santos, S. Oliveira
The BLARK concept and BLARK for Arabic B. Maegaard, S. Krauwer, K. Choukri, L. Jřrgensen
The Collection of Distributionally Idiosyncratic Items: A Multilingual Resource for Linguistic Research M. Sailer, B. Trawinski
The Design and Construction of A Chinese Collocation Bank R. Xu, Q. Lu, S. Li
The DiaCORIS project: a diachronic corpus of written Italian C. Onelli, D. Poietti, C. Seidenari, F. Tamburini
The Dutch-Flemish HLT Programme STEVIN: Essential Speech and Language Technology Resources E. D'halleweyn, J. Odijk, L. Teunissen, C. Cucchiarini
The Eclipse Annotator: an extensible system for multimodal corpus creation F. Behrens, J. Milde
The English-Slovene ACQUIS corpus T. Erjavec
The Evolution of an Evaluation Framework for a Text Mining System N. Underwood, A. Lisowska
The Impact of Annotation on the Performance of Protein Tagging in Biomedical Text B. Alex, M. Nissim, C. Grover
The Impact of Evaluation on Multilingual Information Retrieval System Development C. Peters
The Information Commons Gazetteer P. Lucas, M. Balasubramanya, D. Widdows, M. Higgins
The Italian Metaphor Database A. Alonge
The JRC-Acquis: A Multilingual Aligned Parallel Corpus with 20+ Languages R. Steinberger, B. Pouliquen, A. Widiger, C. Ignat, T. Erjavec, D. Tufiş, D. Varga
The LOIS Project W. Peters, M. Sagri, D. Tiscornia, S. Castagnoli
The Lefff 2 syntactic lexicon for French: architecture, acquisition, use B. Sagot, L. Clément, E. Villemonte de la Clergerie, P. Boullier
The Look and Feel of a Confident Entailer V. Rus, A. Graesser
The MULINCO corpus and corpus platform B. Maegaard, L. Offersgaard, L. Henriksen, H. Jansen, X. Lepetit, C. Navarretta, C. Povlsen
The Mass-Count Distinction: Acquisition and Disambiguation M. Schiehlen, K. Spranger
The Mixer and Transcript Reading Corpora: Resources for Multilingual, Crosschannel Speaker Recognition Research C. Cieri, W. Andrews, J. Campbell, G. Doddington, J. Godfrey, S. Huang, M. Liberman, A. Martin, H. Nakasone, M. Przybocki, K. Walker
The Multilingual Question Answering Track at CLEF B. Magnini, D. Giampicollo, L. Aunimo, C. Ayache, P. Osenova, A. Peńas, M. Rijke, B. Sacaleanu, D. Santos, R. Sutcliffe
The OSU Quake 2004 corpus of two-party situated problem-solving dialogs D. Byron, E. Fosler-lussier
The Representation of German Prepositional Verbs in a Semantically Based Computer Lexicon R. Osswald, H. Helbig, S. Hartrumpf
The Ritel Corpus - An annotated Human-Machine open-domain question answering spoken dialog corpus S. Rosset, S. Petel
The SALSA Corpus: a German Corpus Resource for Lexical Semantics A. Burchardt, K. Erk, A. Frank, A. Kowalski, S. Pado
The SAMMIE Corpus of Multimodal Dialogues with an MP3 Player I. Kruijff-korbayova, T. Becker, N. Blaylock, C. Gerstenberger, M. Kaisser, P. Poller, V. Rieser, J. Schehl
The Sensem Corpus: a Corpus Annotated at the Syntactic and Semantic Level I. Castellón, A. Fernández-montraveta, G. Vázquez, L. Alonso, J. Capilla
The importance of precise tokenizing for deep grammars M. Forst, R. Kaplan
The pragmatic combination of different crosslingual resources H. Uszkoreit, F. Xu, J. Steffen, I. Aslan
The role of lexical resources in matching classification schemas P. Bouquet, L. Serafini, S. Zanobini
The wraetlic NLP suite E. Alfonseca, A. Moreno-sandoval, J. Guirao, M. Ruiz-casado
Tools and methods for objective or contextual evaluation of topic segmentation L. Sitbon, P. Bellot
Tools and resources for speech synthesis arising from a Welsh TTS project B. Williams, R. Jones, I. Uemlianin
Toward Semantic Corpora: Creating Concepts from Words via Senses, and Storing them in an Ontology L. Zhou, C. Lin, E. Hovy, E. Hovy
Toward a Pan-Chinese Thesaurus B. Tsou, O. Kwong
Towards Holistic Summarization -- Selecting Summaries, Not Sentences M. Hassel, J. Sjöbergh
Towards Natural Interactive Question Answering G. Fliedner
Towards Unified Chinese Segmentation Algorithm F. Wang, X. Deng, F. Zou
Towards a Generative Lexical Resource: The Brandeis Semantic Ontology J. Pustejovsky, C. Havasi, J. Littman, A. Rumshisky, M. Verhagen
Towards a Slovene Dependency Treebank S. Džeroski, T. Erjavec, N. Ledinek, P. Pajas, Z. Žabokrtsky, A. Žele
Towards a terminological resource for biomedical text mining G. Nenadic, N. Okazaki, S. Ananiadou
Towards an Ontology for Art and Colours L. Bordoni, T. Mazzoli
Towards automatic transcription of Somali language A. Nimaan, P. Nocera, J. Bonastre
Towards machine-readable lexicons for South African Bantu languages S. Bosch, L. Pretorius, J. Jones
Towards pertinent evaluation methodologies for word-space models M. Sahlgren
Training Language Models without Appropriate Language Resources: Experiments with an AAC System for Disabled People T. Wandmacher, J. Antoine
Training a Statistical Machine Translation System without GIZA++ A. Mauser, E. Matusov, H. Ney
TransType2 : The Last Word E. Macklovitch
Transcription Cost Reduction for Constructing Acoustic Models Using Acoustic Likelihood Selection Criteria T. Kato, T. Toda, H. Saruwatari, K. Shikano
Transferring Coreference Chains through Word Alignment O. Postolache, D. Cristea, C. Orasan
Transferring PoS-tagging and lemmatization tools from spoken to written Dutch corpus development A. Bosch, I. Schuurman, V. Vandeghinste
Tree Searching/Rewriting Formalism P. Nemec
Tregex and Tsurgeon: tools for querying and manipulating tree data structures R. Levy, G. Andrew
Turning a Dependency Treebank into a PSG-style Constituent Treebank E. Bick
UAM Text Tools - a flexible NLP architecture T. Obrebski, M. Stolarski
US-based Method for Speech Reception Threshold Measurement in French A. Raake, B. Katz
Unified Lexicon and Unified Morphosyntactic Specifications for Written and Spoken Italian M. Monachini, N. Calzolari, K. Choukri, J. Friedrich, G. Maltese, M. Mammini, J. Odijk, M. Ulivieri
Uniform and Effective Tagging of a Heterogeneous Giga-word Corpus W. Ma, C. Huang
Usability evaluation of 3G multimodal services in Telefónica Móviles Espańa J. Soler, P. Cerezo, C. Ávila, D. Merino
User requirements analysis for the design of a reference corpus of written Dutch N. Oostdijk, L. Boves
User-friendly ontology authoring using a controlled language V. Tablan, T. Polajnar, H. Cunningham, K. Bontcheva
Using Core Ontology for Domain Lexicon Structuring R. Marinelli, A. Roventini, G. Spadoni
Using Richly Annotated Trilingual Language Resources for Acquiring Reading Skills in a Foreign Language D. Ciobanu, T. Hartley, S. Sharoff
Using Semantic Overlap Scoring in Answering TREC Relationship Questions G. Marton, B. Katz
Using a morphological analyzer in high precision POS tagging of Hungarian P. Halácsy, A. Kornai, C. Oravecz, V. Trón, D. Varga
Using collocations from comparable corpora to find translation equivalents S. Sharoff, B. Babych, A. Hartley
Valency Lexicon of Czech Verbs: Alternation-Based Model M. Lopatkova, Z. Zabokrtsky, K. Skwarska
Visual Surveillance and Video Annotation and Description K. Ahmad, C. Bennett, T. Oliver
WS4LR: A Workstation for Lexical Resources C. Krstev, R. Stanković, D. Vitas, I. Obradović
What in the world is a Shahab?: Wide Coverage Named Entity Recognition for Arabic L. Nezda, A. Hickl, J. Lehmann, S. Fayyaz
Wizard-of-Oz Data Collection for Perception and Interaction in Multi-User Environments P. Strauß, H. Hoffman, W. Minker, H. Neumann, G. Palm, S. Scherer, F. Schwenker, H. Traue, W. Walter, U. Weidenbacher
Word Knowledge Acquisition for Computational Lexicon Construction T. Charoenporn, C. Kruengkrai, T. Theeramunkong, V. Sornlertlamvanich, H. Isahara
Word Sense Disambiguation and Semantic Disambiguation for Construction Types in Deep Processing Grammars D. Beermann, L. Hellan
Work within the W3C Internationalization Activity and its Benefit for the Creation and Manipulation of Language Resources F. Sasaki
X-Score: Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation Grammaticality O. Hamon, M. Rajman