AUTHORS: Browse articles of the conference sorted by author

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Abad, Alberto The DIRHA simulated corpus
Abalada, Silvana A Corpus of European Portuguese Child and Child-directed Speech
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Abbasi, Ahmed Benchmarking Twitter Sentiment Analysis Tools
University of Virginia, UNITED STATES
Abdelali, Ahmed Using Stem-Templates to Improve Arabic POS and Gender/Number Tagging
The AMARA Corpus: Building Parallel Language Resources for the Educational Domain
Qatar Computing Research Institute, QATAR
Abdul-Mageed, Muhammad SANA: A Large Scale Multi-Genre, Multi-Dialect Lexicon for Arabic Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis
Indiana University, UNITED STATES
Abel, Andrea The MERLIN corpus: Learner Language and the CEFR
KoKo: an L1 Learner Corpus for German
Abhimanue, Mandal Statistical Analysis of Multilingual Text Corpus and Development of Language Models
KIIT College of Engineering, Gurgaon, INDIA
Abrate, Matteo Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project
Istitute of Informatics and Telematics, National Research Council CNR, ITALY
Ács, Judit Pivot-based Multilingual Dictionary Building using Wiktionary
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY
Adachi, Fumihiro Towards Multilingual Conversations in the Medical Domain: Development of Multilingual Medical Data and A Network-based ASR System
NEC Corporation, JAPAN
Adda, Gilles The ETAPE Speech Processing Evaluation
Evaluating Corpora Documentation with regards to the Ethics and Big Data Charter
Automatic Language Identity Tagging on Word and Sentence-Level in Multilingual Text Sources: a Case-Study on Luxembourgish
Adda-Decker, Martine Automatic Language Identity Tagging on Word and Sentence-Level in Multilingual Text Sources: a Case-Study on Luxembourgish
Human Annotation of ASR Error Regions: is "gravity" a Sharable Concept for Human Annotators?
ETER: a New Metric for the Evaluation of Hierarchical Named Entity Recognition
LPP (Lab. Phonétique & Phonologie) / LIMSI-CNRS, FRANCE
Addanki, Karteek Evaluating Improvised Hip Hop Lyrics - Challenges and Observations
Adeeba, Farah The CLE Urdu POS Tagset
Adesam, Yvonne Computer-aided Morphology Expansion for Old Swedish
University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Affè, Fabio Presenting a System of Human-Machine Interaction for Performing Map Tasks.
Agerri, Rodrigo IXA pipeline: Efficient and Ready to Use Multilingual NLP tools
Generating Polarity Lexicons with WordNet Propagation in 5 Languages
IXA NLP Group, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), SPAIN
Agic, Zeljko Language Processing Infrastructure in the XLike Project
The SETimes.HR Linguistically Annotated Corpus of Croatian
Croatian Dependency Treebank 2.0: New Annotation Guidelines for Improved Parsing
University of Zagreb, CROATIA
Agostinho, Celina A Corpus of European Portuguese Child and Child-directed Speech
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Agrawal, Shyam Sundar Statistical Analysis of Multilingual Text Corpus and Development of Language Models
KIIT College of Engineering, Gurgaon, INDIA
Aguado-de-Cea, Guadalupe Enabling Language Resources to Expose Translations as Linked Data on the Web
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, SPAIN
Aguiar, Ana VOCE Corpus: Ecologically Collected Speech Annotated with Physiological and Psychological Stress Assessments
Instituto de Telecomunicações, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, PORTUGAL
Aguilar, Jacqueline A Wikipedia-based Corpus for Contextualized Machine Translation
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES
Ahlberg, Malin Computer-aided Morphology Expansion for Old Swedish
University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Ahlgren, Oskar Gold-standard for Topic-specific Sentiment Analysis of Economic Texts
Aalto University School of Business, FINLAND
Ai, Renlong Sprinter: Language Technologies for Interactive and Multimedia Language Learning
MAT: a Tool for L2 Pronunciation Errors Annotation
Aizawa, Akiko Corpus for Coreference Resolution on Scientific Papers
Annotation of Computer Science Papers for Semantic Relation Extrac-tion
National Institute of Informatics; The University of Tokyo, JAPAN
Akbik, Alan The Weltmodell: A Data-Driven Commonsense Knowledge Base
Freepal: A Large Collection of Deep Lexico-Syntactic Patterns for Relation Extraction
Technische Universität Berlin, GERMANY
Aker, Ahmet Bootstrapping Term Extractors for Multiple Languages
Bilingual dictionaries for all EU languages
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM
Al Moubayed, Samer The Tutorbot Corpus ― A Corpus for Studying Tutoring Behaviour in Multiparty Face-to-Face Spoken Dialogue
Al-Badrashiny, Mohamed MADAMIRA: A Fast, Comprehensive Tool for Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation of Arabic
Tharwa: A Large Scale Dialectal Arabic - Standard Arabic - English Lexicon
Center for Computational Learning Systems, Columbia University, UNITED STATES
AlGethami, Ghazi DiVE-Arabic: Gulf Arabic Dialogue in a Virtual Environment
Taif University, SAUDI ARABIA
Alabau, Vicent Evaluating the Effects of Interactivity in a Post-Editing Workbench
Universitat Politècnica de València, SPAIN
Alani, Harith On Stopwords, Filtering and Data Sparsity for Sentiment Analysis of Twitter
The Open University, UNITED KINGDOM
Alansary, Sameh MUHIT: A Multilingual Harmonized Dictionary
Bibliotheca Alexandria, EGYPT
Alegria, Iñaki TweetNorm_es: an Annotated Corpus for Spanish Microtext Normalization
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), SPAIN
Alekseev, Aleksey Summarizing News Clusters on the Basis of Thematic Chains
Lomonosov Moscow State University, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Alexander, Marc Experiences with Parallelisation of an Existing NLP Pipeline: Tagging Hansard
University of Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM
Alexopoulou, Dora Native Language Identification Using Large, Longitudinal Data
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
Alfano, Iolanda VOLIP: a Corpus of Spoken Italian and a Virtuous Example of Reuse of Linguistic Resources
Dipartimento Studi Umanistici ― Università di Salerno, ITALY
Aliprandi, Carlo SAVAS: Collecting, Annotating and Sharing Audiovisual Language Resources for Automatic Subtitling
Aljunied, Sharifah Mahani TaLAPi ― A Thai Linguistically Annotated Corpus for Language Processing
Institute for Infocomm Research, SINGAPORE
Alkuhlani, Sarah Large Scale Arabic Error Annotation: Guidelines and Framework
Columbia University, UNITED STATES
Allauzen, Alexander Rule-based Reordering Space in Statistical Machine Translation
Université Paris-Sud / LIMSI-CNRS, FRANCE
Allik, Kaarel Dense Components in the Structure of WordNet
Tallinn University of Technology, ESTONIA
Allwood, Jens Bring vs. MTRoget: Evaluating Automatic Thesaurus Translation
University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Almajai, Ibrahim A Crowdsourcing Smartphone Application for Swiss German: Putting Language Documentation in the Hands of the Users
University of Geneva, SWITZERLAND
Almeida, Mariana S. C. Priberam Compressive Summarization Corpus: A New Multi-Document Summarization Corpus for European Portuguese
Priberam; Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, PORTUGAL
Almeida, Miguel B. Priberam Compressive Summarization Corpus: A New Multi-Document Summarization Corpus for European Portuguese
Priberam; Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, PORTUGAL
Almeida, Pedro VOCE Corpus: Ecologically Collected Speech Annotated with Physiological and Psychological Stress Assessments
University of Porto - Faculty of Law, School of Criminology, PORTUGAL
Alsop, Sian The Pragmatic Annotation of a Corpus of Academic Lectures
Coventry University, UNITED KINGDOM
Althobaiti, Maha AraNLP: a Java-based Library for the Processing of Arabic Text.
University of Essex, UNITED KINGDOM
Aluísio, Sandra Generating a Lexicon of Errors in Portuguese to Support an Error Identification System for Spanish Native Learners
A Large Corpus of Product Reviews in Portuguese: Tackling Out-Of-Vocabulary Words
University of São Paulo, BRAZIL
Álvarez, Aitor SAVAS: Collecting, Annotating and Sharing Audiovisual Language Resources for Automatic Subtitling
Phoneme Similarity Matrices to Improve Long Audio Alignment for Automatic Subtitling
Vicomtech-IK4, SPAIN
Amaral, Daniela Comparative Analysis of Portuguese Named Entities Recognition Tools
PUCRS University, BRAZIL
Amaro, Raquel LexTec - a Rich Language Resource for Technical Domains in Portuguese
Extracting Semantic Relations from Portuguese Corpora using Lexical-Syntactic Patterns
Center of Linguistics of the University of Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Aminian, Maryam Tharwa: A Large Scale Dialectal Arabic - Standard Arabic - English Lexicon
Amsili, Pascal Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results
LLF (Univ Paris Diderot / CNRS), FRANCE
Ananiadou, Sophia Interoperability and Customisation of Annotation Schemata in Argo
The Meta-knowledge of Causality in Biomedical Scientific Discourse
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Locating Requests among Open Source Software Communication Messages
University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM
Andersen, Gisle CLARA: A New Generation of Researchers in Common Language Resources and Their Applications
Norwegian School of Economics, NORWAY
Anderson, Jean Experiences with Parallelisation of an Existing NLP Pipeline: Tagging Hansard
University of Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM
Andersson, Peter Computer-aided Morphology Expansion for Old Swedish
Spräkbanken, University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN
André, Thibault Multiple Choice Question Corpus Analysis for Distractor Characterization
Andreeva, Bistra A Cross-language Corpus for Studying the Phonetics and Phonology of Prominence
Designing a Bilingual Speech Corpus for French and German Language Learners: a Two-Step Process
Saarland University, GERMANY
Andrich, Rico Modeling and Evaluating Dialog Success in the LAST MINUTE Corpus
Otto-von-Guericke Universität, GERMANY
Anechitei, Daniel How Could Veins Speed Up the Process of Discourse Parsing
€žAlexandru Ioan Cuza“ University of Iasi, Faculty of Computer Science, ROMANIA
Angelov, Krasimir Bootstrapping Open-Source English-Bulgarian Computational Dictionary
University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology, SWEDEN
Angelova, Galia Sublanguage Corpus Analysis Toolkit: a Tool for Assessing the Representativeness and Sublanguage Characteristics of Corpora
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BULGARIA
Anick, Peter Identification of Technology Terms in Patents
Brandeis University, UNITED STATES
Antoine, Jean-Yves ANCOR_Centre, a Large Free Spoken French Coreference Corpus: Description of the Resource and Reliability Measures
Université François Rabelais de Tours, LI, FRANCE
Antunes, Sandra An Evaluation of the Role of Statistical Measures and Frequency for MWE Identification
Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Apidianaki, Marianna Semantic Clustering of Pivot Paraphrases
Araki, Jun Supervised Within-Document Event Coreference using Information Propagation
Detecting Subevent Structure for Event Coreference Resolution
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Aranberri, Nora TweetNorm_es: an Annotated Corpus for Spanish Microtext Normalization
University of the Basque Country, SPAIN
Arias, Blanca Boosting the Creation of a Treebank
The IULA Spanish LSP Treebank
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Arias-Londoño, Julián David New Spanish Speech Corpus Database for the Analysis of People Suffering from Parkinson's Disease
Universidad de Antioquia, COLOMBIA
Armiti, Ayser Extending HeidelTime for Temporal Expressions Referring to Historic Dates
Heidelberg University, GERMANY
Arranz, Victoria VERTa: Facing a Multilingual Experience of a Linguistically-based MT Evaluation
ELRA's Consolidated Services for the HLT Community
Arregi, Olatz First Approach toward Semantic Role Labeling for Basque
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, SPAIN
Arrieta, Kutz Linguistic Evaluation of Support Verb Constructions by OpenLogos and Google Translate
Logos Institute, FRANCE
Artola, Xabier A Stream Computing Approach Towards Scalable NLP
Artstein, Ron The Distress Analysis Interview Corpus of Human and Computer Interviews
USC Institute for Creative Technologies, UNITED STATES
Arzelus, Haritz Phoneme Similarity Matrices to Improve Long Audio Alignment for Automatic Subtitling
Vicomtech-IK4, SPAIN
Asadullah, Munshi Bidirectionnal Converter Between Syntactic Annotations: from French Treebank Dependencies to PASSAGE Annotations, and back
Asano, Hisako Constructing a Corpus of Japanese Predicate Phrases for Synonym/Antonym Relations
NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories, JAPAN
Astésano, Corine Aix Map Task Corpus: the French Multimodal Corpus of Task-oriented Dialogue
Toulouse Université & CNRS, Octogone, FRANCE
Ataa Allah, Fadoua Amazigh Verb Conjugator
CEISIC, Royal Institut of Amazigh Culture, MOROCCO
Atserias, Jordi VERTa: Facing a Multilingual Experience of a Linguistically-based MT Evaluation
Attia, Mohammed Tharwa: A Large Scale Dialectal Arabic - Standard Arabic - English Lexicon
Atwell, Eric Tools for Arabic Natural Language Processing: a Case Study in Qalqalah Prosody
University of Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM
Auchlin, Antoine C-PhonoGenre: a 7-hour Corpus of 7 Speaking Styles in French: Relations between Situational Features and Prosodic Properties
Universite de Geneve, SWITZERLAND
Auguin, Nicolas Co-Training for Classification of Live or Studio Music Recordings
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION OF CHINA
Aussems, Suzanne The Development of Dutch and Afrikaans Language Resources for Compound Boundary Analysis.
Tilburg Center for Cognition and Communication, NETHERLANDS
Auziņa, Ilze Designing the Latvian Speech Recognition Corpus
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia, LATVIA
Avanço, Lucas A Large Corpus of Product Reviews in Portuguese: Tackling Out-Of-Vocabulary Words
University of São Paulo, BRAZIL
Avanzi, Mathieu DisMo: A Morphosyntactic, Disfluency and Multi-Word Unit Annotator. An Evaluation on a Corpus of French Spontaneous and Read Speech
Université Paris Diderot, FRANCE
Avelar, Jairo The EASR Corpora of European Portuguese, French, Hungarian and Polish Elderly Speech
Microsoft Language Development Center, UNITED STATES
Avramidis, Eleftherios The taraXÜ Corpus of Human-Annotated Machine Translations
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), GERMANY
Aw, AiTi TaLAPi ― A Thai Linguistically Annotated Corpus for Language Processing
Institute for Infocomm Research, SINGAPORE
Azpeitia, Andoni Generating Polarity Lexicons with WordNet Propagation in 5 Languages
Vicomtech, SPAIN


B. Hashemi, Homa A Comparison of MT Errors and ESL Errors
Intelligent Systems Program, University of Pittsburgh, UNITED STATES
Bigi, Brigitte Representing Multimodal Linguistic Annotated Data
Automatic Detection of Other-Repetition Occurrences: Application to French Conversational Speech
Aix Map Task Corpus: the French Multimodal Corpus of Task-oriented Dialogue
Bacciu, Clara Accommodations in Tuscany as Linked Data
Backhouse, Kate Semi-Automatic Annotation of the UCU Accents Speech Corpus
University College Utrecht, NETHERLANDS
Badia, Toni The NewSoMe Corpus: a Unifying Opinion Annotation Framework Across Genres and in Multiple Languages
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Baeza-Yates, Ricardo DysList: An Annotated Resource of Dyslexic Errors
Web Research Group, UPF & Yahoo Labs, Barcelona, SPAIN
Baggett, William The DARE Corpus: A Resource for Anaphora Resolution in Dialogue Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems
The University of Memphis, UNITED STATES
Baisa, Vít Disambiguating Verbs by Collocation: Corpus Lexicography meets Natural Language Processing
Extrinsic Corpus Evaluation with a Collocation Dictionary Task
Masaryk University, CZECH REPUBLIC
Baker, Anne Vulnerability in Acquisition, Language Impairments in Dutch: Creating a VALID Data Archive
University of Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Balage, Pedro A Large Corpus of Product Reviews in Portuguese: Tackling Out-Of-Vocabulary Words
University of São Paulo, BRAZIL
Balahur, Alexandra Resource Creation and Evaluation for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts
European Commission Joint Research Centre, ITALY
Balamurali, A.R Can the Crowd be Controlled?: A Case Study on Crowd Sourcing and Automatic Validation of Completed Tasks based on User Modeling
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, KOREA
Baldewijns, Daan Casa De La Lhéngua: a Set of Language Resources and Natural Language Processing Tools for Mirandese
Ballesteros-Calvo, Alicia Standardisation and Interoperation of Morphosyntactic and Syntactic Annotation Tools for Spanish and their Annotations
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), SPAIN
Balvet, Antonio TALC-Sef a Manually-revised POS-Tagged Literary Corpus in Serbian, English and French
UMR STL 8163, Université Lille 3, FRANCE
Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji Word Alignment-Based Reordering of Source Chunks in PB-SMT
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, INDIA
Banjade, Rajendra On Paraphrase Identification Corpora
The DARE Corpus: A Resource for Anaphora Resolution in Dialogue Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Latent Semantic Analysis Models on Wikipedia and TASA
The University of Memphis, UNITED STATES
Bansal, Shweta Statistical Analysis of Multilingual Text Corpus and Development of Language Models
KIIT College of Engineering, Gurgaon, INDIA
Banski, Piotr Access Control by Query Rewriting: the Case of KorAP
Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, GERMANY
Barancikova, Petra Improving Evaluation of English-Czech MT through Paraphrasing
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, CZECH REPUBLIC
Baranes, Marion A Language-independent Approach to Extracting Derivational Relations from an Inflectional Lexicon
viavoo & Université Paris-Diderot, FRANCE
Barbieri, Francesco Modelling Irony in Twitter: Feature Analysis and Evaluation
Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, SPAIN
Barbosa, Denilson Improving Open Relation Extraction via Sentence Re-Structuring
University of Alberta, UNITED STATES
Barbu Mititelu, Verginica CoRoLa ― The Reference Corpus of Contemporary Romanian Language
Bard, Ellen Gurman Aix Map Task Corpus: the French Multimodal Corpus of Task-oriented Dialogue
University of Edinburgh, PPLS and HCRC, UNITED KINGDOM
Barker, Emma Bootstrapping Term Extractors for Multiple Languages
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM
Barnden, John Mining Online Discussion Forums for Metaphors
University of Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM
Baroni, Marco A SICK Cure for the Evaluation of Compositional Distributional Semantic Models
University of Trento, ITALY
Barque, Lucie Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results
LDI, Univ Paris 13, FRANCE
Barras, Claude TVD: A Reproducible and Multiply Aligned TV Series Dataset
Univ. Paris Sud / CNRS-LIMSI, FRANCE
Barreiro, Anabela OpenLogos Semantico-Syntactic Knowledge-Rich Bilingual Dictionaries
Linguistic Evaluation of Support Verb Constructions by OpenLogos and Google Translate
Barriere, Caroline Linked Open Data and Web Corpus Data for noun compound bracketing
Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montréal, CANADA
Barry, William A Cross-language Corpus for Studying the Phonetics and Phonology of Prominence
Saarland University, GERMANY
Bartolini, Roberto From Synsets to Videos: Enriching ItalWordNet Multimodally
Barzdins, Guntis Using C5.0 and Exhaustive Search for Boosting Frame-Semantic Parsing Accuracy
University of Latvia, LATVIA
Basanta, Noemí CORILGA: a Galician Multilevel Annotated Speech Corpus for Linguistic Analysis
University of Santiago de Compostela, SPAIN
Basili, Roberto HuRIC: a Human Robot Interaction Corpus
University of Roma, Tor Vergata, ITALY
Bastianelli, Emanuele HuRIC: a Human Robot Interaction Corpus
University of Roma, Tor Vergata, ITALY
Bastings, Joost All Fragments Count in Parser Evaluation
University of Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Basu, Anupam Design and Development of an Online Computational Framework to Facilitate Language Comprehension Research on Indian Languages
IIT kharagpur, INDIA
Batista, Fernando Revising the Annotation of a Broadcast News Corpus: a Linguistic Approach
OpenLogos Semantico-Syntactic Knowledge-Rich Bilingual Dictionaries
Teenage and Adult Speech in School Context: Building and Processing a Corpus of European Portuguese
Prosodic, Syntactic, Semantic Guidelines for Topic Structures Across Domains and Corpora
Linguistic Evaluation of Support Verb Constructions by OpenLogos and Google Translate
Batista-Navarro, Riza Theresa Interoperability and Customisation of Annotation Schemata in Argo
The National Centre for Text Mining, The University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM
Bauer, Daniel Mapping Between English Strings and Reentrant Semantic Graphs
Columbia University, UNITED STATES
Bauer, John A Gold Standard Dependency Corpus for English
Stanford University, UNITED STATES
Baumann, Peter Using Resource-Rich Languages to Improve Morphological Analysis of Under-Resourced Languages
Discosuite - A Parser Test Suite for German Discontinuous Structures
Northwestern University, UNITED STATES
Baumgardt, Frederik Open Philology at the University of Leipzig
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Baumgartner Jr., William A. Sublanguage Corpus Analysis Toolkit: a Tool for Assessing the Representativeness and Sublanguage Characteristics of Corpora
University of Colorado School of Medicine, UNITED STATES
Baur, Claudia Using a Serious Game to Collect a Child Learner Speech Corpus
Université de Genève FTI/TIM, SWITZERLAND
Bautista, Susana Can Numerical Expressions Be Simpler? Implementation and Demonstration of a Numerical Simplification System for Spanish
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SPAIN
Bawden, Rachel Correcting and Validating Syntactic Dependency in the Spoken French Treebank Rhapsodie
Modyco, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre & CNRS, FRANCE
Bayer, Ali Orkan The Development of the Multilingual LUNA Corpus for Spoken Language System Porting
University of Trento, ITALY
Bazillon, Thierry Automatically Enriching Spoken Corpora with Syntactic Information for Linguistic Studies
Aix Marseille University, FRANCE
Béchet, Denis Validation Issues induced by an Automatic Pre-Annotation Mechanism in the Building of Non-projective Dependency Treebanks
LINA - University of Nantes, FRANCE
Bechet, Frederic Automatically Enriching Spoken Corpora with Syntactic Information for Linguistic Studies
A Collection of Scholarly Book Reviews from the Platforms of Electronic Sources in Humanities and Social Sciences
Aix Marseille University, FRANCE
Beck, Kathrin Adapting a Part-of-Speech Tagset to Non-Standard Text: the Case of STTS
University of Tübingen, GERMANY
Becker, Lee ClearTK 2.0: Design Patterns for Machine Learning in UIMA
Bédaride, Paul Mapping the Lexique des Verbes du français (Lexicon of French Verbs) to a NLP Lexicon using Examples
Université de Lorraine / LORIA, FRANCE
Beermann, Dorothee MultiVal - Towards a Multilingual Valence Lexicon
NTNU, Trondheim, NORWAY
Bejček, Eduard Automatic Mapping Lexical Resources: A Lexical Unit as the Keystone
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, CZECH REPUBLIC
Bel Enguix, Gemma A Graph-Based Approach for Computing Free Word Associations
Aix-Marseille Université, FRANCE
Bel, Núria Boosting the Creation of a Treebank
The IULA Spanish LSP Treebank
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
CLARA: A New Generation of Researchers in Common Language Resources and Their Applications
A Cascade Approach for Complex-type Classification
Choosing which to Use? A Study of Distributional Models for Nominal Lexical Semantic Classification
Metadata as Linked Open Data: mapping disparate XML metadata registries into one RDF/OWL registry.
Ranking Job Offers for Candidates: Learning Hidden Knowledge from Big Data
Combining Dependency Information and Generalization in a Pattern-based Approach to the Classification of Lexical-Semantic Relation Instances
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Belguith, Lamia A Conventional Orthography for Tunisian Arabic
ANLP Research group, MIRACL Lab., University of Sfax, Tunisia, TUNISIA
Beliao, Julie Rhapsodie: a Prosodic-Syntactic Treebank for Spoken French
Modyco, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, FRANCE
Bellgardt, Martin Extensions of the Sign Language Recognition and Translation Corpus RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather
RWTH Aachen University, GERMANY
Bellot, Patrice A Collection of Scholarly Book Reviews from the Platforms of Electronic Sources in Humanities and Social Sciences
Aix-Marseille Université (AMU-LSIS), FRANCE
Beloki, Zuhaitz A Stream Computing Approach Towards Scalable NLP
Belz, Anja A Comparative Evaluation Methodology for NLG in Interactive Systems
University of Brighton, UNITED KINGDOM
Ben Jannet, Mohamed ETER: a New Metric for the Evaluation of Hierarchical Named Entity Recognition
Benamara, Farah Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results
IRIT, Toulouse University, FRANCE
Bender, Emily M. Enriching ODIN
Towards an Encyclopedia of Compositional Semantics: Documenting the Interface of the English Resource Grammar
Language CoLLAGE: Grammatical Description with the LinGO Grammar Matrix
University of Washington, UNITED STATES
Bender, Jordan A Unified Annotation Scheme for the Semantic/Pragmatic Components of Definiteness
University of Pittsburgh, UNITED STATES
Benikova, Darina NoSta-D Named Entity Annotation for German: Guidelines and Dataset
FG Language Technology, TU Darmstadt, GERMANY
Benin, Alberto Discovering the Italian Literature: Interactive Access to Audio-indexed Text Resources
Benjamin, Martin Collaboration in the Production of a Massively Multilingual Lexicon
Benkoussas, Chahinez A Collection of Scholarly Book Reviews from the Platforms of Electronic Sources in Humanities and Social Sciences
Aix-Marseille Université (LSIS-OpenEdition), FRANCE
Bentivogli, Luisa A SICK Cure for the Evaluation of Compositional Distributional Semantic Models
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ITALY
Berke, Larwan Expanding N-gram Analytics in ELAN and a Case Study for Sign Synthesis
Gallaudet University, UNITED STATES
Berkling, Kay A Database of Freely Written Texts of German School Students for the Purpose of Automatic Spelling Error Classification
Cooperative State University Baden-Württemberg, GERMANY
Bermudez, Josu IXA pipeline: Efficient and Ready to Use Multilingual NLP tools
LinguaMedia Group, University of Deusto, SPAIN
Bernardi, Raffaella A SICK Cure for the Evaluation of Compositional Distributional Semantic Models
University of Trento, ITALY
Bernhard, Delphine From Non Word to New Word: Automatically Identifying Neologisms in French Newspapers
Lilpa, Université de Strasbourg, FRANCE
Berović, Daša Croatian Dependency Treebank 2.0: New Annotation Guidelines for Improved Parsing
RECSA: Resource for Evaluating Cross-lingual Semantic Annotation
University of Zagreb, CROATIA
Bertrand, Roxane Automatic Detection of Other-Repetition Occurrences: Application to French Conversational Speech
Bestandji, Reda Towards Electronic SMS Dictionary Construction: An Alignment-based Approach
LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier 2, FRANCE
Bethard, Steven ClearTK 2.0: Design Patterns for Machine Learning in UIMA
University of Alabama at Birmingham, UNITED STATES
Beuck, Niels Because Size Does Matter: The Hamburg Dependency Treebank
Universität Hamburg, GERMANY
Bevacqua, Elisabetta A Database of Full Body Virtual Interactions Annotated with Expressivity Scores
Bhat, Riyaz Ahmad Towards Building a Kashmiri Treebank: Setting up the Annotation Pipeline
LTRC, IIIT Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
Bhat, Shahid Musjtaq Towards Building a Kashmiri Treebank: Setting up the Annotation Pipeline
Central Institute of Indian Languages, INDIA
Bhatia, Archna A Corpus of Participant Roles in Contentious Discussions
Augmenting English Adjective Senses with Supersenses
A Unified Annotation Scheme for the Semantic/Pragmatic Components of Definiteness
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Bhattacharyya, Pushpak Shata-Anuvadak: Tackling Multiway Translation of Indian Languages
When Transliteration Met Crowdsourcing : An Empirical Study of Transliteration via Crowdsourcing using Efficient, Non-redundant and Fair Quality Control
CSE Department, IIT Bombay, INDIA
Bianchini, Alessia T-PAS; A resource of Typed Predicate Argument Structures for linguistic analysis and semantic processing
Università di Pavia, ITALY
Bick, Eckhard ML-Optimization of Ported Constraint Grammars
University of Southern Denmark, DENMARK
Bielevičiené Audroné The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Institute of the Lithuanian Language, LITHUANIA
Biemann, Chris Distributed Distributional Similarities of Google Books over the Centuries
NoSta-D Named Entity Annotation for German: Guidelines and Dataset
Lexical Substitution Dataset for German
TU Darmstadt, GERMANY
Bies, Ann Developing an Egyptian Arabic Treebank: Impact of Dialectal Morphology on Annotation and Tool Development
Incorporating Alternate Translations into English Translation Treebank
Linguistic Data Consortium, UNITED STATES
Bilinski, Eric Human Annotation of ASR Error Regions: is "gravity" a Sharable Concept for Human Annotators?
Bingel, Joachim Named Entity Tagging a Very Large Unbalanced Corpus: Training and Evaluating NE Classifiers
Bittar, André The Dangerous Myth of the Star System
Holmes Semantic Solutions, FRANCE
Biyikli, Dogan Building a Crisis Management Term Resource for Social Media: The Case of Floods and Protests
Independent Consultant, QATAR
Bizzoni, Yuri The Making of Ancient Greek WordNet
University of Pisa, ITALY
Bjarnadóttir, Kristín Utilizing Constituent Structure for Compound Analysis
The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies/University of Iceland, ICELAND
Björkelund, Anders The Extended DIRNDL Corpus as a Resource for Coreference and Bridging Resolution
University of Stuttgart, GERMANY
Black, Kevin Evaluating Lemmatization Models for Machine-Assisted Corpus-Dictionary Linkage
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES
Blessing, Andre Textual Emigration Analysis (TEA)
The eIdentity Text Exploration Workbench
Universitaet Stuttgart, GERMANY
Bobach, Claudia Creating a Gold Standard Corpus for the Extraction of Chemistry-Disease Relations from Patent Texts
OntoChem GmbH, Halle (Saale), GERMANY
Boberg, Jill The Distress Analysis Interview Corpus of Human and Computer Interviews
Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, UNITED STATES
Bocklet, Tobias Erlangen-CLP: A Large Annotated Corpus of Speech from Children with Cleft Lip and Palate
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY
Bodnar, Steve ASR-based CALL Systems and Learner Speech Data: New Resources and Opportunities for Research and Development in Second Language Learning
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Boella, Guido Exploiting networks in Law
University of Turin, ITALY
Bogdanova, Dasha Cross-Language Authorship Attribution
CNGL, Dublin City University, IRELAND
Bögel, Thomas Computational Narratology: Extracting Tense Clusters from Narrative Texts
Extending HeidelTime for Temporal Expressions Referring to Historic Dates
Institute of Computer Science, Heidelberg University, GERMANY
Bojar, Ondrej Not an Interlingua, But Close: Comparison of English AMRs to Chinese and Czech
A Tagged Corpus and a Tagger for Urdu
Two-Step Machine Translation with Lattices
HindEnCorp - Hindi-English and Hindi-only Corpus for Machine Translation
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, CZECH REPUBLIC
Bolfing, Anton Applying Accessibility-Oriented Controlled Language (CL) Rules to Improve Appropriateness of Text Alternatives for Images: an Exploratory Study
Access for all Foundation, SWITZERLAND
Bollepalli, Bajibabu The Tutorbot Corpus ― A Corpus for Studying Tutoring Behaviour in Multiparty Face-to-Face Spoken Dialogue
Bond, Francis Identifying Idioms in Chinese Translations
Building The Sense-Tagged Multilingual Parallel Corpus
Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE
Bond, Stephen TermWise: A CAT-tool with Context-Sensitive Terminological Support.
KU Leuven (University of Leuven), BELGIUM
Bondi Johannessen, Janne The Norwegian Dependency Treebank
Dept of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo, NORWAY
Bonial, Claire PropBank: Semantics of New Predicate Types
University of Colorado Boulder, UNITED STATES
Bonn, Julia PropBank: Semantics of New Predicate Types
University of Colorado Boulder, UNITED STATES
Bonneau, Anne Designing a Bilingual Speech Corpus for French and German Language Learners: a Two-Step Process
Speech Group - LORIA CNRS UMR 7503 Nancy, FRANCE
Bonnefond, Nicolas The Sweet-Home Speech and Multimodal Corpus for Home Automation Interaction
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, FRANCE
Bonnevay, Stéphane Investigating the Image of Entities in Social Media: Dataset Design and First Results
ERIC lab., University of Lyon 2, FRANCE
Bono, Mayumi A Colloquial Corpus of Japanese Sign Language: Linguistic Resources for Observing Sign Language Conversations
National Institute of Informatics, JAPAN
Bontcheva, Kalina Corpus Annotation through Crowdsourcing: Towards Best Practice Guidelines
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM
Boos, Rodrigo Identification of Multiword Expressions in the brWaC
Bordea, Georgeta Hot Topics and Schisms in NLP: Community and Trend Analysis with Saffron on ACL and LREC Proceedings
INSIGHT, National University of Ireland, Galway, IRELAND
Bordel, German KALAKA-3: a Database for the Recognition of Spoken European Languages on YouTube Audios
University of the Basque Country, SPAIN
Borg, Claudia Crowd-sourcing Evaluation of Automatically Acquired, Morphologically Related Word Groupings
University of Malta, MALTA
Borin, Lars Linguistic Landscaping of South Asia using Digital Language Resources: Genetic vs. Areal Linguistics
HFST-SweNER ― A New NER Resource for Swedish
Bring vs. MTRoget: Evaluating Automatic Thesaurus Translation
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
A Flexible Language Learning Platform Based on Language Resources and Web Services
Spräkbanken, University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Boroș, Tiberiu RSS-TOBI - a Prosodically Enhanced Romanian Speech Corpus
Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Romanian Academy, ROMANIA
Borzovs, Juris Terminology Localization Guidelines for the National Scenario
University of Lavia, LATVIA
Bosca, Alessio Modeling, Managing, Exposing, and Linking Ontologies with a Wiki-based Tool
A Gold Standard for CLIR evaluation in the Organic Agriculture Domain
Boschetti, Federico The Making of Ancient Greek WordNet
Bosco, Cristina Exploiting Catenae in a Parallel Treebank Alignment
Less is More? Towards a Reduced Inventory of Categories for Training a Parser for the Italian Stanford Dependencies
University of Torino, Department of Computer Science, ITALY
Bost, Jamie An Analysis of Older Users' Interactions with Spoken Dialogue Systems
University of Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM
Botalla, Marie-Amélie Correcting and Validating Syntactic Dependency in the Spoken French Treebank Rhapsodie
Modyco, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre & CNRS, FRANCE
Both, Andreas NIF4OGGD - NLP Interchange Format for Open German Governmental Data
N³ - A Collection of Datasets for Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation in the NLP Interchange Format
Unister GmbH, Leipzig, GERMANY
Bott, Stefan Optimizing a Distributional Semantic Model for the Prediction of German Particle Verb Compositionality
IMS / Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY
Bouamor, Houda A Multidialectal Parallel Corpus of Arabic
YouDACC: the Youtube Dialectal Arabic Comment Corpus
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Bouayad-Agha, Nadjet An Exercise in Reuse of Resources: Adapting General Discourse Coreference Resolution for Detecting Lexical Chains in Patent Documentation
University Pompeu Fabra, Department of Information and Communication Technologies, SPAIN
Boucher, Thomas A Study on Expert Sourcing Enterprise Question Collection and Classification
Bouillon, Pierrette Applying Accessibility-Oriented Controlled Language (CL) Rules to Improve Appropriateness of Text Alternatives for Images: an Exploratory Study
A Large-Scale Evaluation of Pre-editing Strategies for Improving User-Generated Content Translation
Boujelbane, Rahma A Conventional Orthography for Tunisian Arabic
ANLP Research group, MIRACL Lab., University of Sfax, Tunisia, TUNISIA
Boulaknadel, Siham Amazigh Verb Conjugator
CEISIC, Royal Institut of Amazigh Culture, MOROCCO
Bouma, Gerlof Computer-aided Morphology Expansion for Old Swedish
University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Bowman, Samuel A Gold Standard Dependency Corpus for English
Stanford Universiy, UNITED STATES
Boyadjian, Julien Investigating the Image of Entities in Social Media: Dataset Design and First Results
CEPEL, University of Montpellier 1, FRANCE
Boyd, Adriane The MERLIN corpus: Learner Language and the CEFR
University of Tübingen, GERMANY
Boz, Umit Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
A Multi-Cultural Repository of Automatically Discovered Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors
University at Albany, UNITED STATES
Bozsahin, Cem Turkish Resources for Visual Word Recognition
Cognitive Science Department, METU Informatics, TURKEY
Bracewell, David Semi-Supervised Methods for Expanding Psycholinguistics Norms by Integrating Distributional Similarity with the Structure of WordNet
#mygoal: Finding Motivations on Twitter
Language Computer Corporation, UNITED STATES
Bradbury, Jane Disambiguating Verbs by Collocation: Corpus Lexicography meets Natural Language Processing
University of Wolverhampton, UNITED KINGDOM
Braga, Daniela Casa De La Lhéngua: a Set of Language Resources and Natural Language Processing Tools for Mirandese
Branco, António The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
University of Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Braune, Fabienne Mapping Between English Strings and Reentrant Semantic Graphs
University of Stuttgart, GERMANY
Bredin, Herve TVD: A Reproducible and Multiply Aligned TV Series Dataset
Brennan, Rob Global Intelligent Content: Active Curation of Language Resources using Linked Data
Brester, Christina Speech-Based Emotion Recognition: Feature Selection by Self-Adaptive Multi-Criteria Genetic Algorithm
Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Brierley, Claire Tools for Arabic Natural Language Processing: a Case Study in Qalqalah Prosody
University of Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM
Briesch, Douglas Finding Romanized Arabic Dialect in Code-Mixed Tweets
Broadwell, G. Aaron Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
University at Albany, UNITED STATES
Broadwell, George Aaron A Multi-Cultural Repository of Automatically Discovered Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors
SUNY - University at Albany, UNITED STATES
Broda, Bartosz Measuring Readability of Polish Texts: Baseline Experiments
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND
Broeder, Daan Towards Automatic Quality Assessment of Component Metadata
The DWAN Framework: Application of a Web Annotation Framework for the General Humanities to the Domain of Language Resources
Experiences with the ISOcat Data Category Registry
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, GERMANY
Brown, Susan The IMAGACT Visual Ontology. an Extendable Multilingual Infrastructure for the Representation of Lexical Encoding of Action
University of Florence, ITALY
Bruland, Tore MultiVal - Towards a Multilingual Valence Lexicon
NTNU, Trondheim, NORWAY
Brümmer, Martin NIF4OGGD - NLP Interchange Format for Open German Governmental Data
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Brun, Caroline Investigating the Image of Entities in Social Media: Dataset Design and First Results
Bryl, Volha DBpedia Domains: Augmenting DBpedia with Domain Information
University of Mannheim, GERMANY
Bucci, Stefano Media Monitoring and Information Extraction for the Highly Inflected Agglutinative Language Hungarian
European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC), ITALY
Buck, Christian N-gram Counts and Language Models from the Common Crawl
University of Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM
Budin, Gerhard The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
University of Vienna, AUSTRIA
Budzynska, Kasia A Model for Processing Illocutionary Structures and Argumentation in Debates
Dundee university, UNITED KINGDOM
Buitelaar, Paul Missed Opportunities in Translation Memory Matching
Hot Topics and Schisms in NLP: Community and Trend Analysis with Saffron on ACL and LREC Proceedings
INSIGHT, National University of Ireland, Galway, IRELAND
Bunt, Harry Interoperability of Dialogue Corpora through ISO 24617-2-based Querying
Tilburg University, NETHERLANDS
Burchardt, Aljoscha The taraXÜ Corpus of Human-Annotated Machine Translations
Burga, Alicia An Exercise in Reuse of Resources: Adapting General Discourse Coreference Resolution for Detecting Lexical Chains in Patent Documentation
Pompeu Fabra University, SPAIN
Burghold, Jared The Alveo Virtual Laboratory: A Web based Repository API
Burnham, Denis AusTalk: an Audio-Visual Corpus of Australian English
The Alveo Virtual Laboratory: A Web based Repository API
MARCS Institute, U. of Western Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Burzo, Mihai A Multimodal Dataset for Deception Detection
University of Michigan - Flint, UNITED STATES
Buschmeier, Hendrik ALICO: a Multimodal Corpus for the Study of Active Listening
Bielefeld University, GERMANY
Butt, Miriam The CLE Urdu POS Tagset
University of Kontanz, GERMANY
Bywood, Lindsay Machine Translation for Subtitling: A Large-Scale Evaluation
Voice & Script International, UNITED KINGDOM


C. Mendes, Ana JUST.ASK, a QA System that Learns to Answer New Questions from Previous Interactions
Cabarrão, Vera Revising the Annotation of a Broadcast News Corpus: a Linguistic Approach
Cabe, Preston Collecting Natural SMS and Chat Conversations in Multiple Languages: The BOLT Phase 2 Corpus
Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Cabrio, Elena Classifying Inconsistencies in DBpedia Language Specific Chapters
Cakmak, Huseyin The AV-LASYN Database: a Synchronous Corpus of Audio and 3D Facial Marker Data for Audio-Visual Laughter Synthesis
UMONS - University of Mons, BELGIUM
Calderone, Basilio GLÀFF, a Large Versatile French Lexicon
CLLE-ERSS/CNRS&University of Toulouse 2, FRANCE
Callahan, Brendan Collecting Natural SMS and Chat Conversations in Multiple Languages: The BOLT Phase 2 Corpus
Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Callegaro, Elena Innovations in Parallel Corpus Search Tools
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Callejas, Zoraida A Model to Generate Adaptive Multimodal Job Interviews with a Virtual Recruiter
University of Granada, SPAIN
Callison-Burch, Chris A Multi-Dialect, Multi-Genre Corpus of Informal Written Arabic
The Multilingual Paraphrase Database
The American Local News Corpus
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Calzolari, Nicoletta The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
META-SHARE: One Year After
Camelin, Nathalie Human Annotation of ASR Error Regions: is "gravity" a Sharable Concept for Human Annotators?
LIUM, Université du Maine, FRANCE
Campano, Sabrina Comparative Analysis of Verbal Alignment in Human-Human and Human-Agent Interactions
Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom ParisTech, CNRS LTCI, Paris, France, FRANCE
Campbell, Nick The D-ANS corpus: the Dublin-Autonomous Nervous System corpus of biosignal and multimodal recordings of conversational speech
Trinity College Dublin, SLOVENIA
Candeias, Sara HESITA(te) in Portuguese
Instituto de Telecomunicações, PORTUGAL
Candito, Marie Deep Syntax Annotation of the Sequoia French Treebank
Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results
Univ Paris Diderot - INRIA - Alpage, FRANCE
Cao, Xuan-Nga Bridging the Gap between Speech Technology and Natural Language Processing: An Evaluation Toolbox for Term Discovery Systems
Carbonell, Jaime Resources for the Detection of Conventionalized Metaphors in Four Languages
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Cárcamo-Escorza, Guillermo Standardisation and Interoperation of Morphosyntactic and Syntactic Annotation Tools for Spanish and their Annotations
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), SPAIN
Cardenal, Antonio CORILGA: a Galician Multilevel Annotated Speech Corpus for Linguistic Analysis
University of Vigo, SPAIN
Cardeñoso-Payo, Valentín On the Use of a Fuzzy Classifier to Speed Up the Sp ToBI Labeling of the Glissando Spanish Corpus
Assessment of Non-native Prosody for Spanish as L2 using Quantitative Scores and Perceptual Evaluation
Universidad de Valladolid, SPAIN
Cardoso, Aida A Corpus of European Portuguese Child and Child-directed Speech
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Carl, Michael CFT13: a Resource for Research into the Post-editing Process
Evaluating the Effects of Interactivity in a Post-Editing Workbench
Copenhagen Business School, DENMARK
Carreno, Pamela A Database of Full Body Virtual Interactions Annotated with Expressivity Scores
Carreras, Xavier Language Processing Infrastructure in the XLike Project
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, SPAIN
Carter, Jacob Interoperability and Customisation of Annotation Schemata in Argo
University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM
Cartoni, Bruno A Database for Measuring Linguistic Information Content
Casacuberta, Francisco Evaluating the Effects of Interactivity in a Post-Editing Workbench
Online Optimisation of Log-linear Weights in Interactive Machine Translation
Universitat Politècnica de València, SPAIN
Casamayor, Gerard An Exercise in Reuse of Resources: Adapting General Discourse Coreference Resolution for Detecting Lexical Chains in Patent Documentation
Pompeu Fabra University, Department of Information and Communication Technologies, SPAIN
Caseli, Helena Automatic Semantic Relation Extraction from Portuguese Texts
Federal University of São Carlos, BRAZIL
Caselli, Tommaso Enriching the "Senso Comune" Platform with Automatically Acquired Data
Cases, Ignacio Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
A Multi-Cultural Repository of Automatically Discovered Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors
University at Albany, UNITED STATES
Cassidy, Steve AusTalk: an Audio-Visual Corpus of Australian English
The Alveo Virtual Laboratory: A Web based Repository API
Department of Computing, Macquarie University, AUSTRALIA
Castellon, Irene VERTa: Facing a Multilingual Experience of a Linguistically-based MT Evaluation
University of Barcelona, SPAIN
Castellucci, Giuseppe HuRIC: a Human Robot Interaction Corpus
University of Rome, Tor Vergata, ITALY
Casu, Matteo Modeling, Managing, Exposing, and Linking Ontologies with a Wiki-based Tool
A Gold Standard for CLIR evaluation in the Organic Agriculture Domain
Cavar, Damir Visualization of Language Relations and Families: MultiTree
Cavar, Malgorzata Visualization of Language Relations and Families: MultiTree
Ceausu, Alexandru Pre-ordering of Phrase-based Machine Translation Input in Translation Workflow
Euroscript Luxembourg s.à r.l., LUXEMBOURG
Cecconi, Francesco Representing Multilingual Data as Linked Data: the Case of BabelNet 2.0
Sapienza University of Rome, ITALY
Celano, Giuseppe Open Philology at the University of Leipzig
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Celebi, Arda Self-training a Constituency Parser using n-gram Trees
Boğaziçi University, TURKEY
Celorico, Dirce HESITA(te) in Portuguese
Instituto de Telecomunicações, PORTUGAL
César, González-Ferreras On the Use of a Fuzzy Classifier to Speed Up the Sp ToBI Labeling of the Glissando Spanish Corpus
Universidad de Valladolid, SPAIN
Cetinoglu, Ozlem Turkish Treebank as a Gold Standard for Morphological Disambiguation and Its Influence on Parsing
IMS, University of Stuttgart, GERMANY
Chahuara, Pedro The Sweet-Home Speech and Multimodal Corpus for Home Automation Interaction
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, FRANCE
Chaimongkol, Panot Corpus for Coreference Resolution on Scientific Papers
The University of Tokyo, JAPAN
Chalamandaris, Aimilios Using Audio Books for Training a Text-to-Speech System
Institute for Language and Speech Processing / Innoetics LTD, GREECE
Chao, Lidia S. UM-Corpus: A Large English-Chinese Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation
NLP2CT Lab / Department of Computer and Information Science, MOROCCO
Charfuelan, Marcela Sprinter: Language Technologies for Interactive and Multimedia Language Learning
MAT: a Tool for L2 Pronunciation Errors Annotation
DFKI GmbH - Language Techology, GERMANY
Charton, Eric A Multimodal Interpreter for 3D Visualization and Animation of Verbal Concepts
Improving Entity Linking using Surface Form Refinement
Polytechnique Montreal, CANADA
Chatterjee, Rajen Shata-Anuvadak: Tackling Multiway Translation of Indian Languages
Chatzimina, Maria Evangelia Use of Unsupervised Word Classes for Entity Recognition: Application to the Detection of Disorders in Clinical Reports
Chellali, Ryad The D-ANS corpus: the Dublin-Autonomous Nervous System corpus of biosignal and multimodal recordings of conversational speech
Italian Institute of Technology, ITALY
Chen, Chen SinoCoreferencer: An End-to-End Chinese Event Coreference Resolver
University of Texas at Dallas, UNITED STATES
Chen, Chun-Hsun Sentence Rephrasing for Parsing Sentences with OOV Words
Telecommunication Laboratories, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., TAIWAN
Chen, Hsin-Hsi Sentence Rephrasing for Parsing Sentences with OOV Words
National Taiwan University, TAIWAN
Chen, Huan-Yuan Sentence Rephrasing for Parsing Sentences with OOV Words
National Taiwan University, TAIWAN
Cheng, Fei Parsing Chinese Synthetic Words with a Character-based Dependency Model
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, UNITED KINGDOM
Chesi, Cristiano Casa De La Lhéngua: a Set of Language Resources and Natural Language Processing Tools for Mirandese
Chevelu, Jonathan ROOTS: a Toolkit for Easy, Fast and Consistent Processing of Large Sequential Annotated Data Collections
IRISA, Université de Rennes1, FRANCE
Chiarcos, Christian Towards Interoperable Discourse Annotation. Discourse Features in the Ontologies of Linguistic Annotation
Universitaet Frankfurt am Main, GERMANY
Chinea-Rios, Mara Online Optimisation of Log-linear Weights in Interactive Machine Translation
Universitat Politècnica de València, SPAIN
Chitoran, Ioana Using a Machine Learning Model to Assess the Complexity of Stress Systems
Universite Paris Diderot, CLILLAC-ARP, FRANCE
Cho, Eunah A Corpus of Spontaneous Speech in Lectures: The KIT Lecture Corpus for Spoken Language Processing and Translation
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, GERMANY
Cho, Hyongsil Casa De La Lhéngua: a Set of Language Resources and Natural Language Processing Tools for Mirandese
Cho, Kit Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
A Multi-Cultural Repository of Automatically Discovered Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors
University at Albany, UNITED STATES
Choe, HyunJeong A Database for Measuring Linguistic Information Content
Choi, Key-Sun Named Entity Corpus Construction using Wikipedia and DBpedia Ontology
Cholakov, Kostadin Lexical Substitution Dataset for German
Humboldt University Berlin, GERMANY
Chollet, Mathieu Mining a Multimodal Corpus for Non-Verbal Behavior Sequences Conveying Attitudes
Institut Mines-Telecom ; Telecom Paristech ; CNRS-LTCI, FRANCE
Choukri, Khalid The ETAPE Speech Processing Evaluation
META-SHARE: One Year After
ELRA's Consolidated Services for the HLT Community
Chow, Ian C. The Halliday Centre Tagger: An Online Platform for Semi-automatic Text Annotation and Analysis
Christensen, Carl Combining Elicited Imitation and Fluency Features for Oral Proficiency Measurement
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES
Christodoulides, George Praaline: Integrating Tools for Speech Corpus Research
DisMo: A Morphosyntactic, Disfluency and Multi-Word Unit Annotator. An Evaluation on a Corpus of French Spontaneous and Read Speech
Université de Louvain, BELGIUM
Chrizman, Nitsan How to Construct a Multi-Lingual Domain Ontology
Computer Science Department, Technion, ISRAEL
Chrupała, Grzegorz Semantic Approaches to Software Component Retrieval with English Queries
Tilburg University, NETHERLANDS
Chu, Chenhui Constructing a Chinese―Japanese Parallel Corpus from Wikipedia
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, JAPAN
Cibulka, Paul A Colloquial Corpus of Japanese Sign Language: Linguistic Resources for Observing Sign Language Conversations
University of Gothenburg/ JSPS/ National Institute of Informatics, SWEDEN
Cieliebak, Mark Meta-Classifiers Easily Improve Commercial Sentiment Detection Tools
Zurich University of Applied Sciences, SWITZERLAND
Cieri, Christopher New Directions for Language Resource Development and Distribution
The Language Application Grid
Facing the Identification Problem in Language-Related Scientific Data Analysis.
Developing a Framework for Describing Relations among Language Resources
Cimiano, Philipp Representing Multilingual Data as Linked Data: the Case of BabelNet 2.0
The USAGE Review Corpus for Fine Grained Multi Lingual Opinion Analysis
Univ. Bielefeld, GERMANY
Cimino, Andrea T2K^2: a System for Automatically Extracting and Organizing Knowledge from Texts
Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "Antonio Zampolli", ITALY
Ciobanu, Alina Maria On the Romance Languages Mutual Intelligibility
Using a Machine Learning Model to Assess the Complexity of Stress Systems
Building a Dataset of Multilingual Cognates for the Romanian Lexicon
Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, ROMANIA
Ciul, Michael Developing an Egyptian Arabic Treebank: Impact of Dialectal Morphology on Annotation and Tool Development
Linguistic Data Consortium, UNITED STATES
Clark, Stephen Evaluation of Simple Distributional Compositional Operations on Longer Texts
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
Claude-Lachenaud, Coline A Multimodal Interpreter for 3D Visualization and Animation of Verbal Concepts
Polytechnique Montreal, CANADA
Claveau, Vincent Generating and using Probabilistic Morphological Resources for the Biomedical Domain
Clavel, Chloé Comparative Analysis of Verbal Alignment in Human-Human and Human-Agent Interactions
Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom ParisTech, CNRS LTCI, Paris, France, FRANCE
Clematide, Simon Collaboratively Annotating Multilingual Parallel Corpora in the Biomedical Domain―some MANTRAs
Using Large Biomedical Databases as Gold Annotations for Automatic Relation Extraction
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Climent, Salvador Automatic Creation of WordNets from Parallel Corpora
Machine Translationness: Machine-likeness in Machine Translation Evaluation
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, SPAIN
Codina, Joan An Exercise in Reuse of Resources: Adapting General Discourse Coreference Resolution for Detecting Lexical Chains in Patent Documentation
Pompeu Fabra University, Department of Information and Communication Technologies, SPAIN
Coelho, Inês Exploiting Portuguese Lexical Knowledge Bases for Answering Open Domain Cloze Questions Automatically
CISUC, University of Coimbra, PORTUGAL
Coelho, Sandro NIF4OGGD - NLP Interchange Format for Open German Governmental Data
Federal University of Juiz de Fora, SPAIN
Cohen, K. Bretonnel Sublanguage Corpus Analysis Toolkit: a Tool for Assessing the Representativeness and Sublanguage Characteristics of Corpora
University of Colorado School of Medicine, UNITED STATES
Coheur, Luísa JUST.ASK, a QA System that Learns to Answer New Questions from Previous Interactions
Translation Errors from English to Portuguese: an Annotated Corpus
Cointet, Jean-Philippe Reconstructing the Semantic Landscape of Natural Language Processing
Colotte, Vincent Designing a Bilingual Speech Corpus for French and German Language Learners: a Two-Step Process
University of Lorraine, FRANCE
Colowick, Susan PanLex: Building a Resource for Panlingual Lexical Translation
The Long Now Foundation, UNITED STATES
Çöltekin, Çağrı A Set of Open Source Tools for Turkish Natural Language Processing
University of Groningen, NETHERLANDS
Comas, Pere TweetNorm_es: an Annotated Corpus for Spanish Microtext Normalization
Comelles, Elisabet VERTa: Facing a Multilingual Experience of a Linguistically-based MT Evaluation
Universitat de Barcelona, SPAIN
Comrie, Bernard Linguistic Landscaping of South Asia using Digital Language Resources: Genetic vs. Areal Linguistics
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, GERMANY
Conger, Kathryn PropBank: Semantics of New Predicate Types
University of Colorado Boulder, UNITED STATES
Connor, Miriam A Gold Standard Dependency Corpus for English
Conrad, Henrietta Comprehensive Annotation of Multiword Expressions in a Social Web Corpus
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Conroy, John A Repository of State of the Art and Competitive Baseline Summaries for Generic News Summarization
IDA Center for Computing Sciences, UNITED STATES
Copestake, Ann TagNText: a Parallel Corpus for the Induction of Resource-specific non-Taxonomical Relations from Tagged Images
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
Corcoran, Thomas Getting Reliable Annotations for Sarcasm in Online Dialogues
Corman, Steven The N2 Corpus: a Semantically Annotated Collection of Islamist Extremist Stories
Arizona State University, UNITED STATES
Cornudella, Miquel TexAFon 2.0: a Text Processing Tool for the Generation of Expressive Speech in TTS Applications
Department of Translation and Language Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University, SPAIN
Correia, Margarita Casa De La Lhéngua: a Set of Language Resources and Natural Language Processing Tools for Mirandese
Cosi, Piero Discovering the Italian Literature: Interactive Access to Audio-indexed Text Resources
Costa, Angela JUST.ASK, a QA System that Learns to Answer New Questions from Previous Interactions
Translation Errors from English to Portuguese: an Annotated Corpus
El-WOZ: a Client-Server Wizard-of-Oz Interface
Costantini, Giovanni EMOVO Corpus: an Italian Emotional Speech Database
University of Rome Tor Vergata, ITALY
Cotterell, Ryan A Multi-Dialect, Multi-Genre Corpus of Informal Written Arabic
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES
Coughlan, Barry Hot Topics and Schisms in NLP: Community and Trend Analysis with Saffron on ACL and LREC Proceedings
INSIGHT, National University of Ireland, Galway, IRELAND
Couillault, Alain Evaluating Corpora Documentation with regards to the Ethics and Big Data Charter
L3I - Université de La Rochelle, FRANCE
Cox, Felicity AusTalk: an Audio-Visual Corpus of Australian English
Dept of Linguistics, Macquarie University, AUSTRALIA
Crane, Gregory The Making of Ancient Greek WordNet
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Crane, Gregory R. Open Philology at the University of Leipzig
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Crasborn, Onno Improving the Exploitation of Linguistic Annotations in ELAN
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Cristea, Dan How Could Veins Speed Up the Process of Discourse Parsing
€žAlexandru Ioan Cuza“ University of Iasi, Faculty of Computer Science, ROMANIA
Cristoforetti, Luca The DIRHA simulated corpus
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ITALY
Croce, Danilo HuRIC: a Human Robot Interaction Corpus
University of Roma, Tor Vergata, ITALY
Crowgey, Joshua Enriching ODIN
University of Washington, UNITED STATES
Csirik, János Szeged Corpus 2.5: Morphological Modifications in a Manually POS-tagged Hungarian Corpus
University of Szeged, HUNGARY
Csobánka, Petra The EASR Corpora of European Portuguese, French, Hungarian and Polish Elderly Speech
Institute for Infocommunication Technologies, Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research, HUNGARY
Cucchiarini, Catia ASR-based CALL Systems and Learner Speech Data: New Resources and Opportunities for Research and Development in Second Language Learning
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Culy, Chris A Compact Interactive Visualization of Dependency Treebank Query Results
Universität Tübingen, GERMANY
Cunha, Mariana VOCE Corpus: Ecologically Collected Speech Annotated with Physiological and Psychological Stress Assessments
Instituto de Telecomunicações, PORTUGAL
Cupi, Loredana Exploiting Catenae in a Parallel Treebank Alignment
University of Torino, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures, ITALY
Curtis, Christian A Finite-State Morphological Analyzer for a Lakota HPSG Grammar
University of Washington, UNITED STATES
Curto, Pedro JUST.ASK, a QA System that Learns to Answer New Questions from Previous Interactions
Curto, Sérgio JUST.ASK, a QA System that Learns to Answer New Questions from Previous Interactions
Curtoni, Paolo Generating a Resource for Products and Brandnames Recognition. Application to the Cosmetic Domain.
Holmes Semantic Solutions, FRANCE
Cutugno, Francesco VOLIP: a Corpus of Spoken Italian and a Virtuous Example of Reuse of Linguistic Resources
LUSI-Lab @DIETI University "Federico II", ITALY
Cybulska, Agata Using a Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut? Lexical Diversity and Event Coreference Resolution
VU University Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Cysouw, Michael Creating a Massively Parallel Bible Corpus
Philipps-University of Marburg, GERMANY


D'Souza, Jennifer Annotating Inter-Sentence Temporal Relations in Clinical Notes
University of Texas at Dallas, UNITED STATES
Daille, Béatrice Semi-Compositional Method for Synonym Extraction of Multi-Word Terms
Dabrowski, Maciej Extracting Information for Context-aware Meeting Preparation
Altocloud, NUI Galway, IRELAND
Daelemans, Walter CLIPS Stylometry Investigation (CSI) Corpus: a Dutch Corpus for the Detection of Age, Gender, Personality, Sentiment and Deception in Text
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
University of Antwerp, CLiPS, BELGIUM
Daems, Joke On the Origin of Errors: a Fine-Grained Analysis of MT and PE Errors and their Relationship
Ghent University, BELGIUM
Dai, Aaron ILLINOISCLOUDNLP: Text Analytics Services in the Cloud
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UNITED STATES
Dakubu, Mary Esther Kropp MultiVal - Towards a Multilingual Valence Lexicon
Univ. of Ghana, INDIA
Danchik, Emily Comprehensive Annotation of Multiword Expressions in a Social Web Corpus
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Dandapat, Sandipan MTWatch: A Tool for the Analysis of Noisy Parallel Data
Dept. of CSE, IIT Guwahati, INDIA
Ortiz-Martínez, Daniel Online Optimisation of Log-linear Weights in Interactive Machine Translation
Universitat Politècnica de València, SPAIN
Danlos, Laurence Adapting VerbNet to French using Existing Resources
University Paris Diderot, FRANCE
Dannells, Dana Extracting a bilingual semantic grammar from FrameNet-annotated corpora
University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Darjaa, Sakhia Alert!... Calm Down, There is Nothing to Worry About. Warning and Soothing Speech Synthesis
Slovak Academy of Sciences, SLOVAKIA
Darmoni, Stéfan Language Resources for French in the Biomedical Domain
Darwish, Kareem Simple Effective Microblog Named Entity Recognition: Arabic as an Example
Using Stem-Templates to Improve Arabic POS and Gender/Number Tagging
Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar Foundation, QATAR
Dasgupta, Tirthankar Design and Development of an Online Computational Framework to Facilitate Language Comprehension Research on Indian Languages
Research Scholar, IITKgp, INDIA
Dasigi, Pradeep Tharwa: A Large Scale Dialectal Arabic - Standard Arabic - English Lexicon
Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Daudaravicius, Vidas Language Editing Dataset of Academic Texts
Daðason, Jón Utilizing Constituent Structure for Compound Analysis
The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies/University of Iceland, ICELAND
de Chalendar, Gaël Adapting VerbNet to French using Existing Resources
The LIMA Multilingual Analyzer Made Free: FLOSS Resources Adaptation and Correction
Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results
de Clercq, Orphee Towards Shared Datasets for Normalization Research
LT3, Language and Translation Technology Team, Ghent University, BELGIUM
de Felice, Irene From Synsets to Videos: Enriching ItalWordNet Multimodally
de Groc, Clément Evaluating Web-as-corpus Topical Document Retrieval with an Index of the OpenDirectory
Thematic Cohesion: Measuring Terms Discriminatory Power Toward Themes
Syllabs, FRANCE
de Hertog, Dirk De Hertog TermWise: A CAT-tool with Context-Sensitive Terminological Support.
KU Leuven (University of Leuven), BELGIUM
de Jong, Franciska Croatian Memories
University of Twente, NETHERLANDS
de Jong, Jan Vulnerability in Acquisition, Language Impairments in Dutch: Creating a VALID Data Archive
University of Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
de La Clergerie, Eric Deep Syntax Annotation of the Sequoia French Treebank
Towards an Environment for the Production and the Validation of Lexical Semantic Resources
de Lint, Vanja The Dutch LESLLA Corpus
CLS/CLST, Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
de Loor, Pierre A Database of Full Body Virtual Interactions Annotated with Expressivity Scores
de Loupy, Claude Thematic Cohesion: Measuring Terms Discriminatory Power Toward Themes
Syllabs, FRANCE
de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine Universal Stanford Dependencies: a Cross-Linguistic Typology
A Gold Standard Dependency Corpus for English
The Ohio State University, UNITED STATES
de Matos, David Martins Revising the Annotation of a Broadcast News Corpus: a Linguistic Approach
de Melo, Gerard NomLex-PT: A Lexicon of Portuguese Nominalizations
Etymological WordNet: Tracing the History of Words
Bring vs. MTRoget: Evaluating Automatic Thesaurus Translation
Tsinghua University, CHINA
de Paiva, Valeria NomLex-PT: A Lexicon of Portuguese Nominalizations
Nuance Communications, BRAZIL
de Rosa, Aurelio VOLIP: a Corpus of Spoken Italian and a Virtuous Example of Reuse of Linguistic Resources
Dipartimento Studi Umanistici ― Università di Salerno, ITALY
de Smedt, Koenraad The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
CLARA: A New Generation of Researchers in Common Language Resources and Their Applications
University of Bergen, NORWAY
DeVault, David The Distress Analysis Interview Corpus of Human and Computer Interviews
A Multimodal Corpus of Rapid Dialogue Games
USC Institute for Creative Technologies, UNITED STATES
Declerck, Thierry TMO ― The Federated Ontology of the TrendMiner Project
A SKOS-based Schema for TEI encoded Dictionaries at ICLTT
Harmonization of German Lexical Resources for Opinion Mining
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH), GERMANY
Dee, Stella Open Philology at the University of Leipzig
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Degaetano-Ortlieb, Stefania Data Mining with Shallow vs. Linguistic Features to Study Diversification of Scientific Registers
Saarland University, GERMANY
Deksne, Daiga Billions of Parallel Words for Free: Building and Using the EU Bookshop Corpus
del Gratta, Riccardo The Making of Ancient Greek WordNet
META-SHARE: One Year After
The LRE Map disclosed
del Grosso, Angelo Mario Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project
Institute for Computational Linguistics, National Research Council CNR, ITALY
del Pozo, Arantza SAVAS: Collecting, Annotating and Sharing Audiovisual Language Resources for Automatic Subtitling
Machine Translation for Subtitling: A Large-Scale Evaluation
Vicomtech-IK4, SPAIN
del Tredici, Marco A Modular System for Rule-based Text Categorisation
Expert System, ITALY
Delaborde, Marine Facing the Identification Problem in Language-Related Scientific Data Analysis.
Deleger, Louise Annotation of Specialized Corpora using a Comprehensive Entity and Relation Scheme
Deléglise, Paul Enhancing the TED-LIUM Corpus with Selected Data for Language Modeling and More TED Talks
Dell'Orletta, Felice T2K^2: a System for Automatically Extracting and Organizing Knowledge from Texts
Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "Antonio Zampolli", ITALY
Della Rocca, Leonida Media Monitoring and Information Extraction for the Highly Inflected Agglutinative Language Hungarian
European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC), ITALY
Dellwo, Volker A Crowdsourcing Smartphone Application for Swiss German: Putting Language Documentation in the Hands of the Users
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Demner-Fushman, Dina Annotating Question Decomposition on Complex Medical Questions
Demuynck, Kris Speech Recognition Web Services for Dutch
Ghent University, BELGIUM
Den, Yasuharu Design and Development of an RDB Version of the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese
Towards Automatic Transformation Between Different Transcription Conventions: Prediction of Intonation Markers from Linguistic and Acoustic Features
Japanese Conversation Corpus for Training and Evaluation of Backchannel Prediction Model.
Faculty of Letters, Chiba University, JAPAN
Deng, Huijing Semantic Approaches to Software Component Retrieval with English Queries
Derczynski, Leon Corpus Annotation through Crowdsourcing: Towards Best Practice Guidelines
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM
Dernison, Roderik Taalportaal: an Online Grammar of Dutch and Frisian
Institute for Dutch Lexicology, NETHERLANDS
Deroo, Olivier The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues
Acapela Group S.A., BELGIUM
Desmet, Bart Recognising Suicidal Messages in Dutch Social Media
Towards Shared Datasets for Normalization Research
Ghent University, BELGIUM
Détrez, Grégoire Sharing Resources Between Free/Open-Source Rule-based Machine Translation Systems: Grammatical Framework and Apertium
Göteborgs Universitet, SWEDEN
Deulofeu, Jose Automatically Enriching Spoken Corpora with Syntactic Information for Linguistic Studies
Aix Marseille University, FRANCE
Devillers, Laurence Smile and Laughter in Human-Machine Interaction: a Study of Engagement
Dey, Anik A Hindi-English Code-Switching Corpus
Dhar, Milan Benchmarking Twitter Sentiment Analysis Tools
University of Virginia, UNITED STATES
di Buccio, Emanuele A Vector Space Model for Syntactic Distances Between Dialects
University of Padua, ITALY
di Buono, Maria Pia From Natural Language to Ontology Population in the Cultural Heritage Domain. A Computational Linguistics-based approach.
University of Salerno, ITALY
di Caro, Luigi Exploiting networks in Law
University of Turin, ITALY
di Nunzio, Giorgio Maria A Vector Space Model for Syntactic Distances Between Dialects
University of Padua, ITALY
di Persio, Denise New Directions for Language Resource Development and Distribution
Linguistic Data Consortium, UNITED STATES
Diab, Mona Tharwa: A Large Scale Dialectal Arabic - Standard Arabic - English Lexicon
MADAMIRA: A Fast, Comprehensive Tool for Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation of Arabic
SANA: A Large Scale Multi-Genre, Multi-Dialect Lexicon for Arabic Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis
Diakoff, Harry The Making of Ancient Greek WordNet
Alpheios Project, GREECE
Dias, Miguel Casa De La Lhéngua: a Set of Language Resources and Natural Language Processing Tools for Mirandese
Multimodal Corpora for Silent Speech Interaction
Diatka, Vojtěch HindEnCorp - Hindi-English and Hindi-only Corpus for Machine Translation
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Department of Linguistics, CZECH REPUBLIC
Diewald, Nils Access Control by Query Rewriting: the Case of KorAP
Diez, Mireia KALAKA-3: a Database for the Recognition of Spoken European Languages on YouTube Audios
University of the Basque Country, SPAIN
Dikme, Hüseyin First Insight into Quality-Adaptive Dialogue
Ulm University, GERMANY
Dilsizian, Mark A New Framework for Sign Language Recognition Based on 3D Handshape Identification and Linguistic Modeling
Rutgers University, UNITED STATES
Dima, Corina How to Tell a Schneemann from a Milchmann: An Annotation Scheme for Compound-Internal Relations
University of Tübingen, GERMANY
Dinarelli, Marco Evaluation of Different Strategies for Domain Adaptation in Opinion Mining
Dines, John The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues
Dini, Luca Generating a Resource for Products and Brandnames Recognition. Application to the Cosmetic Domain.
The Dangerous Myth of the Star System
Holmes Semantic Solutions, FRANCE
Dinu, Anca Aggregation Methods for Efficient Collocation Detection
University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
Dinu, Liviu On the Romance Languages Mutual Intelligibility
Aggregation Methods for Efficient Collocation Detection
Using a Machine Learning Model to Assess the Complexity of Stress Systems
Building a Dataset of Multilingual Cognates for the Romanian Lexicon
University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
Dione, Cheikh M. Bamba Pruning the Search Space of the Wolof LFG Grammar Using a Probabilistic and a Constraint Grammar Parser
University of Bergen, NORWAY
Dister, Anne Rhapsodie: a Prosodic-Syntactic Treebank for Spoken French
Université Saint-Louis, BELGIUM
Djemaa, Marianne Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results
Alpage (Univ Paris Diderot / INRIA), FRANCE
Docio-Fernandez, Laura Introducing a Framework for the Evaluation of Music Detection Tools
University of Vigo, SPAIN
Domingo, Judith The NewSoMe Corpus: a Unifying Opinion Annotation Framework Across Genres and in Multiple Languages
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, SPAIN
Dormagen, Jean-Yves Investigating the Image of Entities in Social Media: Dataset Design and First Results
CEPEL, University of Montpellier 1, FRANCE
Dozat, Timothy Universal Stanford Dependencies: a Cross-Linguistic Typology
A Gold Standard Dependency Corpus for English
Stanford University, UNITED STATES
Dragoni, Matteo A Gold Standard for CLIR evaluation in the Organic Agriculture Domain
Dragoni, Mauro Modeling, Managing, Exposing, and Linking Ontologies with a Wiki-based Tool
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ITALY
Draxler, Christoph Online Experiments with the Percy Software Framework - Experiences and some Early Results
Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU Munich, GERMANY
Drexler, Jennifer A Wikipedia-based Corpus for Contextualized Machine Translation
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, UNITED STATES
Drobac, Senka Heuristic Hyper-minimization of Finite State Lexicons
University of Helsinki, FINLAND
Duarte, Inês Prosodic, Syntactic, Semantic Guidelines for Topic Structures Across Domains and Corpora
Dubey, Ajay Enrichment of Bilingual Dictionary through News Stream Data
IIIT-Hyderabad, INDIA
Dufour, Richard Characterizing and Predicting Bursty Events: the Buzz Case Study on Twitter
A LDA-based Topic Classification Approach from highly Imperfect Automatic Transcriptions
LIA - University of Avignon, FRANCE
Duh, Kevin Parsing Chinese Synthetic Words with a Character-based Dependency Model
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, UNITED KINGDOM
Dukes, Kais Can Crowdsourcing be used for Effective Annotation of Arabic?
University of Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM
Dumitrescu, Stefan Daniel RSS-TOBI - a Prosodically Enhanced Romanian Speech Corpus
Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, ROMANIA
Dupoux, Emmanuel Bridging the Gap between Speech Technology and Natural Language Processing: An Evaluation Toolbox for Term Discovery Systems
Duran, Magali A Large Corpus of Product Reviews in Portuguese: Tackling Out-Of-Vocabulary Words
Interinstitutional Center for Research and Development in Computational Linguistics, BRAZIL
Durand, Jessica Comparative Analysis of Verbal Alignment in Human-Human and Human-Agent Interactions
Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom ParisTech, CNRS LTCI, Paris, France, FRANCE
Duray, Zsuzsa - Including Multimedia Language Resources to disseminate Knowledge and Create Educational Material on less-Resourced Languages
Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY
Durco, Matej Towards Automatic Quality Assessment of Component Metadata
The CMD Cloud
Austrian Academy of Sciences, AUSTRIA
Dürr, Oliver Meta-Classifiers Easily Improve Commercial Sentiment Detection Tools
Zurich University of Applied Sciences, SWITZERLAND
Durst, Péter Automatic Error Detection Concerning the Definite and Indefinite Conjugation in the HunLearner Corpus
University of Szeged, HUNGARY
Dušek, Ondřej Free English and Czech Telephone Speech Corpus Shared Under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 License
Multilingual Test Sets for Machine Translation of Search Queries for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in the Medical Domain
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Dutoit, Thierry The AV-LASYN Database: a Synchronous Corpus of Audio and 3D Facial Marker Data for Audio-Visual Laughter Synthesis
UMONS - University of Mons, BELGIUM
Dyer, Chris Augmenting English Adjective Senses with Supersenses
A Unified Annotation Scheme for the Semantic/Pragmatic Components of Definiteness
Dual Subtitles as Parallel Corpora
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Dyvik, Helge The Interplay Between Lexical and Syntactic Resources in Incremental Parsebanking
University of Bergen, NORWAY


Ebrahim, Mohamed Media Monitoring and Information Extraction for the Highly Inflected Agglutinative Language Hungarian
Cognizant Setcon, UNITED STATES
Eckart, Kerstin The Extended DIRNDL Corpus as a Resource for Coreference and Bridging Resolution
University of Stuttgart, GERMANY
Eckart, Thomas High Quality Word Lists as a Resource for Multiple Purposes
A 500 Million Word POS-Tagged Icelandic Corpus
University Leipzig, GERMANY
Eckle-Kohler, Judith Lexical Substitution Dataset for German
Technische Universität Darmstadt, GERMANY
Egeler, Ronny The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues
Sikom Software GmbH, GERMANY
Ehrmann, Maud Media Monitoring and Information Extraction for the Highly Inflected Agglutinative Language Hungarian
Clustering of Multi-Word Named Entity Variants: Multilingual Evaluation
Representing Multilingual Data as Linked Data: the Case of BabelNet 2.0
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, ITALY
Eigner, Gregor The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues
Mipumi Games GmbH, AUSTRIA
Eiselen, Roald Developing Text Resources for Ten South African Languages
The Development of Dutch and Afrikaans Language Resources for Compound Boundary Analysis.
Centre for Text Technology, North-West University, UNITED STATES
Eisenberg, Luke Getting Reliable Annotations for Sarcasm in Online Dialogues
El Asri, Layla NASTIA: Negotiating Appointment Setting Interface
DINASTI: Dialogues with a Negotiating Appointment Setting Interface
Orange Labs - UMI 2958 CNRS - GeorgiaTech, FRANCE
El Ayari, Sarra Extending the Coverage of a MWE Database for Persian CPs Exploiting Valency Alternations
Université Paris Diderot, FRANCE
El Ghali, Adil Resource Creation and Evaluation for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts
European Commission Joint Research Centre, ITALY
El Kholy, Ahmed MADAMIRA: A Fast, Comprehensive Tool for Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation of Arabic
Center for Computational Learning Systems, Columbia University, UNITED STATES
El Maarouf, Ismail Disambiguating Verbs by Collocation: Corpus Lexicography meets Natural Language Processing
RIILP, University of Wolverhampton, UNITED KINGDOM
El-Haj, Mahmoud Detecting Document Structure in a Very Large Corpus of UK Financial Reports
Lancaster University, UNITED KINGDOM
Elfardy, Heba Tharwa: A Large Scale Dialectal Arabic - Standard Arabic - English Lexicon
CCLS, Columbia University, UNITED STATES
Ellendorff, Tilia Using Large Biomedical Databases as Gold Annotations for Automatic Relation Extraction
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Elliot, Joshua LexTerm Manager: Design for an Integrated Lexicography and Terminology System
Ellouze Khmekhem, Mariem A Corpus and Phonetic Dictionary for Tunisian Arabic Speech Recognition
ANLP Research group, MIRACL Lab., University of Sfax, Tunisia, TUNISIA
Ellouze, Mariem A Conventional Orthography for Tunisian Arabic
ANLP Research group, MIRACL Lab., University of Sfax, Tunisia, TUNISIA
Elmahdy, Mohamed Development of a TV Broadcasts Speech Recognition System for Qatari Arabic
Automatic Long Audio Alignment and Confidence Scoring for Conversational Arabic Speech
Qatar University, QATAR
Emmery, Chris The Development of Dutch and Afrikaans Language Resources for Compound Boundary Analysis.
Tilburg Center for Cognition and Communication, NETHERLANDS
Erekhinskaya, Tatiana Multilingual eXtended WordNet Knowledge Base: Semantic Parsing and Translation of Glosses
The University of Texas at Dallas, UNITED STATES
Erjavec, Tomaž sloWCrowd: a Crowdsourcing Tool for Lexicographic Tasks
TweetCaT: a Tool for Building Twitter Corpora of Smaller Languages
Dept. of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute, SLOVENIA
Ernestus, Mirjam The Nijmegen Corpus of Casual Czech
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Erro, Daniel New Bilingual Speech Databases for Audio Diarization
Aholab - EHU, SPAIN
Erten, Begum Turkish Resources for Visual Word Recognition
Escudero, David On the Use of a Fuzzy Classifier to Speed Up the Sp ToBI Labeling of the Glissando Spanish Corpus
Assessment of Non-native Prosody for Spanish as L2 using Quantitative Scores and Perceptual Evaluation
University of Valladolid, SPAIN
Eshkol, Iris ANCOR_Centre, a Large Free Spoken French Coreference Corpus: Description of the Resource and Reliability Measures
U. Orléans, LLL, FRANCE
Eskander, Ramy Developing an Egyptian Arabic Treebank: Impact of Dialectal Morphology on Annotation and Tool Development
Tharwa: A Large Scale Dialectal Arabic - Standard Arabic - English Lexicon
MADAMIRA: A Fast, Comprehensive Tool for Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation of Arabic
Center for Computational Learning Systems, Columbia University, UNITED STATES
Espeja, Sergio Ranking Job Offers for Candidates: Learning Hidden Knowledge from Big Data
Jobandtalent, UNITED KINGDOM
Esplà-Gomis, Miquel Comparing Two Acquisition Systems for Automatically Building an English-Croatian Parallel Corpus from Multilingual Websites
Universitat d'Alacant, SPAIN
Estève, Yannick Enhancing the TED-LIUM Corpus with Selected Data for Language Modeling and More TED Talks
A Corpus and Phonetic Dictionary for Tunisian Arabic Speech Recognition
Estival, Dominique AusTalk: an Audio-Visual Corpus of Australian English
The Alveo Virtual Laboratory: A Web based Repository API
MARCS Institute, U. of Western Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Etchegoyhen, Thierry Machine Translation for Subtitling: A Large-Scale Evaluation
Vicomtech-IK4, SPAIN
Exner, Peter REFRACTIVE: An Open Source Tool to Extract Knowledge from Syntactic and Semantic Relations
Lund University, SWEDEN
Eyben, Florian The Munich Biovoice Corpus: Effects of Physical Exercising, Heart Rate, and Skin Conductance on Human Speech Production
Eysholdt, Ulrich Erlangen-CLP: A Large Annotated Corpus of Speech from Children with Cleft Lip and Palate
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY


Faath, Elodie A Collection of Scholarly Book Reviews from the Platforms of Electronic Sources in Humanities and Social Sciences
Aix-Marseille Université (OpenEdition), FRANCE
Faessler, Erik Disclose Models, Hide the Data - How to Make Use of Confidential Corpora without Seeing Sensitive Raw Data
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, GERMANY
Faghiri, Pegah Extending the Coverage of a MWE Database for Persian CPs Exploiting Valency Alternations
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, FRANCE
Fairon, Cédrick FLELex: a graded Lexical Resource for French Foreign Learners
Université catholique de Louvain, BELGIUM
Falé, Isabel Prosodic, Syntactic, Semantic Guidelines for Topic Structures Across Domains and Corpora
Falk, Ingrid From Non Word to New Word: Automatically Identifying Neologisms in French Newspapers
LiLPa, Université de Strasbourg, FRANCE
Fankhauser, Peter Exploring and Visualizing Variation in Language Resources
Data Mining with Shallow vs. Linguistic Features to Study Diversification of Scientific Registers
Färber, Michael xLiD-Lexica: Cross-lingual Linked Data Lexica
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, GERMANY
Farkas, Richárd Szeged Corpus 2.5: Morphological Modifications in a Manually POS-tagged Hungarian Corpus
University of Szeged, HUNGARY
Farra, Noura Large Scale Arabic Error Annotation: Guidelines and Framework
Columbia University, Center for Computational Learning Systems, UNITED STATES
Faruqui, Manaal Augmenting English Adjective Senses with Supersenses
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Farzindar, Atefeh Hashtag Occurrences, Layout and Translation: A Corpus-driven Analysis of Tweets Published by the Canadian Government
NLP Technologies, CANADA
Fauth, Camille Designing a Bilingual Speech Corpus for French and German Language Learners: a Two-Step Process
Speech Group - LORIA CNRS UMR 7503 Nancy, FRANCE
Favre, Benoit A Repository of State of the Art and Competitive Baseline Summaries for Generic News Summarization
Automatically Enriching Spoken Corpora with Syntactic Information for Linguistic Studies
Aix-Marseille University LIF/CNRS, FRANCE
Fay, Johanna A Database of Freely Written Texts of German School Students for the Purpose of Automatic Spelling Error Classification
University of Education Karlsruhe, GERMANY
Feely, Weston Resources for the Detection of Conventionalized Metaphors in Four Languages
The CMU METAL Farsi NLP Approach
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Fegyó, Tibor The EASR Corpora of European Portuguese, French, Hungarian and Polish Elderly Speech
Department of Telecommunications & Media Informatics, Budapest University of Technology & Economics, HUNGARY
Fei, Zhiye ILLINOISCLOUDNLP: Text Analytics Services in the Cloud
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UNITED STATES
Feldman, Laurie Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
A Multi-Cultural Repository of Automatically Discovered Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors
University at Albany, UNITED STATES
Felt, Paul Momresp: A Bayesian Model for Multi-Annotator Document Labeling
Evaluating Lemmatization Models for Machine-Assisted Corpus-Dictionary Linkage
Using Transfer Learning to Assist Exploratory Corpus Annotation
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES
Feltracco, Anna T-PAS; A resource of Typed Predicate Argument Structures for linguistic analysis and semantic processing
Fernández Rei, Elisa CORILGA: a Galician Multilevel Annotated Speech Corpus for Linguistic Analysis
University of Santiago de Compostela, SPAIN
Fernandez, Miriam On Stopwords, Filtering and Data Sparsity for Sentiment Analysis of Twitter
The Open University, UNITED KINGDOM
Ferrari, Stefania Presenting a System of Human-Machine Interaction for Performing Map Tasks.
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, ITALY
Ferreira, Amadeu Casa De La Lhéngua: a Set of Language Resources and Natural Language Processing Tools for Mirandese
Ferreira, José Pedro Casa De La Lhéngua: a Set of Language Resources and Natural Language Processing Tools for Mirandese
Ferret, Olivier Evaluation of Different Strategies for Domain Adaptation in Opinion Mining
Compounds and Distributional Thesauri
Fiedler, Sabine High Quality Word Lists as a Resource for Multiple Purposes
Department of English, University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Figueira, Helena Priberam Compressive Summarization Corpus: A New Multi-Document Summarization Corpus for European Portuguese
Priberam, PORTUGAL
Fikkert, Paula Vulnerability in Acquisition, Language Impairments in Dutch: Creating a VALID Data Archive
CLS, Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Finatto, Maria José Comparing the Quality of Focused Crawlers and of the Translation Resources Obtained from them
Institute of Language and Linguistics - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, BRAZIL
Finlayson, Mark The N2 Corpus: a Semantically Annotated Collection of Islamist Extremist Stories
Finn, Leroy Global Intelligent Content: Active Curation of Language Resources using Linked Data
Fiorelli, Manuel A Meta-data Driven Platform for Semi-automatic Configuration of Ontology Mediators
University of Rome, Tor Vergata, ITALY
Fisas, Beatriz The IULA Spanish LSP Treebank
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Fišer, Darja sloWCrowd: a Crowdsourcing Tool for Lexicographic Tasks
TweetCaT: a Tool for Building Twitter Corpora of Smaller Languages
University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
Fishel, Mark Machine Translation for Subtitling: A Large-Scale Evaluation
Text Shuttle GmbH, SWITZERLAND
Fiszman, Marcelo Annotating Question Decomposition on Complex Medical Questions
National Library of Medicine, UNITED STATES
Flickinger, Dan Towards an Encyclopedia of Compositional Semantics: Documenting the Interface of the English Resource Grammar
Focone, Florian A Database of Full Body Virtual Interactions Annotated with Expressivity Scores
Fohr, Dominique Designing a Bilingual Speech Corpus for French and German Language Learners: a Two-Step Process
Fokkens, Antske BiographyNet: Methodological Issues when NLP Supports Historical Research
Hope and Fear: How Opinions Influence Factuality
VU Amsterdam, CROATIA
Fomicheva, Marina Boosting the Creation of a Treebank
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Fonseca, Evandro Comparative Analysis of Portuguese Named Entities Recognition Tools
PUCRS University, BRAZIL
Foradi, Maryam Open Philology at the University of Leipzig
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Forcada, Mikel On the Annotation of TMX Translation Memories for Advanced Leveraging in Computer-aided Translation
Universitat d'Alacant, SPAIN
Fore, Dana Collecting Natural SMS and Chat Conversations in Multiple Languages: The BOLT Phase 2 Corpus
Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Forsberg, Markus Computer-aided Morphology Expansion for Old Swedish
Spräkbanken, University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Forster, Jens Extensions of the Sign Language Recognition and Translation Corpus RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather
RWTH Aachen University, GERMANY
Fort, Karën Evaluating Corpora Documentation with regards to the Ethics and Big Data Charter
Deep Syntax Annotation of the Sequoia French Treebank
Mapping the Lexique des Verbes du français (Lexicon of French Verbs) to a NLP Lexicon using Examples
Propa-L: a Semantic Filtering Service from a Lexical Network Created using Games With A Purpose
Université de Lorraine / LORIA, FRANCE
Fortuna, Blaz Language Processing Infrastructure in the XLike Project
Jozef Stefan Institute, SLOVENIA
Foth, Kilian A. Because Size Does Matter: The Hamburg Dependency Treebank
Universität Hamburg, GERMANY
Fourati, Nesrine Emilya: Emotional Body Expression in Daily Actions Database
Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom ParisTech, CNRS LTCI, FRANCE
Fraisse, Amel Toward a Unifying Model for Opinion, Sentiment and Emotion Information Extraction
Francois, Thomas FLELex: a graded Lexical Resource for French Foreign Learners
Multiple Choice Question Corpus Analysis for Distractor Characterization
Université catholique de Louvain, BELGIUM
Francom, Jerid ACTIV-ES: a Comparable, Cross-Dialect Corpus of "everyday" Spanish from Argentina, Mexico, and Spain
Wake Forest University, FRANCE
Francopoulo, Gil Facing the Identification Problem in Language-Related Scientific Data Analysis.
Rediscovering 15 Years of Discoveries in Language Resources and Evaluation: The LREC Anthology Analysis
Franzini, Emily Open Philology at the University of Leipzig
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Franzini, Greta Open Philology at the University of Leipzig
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Frederking, Robert Resources for the Detection of Conventionalized Metaphors in Four Languages
The CMU METAL Farsi NLP Approach
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Freiherr von Hollen, Levin Single-Person and Multi-Party 3D Visualizations for Nonverbal Communication Analysis
Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, GERMANY
Freitas, Artur Building Domain Specific Bilingual Dictionaries
PUCRS University, BRAZIL
Freitas, João Multimodal Corpora for Silent Speech Interaction
Microsoft Language Development Center / IEETA, Universidade de Aveiro, UNITED STATES
Fresno, Victor TweetNorm_es: an Annotated Corpus for Spanish Microtext Normalization
Frieder, Ophir A Framework for Public Health Surveillance
Georgetown University, UNITED STATES
Friedmann, Felix The Munich Biovoice Corpus: Effects of Physical Exercising, Heart Rate, and Skin Conductance on Human Speech Production
Friedrich, Annemarie LQVSumm: A Corpus of Linguistic Quality Violations in Multi-Document Summarization
Saarland University, GERMANY
Friesen, Rafael Modeling and Evaluating Dialog Success in the LAST MINUTE Corpus
Otto-von-Guericke Universität, GERMANY
Fromm, Davida Two Approaches to Metaphor Detection
Resources for the Detection of Conventionalized Metaphors in Four Languages
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Fromreide, Hege Crowdsourcing and Annotating NER for Twitter #drift
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
Frontini, Francesca The IMAGACT Visual Ontology. an Extendable Multilingual Infrastructure for the Representation of Lexical Encoding of Action
Polysemy Index for Nouns: an Experiment on Italian using the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Lexical Database
Presenting a System of Human-Machine Interaction for Performing Map Tasks.
Generating Polarity Lexicons with WordNet Propagation in 5 Languages
Fucikova, Eva Resources in Conflict: A Bilingual Valency Lexicon vs. a Bilingual Treebank vs. a Linguistic Theory
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Fujita, Akira Overview of Todai Robot Project and Evaluation Framework of its NLP-based Problem Solving
National Institute of Informatics, JAPAN
Fukumoto, Fumiyo Annotating the Focus of Negation in Japanese Text
Univ. of Yamanashi, JAPAN
Fuller, Simon A Deep Context Grammatical Model For Authorship Attribution
Fünfer, Sarah A Corpus of Spontaneous Speech in Lectures: The KIT Lecture Corpus for Spoken Language Processing and Translation
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, GERMANY
Fung, Pascale Co-Training for Classification of Live or Studio Music Recordings
A Hindi-English Code-Switching Corpus
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION OF CHINA


Gagliardi, Gloria The IMAGACT Visual Ontology. an Extendable Multilingual Infrastructure for the Representation of Lexical Encoding of Action
University of Florence, ITALY
Gagnon, Michel A Multimodal Interpreter for 3D Visualization and Animation of Verbal Concepts
Improving Entity Linking using Surface Form Refinement
Polytechnique Montreal, CANADA
Gainor, Brian Collecting Natural SMS and Chat Conversations in Multiple Languages: The BOLT Phase 2 Corpus
Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Gaizauskas, Robert Bootstrapping Term Extractors for Multiple Languages
Bilingual dictionaries for all EU languages
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM
Gala, Nùria FLELex: a graded Lexical Resource for French Foreign Learners
LIF-CNRS (Aix Marseille Université), FRANCE
Galatà, Vincenzo Discovering the Italian Literature: Interactive Access to Audio-indexed Text Resources
Galibert, Olivier The ETAPE Speech Processing Evaluation
ETER: a New Metric for the Evaluation of Hierarchical Named Entity Recognition
Laboratoire national de metrologie et d'essais, FRANCE
Galinskaya, Irina Measuring the Impact of Spelling Errors on the Quality of Machine Translation
Gamallo, Pablo TweetNorm_es: an Annotated Corpus for Spanish Microtext Normalization
Multilingual Corpora with Coreferential Annotation of Person Entities
Gandon, Fabien Classifying Inconsistencies in DBpedia Language Specific Chapters
Ganitkevitch, Juri The Multilingual Paraphrase Database
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES
Gao, Wei Simple Effective Microblog Named Entity Recognition: Arabic as an Example
Qatar Computing Research Institute, QATAR
Garabík, Radovan The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, SLOVAKIA
García Martínez, Mercedes Evaluating the Effects of Interactivity in a Post-Editing Workbench
Copenhagen Business School, DENMARK
Garcia, Marcos Multilingual Corpora with Coreferential Annotation of Person Entities
University of Santiago de Compostela, SPAIN
García-Cuesta, Esteban Language Processing Infrastructure in the XLike Project
Garcia-Fernandez, Anne Construction and Annotation of a French Folkstale Corpus
Evaluation of Different Strategies for Domain Adaptation in Opinion Mining
Garcia-Mateo, Carmen Introducing a Framework for the Evaluation of Music Detection Tools
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
CORILGA: a Galician Multilevel Annotated Speech Corpus for Linguistic Analysis
University of Vigo, SPAIN
Gargett, Andrew Mining Online Discussion Forums for Metaphors
DiVE-Arabic: Gulf Arabic Dialogue in a Virtual Environment
University of Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM
Garland, Jennifer Collecting Natural SMS and Chat Conversations in Multiple Languages: The BOLT Phase 2 Corpus
Incorporating Alternate Translations into English Translation Treebank
Linguistic Data Consortium, UNITED STATES
Garrido, Juan-María TexAFon 2.0: a Text Processing Tool for the Generation of Expressive Speech in TTS Applications
Department of Translation and Language Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University, SPAIN
Gasber, Sandra Sprinter: Language Technologies for Interactive and Multimedia Language Learning
Gasser, Michael Guampa: a Toolkit for Collaborative Translation
Indiana University, UNITED STATES
Gatt, Albert Crowd-sourcing Evaluation of Automatically Acquired, Morphologically Related Word Groupings
University of Malta, MALTA
Gatti, Lorenzo Creative Language Explorations through a high-Expressivity N-grams Query Language
Gavankar, Chetana Efficient Reuse of Structured and Unstructured Resources for Ontology Population
IITB-Monash Research Academy, INDIA
Gavrilidou, Maria Developing a Framework for Describing Relations among Language Resources
Gebre, Binyam VarClass: An Open-source Language Identification Tool for Language Varieties
MPI for Psycholinguistics, GERMANY
Geer, Leah Exploring Factors that Contribute to Successful Fingerspelling Comprehension
University of Texas at Austin, UNITED STATES
Geertzen, Jeroen Native Language Identification Using Large, Longitudinal Data
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
Gella, Spandana Mapping WordNet Domains, WordNet Topics and Wikipedia Categories to Generate Multilingual Domain Specific Resources
University of Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Généreux, Michel The Gulf of Guinea Creole Corpora
A Corpus of European Portuguese Child and Child-directed Speech
University of Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Georgakopoulou, Panayota Machine Translation for Subtitling: A Large-Scale Evaluation
Gérard, Christophe From Non Word to New Word: Automatically Identifying Neologisms in French Newspapers
Lilpa, Université de Strasbourg, FRANCE
Gerber, Daniel N³ - A Collection of Datasets for Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation in the NLP Interchange Format
Leipzig University, GERMANY
Gerdes, Kim Rhapsodie: a Prosodic-Syntactic Treebank for Spoken French
Correcting and Validating Syntactic Dependency in the Spoken French Treebank Rhapsodie
LPP, Université Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle, FRANCE
Gerlach, Johanna A Large-Scale Evaluation of Pre-editing Strategies for Improving User-Generated Content Translation
Université de Genève FTI/TIM, SWITZERLAND
Gershman, Anatole Resources for the Detection of Conventionalized Metaphors in Four Languages
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Gertz, Michael Computational Narratology: Extracting Tense Clusters from Narrative Texts
Extending HeidelTime for Temporal Expressions Referring to Historic Dates
Institute of Computer Science, Heidelberg University, GERMANY
Ghayoomi, Masood A Database of Freely Written Texts of German School Students for the Purpose of Automatic Spelling Error Classification
Converting an HPSG-based Treebank into its Parallel Dependency-based Treebank
Constituency Parsing of Bulgarian: Word- vs Class-based Parsing
University of Education Karlsruhe, GERMANY
Giannakopoulos, George NOMAD: Linguistic Resources and Tools Aimed at Policy Formulation and Validation
NCSR Demokritos & SciFY NPC, GREECE
Gibbon, Dafydd Annotation Pro + TGA: Automation of Speech Timing Analysis
Universität Bielefeld, GERMANY
Gibet, Sylvie A Database of Full Body Virtual Interactions Annotated with Expressivity Scores
Gienandt, Philip Sprinter: Language Technologies for Interactive and Multimedia Language Learning
Gîfu, Daniela Transliteration and Alignment of Parallel Texts from Cyrillic to Latin
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
Gilmanov, Timur SWIFT Aligner, A Multifunctional Tool for Parallel Corpora: Visualization, Word Alignment, and (Morpho)-Syntactic Cross-Language Transfer
Indiana University, UNITED STATES
Ginter, Filip Universal Stanford Dependencies: a Cross-Linguistic Typology
University of Turku, FINLAND
Giovannetti, Emiliano Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project
Institute for Computational Linguistics, National Research Council CNR, ITALY
Girardi, Christian CROMER: a Tool for Cross-Document Event and Entity Coreference
META-SHARE: One Year After
Giraud, Tom A Database of Full Body Virtual Interactions Annotated with Expressivity Scores
Glaser, Andrea Exploring the Utility of Coreference Chains for Improved Identification of Personal Names
Institute for Natural Language Processing, University of Stuttgart, GERMANY
Glavaš, Goran HiEve: A Corpus for Extracting Event Hierarchies from News Stories
University of Zagreb, CROATIA
Glaznieks, Aivars KoKo: an L1 Learner Corpus for German
Gleize, Martin A Hierarchical Taxonomy for Classifying Hardness of Inference Tasks
LIMSI-CNRS & Université Paris-Sud, FRANCE
Goba, Kārlis Designing the Latvian Speech Recognition Corpus
Goggi, Sara The LRE Map disclosed
Goharian, Nazli A Framework for Public Health Surveillance
Georgetown University, UNITED STATES
Goláňová, Hana Mapping Diatopic and Diachronic Variation in Spoken Czech: the Ortofon and Dialekt Corpora
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Goldhahn, Dirk Vocabulary-Based Language Similarity using Web Corpora
High Quality Word Lists as a Resource for Multiple Purposes
A 500 Million Word POS-Tagged Icelandic Corpus
Natural Language Processing Group, Computer Science Dept., University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Goldman, Jean-Philippe A Crowdsourcing Smartphone Application for Swiss German: Putting Language Documentation in the Hands of the Users
Rhapsodie: a Prosodic-Syntactic Treebank for Spoken French
C-PhonoGenre: a 7-hour Corpus of 7 Speaking Styles in French: Relations between Situational Features and Prosodic Properties
DisMo: A Morphosyntactic, Disfluency and Multi-Word Unit Annotator. An Evaluation on a Corpus of French Spontaneous and Read Speech
University of Geneva, SWITZERLAND
Gomes, Paulo Exploiting Portuguese Lexical Knowledge Bases for Answering Open Domain Cloze Questions Automatically
CISUC, University of Coimbra, PORTUGAL
Gonçalo Oliveira, Hugo Exploiting Portuguese Lexical Knowledge Bases for Answering Open Domain Cloze Questions Automatically
CISUC, University of Coimbra, PORTUGAL
Gonçalves, Anabela Prosodic, Syntactic, Semantic Guidelines for Topic Structures Across Domains and Corpora
González-Ferreras, César Assessment of Non-native Prosody for Spanish as L2 using Quantitative Scores and Perceptual Evaluation
University of Valladolid, SPAIN
Gonzalez-Rátiva, María Claudia New Spanish Speech Corpus Database for the Analysis of People Suffering from Parkinson's Disease
Universidad de Antioquia, COLOMBIA
González-Rubio, Jesús Evaluating the Effects of Interactivity in a Post-Editing Workbench
Universitat Politècnica de València, SPAIN
Goodman, Michael Wayne Enriching ODIN
University of Washington, UNITED STATES
Goodwin, Travis Clinical Data-Driven Probabilistic Graph Processing
University of Texas at Dallas, UNITED STATES
Goosen, Twan The DWAN Framework: Application of a Web Annotation Framework for the General Humanities to the Domain of Language Resources
The Language Archive, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, GERMANY
Gorisch, Jan Aix Map Task Corpus: the French Multimodal Corpus of Task-oriented Dialogue
Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, LPL, UMR 7309, FRANCE
Gornostay, Tatiana Terminology Resources and Terminology Work Benefit from Cloud Services
Goryainova, Maria Morpho-Syntactic Study of Errors from Speech Recognition System
Gosko, Didzis Using C5.0 and Exhaustive Search for Boosting Frame-Semantic Parsing Accuracy
Dependency Parsing Representation Effects on the Accuracy of Semantic Applications - an Example of an Inflective Language
University of Latvia, LATVIA
Goto, Shinsuke Crowdsourcing for Evaluating Machine Translation Quality
Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto Univresity, JAPAN
Gotti, Fabrizio Hashtag Occurrences, Layout and Translation: A Corpus-driven Analysis of Tweets Published by the Canadian Government
Gracia, Jorge Enabling Language Resources to Expose Translations as Linked Data on the Web
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, SPAIN
Graën, Johannes Innovations in Parallel Corpus Search Tools
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Graff, David The RATS Collection: Supporting HLT Research with Degraded Audio Data
Linguistic Data Consortium, UNITED STATES
Gratch, Jonathan The Distress Analysis Interview Corpus of Human and Computer Interviews
Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, UNITED STATES
Grau, Brigitte A Hierarchical Taxonomy for Classifying Hardness of Inference Tasks
Multiple Choice Question Corpus Analysis for Distractor Characterization
Gravier, Guillaume The ETAPE Speech Processing Evaluation
Bridging the Gap between Speech Technology and Natural Language Processing: An Evaluation Toolbox for Term Discovery Systems
Green, Nathan Votter Corpus: A Corpus of Social Polling Language
Charles University, CZECH REPUBLIC
Greenwood, Mark Who cares about Sarcastic Tweets? Investigating the Impact of Sarcasm on Sentiment Analysis.
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM
Gretter, Roberto Euronews: a Multilingual Speech Corpus for ASR
Grieve-Smith, Angus Annotating Relations in Scientific Articles
New York University, UNITED STATES
Grisot, Cristina Cross-Linguistic Annotation of Narrativity for English/French Verb Tense Disambiguation
University of Geneva, SWITZERLAND
Grobelnik, Marko The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Institute Jozef Stefan, SLOVENIA
Gropp, Martin The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues
Saarland University, GERMANY
Grosjean, Julien Language Resources for French in the Biomedical Domain
Grouin, Cyril Biomedical Entity Extraction using Machine-Learning Based Approaches
Morpho-Syntactic Study of Errors from Speech Recognition System
Use of Unsupervised Word Classes for Entity Recognition: Application to the Detection of Disorders in Clinical Reports
Annotation of Specialized Corpora using a Comprehensive Entity and Relation Scheme
Human Annotation of ASR Error Regions: is "gravity" a Sharable Concept for Human Annotators?
Grover, Claire Re-using an Argument Corpus to Aid in the Curation of Social Media Collections
University of Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM
Groves, Declan MTWatch: A Tool for the Analysis of Noisy Parallel Data
CNGL, School of Computing, Dublin City University, IRELAND
Gruszczyński, Włodzimierz Digital Library 2.0: Source of Knowledge and Research Collaboration Platform
Measuring Readability of Polish Texts: Baseline Experiments
Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, POLAND
Gruzitis, Normunds Extracting a bilingual semantic grammar from FrameNet-annotated corpora
University of Latvia, LATVIA
Guardiola, Mathilde Automatic Detection of Other-Repetition Occurrences: Application to French Conversational Speech
Guerini, Marco Creative Language Explorations through a high-Expressivity N-grams Query Language
Trento-Rise, ITALY
Guillaume, Bruno Deep Syntax Annotation of the Sequoia French Treebank
Mapping the Lexique des Verbes du français (Lexicon of French Verbs) to a NLP Lexicon using Examples
Inria Nancy Grand-Est/LORIA, FRANCE
Guillou, Liane ParCor 1.0: A Parallel Pronoun-Coreference Corpus to Support Statistical MT
University of Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM
Guinaudeau, Camille TVD: A Reproducible and Multiply Aligned TV Series Dataset
Univ. Paris Sud / CNRS-LIMSI, FRANCE
Günther, Stephan Modeling and Evaluating Dialog Success in the LAST MINUTE Corpus
Otto-von-Guericke Universität, GERMANY
Guo, Yufan Native Language Identification Using Large, Longitudinal Data
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
Gupta, Parth Enrichment of Bilingual Dictionary through News Stream Data
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, SPAIN
Gurevych, Iryna WordNet―Wikipedia―Wiktionary: Construction of a Three-way Alignment
Lexical Substitution Dataset for German
Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab, GERMANY
Gusev, Valentin Measuring the Impact of Spelling Errors on the Quality of Machine Translation
Guzman, Francisco The AMARA Corpus: Building Parallel Language Resources for the Educational Domain
Qatar Computing Research Institute, QATAR


Hazem, Amir Semi-Compositional Method for Synonym Extraction of Multi-Word Terms
LINA - University of Nantes, FRANCE
He, Yulan On Stopwords, Filtering and Data Sparsity for Sentiment Analysis of Twitter
Aston University, UNITED KINGDOM
Hsieh, Shu-Kai Why Chinese Web-as-Corpus is Wacky? Or: How Big Data is Killing Chinese Corpus Linguistics
Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Taiwan University, TAIWAN
Ha, Linne A Database for Measuring Linguistic Information Content
Haas, Pauline Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results
LDI, Univ Paris 13, FRANCE
Habash, Nizar Developing an Egyptian Arabic Treebank: Impact of Dialectal Morphology on Annotation and Tool Development
Tharwa: A Large Scale Dialectal Arabic - Standard Arabic - English Lexicon
A Conventional Orthography for Tunisian Arabic
A Corpus and Phonetic Dictionary for Tunisian Arabic Speech Recognition
A Multidialectal Parallel Corpus of Arabic
MADAMIRA: A Fast, Comprehensive Tool for Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation of Arabic
Large Scale Arabic Error Annotation: Guidelines and Framework
Center for Computational Learning Systems, Columbia University, UNITED STATES
Hadrich Belguith, Lamia A Corpus and Phonetic Dictionary for Tunisian Arabic Speech Recognition
ANLP Research group, MIRACL Lab., University of Sfax, Tunisia, TUNISIA
Haenig, Christian PACE Corpus: a Multilingual Corpus of Polarity-Annotated Textual Data from the Domains Automotive and CEllphone
Haertel, Robbie Momresp: A Bayesian Model for Multi-Annotator Document Labeling
Hagemeijer, Tjerk The Gulf of Guinea Creole Corpora
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Hagen, Kristin The Norwegian Dependency Treebank
Dept of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo, NORWAY
Hagiwara, Masato Comparison of the Impact of Word Segmentation on Name Tagging for Chinese and Japanese
Rakuten Institute of Technology, New York, UNITED STATES
Hagmueller, Martin GRASS: the Graz corpus of Read And Spontaneous Speech
The DIRHA simulated corpus
Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory, Graz University of Technology, AUSTRIA
Hahm, Younggyun Named Entity Corpus Construction using Wikipedia and DBpedia Ontology
Hahn, Udo Collaboratively Annotating Multilingual Parallel Corpora in the Biomedical Domain―some MANTRAs
Disclose Models, Hide the Data - How to Make Use of Confidential Corpora without Seeing Sensitive Raw Data
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, GERMANY
Haider, Thomas Named Entity Tagging a Very Large Unbalanced Corpus: Training and Evaluating NE Classifiers
Hailu, Negacy D. Sublanguage Corpus Analysis Toolkit: a Tool for Assessing the Representativeness and Sublanguage Characteristics of Corpora
University of Colorado School of Medicine, UNITED STATES
Hajic, Jan Not an Interlingua, But Close: Comparison of English AMRs to Chinese and Czech
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
CLARA: A New Generation of Researchers in Common Language Resources and Their Applications
Multilingual Test Sets for Machine Translation of Search Queries for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in the Medical Domain
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Hajičová, Eva Three Dimensions of the so-called "Interoperability" of Annotation Schemes
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Hajlaoui, Najeh DCEP -Digital Corpus of the European Parliament
European Parliament - Intrasoft, LUXEMBOURG
Hajnicz, Elżbieta Walenty: Towards a Comprehensive Valence Dictionary of Polish
The Procedure of Lexico-Semantic Annotation of Składnica Treebank
Institute of Computer Science at the Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND
Hallsteinsdóttir, Erla High Quality Word Lists as a Resource for Multiple Purposes
A 500 Million Word POS-Tagged Icelandic Corpus
Department of Language and Communication, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, DENMARK
Haltrup Hansen, Dorte Encompassing a Spectrum of LT Users in the CLARIN-DK Infrastructure
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
Halverson, Jeffry The N2 Corpus: a Semantically Annotated Collection of Islamist Extremist Stories
Coastal Carolina University, UNITED STATES
Hämäläinen, Annika The EASR Corpora of European Portuguese, French, Hungarian and Polish Elderly Speech
Microsoft Language Development Center, UNITED STATES
Hamdan, Hussam A Collection of Scholarly Book Reviews from the Platforms of Electronic Sources in Humanities and Social Sciences
Aix-Marseille Université (LSIS-LIF-OpenEdition), FRANCE
Hamon, Olivier META-SHARE: One Year After
Rediscovering 15 Years of Discoveries in Language Resources and Evaluation: The LREC Anthology Analysis
Hana, Jirka The MERLIN corpus: Learner Language and the CEFR
Charles University, CZECH REPUBLIC
Handschuh, Siegfried Evaluation of Technology Term Recognition with Random Indexing
National University of Ireland, Galway, IRELAND
Hanks, Patrick Disambiguating Verbs by Collocation: Corpus Lexicography meets Natural Language Processing
Mapping CPA Patterns onto OntoNotes Senses
RIILP, University of Wolverhampton, UNITED KINGDOM
Hanl, Michael Access Control by Query Rewriting: the Case of KorAP
Hanoka, Valérie An Open-Source Heavily Multilingual Translation Graph Extracted from Wiktionaries and Parallel Corpora
Verbatim Analysis - Vera & Inria, FRANCE
Hansen, Dorte Haltrup Using TEI, CMDI and ISOcat in CLARIN-DK
UCPH, Centre for Language Technology, DENMARK
Harabagiu, Sanda Clinical Data-Driven Probabilistic Graph Processing
University of Texas at Dallas, UNITED STATES
Hardmeier, Christian ParCor 1.0: A Parallel Pronoun-Coreference Corpus to Support Statistical MT
Uppsala universitet, SWEDEN
Hardwick, Sam HFST-SweNER ― A New NER Resource for Swedish
Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki, FINLAND
Hartmann, Nathan A Large Corpus of Product Reviews in Portuguese: Tackling Out-Of-Vocabulary Words
University of São Paulo, BRAZIL
Hasan, Ragib Sockpuppet Detection in Wikipedia: A Corpus of Real-World Deceptive Writing for Linking Identities
Hasegawa-Johnson, Mark Development of a TV Broadcasts Speech Recognition System for Qatari Arabic
Automatic Long Audio Alignment and Confidence Scoring for Conversational Arabic Speech
University of Illinois, UNITED STATES
Hassan, Ammar Benchmarking Twitter Sentiment Analysis Tools
University of Virginia, UNITED STATES
Hastie, Helen A Comparative Evaluation Methodology for NLG in Interactive Systems
Heriot-Watt University, UNITED KINGDOM
Hathout, Nabil GLÀFF, a Large Versatile French Lexicon
CLLE-ERSS/CNRS&University of Toulouse 2, FRANCE
Haugereid, Petter The Interplay Between Lexical and Syntactic Resources in Incremental Parsebanking
University of Bergen, NORWAY
Hauksdóttir, Auður An Innovative World Language Centre : Challenges for the Use of Language Technology
University of Iceland, ICELAND
Hautli, Annette The CLE Urdu POS Tagset
University of Konstanz, GERMANY
Haverinen, Katri Universal Stanford Dependencies: a Cross-Linguistic Typology
University of Turku, FINLAND
Hawwari, Abdelati Tharwa: A Large Scale Dialectal Arabic - Standard Arabic - English Lexicon
Hayashi, Yoshihiko Web-imageability of the Behavioral Features of Basic-level Concepts
Osaka University, JAPAN
He, Shaoda Construction of Diachronic Ontologies from People's Daily of Fifty Years
Peking University, CHINA
He, Yifan Corpus and Method for Identifying Citations in Non-Academic Text
Annotating Relations in Scientific Articles
New York University, UNITED STATES
Heafield, Kenneth N-gram Counts and Language Models from the Common Crawl
Heal, Kristian Evaluating Lemmatization Models for Machine-Assisted Corpus-Dictionary Linkage
Using Transfer Learning to Assist Exploratory Corpus Annotation
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES
Hedayati, Vahid El-WOZ: a Client-Server Wizard-of-Oz Interface
Heid, Dr. Ulrich The eIdentity Text Exploration Workbench
Universität Hildesheim, GERMANY
Heid, Ulrich Adapting a Part-of-Speech Tagset to Non-Standard Text: the Case of STTS
University of Hildesheim, GERMANY
Hein, Katrin A Database of Freely Written Texts of German School Students for the Purpose of Automatic Spelling Error Classification
University of Education Karlsruhe, GERMANY
Heino, Norman A Tool Suite for Creating Question Answering Benchmarks
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Helgadóttir, Sigrún Correcting Errors in a New Gold Standard for Tagging Icelandic Text
A 500 Million Word POS-Tagged Icelandic Corpus
The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, ICELAND
Hellan, Lars MultiVal - Towards a Multilingual Valence Lexicon
Hellmann, Sebastian Global Intelligent Content: Active Curation of Language Resources using Linked Data
NIF4OGGD - NLP Interchange Format for Open German Governmental Data
N³ - A Collection of Datasets for Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation in the NLP Interchange Format
AKSW, University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Hellmuth, Sam DiVE-Arabic: Gulf Arabic Dialogue in a Virtual Environment
University of York, UNITED KINGDOM
Hellrich, Johannes Collaboratively Annotating Multilingual Parallel Corpora in the Biomedical Domain―some MANTRAs
Disclose Models, Hide the Data - How to Make Use of Confidential Corpora without Seeing Sensitive Raw Data
JULIE Lab, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena, GERMANY
Hemsen, Holmer Freepal: A Large Collection of Deep Lexico-Syntactic Patterns for Relation Extraction
Hendrickx, Iris The Gulf of Guinea Creole Corpora
Center for Language Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Hennig, Shannon The D-ANS corpus: the Dublin-Autonomous Nervous System corpus of biosignal and multimodal recordings of conversational speech
PAVIS, Italian Institute of Technology, ITALY
Henrich, Verena How to Tell a Schneemann from a Milchmann: An Annotation Scheme for Compound-Internal Relations
University of Tübingen, GERMANY
Henriksen, Lina Encompassing a Spectrum of LT Users in the CLARIN-DK Infrastructure
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
Hernaez, Inma The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Basque Speecon-like and Basque SpeechDAT MDB-600: Speech Databases for the Development of ASR Technology for Basque
New Bilingual Speech Databases for Audio Diarization
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), SPAIN
Hernandez Mena, Carlos Daniel CIEMPIESS: A New Open-Sourced Mexican Spanish Radio Corpus
Herrera Camacho, Abel CIEMPIESS: A New Open-Sourced Mexican Spanish Radio Corpus
Herrmann, Teresa Manual Analysis of Structurally Informed Reordering in German-English Machine Translation
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, GERMANY
Hewson, David The EASR Corpora of European Portuguese, French, Hungarian and Polish Elderly Speech
Troyes University of Technology, FRANCE
Heylen, Dirk Twente Debate Corpus ― A Multimodal Corpus for Head Movement Analysis
University of Twente, NETHERLANDS
Heylen, Kris TermWise: A CAT-tool with Context-Sensitive Terminological Support.
KU Leuven (University of Leuven), BELGIUM
Higashinaka, Ryuichiro Extraction of Daily Changing Words for Question Answering
Hilgert, Lucas Building Domain Specific Bilingual Dictionaries
PUCRS University, BRAZIL
Hinote, David #mygoal: Finding Motivations on Twitter
Language Computer, UNITED STATES
Hinrichs, Erhard How to Tell a Schneemann from a Milchmann: An Annotation Scheme for Compound-Internal Relations
CLARA: A New Generation of Researchers in Common Language Resources and Their Applications
The CLARIN Research Infrastructure: Resources and Tools for eHumanities Scholars
University of Tübingen, GERMANY
Hirayama, Katsutoshi Bilingual Dictionary Induction as an Optimization Problem
Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, JAPAN
Hirschberg, Julia Teenage and Adult Speech in School Context: Building and Processing a Corpus of European Portuguese
Columbia University, UNITED STATES
Hladek, Daniel The Slovak Categorized News Corpus
Technical University of Kosice, SLOVAKIA
Hnátková, Milena The SYN-series Corpora of Written Czech
Institute of Theoretical and Computational Linguistics, Charles University, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Ho, Wan Yu Identifying Idioms in Chinese Translations
Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE
Hochgesang, Julie The Use of a FileMaker Pro Database in Evaluating Sign Language Notation Systems
Gallaudet University, UNITED STATES
Höfler, Stefan Constructing and Exploiting an Automatically Annotated Resource of Legislative Texts
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Hogetop, Denise Building Domain Specific Bilingual Dictionaries
PUCRS University, BRAZIL
Hokamp, Chris Modeling Language Proficiency Using Implicit Feedback
Dublin City University - CNGL / University of North Texas, IRELAND
Hondermarck, Olivier Generating a Resource for Products and Brandnames Recognition. Application to the Cosmetic Domain., FRANCE
Hong, Kai A Repository of State of the Art and Competitive Baseline Summaries for Generic News Summarization
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Hoole, Phil The MMASCS Multi-Modal Annotated Synchronous Corpus of Audio, Video, Facial Motion and Tongue Motion Data of Normal, Fast and Slow Speech
Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, Munich Universtity, GERMANY
Hoppermann, Christina How to Tell a Schneemann from a Milchmann: An Annotation Scheme for Compound-Internal Relations
University of Tübingen, GERMANY
Horbach, Andrea Finding a Tradeoff between Accuracy and Rater's Workload in Grading Clustered Short Answers
Saarland University, GERMANY
Hoste, Veronique Evaluation of Automatic Hypernym Extraction from Technical Corpora in English and Dutch
Recognising Suicidal Messages in Dutch Social Media
Towards Shared Datasets for Normalization Research
LT3, Ghent University, BELGIUM
Housley, Jason LexTerm Manager: Design for an Integrated Lexicography and Terminology System
Hove, Ingrid A Crowdsourcing Smartphone Application for Swiss German: Putting Language Documentation in the Hands of the Users
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Hovy, Dirk Augmenting English Adjective Senses with Supersenses
Crowdsourcing and Annotating NER for Twitter #drift
When POS Data Sets Don't Add Up: Combatting Sample Bias
Center for Language Technology, University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
Hovy, Eduard A Corpus of Participant Roles in Contentious Discussions
Supervised Within-Document Event Coreference using Information Propagation
Detecting Subevent Structure for Event Coreference Resolution
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Hrstka, Michael Christopher Single-Person and Multi-Party 3D Visualizations for Nonverbal Communication Analysis
Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, GERMANY
Hu, Junfeng Construction of Diachronic Ontologies from People's Daily of Fifty Years
Key Laboratory of Computational Linguistics, Ministry of Education, Peking University, CHINA
Huang, Chu-Ren Annotating Events in an Emotion Corpus
Huang, Hen-Hsen Sentence Rephrasing for Parsing Sentences with OOV Words
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, TAIWAN
Huijbregts, Marijn Semi-Automatic Annotation of the UCU Accents Speech Corpus
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Hulden, Mans Computer-aided Morphology Expansion for Old Swedish
ACTIV-ES: a Comparable, Cross-Dialect Corpus of "everyday" Spanish from Argentina, Mexico, and Spain
University of Helsinki, FINLAND
Hummel, Robert Annotating Relation Mentions in Tabloid Press
Language Resources and Annotation Tools for Cross-Sentence Relation Extraction
Hunsicker, Sabine Pre-ordering of Phrase-based Machine Translation Input in Translation Workflow
The taraXÜ Corpus of Human-Annotated Machine Translations
euroscript Deutschland GmbH, GERMANY
Hussain, Sarmad The CLE Urdu POS Tagset
Center for Language Engineering, KICS, UET, PAKISTAN
Hussen Abdelaziz, Ahmed The Tutorbot Corpus ― A Corpus for Studying Tutoring Behaviour in Multiparty Face-to-Face Spoken Dialogue
Institute of Communication Acoustics, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, GERMANY
Huyghe, Richard Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results
CLILLAC-ARP (Univ Paris Diderot), FRANCE
Huynh, David A Database for Measuring Linguistic Information Content
Hwa, Rebecca A Comparison of MT Errors and ESL Errors
Computer Science Department, University of Pittsburgh, UNITED STATES
Hwang, Dosam Named Entity Corpus Construction using Wikipedia and DBpedia Ontology
Yeungnam University, SOUTH KOREA
Hwang, Jena D. PropBank: Semantics of New Predicate Types
Criteria for Identifying and Annotating Caused Motion Constructions in Corpus Data
University of Colorado at Boulder, UNITED STATES


Iacobini, Claudio VOLIP: a Corpus of Spoken Italian and a Virtuous Example of Reuse of Linguistic Resources
Dipartimento Studi Umanistici ― Università di Salerno, ITALY
Iaderola, Iacopo EMOVO Corpus: an Italian Emotional Speech Database
Ugo Bordoni Foundation, ITALY
Ide, Nancy The Language Application Grid
Vassar College, UNITED STATES
Idiart, Marco Comparing Similarity Measures for Distributional Thesauri
Institute of Physics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, BRAZIL
Iida, Ryu Building a Corpus of Manually Revised Texts from Discourse Perspective
Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN
Illouz, Gabriel Multiple Choice Question Corpus Analysis for Distractor Characterization
LIMSI-CNRS & Université Paris-Sud, FRANCE
Ilziņa, Ilze Terminology Localization Guidelines for the National Scenario
University of Latvia, LATVIA
Ingason, Anton Karl Rapid Deployment of Phrase Structure Parsing for Related Languages: A Case Study of Insular Scandinavian
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Inoue, Masashi Multimodal Dialogue Segmentation with Gesture Post-Processing
Yamagata University, JAPAN
Iocchi, Luca HuRIC: a Human Robot Interaction Corpus
Sapienza University of Rome, ITALY
Iosif, Elias Word Semantic Similarity for Morphologically Rich Languages
Athena Research and Innovation Center, GREECE
Irimia, Elena CoRoLa ― The Reference Corpus of Contemporary Romanian Language
Irmer, Matthias Creating a Gold Standard Corpus for the Extraction of Chemistry-Disease Relations from Patent Texts
OntoChem GmbH, GERMANY
Irvine, Ann The American Local News Corpus
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES
Irving, Francis NewsReader: Recording History from Daily News Streams
Isableu, Brice A Database of Full Body Virtual Interactions Annotated with Expressivity Scores
Ishida, Toru Bilingual Dictionary Induction as an Optimization Problem
Crowdsourcing for Evaluating Machine Translation Quality
Integration of Workflow and Pipeline for Language Service Composition
Kyoto University, JAPAN
Ishimoto, Yuichi Towards Automatic Transformation Between Different Transcription Conventions: Prediction of Intonation Markers from Linguistic and Acoustic Features
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, JAPAN
Islam, Zahurul ColLex.en: Automatically Generating and Evaluating a Full-form Lexicon for English
Text Technology Lab, Goethe University Frankfurt, GERMANY
Isotani, Ryosuke Towards Multilingual Conversations in the Medical Domain: Development of Multilingual Medical Data and A Network-based ASR System
NEC Corporation, JAPAN
Itai, Alon How to Construct a Multi-Lingual Domain Ontology
Computer Science, Technion, ISRAEL
Ivanova, Angelina Treelet Probabilities for HPSG Parsing and Error Correction
University of Oslo, NORWAY
Ivanova, Ginka A System for Experiments with Dependency Parsers
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BULGARIA
Ivanova, Maria SwissAdmin: a Multilingual Tagged Parallel Corpus of Press Releases
LATL-CUI, Université de Genève, SWITZERLAND
Izquierdo, Ruben Generating Polarity Lexicons with WordNet Propagation in 5 Languages
Izumi, Tomoko Constructing a Corpus of Japanese Predicate Phrases for Synonym/Antonym Relations
NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories, JAPAN


Jacquet, Guillaume Named Entity Recognition on Turkish Tweets
Clustering of Multi-Word Named Entity Variants: Multilingual Evaluation
Resource Creation and Evaluation for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts
European Commission ― Joint Research Centre (JRC), ITALY
Jahani, Carina A Persian Treebank with Stanford Typed Dependencies
Uppsala University, Department of Linguistics and Philology, SWEDEN
Jain, Sambhav Hindi to English Machine Translation: Using Effective Selection in Multi-Model SMT
Jain, Siddharth A Corpus of Participant Roles in Contentious Discussions
Jakubicek, Milos Extrinsic Corpus Evaluation with a Collocation Dictionary Task
NLP Centre, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, CZECH REPUBLIC
Jang, J.-S Roger Phone Boundary Annotation in Conversational Speech
Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, TAIWAN
Janier, Mathilde A Model for Processing Illocutionary Structures and Argumentation in Debates
Jankowiak, Martin Event Extraction Using Distant Supervision
Jansche, Martin Computer-Aided Quality Assurance of an Icelandic Pronunciation Dictionary
Jansen, Aren Bridging the Gap between Speech Technology and Natural Language Processing: An Evaluation Toolbox for Term Discovery Systems
Jantunen, Tommi SLMotion - an Extensible Sign Language Oriented Video Analysis Tool
S-pot - a Benchmark in Spotting Signs Within Continuous Signing
University of Jyväskylä, FINLAND
Jawaid, Bushra A Tagged Corpus and a Tagger for Urdu
Two-Step Machine Translation with Lattices
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistic, Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Jean-Louis, Ludovic Improving Entity Linking using Surface Form Refinement
Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, CANADA
Jelínek, Tomáš Improvements to Dependency Parsing Using Automatic Simplification of Data
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, CZECH REPUBLIC
Jezek, Elisabetta T-PAS; A resource of Typed Predicate Argument Structures for linguistic analysis and semantic processing
Università di Pavia, ITALY
Ji, Heng Comparison of the Impact of Word Segmentation on Name Tagging for Chinese and Japanese
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, UNITED STATES
Jiang, Jie Machine Translation for Subtitling: A Large-Scale Evaluation
Jiang, Xiao Native Language Identification Using Large, Longitudinal Data
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
Jin, Gongye A Framework for Compiling High Quality Knowledge Resources From Raw Corpora
Kyoto University, JAPAN
Jínová, Pavlína Genres in the Prague Discourse Treebank
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Johansson, Martin The Tutorbot Corpus ― A Corpus for Studying Tutoring Behaviour in Multiparty Face-to-Face Spoken Dialogue
Johnson, Mark Bridging the Gap between Speech Technology and Natural Language Processing: An Evaluation Toolbox for Term Discovery Systems
Macquarie University, AUSTRALIA
Jokinen, Kristiina Open-domain Interaction and Online Content in the Sami Language
University of Helsinki, FINLAND
Jones, Dominic Global Intelligent Content: Active Curation of Language Resources using Linked Data
Centre for Next Generation Localisation, Trinity College Dublin, IRELAND
Jones, Karen The RATS Collection: Supporting HLT Research with Degraded Audio Data
Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Jones, Timothy The Alveo Virtual Laboratory: A Web based Repository API
Jonsson, Arne The Impact of Cohesion Errors in Extraction Based Summaries
Linköping University, SWEDEN
Joshi, Sachindra Author-Specific Sentiment Aggregation for Polarity Prediction of Reviews
Jouvet, Denis Designing a Bilingual Speech Corpus for French and German Language Learners: a Two-Step Process
Judge, John The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Dublin City University, IRELAND
Jügler, Jeanin Designing a Bilingual Speech Corpus for French and German Language Learners: a Two-Step Process
Saarland University, GERMANY
Juhar, Jozef The Slovak Categorized News Corpus
TUKE-BNews-SK: Slovak Broadcast News Corpus Construction and Evaluation
Technical University of Kosice, SLOVAKIA
Jung, Dagmar - Including Multimedia Language Resources to disseminate Knowledge and Create Educational Material on less-Resourced Languages
University of Cologne, GERMANY
Jurafsky, Dan On the Importance of Text Analysis for Stock Price Prediction
Stanford University, UNITED STATES
Jurafsky, Daniel Event Extraction Using Distant Supervision
Jurčíček, Filip Free English and Czech Telephone Speech Corpus Shared Under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 License
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, CZECH REPUBLIC
Jurgens, David An Analysis of Ambiguity in Word Sense Annotations
Sapienza University of Rome, ITALY


Kikuchi, Hideaki Estimation of Speaking Style in Speech Corpora Focusing on Speech Transcriptionss
Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University, JAPAN
Klessa, Katarzyna - Including Multimedia Language Resources to disseminate Knowledge and Create Educational Material on less-Resourced Languages
Annotation Pro + TGA: Automation of Speech Timing Analysis
The Institute of Linguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, ICELAND
Kaeshammer, Miriam Discosuite - A Parser Test Suite for German Discontinuous Structures
On Complex Word Alignment Configurations
University of Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Kahane, Sylvain Rhapsodie: a Prosodic-Syntactic Treebank for Spoken French
Correcting and Validating Syntactic Dependency in the Spoken French Treebank Rhapsodie
Macrosyntactic Segmenters of a French Spoken Corpus
Modyco, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, FRANCE
Kahn, Juliette Human Annotation of ASR Error Regions: is "gravity" a Sharable Concept for Human Annotators?
ETER: a New Metric for the Evaluation of Hierarchical Named Entity Recognition
Kaiseler, Mariana VOCE Corpus: Ecologically Collected Speech Annotated with Physiological and Psychological Stress Assessments
University of Porto - Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences,, PORTUGAL
Kalunsima, Sasiwimon TaLAPi ― A Thai Linguistically Annotated Corpus for Language Processing
Institute for Infocomm Research, SINGAPORE
Kameda, Akihiro Overview of Todai Robot Project and Evaluation Framework of its NLP-based Problem Solving
National Institute of Informatics, JAPAN
Kamholz, David PanLex: Building a Resource for Panlingual Lexical Translation
The Long Now Foundation, UNITED STATES
Kamocki, Pawel The Liability of Service Providers in e-Research Infrastructures: Killing the Messenger?
Kamran, Amir A Tagged Corpus and a Tagger for Urdu
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistic, Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Karabetsos, Sotiris Using Audio Books for Training a Text-to-Speech System
ILSP ATHENA RC / innoetics ltd, GREECE
Karampiperis, Pythagoras NOMAD: Linguistic Resources and Tools Aimed at Policy Formulation and Validation
NCSR Demokritos, GREECE
Karkaletsis, Vangelis NOMAD: Linguistic Resources and Tools Aimed at Policy Formulation and Validation
NCSR Demokritos, GREECE
Karppa, Matti SLMotion - an Extensible Sign Language Oriented Video Analysis Tool
S-pot - a Benchmark in Spotting Signs Within Continuous Signing
Aalto University, FINLAND
Kasper, Walter Sprinter: Language Technologies for Interactive and Multimedia Language Learning
Katagiri, Yasuhiro Japanese Conversation Corpus for Training and Evaluation of Backchannel Prediction Model.
Department of complex systems, Future University Hakodate, JAPAN
Kawahara, Daisuke A Framework for Compiling High Quality Knowledge Resources From Raw Corpora
Single Classifier Approach for Verb Sense Disambiguation based on Generalized Features
Kyoto University, JAPAN
Kawazoe, Ai Overview of Todai Robot Project and Evaluation Framework of its NLP-based Problem Solving
National Institute of Informatics, JAPAN
Kazour, Nora Comprehensive Annotation of Multiword Expressions in a Social Web Corpus
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Ke, Guiyao Variations on Quantitative Comparability Measures and their Evaluations on Synthetic French-English Comparable Corpora
Co-clustering of Bilingual Datasets as a Mean for Assisting the Construction of Thematic Bilingual Comparable Corpora
Université de Bretagne Sud, IRISA, FRANCE
Keane, Jonathan Exploring Factors that Contribute to Successful Fingerspelling Comprehension
University of Chicago, UNITED STATES
Kearsley, Logan LexTerm Manager: Design for an Integrated Lexicography and Terminology System
Kędzia, Paweł Ruled-based, Interlingual Motivated Mapping of plWordNet onto SUMO Ontology
Wroclaw University of Technology, POLAND
Keiša, Iveta Terminology Localization Guidelines for the National Scenario
Kermes, Hannah Data Mining with Shallow vs. Linguistic Features to Study Diversification of Scientific Registers
Saarland University, GERMANY
Kessler, Wiltrud A Corpus of Comparisons in Product Reviews
Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, University of Stuttgart, GERMANY
Kettnerová, Václava To Pay or to Get Paid: Enriching a Valency Lexicon with Diatheses
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Khan, Fahad The IMAGACT Visual Ontology. an Extendable Multilingual Infrastructure for the Representation of Lexical Encoding of Action
Khan, Tafseer Ahmed The CLE Urdu POS Tagset
Automatic Acquisition of Urdu Nouns (along with Gender and Irregular Plurals))
DHA Suffa University, PAKISTAN
Khapra, Mitesh M. When Transliteration Met Crowdsourcing : An Empirical Study of Transliteration via Crowdsourcing using Efficient, Non-redundant and Fair Quality Control
IBM Research India, INDIA
Khouas, Leila Investigating the Image of Entities in Social Media: Dataset Design and First Results
AMI Software, FRANCE
Khouzaimi, Hatim NASTIA: Negotiating Appointment Setting Interface
Laboratoire d'Informatique d'Avignon-CERI - Orange Labs, FRANCE
Kijak, Ewa Generating and using Probabilistic Morphological Resources for the Biomedical Domain
IRISA - Univ. Rennes 1, FRANCE
Kikuchi, Kouhei A Colloquial Corpus of Japanese Sign Language: Linguistic Resources for Observing Sign Language Conversations
JSPS/ National Institute of Informatics, JAPAN
Kilgarriff, Adam Extrinsic Corpus Evaluation with a Collocation Dictionary Task
Sublanguage Corpus Analysis Toolkit: a Tool for Assessing the Representativeness and Sublanguage Characteristics of Corpora
Lexical Computing Ltd, UNITED KINGDOM
Kilicoglu, Halil Annotating Question Decomposition on Complex Medical Questions
National Library of Medicine, UNITED STATES
Kim, Young-Min Investigating the Image of Entities in Social Media: Dataset Design and First Results
ERIC lab., University of Lyon 2, FRANCE
Kim, Youngsik Named Entity Corpus Construction using Wikipedia and DBpedia Ontology
Kiomourtzis, George NOMAD: Linguistic Resources and Tools Aimed at Policy Formulation and Validation
NCSR Demokritos, GREECE
Kipp, Michael Single-Person and Multi-Party 3D Visualizations for Nonverbal Communication Analysis
Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, GERMANY
Kirschnick, Johannes Freepal: A Large Collection of Deep Lexico-Syntactic Patterns for Relation Extraction
Kisler, Thomas German Alcohol Language Corpus - the Question of Dialect
Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals, University of Munich, GERMANY
Kiss, Tibor Building a Reference Lexicon for Countability in English
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, GERMANY
Klakow, Dietrich The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues
Saarland University, GERMANY
Klassen, Prescott Annotating Clinical Events in Text Snippets for Phenotype Detection
University of Washington, UNITED STATES
Klatter, Jetske Vulnerability in Acquisition, Language Impairments in Dutch: Creating a VALID Data Archive
CLS, Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Klein, Ewan Re-using an Argument Corpus to Aid in the Curation of Social Media Collections
School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM
Kliche, Fritz The eIdentity Text Exploration Workbench
Universität Hildesheim, GERMANY
Kliegr, Tomáš Towards Linked Hypernyms Dataset 2.0: Complementing DBpedia with Hypernym Discovery
University of Economics, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Klimešová, Petra Mapping Diatopic and Diachronic Variation in Spoken Czech: the Ortofon and Dialekt Corpora
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Klinger, Roman The USAGE Review Corpus for Fine Grained Multi Lingual Opinion Analysis
Bielefeld University, GERMANY
Klubička, Filip Comparing Two Acquisition Systems for Automatically Building an English-Croatian Parallel Corpus from Multilingual Websites
University of Zagreb, CROATIA
Klüwer, Tina Sprinter: Language Technologies for Interactive and Multimedia Language Learning
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, GERMANY
Knappen, Jörg Exploring and Visualizing Variation in Language Resources
University of Saarbruecken, GERMANY
Kng, Christine Identifying Idioms in Chinese Translations
Saint John's College, Santa Fe, UNITED STATES
Knight, Kevin Mapping Between English Strings and Reentrant Semantic Graphs
Kobyliński, Łukasz PoliTa: a Multitagger for Polish
Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND
Kocincová, Lucia Extrinsic Corpus Evaluation with a Collocation Dictionary Task
NLP Centre, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, CZECH REPUBLIC
Kockaert, Hendrik TermWise: A CAT-tool with Context-Sensitive Terminological Support.
KU Leuven (University of Leuven), BELGIUM
Kočková-Amortová, Lucie The Nijmegen Corpus of Casual Czech
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Koehler, Joachim Exploiting the Large-Scale German Broadcast Corpus to Boost the Fraunhofer IAIS Speech Recognition System
Fraunhofer IAIS, GERMANY
Koeva, Svetla The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Department of Computational linguistics, Institute for Bulgarian, BAS, BULGARIA
Kohama, Shotaro A Large Scale Database of Strongly-related Events in Japanese
Kyoto University, JAPAN
Köhn, Arne Because Size Does Matter: The Hamburg Dependency Treebank
Universität Hamburg, GERMANY
Koiso, Hanae Design and Development of an RDB Version of the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese
Towards Automatic Transformation Between Different Transcription Conventions: Prediction of Intonation Markers from Linguistic and Acoustic Features
The National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, JAPAN
Kokkinakis, Dimitrios HFST-SweNER ― A New NER Resource for Swedish
University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Kolachina, Prasanth Benchmarking of English-Hindi Parallel Corpora
Kolesiński, Artur The EASR Corpora of European Portuguese, French, Hungarian and Polish Elderly Speech
Knowledge Society Association, POLAND
Koller, Oscar Extensions of the Sign Language Recognition and Translation Corpus RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather
RWTH Aachen University, GERMANY
Kolly, Marie-José A Crowdsourcing Smartphone Application for Swiss German: Putting Language Documentation in the Hands of the Users
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Kolovratnik, David DCEP -Digital Corpus of the European Parliament
European Parliament - Intrasoft, LUXEMBOURG
Kolz, Benjamin TexAFon 2.0: a Text Processing Tool for the Generation of Expressive Speech in TTS Applications
Department of Translation and Language Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University, SPAIN
König-Cardanobile, Ulla A Compact Interactive Visualization of Dependency Treebank Query Results
Universität Tübingen, GERMANY
Kopeć, Mateusz Polish Coreference Corpus in Numbers
The Polish Summaries Corpus
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND
Köper, Maximilian A Rank-based Distance Measure to Detect Polysemy and to Determine Salient Vector-Space Features for German Prepositions
Fuzzy V-Measure - An Evaluation Method for Cluster Analyses of Ambiguous Data
University of Suttgart,Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, GERMANY
Kopp, Stefan ALICO: a Multimodal Corpus for the Study of Active Listening
Bielefeld University, GERMANY
Kopřivová, Marie Mapping Diatopic and Diachronic Variation in Spoken Czech: the Ortofon and Dialekt Corpora
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Kordjamshidi, Parisa HiEve: A Corpus for Extracting Event Hierarchies from News Stories
Kordoni, Valia Multiword Expressions in Machine Translation
Humboldt University Berlin, GERMANY
Koreman, Jacques A Cross-language Corpus for Studying the Phonetics and Phonology of Prominence
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NORWAY
Korhonen, Anna Native Language Identification Using Large, Longitudinal Data
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
Korkontzelos, Ioannis Locating Requests among Open Source Software Communication Messages
National Centre for Text Mining, The University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM
Korvas, Matěj Free English and Czech Telephone Speech Corpus Shared Under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 License
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, CZECH REPUBLIC
Kouril, Jan Semantic Search in Documents Enriched by LOD-based Annotations
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology - IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence, CZECH REPUBLIC
Koutsombogera, Maria The Tutorbot Corpus ― A Corpus for Studying Tutoring Behaviour in Multiparty Face-to-Face Spoken Dialogue
Kouylekov, Milen Semantic Technologies for Querying Linguistic Annotations: An Experiment Focusing on Graph-Structured Data
University of Oslo, NORWAY
Kovář, Vojtěch Extrinsic Corpus Evaluation with a Collocation Dictionary Task
NLP Centre, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, CZECH REPUBLIC
Krahmer, Emiel Creating and Using Large Monolingual Parallel Corpora for Sentential Paraphrase Generation
Tilburg University, NETHERLANDS
Krause, Sebastian Annotating Relation Mentions in Tabloid Press
Language Resources and Annotation Tools for Cross-Sentence Relation Extraction
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, GERMANY
Krauwer, Steven The CLARIN Research Infrastructure: Resources and Tools for eHumanities Scholars
Krek, Simon The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Jožef Stefan Institute, SLOVENIA
Křen, Michal The SYN-series Corpora of Written Czech
Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles University, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Krieger, Hans-Ulrich TMO ― The Federated Ontology of the TrendMiner Project
Information Extraction from German Patient Records via Hybrid Parsing and Relation Extraction Strategies
Harmonization of German Lexical Resources for Opinion Mining
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH), GERMANY
Krstev, Cvetana The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
University of Belgrade, SERBIA
Krug, Wayne #mygoal: Finding Motivations on Twitter
Language Computer Corporation, UNITED STATES
Kruschwitz, Udo AraNLP: a Java-based Library for the Processing of Arabic Text.
University of Essex, UNITED KINGDOM
Kübler, Natalie A Corpus of Machine Translation Errors Extracted from Translation Students Exercises
EILA/CRILAC, Université Denis Diderot, FRANCE
Kübler, Sandra Discosuite - A Parser Test Suite for German Discontinuous Structures
SWIFT Aligner, A Multifunctional Tool for Parallel Corpora: Visualization, Word Alignment, and (Morpho)-Syntactic Cross-Language Transfer
Indiana University, UNITED STATES
Kubo, Keigo Towards Multilingual Conversations in the Medical Domain: Development of Multilingual Medical Data and A Network-based ASR System
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, UNITED KINGDOM
Kučera, Karel Corpus of 19th-century Czech Texts: Problems and Solutions
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Kucuk, Dilek Named Entity Recognition on Turkish Tweets
Resource Creation and Evaluation for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts
European Commission ― Joint Research Centre (JRC), ITALY
Kuhn, Jonas A Corpus of Comparisons in Product Reviews
Textual Emigration Analysis (TEA)
Converting an HPSG-based Treebank into its Parallel Dependency-based Treebank
An Out-of-Domain Test Suite for Dependency Parsing of German
UnixMan Corpus: A Resource for Language Learning in the Unix Domain
Exploring the Utility of Coreference Chains for Improved Identification of Personal Names
Stuttgart University, GERMANY
Kulesza, Alex A Repository of State of the Art and Competitive Baseline Summaries for Generic News Summarization
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, UNITED STATES
Kulick, Seth Developing an Egyptian Arabic Treebank: Impact of Dialectal Morphology on Annotation and Tool Development
Incorporating Alternate Translations into English Translation Treebank
Linguistic Data Consortium, UNITED STATES
Kulkarni, Ashish Efficient Reuse of Structured and Unstructured Resources for Ontology Population
Kumar, Ritesh Developing Politeness Annotated Corpus of Hindi Blogs
Dept. of Linguistics, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, Agra, INDIA
Kunchukuttan, Anoop Shata-Anuvadak: Tackling Multiway Translation of Indian Languages
When Transliteration Met Crowdsourcing : An Empirical Study of Transliteration via Crowdsourcing using Efficient, Non-redundant and Fair Quality Control
Kunz, Beat Zmorge: A German Morphological Lexicon Extracted from Wiktionary
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Kupietz, Marc Access Control by Query Rewriting: the Case of KorAP
Recent Developments in DeReKo
Institut für Deutsche Sprache, GERMANY
Kurimo, Mikko A Toolkit for Efficient Learning of Lexical Units for Speech Recognition
Aalto University, FINLAND
Kurohashi, Sadao Bilingual Dictionary Construction with Transliteration Filtering
A Large Scale Database of Strongly-related Events in Japanese
Constructing a Chinese―Japanese Parallel Corpus from Wikipedia
Constructing a Corpus of Japanese Predicate Phrases for Synonym/Antonym Relations
A Framework for Compiling High Quality Knowledge Resources From Raw Corpora
Kyoto University, JAPAN


L'Homme, Marie-Claude Definition Patterns for Predicative Terms in Specialized Lexical Resources
Discovering Frames in Specialized Domains
OLST, University of Montreal, CANADA
Laaksonen, Jorma SLMotion - an Extensible Sign Language Oriented Video Analysis Tool
S-pot - a Benchmark in Spotting Signs Within Continuous Signing
Aalto University, FINLAND
Labropoulou, Penny Developing a Framework for Describing Relations among Language Resources
R.C. Athena/Institute for Language and Speech Processing, GREECE
Lacheret, Anne Rhapsodie: a Prosodic-Syntactic Treebank for Spoken French
Modyco, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, FRANCE
Lacroix, Ophélie Validation Issues induced by an Automatic Pre-Annotation Mechanism in the Building of Non-projective Dependency Treebanks
LINA - University of Nantes, FRANCE
Lafourcade, Mathieu Propa-L: a Semantic Filtering Service from a Lexical Network Created using Games With A Purpose
Relation Inference in Lexical Networks ... with Refinements
Lahiri, Shibamouli Building a Dataset for Summarization and Keyword Extraction from Emails
University of North Texas, UNITED STATES
Lai, Po-Hsiang Building a Dataset for Summarization and Keyword Extraction from Emails
Samsung Research America, UNITED STATES
Lailler, Carole Human Annotation of ASR Error Regions: is "gravity" a Sharable Concept for Human Annotators?
LIUM, Université du Maine, FRANCE
Lain Knudsen, Rune Off-Road LAF: Encoding and Processing Annotations in NLP Workflows
University of Bergen, Department of Linguistic, Literary, and Aesthetic Studies, NORWAY
Laki, László An Efficient Language Independent Toolkit for Complete Morphological Disambiguation
Pázmány Péter Catholic University, HUNGARY
Lambert, Patrik Adapting Freely Available Resources to Build an Opinion Mining Pipeline in Portuguese
Pompeu Fabra University, SPAIN
Lamel, Lori Automatic Language Identity Tagging on Word and Sentence-Level in Multilingual Text Sources: a Case-Study on Luxembourgish
Human Annotation of ASR Error Regions: is "gravity" a Sharable Concept for Human Annotators?
Lan, Karine The EASR Corpora of European Portuguese, French, Hungarian and Polish Elderly Speech
Troyes University of Technology, FRANCE
Landsbergen, Frank Taalportaal: an Online Grammar of Dutch and Frisian
Institute for Dutch Lexicology, NETHERLANDS
Langfus, Joshua The American Local News Corpus
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES
Langlais, Phillippe An Iterative Approach for Mining Parallel Sentences in a Comparable Corpus
Hashtag Occurrences, Layout and Translation: A Corpus-driven Analysis of Tweets Published by the Canadian Government
Université de Montréal, CANADA
Langlois, David Building and Modelling Multilingual Subjective Corpora
LORIA, Université de Lorraine, FRANCE
Laoudi, Jamal Finding Romanized Arabic Dialect in Code-Mixed Tweets
Laparra, Egoitz Predicate Matrix: extending SemLink through WordNet mappings
Laplaza, Yesika TexAFon 2.0: a Text Processing Tool for the Generation of Expressive Speech in TTS Applications
Department of Translation and Language Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University, SPAIN
Lapponi, Emanuele Off-Road LAF: Encoding and Processing Annotations in NLP Workflows
University of Oslo, NORWAY
Laprie, Yves Designing a Bilingual Speech Corpus for French and German Language Learners: a Two-Step Process
Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina Data Mining with Shallow vs. Linguistic Features to Study Diversification of Scientific Registers
Saarland University, GERMANY
Laranjeira, Bruno Comparing the Quality of Focused Crawlers and of the Translation Resources Obtained from them
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Institute of Informatics, BRAZIL
Larasati, Septina Dian Votter Corpus: A Corpus of Social Polling Language
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Laroche, Romain NASTIA: Negotiating Appointment Setting Interface
DINASTI: Dialogues with a Negotiating Appointment Setting Interface
Orange Labs, FRANCE
Larrea, Imanol Boosting the Creation of a Treebank
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Lau, Raymond Clustering Tweets using Wikipedia Concepts
Lavalley, Rémi A Database of Freely Written Texts of German School Students for the Purpose of Automatic Spelling Error Classification
Cooperative State University Baden-Württemberg, GERMANY
Lavergne, Thomas Automatic Language Identity Tagging on Word and Sentence-Level in Multilingual Text Sources: a Case-Study on Luxembourgish
LIMSI/CNRS & Université Paris Sud, FRANCE
Lazaridou, Angeliki Cross-Language Authorship Attribution
University of Trento, ITALY
Lebani, Gianluca Bootstrapping an Italian VerbNet: data-driven analysis of verb alternations
Choosing which to Use? A Study of Distributional Models for Nominal Lexical Semantic Classification
University of Pisa, ITALY
Lecorvé, Gwénolé ROOTS: a Toolkit for Easy, Fast and Consistent Processing of Large Sequential Annotated Data Collections
IRISA / University of Rennes 1, FRANCE
Lecouteux, Benjamin The Sweet-Home Speech and Multimodal Corpus for Home Automation Interaction
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, FRANCE
Lee, Giancarlo Annotating Relations in Scientific Articles
Cornell University, UNITED STATES
Lee, Haejoong Collecting Natural SMS and Chat Conversations in Multiple Languages: The BOLT Phase 2 Corpus
Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Lee, Heeyoung On the Importance of Text Analysis for Stock Price Prediction
Stanford University, UNITED STATES
Lee, Po-Ching Sentence Rephrasing for Parsing Sentences with OOV Words
Telecommunication Laboratories, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., TAIWAN
Lee, Sophia Annotating Events in an Emotion Corpus
Leeman, Adrian A Crowdsourcing Smartphone Application for Swiss German: Putting Language Documentation in the Hands of the Users
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Lefeuvre, Anaïs ANCOR_Centre, a Large Free Spoken French Coreference Corpus: Description of the Resource and Reliability Measures
Université François Rabelais de Tours, LI, FRANCE
Lefever, Els Evaluation of Automatic Hypernym Extraction from Technical Corpora in English and Dutch
LT3, Ghent University, BELGIUM
Legêne, Susan BiographyNet: Methodological Issues when NLP Supports Historical Research
VU University Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Lehmann, Jens NIF4OGGD - NLP Interchange Format for Open German Governmental Data
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Leiva, Luis A. Evaluating the Effects of Interactivity in a Post-Editing Workbench
Universitat Politècnica de València, SPAIN
Leixa, Jeremy The ETAPE Speech Processing Evaluation
Lemonnier, Rémi NASTIA: Negotiating Appointment Setting Interface
Orange Labs, FRANCE
Lenci, Alessandro Crowdsourcing for the Identification of Event Nominals: an Experiment
Bootstrapping an Italian VerbNet: data-driven analysis of verb alternations
Choosing which to Use? A Study of Distributional Models for Nominal Lexical Semantic Classification
University of Pisa, ITALY
Lenkiewicz, Przemyslaw The DWAN Framework: Application of a Web Annotation Framework for the General Humanities to the Domain of Language Resources
CLARA: A New Generation of Researchers in Common Language Resources and Their Applications
The Language Archive, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, GERMANY
Lent, Monica Open Philology at the University of Leipzig
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Leone, Giuseppe Riccardo Discovering the Italian Literature: Interactive Access to Audio-indexed Text Resources
Lepage, Yves Production of Phrase Tables in 11 European Languages using an Improved Sub-sentential Aligner
Waseda University, JAPAN
Lertcheva, Nattadaporn TaLAPi ― A Thai Linguistically Annotated Corpus for Language Processing
Institute for Infocomm Research, SINGAPORE
Levin, Lori A Unified Annotation Scheme for the Semantic/Pragmatic Components of Definiteness
Resources for the Detection of Conventionalized Metaphors in Four Languages
The CMU METAL Farsi NLP Approach
Morphological Parsing of Swahili using Crowdsourced Lexical Resources
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Lewis, David Global Intelligent Content: Active Curation of Language Resources using Linked Data
CNGL at Trinity College Dublin, IRELAND
Lewis, William Enriching ODIN
Microsoft Research, UNITED STATES
Li, Binyang The CUHK Discourse TreeBank for Chinese: Annotating Explicit Discourse Connectives for the Chinese TreeBank
University of International Relations, CHINA
Li, Haibo Comparison of the Impact of Word Segmentation on Name Tagging for Chinese and Japanese
City University of New York, UNITED STATES
Li, Hong Annotating Relation Mentions in Tabloid Press
Language Resources and Annotation Tools for Cross-Sentence Relation Extraction
Li, Qi Comparison of the Impact of Word Segmentation on Name Tagging for Chinese and Japanese
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, UNITED STATES
Li, Shoushan Annotating Events in an Emotion Corpus
Soochow University, TAIWAN
Li, Zhixing Language Processing Infrastructure in the XLike Project
Tsinghua University, CHINA
Liberman, Mark New Directions for Language Resource Development and Distribution
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Lien, John Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
University at Albany, UNITED STATES
Liersch, Steffen The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues
Sikom Software GmbH, GERMANY
Ligozat, Anne-Laure Construction and Annotation of a French Folkstale Corpus
Annotation of Specialized Corpora using a Comprehensive Entity and Relation Scheme
Multiple Choice Question Corpus Analysis for Distractor Characterization
Lim, Kyungtae Named Entity Corpus Construction using Wikipedia and DBpedia Ontology
Lima, Vera Boosting Open Information Extraction with Noun-Based Relations
Lin, Ching-Sheng Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
A Multi-Cultural Repository of Automatically Discovered Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors
ILS Institute, University at Albany, SUNY, UNITED STATES
Lin, Donghui Bilingual Dictionary Induction as an Optimization Problem
Crowdsourcing for Evaluating Machine Translation Quality
Integration of Workflow and Pipeline for Language Service Composition
Department of Informatics, Kyoto University, JAPAN
Lin, Hui A Repository of State of the Art and Competitive Baseline Summaries for Generic News Summarization
LingoChamp, JAPAN
Linares, Georges Characterizing and Predicting Bursty Events: the Buzz Case Study on Twitter
A LDA-based Topic Classification Approach from highly Imperfect Automatic Transcriptions
LIA, University of Avignon, FRANCE
Lindén, Krister HFST-SweNER ― A New NER Resource for Swedish
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
CLARA: A New Generation of Researchers in Common Language Resources and Their Applications
Heuristic Hyper-minimization of Finite State Lexicons
Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki, FINLAND
Lindström Tiedemann, Therese A Flexible Language Learning Platform Based on Language Resources and Web Services
Uppsala University, SWEDEN
Ling, Wang Dual Subtitles as Parallel Corpora
Linguistic Evaluation of Support Verb Constructions by OpenLogos and Google Translate
Linhuber, Ludwig A Database of Freely Written Texts of German School Students for the Purpose of Automatic Spelling Error Classification
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, GERMANY
Lintean, Mihai On Paraphrase Identification Corpora
The University of Memphis, UNITED STATES
Lis, Magdalena Transfer Learning of Feedback Head Expressions in Danish and Polish Comparable Multimodal Corpora
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
List, Johann-Mattis A Benchmark Database of Phonetic Alignments in Historical Linguistics and Dialectology
Philipps-University Marburg, GERMANY
Littell, Patrick Morphological Parsing of Swahili using Crowdsourced Lexical Resources
University of British Columbia, CANADA
Liu, Bo 3D Face Tracking and Multi-Scale, Spatio-temporal Analysis of Linguistically Significant Facial Expressions and Head Positions in ASL
Rutgers University, UNITED STATES
Liu, Jingjing 3D Face Tracking and Multi-Scale, Spatio-temporal Analysis of Linguistically Significant Facial Expressions and Head Positions in ASL
Rutgers University, UNITED STATES
Liu, Ting Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
A Multi-Cultural Repository of Automatically Discovered Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors
ILS, University at Albany, UNITED STATES
Liu, Yi-Fen Phone Boundary Annotation in Conversational Speech
Institute of Information Systems and Applications, National Tsing Hua University, TAIWAN
Liu, Zhengzhong Supervised Within-Document Event Coreference using Information Propagation
Detecting Subevent Structure for Event Coreference Resolution
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Ljubešić, Nikola Comparing Two Acquisition Systems for Automatically Building an English-Croatian Parallel Corpus from Multilingual Websites
The SETimes.HR Linguistically Annotated Corpus of Croatian
Quality Estimation for Synthetic Parallel Data Generation
TweetCaT: a Tool for Building Twitter Corpora of Smaller Languages
caWaC - a Web Corpus of Catalan and its Application to Language Modeling and Machine Translation
University of Zagreb, CROATIA
Llewellyn, Clare Re-using an Argument Corpus to Aid in the Curation of Social Media Collections
University of Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM
Llisterri, Joaquim DysList: An Annotated Resource of Dyslexic Errors
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, SPAIN
Lo Duca, Angelica Accommodations in Tuscany as Linked Data
Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project
Institute of Informatics and Telematics (CNR), ITALY
Lo, Chi-kiu On the Reliability and Inter-Annotator Agreement of Human Semantic MT Evaluation via HMEANT
Loaiciga, Sharid English-French Verb Phrase Alignment in Europarl for Tense Translation Modeling
University of Geneva, SWITZERLAND
Loftsson, Hrafn Correcting Errors in a New Gold Standard for Tagging Icelandic Text
Rapid Deployment of Phrase Structure Parsing for Related Languages: A Case Study of Insular Scandinavian
Reykjavik University, ICELAND
Logacheva, Varvara A Quality-based Active Sample Selection Strategy for Statistical Machine Translation
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM
Lohk, Ahti Dense Components in the Structure of WordNet
Tallinn University of Technology, ESTONIA
Lolive, Damien ROOTS: a Toolkit for Easy, Fast and Consistent Processing of Large Sequential Annotated Data Collections
IRISA / University of Rennes 1, FRANCE
Longenbaugh, Nicholas Eliciting and Annotating Uncertainty in Spoken Language
Harvard University, UNITED STATES
Lonsdale, Deryle Combining Elicited Imitation and Fluency Features for Oral Proficiency Measurement
Evaluating Lemmatization Models for Machine-Assisted Corpus-Dictionary Linkage
Student Achievement and French Sentence Repetition Test Scores
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES
Lopatkova, Marketa CLARA: A New Generation of Researchers in Common Language Resources and Their Applications
Automatic Mapping Lexical Resources: A Lexical Unit as the Keystone
To Pay or to Get Paid: Enriching a Valency Lexicon with Diatheses
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Lopes, Carla HESITA(te) in Portuguese
Instituto de Telecomunicações, PORTUGAL
Lopes, José David Aguas The Tutorbot Corpus ― A Corpus for Studying Tutoring Behaviour in Multiparty Face-to-Face Spoken Dialogue
Spoken Language Systems Laboratory, INESC ID, PORTUGAL
Lopes, Lucelene Building Domain Specific Bilingual Dictionaries
Comparative Analysis of Portuguese Named Entities Recognition Tools
PUCRS University, BRAZIL
Lopez de Lacalle, Maddalen Predicate Matrix: extending SemLink through WordNet mappings
Lopez, Cédric Generating a Resource for Products and Brandnames Recognition. Application to the Cosmetic Domain.
Towards Electronic SMS Dictionary Construction: An Alignment-based Approach
Objet Direct, FRANCE
Lopez-Otero, Paula Introducing a Framework for the Evaluation of Music Detection Tools
Universidade de Vigo, SPAIN
Lorente, Mercè Boosting the Creation of a Treebank
The IULA Spanish LSP Treebank
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Losnegaard, Gyri S. The Interplay Between Lexical and Syntactic Resources in Incremental Parsebanking
University of Bergen, NORWAY
Loukachevitch, Natalia Summarizing News Clusters on the Basis of Thematic Chains
Lomonosov Moscow State University, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Lourdes, Aguilar-Cuevas On the Use of a Fuzzy Classifier to Speed Up the Sp ToBI Labeling of the Glissando Spanish Corpus
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, SPAIN
Loza, Vanessa Building a Dataset for Summarization and Keyword Extraction from Emails
University of North Texas, UNITED STATES
Lucas, Gale The Distress Analysis Interview Corpus of Human and Computer Interviews
Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, UNITED STATES
Ludusan, Bogdan Bridging the Gap between Speech Technology and Natural Language Processing: An Evaluation Toolbox for Term Discovery Systems
Luís, Tiago Translation Errors from English to Portuguese: an Annotated Corpus
Lukeš, David Mapping Diatopic and Diachronic Variation in Spoken Czech: the Ortofon and Dialekt Corpora
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Lukin, Stephanie Getting Reliable Annotations for Sarcasm in Online Dialogues
Lüngen, Harald Recent Developments in DeReKo
Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, GERMANY
Luo, Juan Production of Phrase Tables in 11 European Languages using an Improved Sub-sentential Aligner
Waseda University, JAPAN
Luo, Yuan A Study on Expert Sourcing Enterprise Question Collection and Classification
Luzardo, Marcos SLMotion - an Extensible Sign Language Oriented Video Analysis Tool
Aalto University, FINLAND
Luzzati, Daniel Human Annotation of ASR Error Regions: is "gravity" a Sharable Concept for Human Annotators?
LIUM, Université du Maine, FRANCE
Luzzi, Damiana Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project
Institute for Computational Linguistics, National Research Council CNR, ITALY
Lyding, Verena 'interHist' - an Interactive Visual Interface for Corpus Exploration
EURAC research Bolzano/Bozen, ITALY


Ma, Jianqiang Automatic Refinement of Syntactic Categories in Chinese Word Structures
University of Tübingen, GERMANY
Ma, Xiaoyi The RATS Collection: Supporting HLT Research with Degraded Audio Data
Maamouri, Mohamed Developing an Egyptian Arabic Treebank: Impact of Dialectal Morphology on Annotation and Tool Development
Linguistic Data Consortium, UNITED STATES
MacCartney, Bill On the Importance of Text Analysis for Stock Price Prediction
MacWhinney, Brian Two Approaches to Metaphor Detection
Resources for the Detection of Conventionalized Metaphors in Four Languages
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Macken, Lieve On the Origin of Errors: a Fine-Grained Analysis of MT and PE Errors and their Relationship
Ghent University, BELGIUM
Maegaard, Bente Encompassing a Spectrum of LT Users in the CLARIN-DK Infrastructure
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
Maekawa, Kikuo Design and Development of an RDB Version of the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese
Nat'l Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, JAPAN
Maeta, Hirokuni Flow Graph Corpus from Recipe Texts
Kyoto University, JAPAN
Magnini, Bernardo The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
T-PAS; A resource of Typed Predicate Argument Structures for linguistic analysis and semantic processing
META-SHARE: One Year After
Maguire, Phil A Deep Context Grammatical Model For Authorship Attribution
Mahajan, Minakshi Statistical Analysis of Multilingual Text Corpus and Development of Language Models
KIIT College of Engineering, Gurgaon, INDIA
Mai Xuan, Trang Integration of Workflow and Pipeline for Language Service Composition
Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University, JAPAN
Maier, Andreas Erlangen-CLP: A Large Annotated Corpus of Speech from Children with Cleft Lip and Palate
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY
Maier, Wolfgang Discosuite - A Parser Test Suite for German Discontinuous Structures
University of Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Mairidan, Wushouer Bilingual Dictionary Induction as an Optimization Problem
Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University, JAPAN
Maks, Isa Generating Polarity Lexicons with WordNet Propagation in 5 Languages
Vu university Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Malakasiotis, Prodromos A Tool Suite for Creating Question Answering Benchmarks
Athens University of Economics and Business, CZECH REPUBLIC
Malchanau, Andrei Interoperability of Dialogue Corpora through ISO 24617-2-based Querying
Saarland University, GERMANY
Malisz, Zofia ALICO: a Multimodal Corpus for the Study of Active Listening
Universitaet Bielefeld, GERMANY
Malo, Pekka Gold-standard for Topic-specific Sentiment Analysis of Economic Texts
Aalto University School of Business, FINLAND
Mamede, Nuno Revising the Annotation of a Broadcast News Corpus: a Linguistic Approach
Mancini, Lorenzo Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project
Institute for Computational Linguistics, National Research Council CNR, ITALY
Mangeot, Mathieu MotàMot Project: Conversion of a French-Khmer Published Dictionary for Building a Multilingual Lexical System
GETALP-LIG Laboratory, Grenoble University, FRANCE
Manning, Chris A Gold Standard Dependency Corpus for English
Stanford University, UNITED STATES
Manning, Christopher Event Extraction Using Distant Supervision
Manning, Christopher D. Universal Stanford Dependencies: a Cross-Linguistic Typology
Stanford University, UNITED STATES
Manshadi, Mehdi The CMU METAL Farsi NLP Approach
University of Rochester, UNITED KINGDOM
Mapelli, Valérie ELRA's Consolidated Services for the HLT Community
Maragos, Petros The DIRHA simulated corpus
Athena Research and Innovation Center, GREECE
Marchetti, Andrea Accommodations in Tuscany as Linked Data
Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project
Mareček, David HamleDT 2.0: Thirty Dependency Treebanks Stanfordized
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Marelli, Marco A SICK Cure for the Evaluation of Compositional Distributional Semantic Models
University of Trento, ITALY
Mariani, Joseph The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Facing the Identification Problem in Language-Related Scientific Data Analysis.
Rediscovering 15 Years of Discoveries in Language Resources and Evaluation: The LREC Anthology Analysis
Marianos, Nikolaos A Gold Standard for CLIR evaluation in the Organic Agriculture Domain
AgroKnow, GREECE
Marimon, Montserrat MultiVal - Towards a Multilingual Valence Lexicon
Boosting the Creation of a Treebank
The IULA Spanish LSP Treebank
Univ. of Barcelona, SPAIN
Markert, Katja Designing and Evaluating a Reliable Corpus of Web Genres via Crowd-Sourcing
School of Computing, University of Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM
Marrafa, Palmira LexTec - a Rich Language Resource for Technical Domains in Portuguese
Centro de Linguística Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Marsella, Stacy The Distress Analysis Interview Corpus of Human and Computer Interviews
Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, UNITED STATES
Marteau, Pierre-Francois Variations on Quantitative Comparability Measures and their Evaluations on Synthetic French-English Comparable Corpora
Co-clustering of Bilingual Datasets as a Mean for Assisting the Construction of Thematic Bilingual Comparable Corpora
Université de Bretagne Sud, IRISA, FRANCE
Martens, Scott Thomas Aquinas in the TüNDRA: Integrating the Index Thomisticus Treebank into CLARIN-D
SfS Uni Tübingen, GERMANY
Martin, Jean-Claude A Database of Full Body Virtual Interactions Annotated with Expressivity Scores
Martin, Philippe New Functions for a Multipurpose Multimodal Tool for Phonetic and Linguistic Analysis of Very Large Speech Corpora
LLF UMR 7110, UFRL, Université Paris Diderot, FRANCE
Martínez Alonso, Héctor Crowdsourcing as a Preprocessing for Complex Semantic Annotation Tasks
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
Martínez García, Mercedes CFT13: a Resource for Research into the Post-editing Process
Copenhagen Business School, DENMARK
Martinez, Marta CORILGA: a Galician Multilevel Annotated Speech Corpus for Linguistic Analysis
University of Vigo, SPAIN
Martins, André F. T. Priberam Compressive Summarization Corpus: A New Multi-Document Summarization Corpus for European Portuguese
Priberam, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, PORTUGAL
Mašek, Jan HamleDT 2.0: Thirty Dependency Treebanks Stanfordized
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Masmoudi, Abir A Conventional Orthography for Tunisian Arabic
A Corpus and Phonetic Dictionary for Tunisian Arabic Speech Recognition
ANLP Research group, MIRACL Lab., University of Sfax, Tunisia, TUNISIA
Masterton, Kate Annotating Question Decomposition on Complex Medical Questions
National Library of Medicine, UNITED STATES
Mata, Ana Isabel Revising the Annotation of a Broadcast News Corpus: a Linguistic Approach
Teenage and Adult Speech in School Context: Building and Processing a Corpus of European Portuguese
Prosodic, Syntactic, Semantic Guidelines for Topic Structures Across Domains and Corpora
Mateva, Maria A System for Experiments with Dependency Parsers
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BULGARIA
Mathieu, Yvette Yannick Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results
LLF (Univ Paris Diderot / CNRS), FRANCE
Matsumiya, Sho Towards Multilingual Conversations in the Medical Domain: Development of Multilingual Medical Data and A Network-based ASR System
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, UNITED KINGDOM
Matsumoto, Yuji Collocation or Free Combination? ― Applying Machine Translation Techniques to identify collocations in Japanese
Parsing Chinese Synthetic Words with a Character-based Dependency Model
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, UNITED KINGDOM
Matsuo, Yoshihiro Constructing a Corpus of Japanese Predicate Phrases for Synonym/Antonym Relations
Extraction of Daily Changing Words for Question Answering
NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories, JAPAN
Matsuyoshi, Suguru Annotating the Focus of Negation in Japanese Text
University of Yamanashi, JAPAN
Maurel, Denis ANCOR_Centre, a Large Free Spoken French Coreference Corpus: Description of the Resource and Reliability Measures
Université François Rabelais de Tours, LI, FRANCE
Maurel, Sigrid The Dangerous Myth of the Star System
Holmes Semantic Solutions, FRANCE
Mayer, Thomas Creating a Massively Parallel Bible Corpus
Philipps-University of Marburg, GERMANY
Mayhew, Stephen ILLINOISCLOUDNLP: Text Analytics Services in the Cloud
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UNITED STATES
Maynard, Diana Who cares about Sarcastic Tweets? Investigating the Impact of Sarcasm on Sentiment Analysis.
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM
Mazancourt (de), Hugues Evaluating Corpora Documentation with regards to the Ethics and Big Data Charter
Eptica-Lingway, FRANCE
Mazo, Hélène ELRA's Consolidated Services for the HLT Community
Mazzucchi, Andrea New Directions for Language Resource Development and Distribution
Linguistic Data Consortium, UNITED STATES
McCarthy, Diana Semantic Clustering of Pivot Paraphrases
University of Cambridge (DTAL), UNITED KINGDOM
McCrae, John Philip Representing Multilingual Data as Linked Data: the Case of BabelNet 2.0
University Bielefeld, GERMANY
McDonald, John Expanding N-gram Analytics in ELAN and a Case Study for Sign Synthesis
DePaul University, UNITED STATES
McEnery, Tony Sublanguage Corpus Analysis Toolkit: a Tool for Assessing the Representativeness and Sublanguage Characteristics of Corpora
Lancaster University, UNITED KINGDOM
McKeown, Kathy Towards Automatic Detection of Narrative Structure
Columbia University, UNITED STATES
McNaught, John The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM
Meehan, Alan Global Intelligent Content: Active Curation of Language Resources using Linked Data
Megyesi, Beáta A Persian Treebank with Stanford Typed Dependencies
Uppsala University, Department of Linguistics and Philology, SWEDEN
Mehler, Alexander ColLex.en: Automatically Generating and Evaluating a Full-form Lexicon for English
Universität Frankfurt, GERMANY
Meillon, Brigitte The Sweet-Home Speech and Multimodal Corpus for Home Automation Interaction
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, FRANCE
Meinedo, Hugo Revising the Annotation of a Broadcast News Corpus: a Linguistic Approach
VOCE Corpus: Ecologically Collected Speech Annotated with Physiological and Psychological Stress Assessments
Meinz, Uwe The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues
Sikom Software GmbH, GERMANY
Melby, Alan LexTerm Manager: Design for an Integrated Lexicography and Terminology System
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES
Melero, Maite The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Metadata as Linked Open Data: mapping disparate XML metadata registries into one RDF/OWL registry.
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Mella, Odile Designing a Bilingual Speech Corpus for French and German Language Learners: a Two-Step Process
Ménard, Pierre André Linked Open Data and Web Corpus Data for noun compound bracketing
Centre de recherche informatique de Montréal, CANADA
Mendes, Amália An Evaluation of the Role of Statistical Measures and Frequency for MWE Identification
The Gulf of Guinea Creole Corpora
Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Mendes, Carlos SAVAS: Collecting, Annotating and Sharing Audiovisual Language Resources for Automatic Subtitling
VoiceInteraction, PORTUGAL
Mendes, Pedro Priberam Compressive Summarization Corpus: A New Multi-Document Summarization Corpus for European Portuguese
Priberam, PORTUGAL
Mendes, Sara LexTec - a Rich Language Resource for Technical Domains in Portuguese
A Cascade Approach for Complex-type Classification
Combining Dependency Information and Generalization in a Pattern-based Approach to the Classification of Lexical-Semantic Relation Instances
Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Menier, Gildas Variations on Quantitative Comparability Measures and their Evaluations on Synthetic French-English Comparable Corpora
Université de Bretagne Sud, IRISA, FRANCE
Menini, Stefano A SICK Cure for the Evaluation of Compositional Distributional Semantic Models
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ITALY
Menzel, Wolfgang Because Size Does Matter: The Hamburg Dependency Treebank
Hamburg University, GERMANY
Merkler, Danijela Croatian Dependency Treebank 2.0: New Annotation Guidelines for Improved Parsing
RECSA: Resource for Evaluating Cross-lingual Semantic Annotation
University of Zagreb, CROATIA
Mesa-Lao, Bartolomé CFT13: a Resource for Research into the Post-editing Process
Evaluating the Effects of Interactivity in a Post-Editing Workbench
Copenhagen Business School, DENMARK
Mescheryakova, Elena Measuring the Impact of Spelling Errors on the Quality of Machine Translation
Metaxas, Dimitris A New Framework for Sign Language Recognition Based on 3D Handshape Identification and Linguistic Modeling
3D Face Tracking and Multi-Scale, Spatio-temporal Analysis of Linguistically Significant Facial Expressions and Head Positions in ASL
Rutgers University, UNITED STATES
Meurers, Detmar CLARA: A New Generation of Researchers in Common Language Resources and Their Applications
The MERLIN corpus: Learner Language and the CEFR
Universität Tübingen, GERMANY
Meurs, Marie-Jean Improving Entity Linking using Surface Form Refinement
Concordia University, UNITED STATES
Meyer, Thomas English-French Verb Phrase Alignment in Europarl for Tense Translation Modeling
Cross-Linguistic Annotation of Narrativity for English/French Verb Tense Disambiguation
IDIAP Research Institute, SWITZERLAND
Meyers, Adam Corpus and Method for Identifying Citations in Non-Academic Text
Annotating Relations in Scientific Articles
New York University, UNITED STATES
Michael, Thilo The Weltmodell: A Data-Driven Commonsense Knowledge Base
Technische Universität Berlin, GERMANY
Mihăilă, Claudiu The Meta-knowledge of Causality in Biomedical Scientific Discourse
The National Centre for Text Mining, The University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM
Mihalcea, Rada Building a Dataset for Summarization and Keyword Extraction from Emails
Modeling Language Proficiency Using Implicit Feedback
A Multimodal Dataset for Deception Detection
University of Michigan, UNITED STATES
Milà, Alba Boosting the Creation of a Treebank
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Miletic, Aleksandra TALC-Sef a Manually-revised POS-Tagged Literary Corpus in Serbian, English and French
UMR STL 8163, Université Lille 3, FRANCE
Millard, Benjamin Student Achievement and French Sentence Repetition Test Scores
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES
Miller, Tristan WordNet―Wikipedia―Wiktionary: Construction of a Three-way Alignment
UKP Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt, GERMANY
Minker, Wolfgang First Insight into Quality-Adaptive Dialogue
Speech-Based Emotion Recognition: Feature Selection by Self-Adaptive Multi-Criteria Genetic Algorithm
Ulm University, GERMANY
Mircea, Petic Transliteration and Alignment of Parallel Texts from Cyrillic to Latin
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chișinău, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Mironova, Veselina Annotating Relation Mentions in Tabloid Press
Mírovský, Jiří Genres in the Prague Discourse Treebank
Valency and Word Order in Czech ― A Corpus Probe
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Mishra, Abhijit Shata-Anuvadak: Tackling Multiway Translation of Indian Languages
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, INDIA
Mitamura, Teruko Resources for the Detection of Conventionalized Metaphors in Four Languages
Supervised Within-Document Event Coreference using Information Propagation
Detecting Subevent Structure for Event Coreference Resolution
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Mitocariu, Elena How Could Veins Speed Up the Process of Discourse Parsing
€žAlexandru Ioan Cuza“ University of Iasi, Faculty of Computer Science, ROMANIA
Mitsuishi, Yutaka A Method for Building Burst-Annotated Co-Occurrence Networks for Analysing Trends in Textual Data
Fujitsu (Ireland) Limited, JAPAN
Miyao, Yusuke Annotation of Computer Science Papers for Semantic Relation Extrac-tion
Overview of Todai Robot Project and Evaluation Framework of its NLP-based Problem Solving
National Instutite of Informatics, JAPAN
Mizan, Mainul Sockpuppet Detection in Wikipedia: A Corpus of Real-World Deceptive Writing for Linking Identities
Möbius, Bernd Designing a Bilingual Speech Corpus for French and German Language Learners: a Two-Step Process
Saarland University, GERMANY
Moens, Marie-Francine HiEve: A Corpus for Extracting Event Hierarchies from News Stories
Mohit, Behrang YouDACC: the Youtube Dialectal Arabic Comment Corpus
Large Scale Arabic Error Annotation: Guidelines and Framework
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Mohler, Michael Semi-Supervised Methods for Expanding Psycholinguistics Norms by Integrating Distributional Similarity with the Structure of WordNet
Language Computer Corp., UNITED STATES
Móia, Telmo Prosodic, Syntactic, Semantic Guidelines for Topic Structures Across Domains and Corpora
Moldovan, Dan Multilingual eXtended WordNet Knowledge Base: Semantic Parsing and Translation of Glosses
The University of Texas at Dallas, UNITED STATES
Molina, Alejandro Investigating the Image of Entities in Social Media: Dataset Design and First Results
LIA, University of Avignon, FRANCE
Monachini, Monica The Making of Ancient Greek WordNet
The IMAGACT Visual Ontology. an Extendable Multilingual Infrastructure for the Representation of Lexical Encoding of Action
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Polysemy Index for Nouns: an Experiment on Italian using the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Lexical Database
Presenting a System of Human-Machine Interaction for Performing Map Tasks.
From Synsets to Videos: Enriching ItalWordNet Multimodally
Institute of Computational Linguistics - CNR, FRANCE
Moneglia, Massimo The IMAGACT Visual Ontology. an Extendable Multilingual Infrastructure for the Representation of Lexical Encoding of Action
University of Florence, ITALY
Moniz, Helena Revising the Annotation of a Broadcast News Corpus: a Linguistic Approach
OpenLogos Semantico-Syntactic Knowledge-Rich Bilingual Dictionaries
Teenage and Adult Speech in School Context: Building and Processing a Corpus of European Portuguese
Prosodic, Syntactic, Semantic Guidelines for Topic Structures Across Domains and Corpora
Monteleone, Mario From Natural Language to Ontology Population in the Cultural Heritage Domain. A Computational Linguistics-based approach.
DSPSC - University of Salerno, ITALY
Montemagni, Simonetta T2K^2: a System for Automatically Extracting and Organizing Knowledge from Texts
Less is More? Towards a Reduced Inventory of Categories for Training a Parser for the Italian Stanford Dependencies
Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "Antonio Zampolli", ITALY
Monti, Johanna Linguistic Evaluation of Support Verb Constructions by OpenLogos and Google Translate
University of Sassari, ITALY
Montiel-Ponsoda, Elena Enabling Language Resources to Expose Translations as Linked Data on the Web
Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, SPAIN
Moore, Johanna An Analysis of Older Users' Interactions with Spoken Dialogue Systems
University of Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM
Morales-Cordovilla, Juan A. GRASS: the Graz corpus of Read And Spontaneous Speech
Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory, Graz University of Technology, AUSTRIA
Moran, Steven A Crowdsourcing Smartphone Application for Swiss German: Putting Language Documentation in the Hands of the Users
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Morardo, Mikaël Towards an Environment for the Production and the Validation of Lexical Semantic Resources
Morchid, Mohamed Characterizing and Predicting Bursty Events: the Buzz Case Study on Twitter
A LDA-based Topic Classification Approach from highly Imperfect Automatic Transcriptions
LIA, University of Avignon, France, FRANCE
Mordowanec, Michael T. Comprehensive Annotation of Multiword Expressions in a Social Web Corpus
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Moré, Joaquim Machine Translationness: Machine-likeness in Machine Translation Evaluation
Open University of Catalonia, SPAIN
Moreira, Viviane Comparing the Quality of Focused Crawlers and of the Translation Resources Obtained from them
Institute of Informatics - UFRGS, BRAZIL
Morell, Carlos The IULA Spanish LSP Treebank
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Morency, Louis-Philippe The Distress Analysis Interview Corpus of Human and Computer Interviews
University of Southern California, UNITED STATES
Moreno, Asuncion The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, SPAIN
Morgan, Brent The DARE Corpus: A Resource for Anaphora Resolution in Dialogue Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems
The University of Memphis, UNITED STATES
Mori, Shinsuke A Japanese Word Dependency Corpus
Language Resource Addition: Dictionary or Corpus?
Flow Graph Corpus from Recipe Texts
Kyoto University, JAPAN
Moriceau, Véronique French Resources for Extraction and Normalization of Temporal Expressions with HeidelTime
Moritz, Maria Open Philology at the University of Leipzig
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Moro, Andrea Annotating the MASC Corpus with BabelNet
Sapienza University of Rome, ITALY
Mörth, Karlheinz A SKOS-based Schema for TEI encoded Dictionaries at ICLTT
Institute for Corpus Linguistics and Text Technology (Austrian Academy of Sciences), AUSTRIA
Moschitti, Alessandro SenTube: A Corpus for Sentiment Analysis on YouTube Social Media
Qatar Computing Research Institute, QATAR
Moser, Philippe A Deep Context Grammatical Model For Authorship Attribution
Motlicek, Petr The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues
Idiap Research Institute, SWITZERLAND
Mott, Justin Incorporating Alternate Translations into English Translation Treebank
Linguistic Data Consortium, UNITED STATES
Mubarak, Hamdy Using Stem-Templates to Improve Arabic POS and Gender/Number Tagging
Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar Foundation, QATAR
Mukherjee, Subhabrata Author-Specific Sentiment Aggregation for Polarity Prediction of Reviews
Müller, Frank Information Extraction from German Patient Records via Hybrid Parsing and Relation Extraction Strategies
Institut für Medizinische Informatik/Charite, GERMANY
Muller, Philippe Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results
IRIT, Toulouse University, FRANCE
Murakami, Yohei Integration of Workflow and Pipeline for Language Service Composition
Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University, JAPAN
Mustafa, Asad The CLE Urdu POS Tagset
Mustafawi, Eiman Development of a TV Broadcasts Speech Recognition System for Qatari Arabic
Automatic Long Audio Alignment and Confidence Scoring for Conversational Arabic Speech
Qatar University, QATAR
Muzerelle, Judith ANCOR_Centre, a Large Free Spoken French Coreference Corpus: Description of the Resource and Reliability Measures
U. Orleans, LLL, FRANCE


Nishida, Masafumi Phoneme Set Design Using English Speech Database by Japanese for Dialogue-Based English CALL Systems
Doshisha University, JAPAN
Nagy T., István 4FX: Light Verb Constructions in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus
University of Szeged, HUNGARY
Nagy, Ágoston Szeged Corpus 2.5: Morphological Modifications in a Manually POS-tagged Hungarian Corpus
University of Szeged, HUNGARY
Nakamura, Satoshi Collection of a Simultaneous Translation Corpus for Comparative Analysis
Towards Multilingual Conversations in the Medical Domain: Development of Multilingual Medical Data and A Network-based ASR System
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, UNITED KINGDOM
Nakazawa, Toshiaki Bilingual Dictionary Construction with Transliteration Filtering
Constructing a Chinese―Japanese Parallel Corpus from Wikipedia
Japan Science and Technology Agency, JAPAN
Nardi, Daniele HuRIC: a Human Robot Interaction Corpus
Sapienza University of Rome, ITALY
Narvaez, Alexis A Multimodal Dataset for Deception Detection
University of North Texas, UNITED STATES
Naskar, Sudip Kumar Word Alignment-Based Reordering of Source Chunks in PB-SMT
Jadavpur University, INDIA
Nasr, Alexis Automatically Enriching Spoken Corpora with Syntactic Information for Linguistic Studies
Aix Marseille University, FRANCE
Nastase, Vivi Mapping WordNet Domains, WordNet Topics and Wikipedia Categories to Generate Multilingual Domain Specific Resources
Navarretta, Costanza CLARA: A New Generation of Researchers in Common Language Resources and Their Applications
Transfer Learning of Feedback Head Expressions in Danish and Polish Comparable Multimodal Corpora
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
Navas, Eva Basque Speecon-like and Basque SpeechDAT MDB-600: Speech Databases for the Development of ASR Technology for Basque
New Bilingual Speech Databases for Audio Diarization
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), SPAIN
Navigli, Roberto Annotating the MASC Corpus with BabelNet
Representing Multilingual Data as Linked Data: the Case of BabelNet 2.0
Sapienza University of Rome, ITALY
Navio, Felipe Ranking Job Offers for Candidates: Learning Hidden Knowledge from Big Data
Jobandtalent, UNITED KINGDOM
Nazar, Rogelio An Exercise in Reuse of Resources: Adapting General Discourse Coreference Resolution for Detecting Lexical Chains in Patent Documentation
Pompeu Fabra University, Department of Information and Communication Technologies, SPAIN
Nazarian, Angela The Distress Analysis Interview Corpus of Human and Computer Interviews
Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, UNITED STATES
Necsulescu, Silvia Combining Dependency Information and Generalization in a Pattern-based Approach to the Classification of Lexical-Semantic Relation Instances
Università Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Negri, Matteo Automatic Annotation of Machine Translation Datasets with Binary Quality Judgements
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ITALY
Neidle, Carol A New Framework for Sign Language Recognition Based on 3D Handshape Identification and Linguistic Modeling
3D Face Tracking and Multi-Scale, Spatio-temporal Analysis of Linguistically Significant Facial Expressions and Head Positions in ASL
Boston University, UNITED STATES
Neihouser, Marie Investigating the Image of Entities in Social Media: Dataset Design and First Results
CEPEL, University of Montpellier 1, FRANCE
Németh, Géza The EASR Corpora of European Portuguese, French, Hungarian and Polish Elderly Speech
Department of Telecommunications & Media Informatics, Budapest University of Technology & Economics, HUNGARY
Nenkova, Ani A Repository of State of the Art and Competitive Baseline Summaries for Generic News Summarization
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Nerima, Luka SwissAdmin: a Multilingual Tagged Parallel Corpus of Press Releases
LATL-CUI, Université de Genève, SWITZERLAND
Nesi, Hilary The Pragmatic Annotation of a Corpus of Academic Lectures
Coventry University, UNITED KINGDOM
Neto, Joao P. SAVAS: Collecting, Annotating and Sharing Audiovisual Language Resources for Automatic Subtitling
VoiceInteraction, PORTUGAL
Neubig, Graham Collection of a Simultaneous Translation Corpus for Comparative Analysis
Language Resource Addition: Dictionary or Corpus?
Towards Multilingual Conversations in the Medical Domain: Development of Multilingual Medical Data and A Network-based ASR System
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, UNITED KINGDOM
Neumann, Arne Potsdam Commentary Corpus 2.0: Annotation for Discourse Research
University of Potsdam, GERMANY
Neveol, Aurelie Annotation of Specialized Corpora using a Comprehensive Entity and Relation Scheme
Language Resources for French in the Biomedical Domain
Ney, Hermann Extensions of the Sign Language Recognition and Translation Corpus RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather
RWTH Aachen University, GERMANY
Ng, Vincent SinoCoreferencer: An End-to-End Chinese Event Coreference Resolver
Annotating Inter-Sentence Temporal Relations in Clinical Notes
University of Texas at Dallas, UNITED STATES
Ngonga Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille A Tool Suite for Creating Question Answering Benchmarks
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Nicolas, Lionel 'interHist' - an Interactive Visual Interface for Corpus Exploration
The MERLIN corpus: Learner Language and the CEFR
KoKo: an L1 Learner Corpus for German
Institute for Specialised Communication and Multilingualism, European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano, ITALY
Niculae, Vlad Using a Machine Learning Model to Assess the Complexity of Stress Systems
University of Wolverhampton, UNITED KINGDOM
Niehues, Jan Manual Analysis of Structurally Informed Reordering in German-English Machine Translation
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, GERMANY
Niekler, Andreas PACE Corpus: a Multilingual Corpus of Polarity-Annotated Textual Data from the Domains Automotive and CEllphone
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Nielson, Heath Corpus and Evaluation of Handwriting Recognition of Historical Genealogical Records
Niemi, Jyrki HFST-SweNER ― A New NER Resource for Swedish
Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki, FINLAND
Nijsen, Marit Discovering and Visualising Stories in News
VU University Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Nikolova, Ivelina Sublanguage Corpus Analysis Toolkit: a Tool for Assessing the Representativeness and Sublanguage Characteristics of Corpora
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BULGARIA
Niraula, Nobal The DARE Corpus: A Resource for Anaphora Resolution in Dialogue Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems
The University of Memphis, UNITED STATES
Nishikawa, Ken'ya Design and Development of an RDB Version of the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese
Riken Brain Science Institute, JAPAN
Nissim, Malvina A Modular System for Rule-based Text Categorisation
University of Bologna, ITALY
Nitoń, Bartłomiej Measuring Readability of Polish Texts: Baseline Experiments
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND
Nivre, Joakim Universal Stanford Dependencies: a Cross-Linguistic Typology
A Persian Treebank with Stanford Typed Dependencies
Uppsala University, SWEDEN
Noguchi, Hiroaki Japanese Conversation Corpus for Training and Evaluation of Backchannel Prediction Model.
Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science, Chiba University, JAPAN
Nöth, Elmar New Spanish Speech Corpus Database for the Analysis of People Suffering from Parkinson's Disease
Erlangen-CLP: A Large Annotated Corpus of Speech from Children with Cleft Lip and Palate
Friedrich Alexander Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, GERMANY
Novacek, Vit A Method for Building Burst-Annotated Co-Occurrence Networks for Analysing Trends in Textual Data
Novák, Attila A New Form of Humor ― Mapping Constraint-Based Computational Morphologies to a Finite-State Representation
MTA-PPKE Hungarian Language Technology Research Group, Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, HUNGARY
Novikova, Jekaterina The Tutorbot Corpus ― A Corpus for Studying Tutoring Behaviour in Multiparty Face-to-Face Spoken Dialogue
Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UNITED KINGDOM
Nugues, Pierre REFRACTIVE: An Open Source Tool to Extract Knowledge from Syntactic and Semantic Relations
Lund University, SWEDEN
Nyberg, Eric The Language Application Grid
Carnegie-Mellon University, UNITED STATES


O'sullivan, Declan Global Intelligent Content: Active Curation of Language Resources using Linked Data
Obeid, Ossama Large Scale Arabic Error Annotation: Guidelines and Framework
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Oberlander, Jon Re-using an Argument Corpus to Aid in the Curation of Social Media Collections
University Of Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM
Obin, Nicolas Rhapsodie: a Prosodic-Syntactic Treebank for Spoken French
Ochs, Magalie Mining a Multimodal Corpus for Non-Verbal Behavior Sequences Conveying Attitudes
A Model to Generate Adaptive Multimodal Job Interviews with a Virtual Recruiter
Institut Mines-Telecom ; Telecom Paristech ; CNRS-LTCI, FRANCE
Ockeloen, Niels BiographyNet: Methodological Issues when NLP Supports Historical Research
VU University Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Odijk, Jan The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
CLARIN-NL: Major Results
Utrecht University, NETHERLANDS
Odriozola, Igor Basque Speecon-like and Basque SpeechDAT MDB-600: Speech Databases for the Development of ASR Technology for Basque
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, PORTUGAL
Oepen, Stephan Semantic Technologies for Querying Linguistic Annotations: An Experiment Focusing on Graph-Structured Data
Towards an Encyclopedia of Compositional Semantics: Documenting the Interface of the English Resource Grammar
Off-Road LAF: Encoding and Processing Annotations in NLP Workflows
Universitetet i Oslo, NORWAY
Oertel, Catharine The Tutorbot Corpus ― A Corpus for Studying Tutoring Behaviour in Multiparty Face-to-Face Spoken Dialogue
Bogazici University, TURKEY
Offersgaard, Lene Using TEI, CMDI and ISOcat in CLARIN-DK
UCPH, Centre for Language Technology, DENMARK
Oflazer, Kemal A Multidialectal Parallel Corpus of Arabic
YouDACC: the Youtube Dialectal Arabic Comment Corpus
Large Scale Arabic Error Annotation: Guidelines and Framework
Carnegie Mellon University - Qatar, UNITED STATES
Ogren, Philip ClearTK 2.0: Design Patterns for Machine Learning in UIMA
University of Colorado Boulder, UNITED STATES
Ogrodniczuk, Maciej Polish Coreference Corpus in Numbers
The Polish Summaries Corpus
Digital Library 2.0: Source of Knowledge and Research Collaboration Platform
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Measuring Readability of Polish Texts: Baseline Experiments
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND
Ogura, Hideki A Japanese Word Dependency Corpus
Ritsumeikan University, JAPAN
Ohara, Kyoko Relating Frames and Constructions in Japanese FrameNet
Keio University, JAPAN
Ohren, Oddrun Towards Automatic Quality Assessment of Component Metadata
National Library of Norway, NORWAY
Oliveira, Fátima Prosodic, Syntactic, Semantic Guidelines for Topic Structures Across Domains and Corpora
Oliveira, Francisco UM-Corpus: A Large English-Chinese Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation
NLP2CT Lab / Department of Computer and Information Science, MOROCCO
Oliver, Antoni Automatic Creation of WordNets from Parallel Corpora
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, SPAIN
Olsen, Sussi Using TEI, CMDI and ISOcat in CLARIN-DK
UCPH, Centre for Language Technology, DENMARK
Olsson, Olof The DWAN Framework: Application of a Web Annotation Framework for the General Humanities to the Domain of Language Resources
University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Omodei, Elisa Reconstructing the Semantic Landscape of Natural Language Processing
Omologo, Maurizio The DIRHA simulated corpus
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - irst, ITALY
Onuffer, Spencer Comprehensive Annotation of Multiword Expressions in a Social Web Corpus
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Oostdijk, Nelleke The Evolving Infrastructure for Language Resources and the Role for Data Scientists
CLS/CLST, Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Oral, Tolga A Study on Expert Sourcing Enterprise Question Collection and Classification
Orasmaa, Siim Towards an Integration of Syntactic and Temporal Annotations in Estonian
University of Tartu, ESTONIA
Orav, Heili Dense Components in the Structure of WordNet
University of Tartu, ESTONIA
Oravecz, Csaba The Hungarian Gigaword Corpus
Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY
Ordan, Noam Data Mining with Shallow vs. Linguistic Features to Study Diversification of Scientific Registers
Saarland University, GERMANY
Orliac, Brigitte Linguistic Evaluation of Support Verb Constructions by OpenLogos and Google Translate
Logos Institure, FRANCE
Orosz, György An Efficient Language Independent Toolkit for Complete Morphological Disambiguation
Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Information Technology, HUNGARY
Orozco-Arroyave, Juan Rafael New Spanish Speech Corpus Database for the Analysis of People Suffering from Parkinson's Disease
Friedrich Alexander Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, GERMANY
Orr, Rosemary Semi-Automatic Annotation of the UCU Accents Speech Corpus
University College Utrecht, NETHERLANDS
Ortíz-Martínez, Daniel Evaluating the Effects of Interactivity in a Post-Editing Workbench
Universitat Politècnica de València, SPAIN
Ortiz-Rojas, Sergio Comparing Two Acquisition Systems for Automatically Building an English-Croatian Parallel Corpus from Multilingual Websites
Prompsit Language Engenering, SPAIN
Osenova, Petya A System for Experiments with Dependency Parsers
Constituency Parsing of Bulgarian: Word- vs Class-based Parsing
Sofia University and IICT-BAS, BULGARIA
Osofsky, David A Study on Expert Sourcing Enterprise Question Collection and Classification
Ostankov, Artem LinkedHealthAnswers: Towards Linked Data-driven Question Answering for the Health Care Domain
Technical University Munich, GERMANY
Osugi, Yutaka A Colloquial Corpus of Japanese Sign Language: Linguistic Resources for Observing Sign Language Conversations
Tsukuba University of Technology, JAPAN
Oszkó, Beatrix - Including Multimedia Language Resources to disseminate Knowledge and Create Educational Material on less-Resourced Languages
Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY
Otsuki, Ryo Annotating the Focus of Negation in Japanese Text
University of Yamanashi, JAPAN
Ouyang, Jessica Towards Automatic Detection of Narrative Structure
Columbia University, UNITED STATES
Øvrelid, Lilja The Norwegian Dependency Treebank
Dept of Informatics, University of Oslo, NORWAY
Ozell, Benoit A Multimodal Interpreter for 3D Visualization and Animation of Verbal Concepts
Polytechnique Montral, CANADA
Özgür, Arzucan Self-training a Constituency Parser using n-gram Trees
Bogazici University, TURKEY


Paci, Giulio Discovering the Italian Literature: Interactive Access to Audio-indexed Text Resources
Padó, Sebastian Polysemy Index for Nouns: an Experiment on Italian using the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Lexical Database
IMS - University of Stuttgart, GERMANY
Padró, Lluís TweetNorm_es: an Annotated Corpus for Spanish Microtext Normalization
Language Processing Infrastructure in the XLike Project
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, SPAIN
Padró, Muntsa Boosting the Creation of a Treebank
Comparing Similarity Measures for Distributional Thesauri
Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, BRAZIL
Paetzel, Maike A Multimodal Corpus of Rapid Dialogue Games
Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, UNITED STATES
Paikens, Peteris Using C5.0 and Exhaustive Search for Boosting Frame-Semantic Parsing Accuracy
Coreference Resolution for Latvian
University of Latvia, LATVIA
Pajzs, Júlia Media Monitoring and Information Extraction for the Highly Inflected Agglutinative Language Hungarian
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY
Pal, Santanu Word Alignment-Based Reordering of Source Chunks in PB-SMT
Universität Des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, GERMANY
Pallotti, Gabriele Presenting a System of Human-Machine Interaction for Performing Map Tasks.
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, ITALY
Palmer, Alexis LQVSumm: A Corpus of Linguistic Quality Violations in Multi-Document Summarization
Finding a Tradeoff between Accuracy and Rater's Workload in Grading Clustered Short Answers
Saarland University, GERMANY
Palmer, Martha PropBank: Semantics of New Predicate Types
Not an Interlingua, But Close: Comparison of English AMRs to Chinese and Czech
Criteria for Identifying and Annotating Caused Motion Constructions in Corpus Data
Mapping CPA Patterns onto OntoNotes Senses
Single Classifier Approach for Verb Sense Disambiguation based on Generalized Features
Focusing Annotation for Semantic Role Labeling
University of Colorado, UNITED STATES
Panckhurst, Rachel Towards Electronic SMS Dictionary Construction: An Alignment-based Approach
Praxiling UMR 5267 CNRS & Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, FRANCE
Panunzi, Alessandro The IMAGACT Visual Ontology. an Extendable Multilingual Infrastructure for the Representation of Lexical Encoding of Action
University of Florence, ITALY
Paoloni, Andrea EMOVO Corpus: an Italian Emotional Speech Database
Ugo Bordoni Foundation, ITALY
Papageorgiou, Harris META-SHARE: One Year After
Papavassiliou, Vassilis Comparing Two Acquisition Systems for Automatically Building an English-Croatian Parallel Corpus from Multilingual Websites
Institute for Language and Speech Processing / RC Athens, GREECE
Paramita, Monica Bootstrapping Term Extractors for Multiple Languages
Bilingual dictionaries for all EU languages
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM
Pardelli, Gabriella The LRE Map disclosed
Pardo, Thiago A Large Corpus of Product Reviews in Portuguese: Tackling Out-Of-Vocabulary Words
University of São Paulo, BRAZIL
Pareja-Lora, Antonio Standardisation and Interoperation of Morphosyntactic and Syntactic Annotation Tools for Spanish and their Annotations
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) / ATLAS (UNED), SPAIN
Park, Jungyeul Named Entity Corpus Construction using Wikipedia and DBpedia Ontology
IRISA, Université de Rennes 1, FRANCE
Parker, Jon A Framework for Public Health Surveillance
Georgetown University, UNITED STATES
Paroubek, Patrick Toward a Unifying Model for Opinion, Sentiment and Emotion Information Extraction
Facing the Identification Problem in Language-Related Scientific Data Analysis.
Bidirectionnal Converter Between Syntactic Annotations: from French Treebank Dependencies to PASSAGE Annotations, and back
Rediscovering 15 Years of Discoveries in Language Resources and Evaluation: The LREC Anthology Analysis
Parra Escartín, Carla Chasing the Perfect Splitter: A Comparison of Different Compound Splitting Tools
University of Bergen, NORWAY
Parveen, Rahila The CLE Urdu POS Tagset
Pasha, Arfath MADAMIRA: A Fast, Comprehensive Tool for Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation of Arabic
Columbia University, New York, NY, UNITED STATES
Passarotti, Marco A Compact Interactive Visualization of Dependency Treebank Query Results
Thomas Aquinas in the TüNDRA: Integrating the Index Thomisticus Treebank into CLARIN-D
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, ITALY
Passonneau, Rebecca J. Annotating the MASC Corpus with BabelNet
Columbia University, UNITED STATES
Patejuk, Agnieszka Walenty: Towards a Comprehensive Valence Dictionary of Polish
Institute of Computer Science at the Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND
Paul, Trilsbeek - Including Multimedia Language Resources to disseminate Knowledge and Create Educational Material on less-Resourced Languages
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Paulo, Sérgio SAVAS: Collecting, Annotating and Sharing Audiovisual Language Resources for Automatic Subtitling
VoiceInteraction, PORTUGAL
Pavelić, Tin CroDeriV: a New Resource for Processing Croatian Morphology
University of Zagreb, CROATIA
Pazienza, Maria Teresa A Meta-data Driven Platform for Semi-automatic Configuration of Ontology Mediators
University of Rome, Tor Vergata, ITALY
Pécheux, Nicolas Rule-based Reordering Space in Statistical Machine Translation
Pecina, Pavel Multilingual Test Sets for Machine Translation of Search Queries for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in the Medical Domain
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Pedersen, Bolette The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
CLARA: A New Generation of Researchers in Common Language Resources and Their Applications
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
Pedretti, Irene Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project
Historical Archives of the Pontifical Gregorian University, ITALY
Pelachaud, Catherine Mining a Multimodal Corpus for Non-Verbal Behavior Sequences Conveying Attitudes
Emilya: Emotional Body Expression in Daily Actions Database
A Model to Generate Adaptive Multimodal Job Interviews with a Virtual Recruiter
Institut Mines-Telecom ; Telecom Paristech ; CNRS-LTCI, FRANCE
Pelemans, Joris Speech Recognition Web Services for Dutch
Pellegrini, Thomas El-WOZ: a Client-Server Wizard-of-Oz Interface
Pelletier, Aurore ANCOR_Centre, a Large Free Spoken French Coreference Corpus: Description of the Resource and Reliability Measures
Université François Rabelais de Tours, LLL, FRANCE
Pelletier, Francis Jeffry Building a Reference Lexicon for Countability in English
Simon Fraser University, CANADA
Penagarikano, Mikel KALAKA-3: a Database for the Recognition of Spoken European Languages on YouTube Audios
Basque Speecon-like and Basque SpeechDAT MDB-600: Speech Databases for the Development of ASR Technology for Basque
University of the Basque Country, SPAIN
Penning de Vries, Bart ASR-based CALL Systems and Learner Speech Data: New Resources and Opportunities for Research and Development in Second Language Learning
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Peradotto, Anne Investigating the Image of Entities in Social Media: Dataset Design and First Results
Perdigão, Fernando HESITA(te) in Portuguese
University of Coimbra, PORTUGAL
Perea-Ortega, Jose Manuel Resource Creation and Evaluation for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, ITALY
Pereira, Lis Collocation or Free Combination? ― Applying Machine Translation Techniques to identify collocations in Japanese
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, UNITED KINGDOM
Perez-Rosas, Veronica A Multimodal Dataset for Deception Detection
University of North Texas, UNITED STATES
Perrier, Guy Deep Syntax Annotation of the Sequoia French Treebank
Mapping the Lexique des Verbes du français (Lexicon of French Verbs) to a NLP Lexicon using Examples
Université de Lorraine/LORIA, FRANCE
Peshkov, Klim Segmentation Evaluation Metrics, a Comparison Grounded on Prosodic and Discourse Units
Aix Marseille Université & CNRS, FRANCE
Peshkova, Yuliya A Multi-Cultural Repository of Automatically Discovered Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors
SUNY - University at Albany, UNITED STATES
Pessentheiner, Hannes GRASS: the Graz corpus of Read And Spontaneous Speech
Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory, Graz University of Technology, AUSTRIA
Petasis, Georgios The Ellogon Pattern Engine: Context-free Grammars over Annotations
Annotating Arguments: The NOMAD Collaborative Annotation Tool
NOMAD: Linguistic Resources and Tools Aimed at Policy Formulation and Validation
NCSR "Demokritos", GREECE
Peterson, Daniel Focusing Annotation for Semantic Role Labeling
University of Colorado, UNITED STATES
Petro, Justin RELISH LMF: Unlocking the Full Power of the Lexical Markup Framework
LINGUIST List - Eastern Michigan University, UNITED STATES
Petrovic, Tanja Croatian Memories
Petukhova, Volha Interoperability of Dialogue Corpora through ISO 24617-2-based Querying
The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues
Saarland University, GERMANY
Pezik, Piotr The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
University of Lódz, POLAND
Pho, Van-Minh Multiple Choice Question Corpus Analysis for Distractor Characterization
LIMSI-CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, FRANCE
Piasecki, Maciej Ruled-based, Interlingual Motivated Mapping of plWordNet onto SUMO Ontology
Wroclaw University of Technology, POLAND
Piccini, Silvia Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project
Institute for Computational Linguistics, National Research Council CNR, ITALY
Piccinini, Nicola SAVAS: Collecting, Annotating and Sharing Audiovisual Language Resources for Automatic Subtitling
Pierrehumbert, Janet Using Resource-Rich Languages to Improve Morphological Analysis of Under-Resourced Languages
Northwestern University, UNITED STATES
Pietquin, Olivier NASTIA: Negotiating Appointment Setting Interface
DINASTI: Dialogues with a Negotiating Appointment Setting Interface
University Lille 1 - LIFL (CNRS/Lille 1) - SequeL team, FRANCE
Pietrandrea, Paola Rhapsodie: a Prosodic-Syntactic Treebank for Spoken French
LLL, Université François Rabelais & CNRS, Tours-Orléans, FRANCE
Pilán, Ildikó Reusing Swedish FrameNet for Training Semantic Roles
A Flexible Language Learning Platform Based on Language Resources and Web Services
University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Pinkal, Manfred Aligning Predicate-Argument Structures for Paraphrase Fragment Extraction
Saarland University, GERMANY
Pinnis, Mārcis Terminology Localization Guidelines for the National Scenario
Designing the Latvian Speech Recognition Corpus
Bilingual dictionaries for all EU languages
Pinto, Cláudia Priberam Compressive Summarization Corpus: A New Multi-Document Summarization Corpus for European Portuguese
Priberam, PORTUGAL
Pinto, Fernando Miguel Casa De La Lhéngua: a Set of Language Resources and Natural Language Processing Tools for Mirandese
Piperidis, Stelios The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
META-SHARE: One Year After
Pirinen, Tommi Heuristic Hyper-minimization of Finite State Lexicons
University of Helsinki, FINLAND
Plank, Barbara SenTube: A Corpus for Sentiment Analysis on YouTube Social Media
When POS Data Sets Don't Add Up: Combatting Sample Bias
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
Plátek, Ondřej Free English and Czech Telephone Speech Corpus Shared Under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 License
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, CZECH REPUBLIC
Pleva, Matus TUKE-BNews-SK: Slovak Broadcast News Corpus Construction and Evaluation
Technical University of Kosice, SLOVAKIA
Poch, Marc Ranking Job Offers for Candidates: Learning Hidden Knowledge from Big Data
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Poesio, Massimo AraNLP: a Java-based Library for the Processing of Arabic Text.
University of Essex, UNITED KINGDOM
Poibeau, Thierry Reconstructing the Semantic Landscape of Natural Language Processing
Polajnar, Tamara Evaluation of Simple Distributional Compositional Operations on Longer Texts
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
Poláková, Lucie Genres in the Prague Discourse Treebank
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Pollak, Petr The Nijmegen Corpus of Casual Czech
Czech Technical University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Polychroniou, Anna The SSPNet-Mobile Corpus: Social Signal Processing Over Mobile Phones.
University of Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM
Pon-Barry, Heather Eliciting and Annotating Uncertainty in Spoken Language
Arizona State University, UNITED STATES
Ponzetto, Simone Paolo DBpedia Domains: Augmenting DBpedia with Domain Information
University of Mannheim, GERMANY
Pool, Jonathan PanLex: Building a Resource for Panlingual Lexical Translation
The Long Now Foundation, UNITED STATES
Pooleery, Manoj MADAMIRA: A Fast, Comprehensive Tool for Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation of Arabic
Center for Computational Learning Systems, Columbia University, UNITED STATES
Popel, Martin HamleDT 2.0: Thirty Dependency Treebanks Stanfordized
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, UFAL, CZECH REPUBLIC
Popescu, Octavian T-PAS; A resource of Typed Predicate Argument Structures for linguistic analysis and semantic processing
Mapping CPA Patterns onto OntoNotes Senses
Popescu-Belis, Andrei English-French Verb Phrase Alignment in Europarl for Tense Translation Modeling
IDIAP Research Institute, SWITZERLAND
Popović, Maja The taraXÜ Corpus of Human-Annotated Machine Translations
Poppe, Ronald Twente Debate Corpus ― A Multimodal Corpus for Head Movement Analysis
University of Twente, NETHERLANDS
Portet, François The Sweet-Home Speech and Multimodal Corpus for Home Automation Interaction
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, FRANCE
Post, Matt A Wikipedia-based Corpus for Contextualized Machine Translation
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES
Potamianos, Alexandros Word Semantic Similarity for Morphologically Rich Languages
School of ECE, National Technical University of Athens, GREECE
Potard, Blaise The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues
Idiap Research Institute, SWITZERLAND
Povlsen, Claus Encompassing a Spectrum of LT Users in the CLARIN-DK Infrastructure
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
Pradet, Quentin Adapting VerbNet to French using Existing Resources
CEA LIST / University Paris Diderot, FRANCE
Prestes, Kassius Identification of Multiword Expressions in the brWaC
Pretkalniņa, Lauma Dependency Parsing Representation Effects on the Accuracy of Semantic Applications - an Example of an Inflective Language
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia, LATVIA
Pretorius, Laurette Missed Opportunities in Translation Memory Matching
University of South Africa, SOUTH AFRICA
Preuß, Susanne Linguistic Evaluation of Support Verb Constructions by OpenLogos and Google Translate
IAI, University of Saarlandes, GERMANY
Prévot, Laurent Representing Multimodal Linguistic Annotated Data
Aix Map Task Corpus: the French Multimodal Corpus of Task-oriented Dialogue
Segmentation Evaluation Metrics, a Comparison Grounded on Prosodic and Discourse Units
Aix Marseille Université & CNRS, FRANCE
Price, Kaitlyn Morphological Parsing of Swahili using Crowdsourced Lexical Resources
Oberlin College, UNITED STATES
Procházka, Pavel The SYN-series Corpora of Written Czech
Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles University, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Proença, Jorge HESITA(te) in Portuguese
Instituto de Telecomunicações, PORTUGAL
Prokić, Jelena A Benchmark Database of Phonetic Alignments in Historical Linguistics and Dialectology
Philipps-University Marburg, GERMANY
Prokopidis, Prokopis Comparing Two Acquisition Systems for Automatically Building an English-Croatian Parallel Corpus from Multilingual Websites
Institute for Language and Speech Processing/Athena RC, GREECE
Prsir, Tea C-PhonoGenre: a 7-hour Corpus of 7 Speaking Styles in French: Relations between Situational Features and Prosodic Properties
University of Geneva, SWITZERLAND
Przepiórkowski, Adam Walenty: Towards a Comprehensive Valence Dictionary of Polish
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Projection-based Annotation of a Polish Dependency Treebank
Institute of Computer Science at the Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND
Pucher, Michael The MMASCS Multi-Modal Annotated Synchronous Corpus of Audio, Video, Facial Motion and Tongue Motion Data of Normal, Fast and Slow Speech
The Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (FTW), AUSTRIA
Pustejovsky, James Image Annotation with ISO-Space: Distinguishing Content from Structure
Identification of Technology Terms in Patents
The Language Application Grid
Brandeis University, UNITED STATES
Puttkammer, Martin Developing Text Resources for Ten South African Languages
Centre for Text Technology, North-West University, UNITED STATES


Q. Zadeh, Behrang Extracting Information for Context-aware Meeting Preparation
Insight Data Centre for Analytics, Galway, IRELAND
Quaresma, Paulo UM-Corpus: A Large English-Chinese Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation
L2F@INESC-ID and Department of Computer Science, University of Évora, PORTUGAL
Quasthoff, Uwe Vocabulary-Based Language Similarity using Web Corpora
High Quality Word Lists as a Resource for Multiple Purposes
A 500 Million Word POS-Tagged Icelandic Corpus
University Leipzig, GERMANY
Quochi, Valeria Polysemy Index for Nouns: an Experiment on Italian using the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Lexical Database
From Synsets to Videos: Enriching ItalWordNet Multimodally
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "A. Zampolli", ITALY


Racca, David Nicolas A Multimodal Corpus of Rapid Dialogue Games
Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, UNITED STATES
Rácz, Anita 4FX: Light Verb Constructions in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus
University of Szeged, HUNGARY
Rademaker, Alexandre NomLex-PT: A Lexicon of Portuguese Nominalizations
Raess, Georg Introducing a Web Application for Labeling, Visualizing Speech and Correcting Derived Speech Signals
University of Munich, GERMANY
Raffaelli, Matteo SAVAS: Collecting, Annotating and Sharing Audiovisual Language Resources for Automatic Subtitling
Rahayudi, Bayu Twente Debate Corpus ― A Multimodal Corpus for Head Movement Analysis
University of Twente, NETHERLANDS
Rajakumar, Ravindran A Database for Measuring Linguistic Information Content
Rak, Rafal Interoperability and Customisation of Annotation Schemata in Argo
University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM
Rama, Taraka Linguistic Landscaping of South Asia using Digital Language Resources: Genetic vs. Areal Linguistics
Spräkbanken, University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Ramakrishnan, Ganesh Efficient Reuse of Structured and Unstructured Resources for Ontology Population
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, INDIA
Ramanathan, Ananthakrishnan When Transliteration Met Crowdsourcing : An Empirical Study of Transliteration via Crowdsourcing using Efficient, Non-redundant and Fair Quality Control
Rambow, Owen MADAMIRA: A Fast, Comprehensive Tool for Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation of Arabic
Columbia University, UNITED STATES
Ramirez, Carlos Resources for the Detection of Conventionalized Metaphors in Four Languages
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Ramírez-Sánchez, Gema Quality Estimation for Synthetic Parallel Data Generation
Prompsit Language Engineering, SPAIN
Ramisch, Carlos Comparing the Quality of Focused Crawlers and of the Translation Resources Obtained from them
Comparing Similarity Measures for Distributional Thesauri
LIF, Aix-Marseille Université, FRANCE
Ranta, Aarne Sharing Resources Between Free/Open-Source Rule-based Machine Translation Systems: Grammatical Framework and Apertium
Göteborgs Universitet, SWEDEN
Rapp, Reinhard A Graph-Based Approach for Computing Free Word Associations
Corpus-Based Computation of Reverse Associations
Using Word Familiarities and Word Associations to Measure Corpus Representativeness
Aix-Marseille Université, FRANCE
Raptis, Spyros Using Audio Books for Training a Text-to-Speech System
Institute for Language and Speech Processing / "Athena" Research Center, GREECE
Rastogi, Pushpendre A Wikipedia-based Corpus for Contextualized Machine Translation
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES
Ravanelli, Mirco The DIRHA simulated corpus
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ITALY
Ravenet, Brian A Model to Generate Adaptive Multimodal Job Interviews with a Virtual Recruiter
Télécom ParisTech, FRANCE
Rayner, Manny Using a Serious Game to Collect a Child Learner Speech Corpus
Geneva University, SWITZERLAND
Rayson, Paul Detecting Document Structure in a Very Large Corpus of UK Financial Reports
Experiences with Parallelisation of an Existing NLP Pipeline: Tagging Hansard
Lancaster University, UNITED KINGDOM
Real, Livy NomLex-PT: A Lexicon of Portuguese Nominalizations
Universidade Federal do Paraná, BRAZIL
Rebholz-Schuhmann, Dietrich Collaboratively Annotating Multilingual Parallel Corpora in the Biomedical Domain―some MANTRAs
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Rebout, Lise An Iterative Approach for Mining Parallel Sentences in a Comparable Corpus
Univ. of Montréal, CANADA
Reed, Chris A Model for Processing Illocutionary Structures and Argumentation in Debates
Dundee university, UNITED KINGDOM
Refaee, Eshrag An Arabic Twitter Corpus for Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis
Heriot-Watt University, UNITED KINGDOM
Regneri, Michaela Aligning Predicate-Argument Structures for Paraphrase Fragment Extraction
Saarland University, Saarbrücken, GERMANY
Regueira, Xose Luis CORILGA: a Galician Multilevel Annotated Speech Corpus for Linguistic Analysis
University of Santiago de Compostela, SPAIN
Rehbein, Ines The KiezDeutsch Korpus (KiDKo) Release 1.0
Potsdam University, GERMANY
Rehm, Georg The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
META-SHARE: One Year After
Rein, Angelique A Corpus of Participant Roles in Contentious Discussions
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Rello, Luz DysList: An Annotated Resource of Dyslexic Errors
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Remus, Robert Learning from Domain Complexity
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Rennes, Evelina The Impact of Cohesion Errors in Extraction Based Summaries
Linköping University, SWEDEN
Reschke, Kevin Event Extraction Using Distant Supervision
Stanford University, UNITED STATES
Rettinger, Achim xLiD-Lexica: Cross-lingual Linked Data Lexica
RECSA: Resource for Evaluating Cross-lingual Semantic Annotation
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, GERMANY
Rexha, Andi Modeling, Managing, Exposing, and Linking Ontologies with a Wiki-based Tool
Know-Center, AUSTRIA
Reynaert, Martin Synergy of Nederlab and @PhilosTEI: Diachronic and Multilingual Text-induced Corpus Clean-up
Tilburg University, NETHERLANDS
Rezapour Asheghi, Noushin Designing and Evaluating a Reliable Corpus of Web Genres via Crowd-Sourcing
University of Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM
Reznicek, Marc NoSta-D Named Entity Annotation for German: Guidelines and Dataset
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SPAIN
Ribeiro, Ricardo Revising the Annotation of a Broadcast News Corpus: a Linguistic Approach
OpenLogos Semantico-Syntactic Knowledge-Rich Bilingual Dictionaries
Ribeyre, Corentin Deep Syntax Annotation of the Sequoia French Treebank
Université Paris Diderot/INRIA, FRANCE
Riccardi, Giuseppe The Development of the Multilingual LUNA Corpus for Spoken Language System Porting
University of Trento, ITALY
Richardson, John Bilingual Dictionary Construction with Transliteration Filtering
Kyoto University, JAPAN
Richardson, Kyle UnixMan Corpus: A Resource for Language Learning in the Unix Domain
University of Stuttgart, GERMANY
Riedhammer, Korbinian Erlangen-CLP: A Large Annotated Corpus of Speech from Children with Cleft Lip and Palate
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY
Riedl, Martin Distributed Distributional Similarities of Google Books over the Centuries
FG Language Technology, TU Darmstadt, GERMANY
Rieser, Verena An Arabic Twitter Corpus for Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis
Heriot-Watt University, UNITED KINGDOM
Riester, Arndt The Extended DIRNDL Corpus as a Resource for Coreference and Bridging Resolution
University of Stuttgart, GERMANY
Rigau, German NewsReader: Recording History from Daily News Streams
Predicate Matrix: extending SemLink through WordNet mappings
IXA pipeline: Efficient and Ready to Use Multilingual NLP tools
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatae, SPAIN
Rimell, Laura Evaluation of Simple Distributional Compositional Operations on Longer Texts
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
Rinaldi, Fabio Using Large Biomedical Databases as Gold Annotations for Automatic Relation Extraction
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Ringger, Eric Momresp: A Bayesian Model for Multi-Annotator Document Labeling
Evaluating Lemmatization Models for Machine-Assisted Corpus-Dictionary Linkage
Using Transfer Learning to Assist Exploratory Corpus Annotation
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES
Rink, Bryan Semi-Supervised Methods for Expanding Psycholinguistics Norms by Integrating Distributional Similarity with the Structure of WordNet
Language Computer Corp., UNITED STATES
Ritomsky, Marian Alert!... Calm Down, There is Nothing to Worry About. Warning and Soothing Speech Synthesis
Slovak Academy of Sciences, SLOVAKIA
Rituma, Laura Using C5.0 and Exhaustive Search for Boosting Frame-Semantic Parsing Accuracy
Dependency Parsing Representation Effects on the Accuracy of Semantic Applications - an Example of an Inflective Language
University of Latvia, LATVIA
Rivera, Ismael Extracting Information for Context-aware Meeting Preparation
Altocloud, NUI Galway, IRELAND
Rizzo, "Albert ""Skip""" The Distress Analysis Interview Corpus of Human and Computer Interviews
Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, UNITED STATES
Rizzo, Giuseppe Benchmarking the Extraction and Disambiguation of Named Entities on the Semantic Web
Università degli studi di Torino, ITALY
Robaldo, Livio Exploiting networks in Law
University of Turin, ITALY
Roberts, Kirk Annotating Question Decomposition on Complex Medical Questions
National Library of Medicine, UNITED STATES
Robichaud, Benoît Discovering Frames in Specialized Domains
OLST, University of Montreal, CANADA
Roche, Mathieu Towards Electronic SMS Dictionary Construction: An Alignment-based Approach
TETIS, Cirad, Irstea, AgroParisTech, FRANCE
Röder, Michael N³ - A Collection of Datasets for Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation in the NLP Interchange Format
Leipzig University, GERMANY
Rodrigues, Silvia The EASR Corpora of European Portuguese, French, Hungarian and Polish Elderly Speech
Microsoft Language Development Center, UNITED STATES
Rodríguez Vázquez, Silvia Applying Accessibility-Oriented Controlled Language (CL) Rules to Improve Appropriateness of Text Alternatives for Images: an Exploratory Study
University of Geneva, SWITZERLAND
Rodriguez-Fuentes, Luis Javier KALAKA-3: a Database for the Recognition of Spoken European Languages on YouTube Audios
Basque Speecon-like and Basque SpeechDAT MDB-600: Speech Databases for the Development of ASR Technology for Basque
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, SPAIN
Rodriguez-Penagos, Carlos Adapting Freely Available Resources to Build an Opinion Mining Pipeline in Portuguese
Barcelona Media Innovació, SPAIN
Rögnvaldsson, Eiríkur The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Correcting Errors in a New Gold Standard for Tagging Icelandic Text
Rapid Deployment of Phrase Structure Parsing for Related Languages: A Case Study of Insular Scandinavian
University of Iceland, ICELAND
Röhrbein, Florian LinkedHealthAnswers: Towards Linked Data-driven Question Answering for the Health Care Domain
Technical University Munich, GERMANY
Romeo, Lauren Crowdsourcing as a Preprocessing for Complex Semantic Annotation Tasks
A Cascade Approach for Complex-type Classification
Choosing which to Use? A Study of Distributional Models for Nominal Lexical Semantic Classification
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Rosa, Rudolf HamleDT 2.0: Thirty Dependency Treebanks Stanfordized
Improving Evaluation of English-Czech MT through Paraphrasing
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, CZECH REPUBLIC
Rosén, Victoria The Interplay Between Lexical and Syntactic Resources in Incremental Parsebanking
University of Bergen, NORWAY
Rösner, Dietmar Modeling and Evaluating Dialog Success in the LAST MINUTE Corpus
Otto-von-Guericke Universität, GERMANY
Rosner, Michael Automatic Methods for the Extension of a Bilingual Dictionary using Comparable Corpora
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
University of Malta, MALTA
Rosset, Sophie Morpho-Syntactic Study of Errors from Speech Recognition System
Human Annotation of ASR Error Regions: is "gravity" a Sharable Concept for Human Annotators?
ETER: a New Metric for the Evaluation of Hierarchical Named Entity Recognition
Rosso, Paolo Enrichment of Bilingual Dictionary through News Stream Data
Universitat Politècnica de València, SPAIN
Roth, Dan ILLINOISCLOUDNLP: Text Analytics Services in the Cloud
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UNITED STATES
Roth, Ryan MADAMIRA: A Fast, Comprehensive Tool for Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation of Arabic
Center for Computational Learning Systems, Columbia University, UNITED STATES
Roth, Stephanie The DWAN Framework: Application of a Web Annotation Framework for the General Humanities to the Domain of Language Resources
University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Rotondi, Agata SenTube: A Corpus for Sentiment Analysis on YouTube Social Media
University of Trento, ITALY
Rousseau, Anthony Enhancing the TED-LIUM Corpus with Selected Data for Language Modeling and More TED Talks
Roux, Claude Investigating the Image of Entities in Social Media: Dataset Design and First Results
Rowley, Andrew Interoperability and Customisation of Annotation Schemata in Argo
University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM
Roy, Anindya TVD: A Reproducible and Multiply Aligned TV Series Dataset
Rozis, Roberts Billions of Parallel Words for Free: Building and Using the EU Bookshop Corpus
Rozovskaya, Alla Large Scale Arabic Error Annotation: Guidelines and Framework
Columbia University, UNITED STATES
Rubino, Raphael Quality Estimation for Synthetic Parallel Data Generation
Prompsit Language Engineering, SPAIN
Rudnick, Alex Guampa: a Toolkit for Collaborative Translation
Indiana University, UNITED STATES
Ruhlmann, Mathieu The Dangerous Myth of the Star System
Holmes Semantic Solutions, FRANCE
Ruiz, Pablo Phoneme Similarity Matrices to Improve Long Audio Alignment for Automatic Subtitling
Vicomtech-IK4, SPAIN
Rus, Vasile On Paraphrase Identification Corpora
The DARE Corpus: A Resource for Anaphora Resolution in Dialogue Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Latent Semantic Analysis Models on Wikipedia and TASA
The University of Memphis, UNITED STATES
Rusko, Milan Alert!... Calm Down, There is Nothing to Worry About. Warning and Soothing Speech Synthesis
Slovak Academy of Sciences, SLOVAKIA
Russo, Irene From Synsets to Videos: Enriching ItalWordNet Multimodally
Russo, Lorenza SwissAdmin: a Multilingual Tagged Parallel Corpus of Press Releases
LATL-CUI, Université de Genève, SWITZERLAND
Rychlý, Pavel Extrinsic Corpus Evaluation with a Collocation Dictionary Task
HindEnCorp - Hindi-English and Hindi-only Corpus for Machine Translation
NLP Centre, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, CZECH REPUBLIC
Rysova, Katerina Valency and Word Order in Czech ― A Corpus Probe
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Rysova, Magdalena Verbs of Saying with a Textual Connecting Function in the Prague Discourse Treebank
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC


Saad, Motaz Building and Modelling Multilingual Subjective Corpora
LORIA, Université de Lorraine, FRANCE
Sabo, Robert Alert!... Calm Down, There is Nothing to Worry About. Warning and Soothing Speech Synthesis
Slovak Academy of Sciences, SLOVAKIA
Sabou, Marta Corpus Annotation through Crowdsourcing: Towards Best Practice Guidelines
MODUL University Vienna, AUSTRIA
Sachdeva, Kunal Hindi to English Machine Translation: Using Effective Selection in Multi-Model SMT
IIIT-Hyderabad, INDIA
Sadamitsu, Kugatsu Extraction of Daily Changing Words for Question Answering
Saggion, Horacio Creating Summarization Systems with SUMMA
Modelling Irony in Twitter: Feature Analysis and Evaluation
Can Numerical Expressions Be Simpler? Implementation and Demonstration of a Numerical Simplification System for Spanish
UPF & University of Sheffield, SPAIN
Sagot, Benoît DeLex, a Freely-available, Large-scale and Linguistically Grounded Morphological Lexicon for German
A Language-independent Approach to Extracting Derivational Relations from an Inflectional Lexicon
Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results
An Open-Source Heavily Multilingual Translation Graph Extracted from Wiktionaries and Parallel Corpora
A Language-independent and fully Unsupervised Approach to Lexicon Induction and Part-of-Speech Tagging for Closely Related Languages
Saif, Hassan On Stopwords, Filtering and Data Sparsity for Sentiment Analysis of Twitter
The Open University, UNITED KINGDOM
Saint-Dizier, Patrick A Model for Processing Illocutionary Structures and Argumentation in Debates
Sajjad, Hassan The AMARA Corpus: Building Parallel Language Resources for the Educational Domain
Qatar Computing Research Institute, QATAR
Sajous, Franck GLÀFF, a Large Versatile French Lexicon
CLLE-ERSS/CNRS&University of Toulouse 2, FRANCE
Sakti, Sakriani Collection of a Simultaneous Translation Corpus for Comparative Analysis
Towards Multilingual Conversations in the Medical Domain: Development of Multilingual Medical Data and A Network-based ASR System
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, UNITED KINGDOM
Salaberri, Haritz First Approach toward Semantic Role Labeling for Basque
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, SPAIN
Salama, Ahmed YouDACC: the Youtube Dialectal Arabic Comment Corpus
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Salamin, Hugues The SSPNet-Mobile Corpus: Social Signal Processing Over Mobile Phones.
University of Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM
Sales Dias, Miguel The EASR Corpora of European Portuguese, French, Hungarian and Polish Elderly Speech
Microsoft Language Development Center, UNITED STATES
Salimzyanov, Ilnar Finite-State Morphological Transducers for Three Kypchak Languages
Kazan Federal University, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Salloum, Wael Tharwa: A Large Scale Dialectal Arabic - Standard Arabic - English Lexicon
Salmon, François An Effortless Way To Create Large-Scale Datasets For Famous Speakers
Salvi, Giampiero Free Acoustic and Language Models for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition in Swedish
The WaveSurfer Automatic Speech Recognition Plugin
KTH, School of Computer Science and Communication, Department of Speech Music and Hearing, SWEDEN
Samaniego, Alberto Guampa: a Toolkit for Collaborative Translation
Universidad Católica ""Nuestra Señora de la Asunción", BRAZIL
Sameshima Taba, Leonardo Automatic Semantic Relation Extraction from Portuguese Texts
Federal University of Sâo Carlos, BRAZIL
Sammons, Mark ILLINOISCLOUDNLP: Text Analytics Services in the Cloud
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UNITED STATES
Samvelian, Pollet Extending the Coverage of a MWE Database for Persian CPs Exploiting Valency Alternations
Université Sorbonne nouvelle, FRANCE
San Martín, Antonio Definition Patterns for Predicative Terms in Specialized Lexical Resources
University of Granada, SPAIN
San Vicente, Iñaki TweetNorm_es: an Annotated Corpus for Spanish Microtext Normalization
Elhuyar Foundation / IXA - UPV-EHU, SPAIN
SanJuan, Eric Investigating the Image of Entities in Social Media: Dataset Design and First Results
LIA, University of Avignon, FRANCE
Sanches Duran, Magali Generating a Lexicon of Errors in Portuguese to Support an Error Identification System for Spanish Native Learners
Universidade de São Paulo, BRAZIL
Sánchez Marco, Cristina An Open Source Part-of-Speech Tagger for Norwegian: Building on Existing Language Resources
Gjøvik University College, NORWAY
Sánchez-Cartagena, Víctor M. Sharing Resources Between Free/Open-Source Rule-based Machine Translation Systems: Grammatical Framework and Apertium
Universitat d'Alacant, SPAIN
Sanchis Trilles, Germán Online Optimisation of Log-linear Weights in Interactive Machine Translation
Universitat Politècnica de València, SPAIN
Sanchis-Trilles, Germán Evaluating the Effects of Interactivity in a Post-Editing Workbench
Universitat Politècnica de València, SPAIN
Sanders, Eric The Dutch LESLLA Corpus
Vulnerability in Acquisition, Language Impairments in Dutch: Creating a VALID Data Archive
CLS/CLST, Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Sandford Pedersen, Bolette Encompassing a Spectrum of LT Users in the CLARIN-DK Infrastructure
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
Sanguinetti, Manuela Exploiting Catenae in a Parallel Treebank Alignment
University of Torino, Department of Computer Science, ITALY
Santos, Ana Lúcia A Corpus of European Portuguese Child and Child-directed Speech
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Saratxaga, Ibon New Bilingual Speech Databases for Audio Diarization
Aholab - EHU, SPAIN
Sasada, Tetsuro A Japanese Word Dependency Corpus
Flow Graph Corpus from Recipe Texts
Kyoto University, JAPAN
Sasaki, Felix Global Intelligent Content: Active Curation of Language Resources using Linked Data
Sass, Bálint The Hungarian Gigaword Corpus
Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY
Sato, Satoshi Text Readability and Word Distribution in Japanese
Nagoya University, JAPAN
Satpute, Meghana Multilingual eXtended WordNet Knowledge Base: Semantic Parsing and Translation of Glosses
The University of Texas at Dallas, UNITED STATES
Satyukov, Gleb Discovering and Visualising Stories in News
VU University Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Saurí, Roser The NewSoMe Corpus: a Unifying Opinion Annotation Framework Across Genres and in Multiple Languages
Pompeu Fabra University, SPAIN
Savary, Agata Polish Coreference Corpus in Numbers
Université François Rabelais Tours, FRANCE
Savolainen, Leena S-pot - a Benchmark in Spotting Signs Within Continuous Signing
Finnish Association of the Deaf, FINLAND
Savy, Renata VOLIP: a Corpus of Spoken Italian and a Virtuous Example of Reuse of Linguistic Resources
Dipartimento Studi Umanistici ― Università di Salerno, ITALY
Sawalha, Majdi Tools for Arabic Natural Language Processing: a Case Study in Qalqalah Prosody
University of Jordan, JORDAN
Sawyer, Ann Collecting Natural SMS and Chat Conversations in Multiple Languages: The BOLT Phase 2 Corpus
The RATS Collection: Supporting HLT Research with Degraded Audio Data
Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Saxena, Anju Linguistic Landscaping of South Asia using Digital Language Resources: Genetic vs. Areal Linguistics
Uppsala University, SWEDEN
Scagliola, Stef Croatian Memories
Erasmus University Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS
Scerri, Simon Extracting Information for Context-aware Meeting Preparation
Fraunhofer IAIS, Sankt Augustin, Germany, GERMANY
Schabus, Dietmar The MMASCS Multi-Modal Annotated Synchronous Corpus of Audio, Video, Facial Motion and Tongue Motion Data of Normal, Fast and Slow Speech
FTW Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, AUSTRIA
Schalowski, Sören The KiezDeutsch Korpus (KiDKo) Release 1.0
Potsdam University, GERMANY
Schang, Emmanuel ANCOR_Centre, a Large Free Spoken French Coreference Corpus: Description of the Resource and Reliability Measures
U. Orléans, LLL, FRANCE
Scharl, Arno Corpus Annotation through Crowdsourcing: Towards Best Practice Guidelines
MODUL University Vienna, AUSTRIA
Schauffler, Nadja The Extended DIRNDL Corpus as a Resource for Coreference and Bridging Resolution
University of Stuttgart, GERMANY
Scheffler, Tatjana A German Twitter Snapshot
Universität Potsdam, GERMANY
Scherer, Stefan The Distress Analysis Interview Corpus of Human and Computer Interviews
University of Southern California, UNITED STATES
Scherrer, Yves SwissAdmin: a Multilingual Tagged Parallel Corpus of Press Releases
A Language-independent and fully Unsupervised Approach to Lexicon Induction and Part-of-Speech Tagging for Closely Related Languages
LATL-CUI, Université de Genève, SWITZERLAND
Schiel, Florian Untrained Forced Alignment of Transcriptions and Audio for Language Documentation Corpora using WebMAUS
German Alcohol Language Corpus - the Question of Dialect
Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals (BAS), GERMANY
Schlaf, Antje Creating a Gold Standard Corpus for the Extraction of Chemistry-Disease Relations from Patent Texts
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Schlippe, Tim GlobalPhone: Pronunciation Dictionaries in 20 Languages
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, GERMANY
Schmidek, Jordan Improving Open Relation Extraction via Sentence Re-Structuring
University of Alberta, UNITED STATES
Schmidt, Anna The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues
Saarland Univeristy, GERMANY
Schmidt, Christoph Extensions of the Sign Language Recognition and Translation Corpus RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather
RWTH Aachen University, GERMANY
Schmidt, Thomas The Database for Spoken German ― DGD2
The Research and Teaching Corpus of Spoken German ― FOLK
Schmitt, Alexander Comparison of Gender- and Speaker-adaptive Emotion Recognition
Ulm University, GERMANY
Schneider, Nathan Augmenting English Adjective Senses with Supersenses
Comprehensive Annotation of Multiword Expressions in a Social Web Corpus
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Schneider, Roman GenitivDB ― a Corpus-Generated Database for German Genitive Classification
Institute for German Language (IDS), Mannheim, GERMANY
Schöne, Karin The MERLIN corpus: Learner Language and the CEFR
Schone, Patrick Corpus and Evaluation of Handwriting Recognition of Historical Genealogical Records
Schreiber, Guus BiographyNet: Methodological Issues when NLP Supports Historical Research
VU University Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Schuelke, Peter Modeling Language Proficiency Using Implicit Feedback
University of North Texas, UNITED STATES
Schuller, Björn The Munich Biovoice Corpus: Effects of Physical Exercising, Heart Rate, and Skin Conductance on Human Speech Production
TUM / Imperial College London, GERMANY
Schulte im Walde, Sabine Automatic Extraction of Synonyms for German Particle Verbs from Parallel Data with Distributional Similarity as a Re-Ranking Feature
A Rank-based Distance Measure to Detect Polysemy and to Determine Salient Vector-Space Features for German Prepositions
Fuzzy V-Measure - An Evaluation Method for Cluster Analyses of Ambiguous Data
Optimizing a Distributional Semantic Model for the Prediction of German Particle Verb Compositionality
University of Stuttgart, GERMANY
Schultz, Tanja GlobalPhone: Pronunciation Dictionaries in 20 Languages
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, GERMANY
Schulz, Sarah Towards Shared Datasets for Normalization Research
LT3, Language and Translation Technology Team, Ghent University, BELGIUM
Schuppler, Barbara GRASS: the Graz corpus of Read And Spontaneous Speech
SPSC Laboratory, Graz University of Technology, ROMANIA
Schuurman, Ineke Experiences with the ISOcat Data Category Registry
Linking Pictographs to Synsets: Sclera2Cornetto
Linguistic Resources and Cats: How to Use ISOcat, RELcat and SCHEMAcat
Utrecht University, KU Leuven, NETHERLANDS
Schweitzer, Katrin The Extended DIRNDL Corpus as a Resource for Coreference and Bridging Resolution
University of Stuttgart, GERMANY
Schwenninger, Jochen Exploiting the Large-Scale German Broadcast Corpus to Boost the Fraunhofer IAIS Speech Recognition System
Fraunhofer IAIS, GERMANY
Scrivner, Olga SWIFT Aligner, A Multifunctional Tool for Parallel Corpora: Visualization, Word Alignment, and (Morpho)-Syntactic Cross-Language Transfer
Indiana University, UNITED STATES
Seara, Roberto CORILGA: a Galician Multilevel Annotated Speech Corpus for Linguistic Analysis
University of Vigo, SPAIN
Seddah, Djamé Deep Syntax Annotation of the Sequoia French Treebank
Université Paris Sorbonne (Paris IV), FRANCE
Seeker, Wolfgang An Out-of-Domain Test Suite for Dependency Parsing of German
IMS, University of Stuttgart, GERMANY
Segond, Frédérique Generating a Resource for Products and Brandnames Recognition. Application to the Cosmetic Domain.
Objet Direct, FRANCE
Seifart, Frank Untrained Forced Alignment of Transcriptions and Audio for Language Documentation Corpora using WebMAUS
University of Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Semenkin, Eugene Speech-Based Emotion Recognition: Feature Selection by Self-Adaptive Multi-Criteria Genetic Algorithm
Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Sennrich, Rico Zmorge: A German Morphological Lexicon Extracted from Wiktionary
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Sepesy Maucec, Mirjam Machine Translation for Subtitling: A Large-Scale Evaluation
University of Maribor, SLOVENIA
Seppi, Kevin Momresp: A Bayesian Model for Multi-Annotator Document Labeling
Evaluating Lemmatization Models for Machine-Assisted Corpus-Dictionary Linkage
Using Transfer Learning to Assist Exploratory Corpus Annotation
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES
Sepúlveda Torres, Lianet Generating a Lexicon of Errors in Portuguese to Support an Error Identification System for Spanish Native Learners
University of São Paulo, BRAZIL
Serafini, Luciano NewsReader: Recording History from Daily News Streams
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ITALY
Seraji, Mojgan A Persian Treebank with Stanford Typed Dependencies
Uppsala University, Department of Linguistics and Philology, SWEDEN
Seretan, Violeta A Large-Scale Evaluation of Pre-editing Strategies for Improving User-Generated Content Translation
University of Geneva, SWITZERLAND
Sesé, Jordi VERTa: Facing a Multilingual Experience of a Linguistically-based MT Evaluation
University of Barcelona, SPAIN
Sevcikova, Magda Word-Formation Network for Czech
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, CZECH REPUBLIC
Severo, Bernardo VOAR: A Visual and Integrated Ontology Alignment Environment
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, BRAZIL
Severyn, Aliaksei SenTube: A Corpus for Sentiment Analysis on YouTube Social Media
University of Trento, ITALY
Shah, Kashif An Efficient and User-friendly Tool for Machine Translation Quality Estimation
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM
Shah, Ritesh Shata-Anuvadak: Tackling Multiway Translation of Indian Languages
Shaikh, Samira Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
A Multi-Cultural Repository of Automatically Discovered Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors
University at Albany, UNITED STATES
Shardlow, Matthew Out in the Open: Finding and Categorising Errors in the Lexical Simplification Pipeline
University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM
Sharma, Dipti Hindi to English Machine Translation: Using Effective Selection in Multi-Model SMT
IIIT, Hyderabad, INDIA
Sharma, Dipti Misra Benchmarking of English-Hindi Parallel Corpora
Towards Building a Kashmiri Treebank: Setting up the Annotation Pipeline
Sharoff, Serge Designing and Evaluating a Reliable Corpus of Web Genres via Crowd-Sourcing
School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM
Shayan, Shakila RELISH LMF: Unlocking the Full Power of the Lexical Markup Framework
The Language Archive - MPI for Psycholinguistics, GERMANY
Shen, Raymond Estimation of Speaking Style in Speech Corpora Focusing on Speech Transcriptionss
Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University, JAPAN
Sherif, Mohamed NIF4OGGD - NLP Interchange Format for Open German Governmental Data
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Shibata, Tomohide A Large Scale Database of Strongly-related Events in Japanese
Constructing a Corpus of Japanese Predicate Phrases for Synonym/Antonym Relations
Kyoto University, JAPAN
Shidahara, Yo Annotation of Computer Science Papers for Semantic Relation Extrac-tion
Freelance annotator, JAPAN
Shieber, Stuart Eliciting and Annotating Uncertainty in Spoken Language
Harvard University, UNITED STATES
Shimizu, Hiroaki Collection of a Simultaneous Translation Corpus for Comparative Analysis
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, UNITED KINGDOM
Shkaravska, Olha The DWAN Framework: Application of a Web Annotation Framework for the General Humanities to the Domain of Language Resources
The Language Archive, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, GERMANY
Shmatova, Mariya Measuring the Impact of Spelling Errors on the Quality of Machine Translation
Sidorov, Maxim Comparison of Gender- and Speaker-adaptive Emotion Recognition
Speech-Based Emotion Recognition: Feature Selection by Self-Adaptive Multi-Criteria Genetic Algorithm
Ulm University, GERMANY
Sigurðsson, Einar Freyr Rapid Deployment of Phrase Structure Parsing for Related Languages: A Case Study of Insular Scandinavian
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Silfverberg, Miikka Heuristic Hyper-minimization of Finite State Lexicons
University of Helsinki, FINLAND
Silva, Fátima Prosodic, Syntactic, Semantic Guidelines for Topic Structures Across Domains and Corpora
Silva, Jorge VOCE Corpus: Ecologically Collected Speech Annotated with Physiological and Psychological Stress Assessments
Instituto de Telecomunicações, University of Porto, PORTUGAL
Silveira, Natalia Universal Stanford Dependencies: a Cross-Linguistic Typology
A Gold Standard Dependency Corpus for English
Stanford University, UNITED STATES
Silvello, Gianmaria A Vector Space Model for Syntactic Distances Between Dialects
University of Padua, ITALY
Sima'an, Khalil All Fragments Count in Parser Evaluation
ILLC, University of Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Simi, Maria Less is More? Towards a Reduced Inventory of Categories for Training a Parser for the Italian Stanford Dependencies
Università di pisa, ITALY
Simkó, Katalin Ilona Szeged Corpus 2.5: Morphological Modifications in a Manually POS-tagged Hungarian Corpus
University of Szeged, HUNGARY
Simon, Eszter Media Monitoring and Information Extraction for the Highly Inflected Agglutinative Language Hungarian
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY
Simons, Mandy A Unified Annotation Scheme for the Semantic/Pragmatic Components of Definiteness
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Simov, Kiril A System for Experiments with Dependency Parsers
Constituency Parsing of Bulgarian: Word- vs Class-based Parsing
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BULGARIA
Simova, Iliana A System for Experiments with Dependency Parsers
Multiword Expressions in Machine Translation
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BULGARIA
Sindlerova, Jana Resources in Conflict: A Bilingual Valency Lexicon vs. a Bilingual Treebank vs. a Linguistic Theory
UFAL MFF Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Sinha, Ankur Gold-standard for Topic-specific Sentiment Analysis of Economic Texts
Aalto University School of Business, FINLAND
Sinha, Manjira Design and Development of an Online Computational Framework to Facilitate Language Comprehension Research on Indian Languages
Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, INDIA
Sipos, Mária - Including Multimedia Language Resources to disseminate Knowledge and Create Educational Material on less-Resourced Languages
Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY
Skadina, Inguna The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
CLARA: A New Generation of Researchers in Common Language Resources and Their Applications
Skadiņš, Raivis Billions of Parallel Words for Free: Building and Using the EU Bookshop Corpus
Skidmore, Taylor Guampa: a Toolkit for Collaborative Translation
Indiana University, UNITED STATES
Skjærholt, Arne The Norwegian Dependency Treebank
Dept of Informatics, University of Oslo, NORWAY
Skoumalová, Hana The SYN-series Corpora of Written Czech
Institute of Theoretical and Computational Linguistics, Charles University, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Skubisz, Joanna ALICO: a Multimodal Corpus for the Study of Active Listening
Bielefeld University, GERMANY
Skwarski, Filip Walenty: Towards a Comprehensive Valence Dictionary of Polish
Institute of Computer Science at the Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND
Sloetjes, Han Improving the Exploitation of Linguistic Annotations in ELAN
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, GERMANY
Smaili, Kamel Building and Modelling Multilingual Subjective Corpora
Smith, Aaron ParCor 1.0: A Parallel Pronoun-Coreference Corpus to Support Statistical MT
Uppsala Universitet, SWEDEN
Smith, Noah A. Comprehensive Annotation of Multiword Expressions in a Social Web Corpus
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Smrz, Pavel Semantic Search in Documents Enriched by LOD-based Annotations
Brno University of Technology, CZECH REPUBLIC
Šnajder, Jan HiEve: A Corpus for Extracting Event Hierarchies from News Stories A High-Coverage Derivational Morphology Resource for Croatian
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, CROATIA
Søgaard, Anders Crowdsourcing and Annotating NER for Twitter #drift
When POS Data Sets Don't Add Up: Combatting Sample Bias
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
Šojat, Krešimir CroDeriV: a New Resource for Processing Croatian Morphology
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, CROATIA
Solberg, Per Erik The Norwegian Dependency Treebank
Spräkbanken, The National Library of Norway, NORWAY
Soler, Juan How to Use Less Features and Reach Better Performance in Author Gender Identification
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Solorio, Thamar Sockpuppet Detection in Wikipedia: A Corpus of Real-World Deceptive Writing for Linking Identities
Sommavilla, Giacomo Discovering the Italian Literature: Interactive Access to Audio-indexed Text Resources
Song, Yan Modern Chinese Helps Archaic Chinese Processing: Finding and Exploiting the Shared Properties
Song, Zhiyi Collecting Natural SMS and Chat Conversations in Multiple Languages: The BOLT Phase 2 Corpus
Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Sonntag, Jonathan The eIdentity Text Exploration Workbench
GraPAT: a Tool for Graph Annotations
University of Potsdam, GERMANY
Soroa, Aitor A Stream Computing Approach Towards Scalable NLP
Aholab - EHU, SPAIN
Sorodoc, Ionut Aggregation Methods for Efficient Collocation Detection
University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
Sosi, Alessandro The DIRHA simulated corpus
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ITALY
Soury, Mariette Smile and Laughter in Human-Machine Interaction: a Study of Engagement
Specia, Lucia A Quality-based Active Sample Selection Strategy for Statistical Machine Translation
An Efficient and User-friendly Tool for Machine Translation Quality Estimation
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM
Speck, René A Tool Suite for Creating Question Answering Benchmarks
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Speranza, Manuela CROMER: a Tool for Cross-Document Event and Entity Coreference
Spielhagen, Luise Language Resources and Annotation Tools for Cross-Sentence Relation Extraction
Springorum, Sylvia Fuzzy V-Measure - An Evaluation Method for Cluster Analyses of Ambiguous Data
IMS, Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY
Sproat, Richard A Database for Measuring Linguistic Information Content
Sprugnoli, Rachele Crowdsourcing for the Identification of Event Nominals: an Experiment
CROMER: a Tool for Cross-Document Event and Entity Coreference
Spurk, Christian Information Extraction from German Patient Records via Hybrid Parsing and Relation Extraction Strategies
META-SHARE: One Year After
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH), GERMANY
Spyns, Peter A Decade of HLT Agency Activities in the Low Countries: from Resource Maintenance (BLARK) to Service Offerings (BLAISE)
Flemish Dept. of Economy, Science and Innovation, BELGIUM
Srb, Stefan The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues
Mipumi Games GmbH, AUSTRIA
Srebačić, Matea CroDeriV: a New Resource for Processing Croatian Morphology
RECSA: Resource for Evaluating Cross-lingual Semantic Annotation
University of Zagreb, CROATIA
Srivastava, Rishabh Hindi to English Machine Translation: Using Effective Selection in Multi-Model SMT
International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, INDIA
Stadtfeld, Tobias Building a Reference Lexicon for Countability in English
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, GERMANY
Stadtschnitzer, Michael Exploiting the Large-Scale German Broadcast Corpus to Boost the Fraunhofer IAIS Speech Recognition System
Fraunhofer IAIS, GERMANY
Stajner, Tadej Language Processing Infrastructure in the XLike Project
Jozef Stefan Institute, SLOVENIA
Stan, Adriana RSS-TOBI - a Prosodically Enhanced Romanian Speech Corpus
Speech Processing Group, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ROMANIA
Stas, Jan The Slovak Categorized News Corpus
Technical University of Kosice, SLOVAKIA
Stede, Manfred Potsdam Commentary Corpus 2.0: Annotation for Discourse Research
A Model for Processing Illocutionary Structures and Argumentation in Debates
GraPAT: a Tool for Graph Annotations
University of Potsdam, GERMANY
Stefanescu, Dan The DARE Corpus: A Resource for Anaphora Resolution in Dialogue Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Latent Semantic Analysis Models on Wikipedia and TASA
The University of Memphis, UNITED STATES
Stefanov, Kalin The Tutorbot Corpus ― A Corpus for Studying Tutoring Behaviour in Multiparty Face-to-Face Spoken Dialogue
Bogazici University, TURKEY
Stein, Achim Parsing Heterogeneous Corpora with a Rich Dependency Grammar
Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY
Stein, Daniel Exploiting the Large-Scale German Broadcast Corpus to Boost the Fraunhofer IAIS Speech Recognition System
Fraunhofer IAIS, GERMANY
Steinberger, Ralf Named Entity Recognition on Turkish Tweets
Media Monitoring and Information Extraction for the Highly Inflected Agglutinative Language Hungarian
Clustering of Multi-Word Named Entity Variants: Multilingual Evaluation
DCEP -Digital Corpus of the European Parliament
Resource Creation and Evaluation for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts
European Commission ― Joint Research Centre (JRC), ITALY
Stellato, Armando A Meta-data Driven Platform for Semi-automatic Configuration of Ontology Mediators
University of Rome, Tor Vergata, ITALY
Stemle, Egon 'interHist' - an Interactive Visual Interface for Corpus Exploration
KoKo: an L1 Learner Corpus for German
Stepanov, Evgeny The Development of the Multilingual LUNA Corpus for Spoken Language System Porting
University of Trento, ITALY
Steuer, Richard Distributed Distributional Similarities of Google Books over the Centuries
FG Language Technology, TU Darmstadt, GERMANY
Štindlová, Barbora The MERLIN corpus: Learner Language and the CEFR
Charles University, CZECH REPUBLIC
Stluka, Martin Corpus of 19th-century Czech Texts: Problems and Solutions
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Stock, Oliviero Creative Language Explorations through a high-Expressivity N-grams Query Language
Stosic, Dejan TALC-Sef a Manually-revised POS-Tagged Literary Corpus in Serbian, English and French
UMR CLLE-ERSS 5263, Université Toulouse 2/CNRS, FRANCE
Stouten, Pim NewsReader: Recording History from Daily News Streams
Lexis Nexis BIS, FRANCE
Stoyanova, Simona Open Philology at the University of Leipzig
University of Leipzig, GERMANY
Strafella, Elga Collocation or Free Combination? ― Applying Machine Translation Techniques to identify collocations in Japanese
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, JAPAN
Stranak, Pavel HindEnCorp - Hindi-English and Hindi-only Corpus for Machine Translation
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Strapparava, Carlo Mapping WordNet Domains, WordNet Topics and Wikipedia Categories to Generate Multilingual Domain Specific Resources
Creative Language Explorations through a high-Expressivity N-grams Query Language
Enriching the "Senso Comune" Platform with Automatically Acquired Data
Strassel, Stephanie Collecting Natural SMS and Chat Conversations in Multiple Languages: The BOLT Phase 2 Corpus
The RATS Collection: Supporting HLT Research with Degraded Audio Data
New Directions for Language Resource Development and Distribution
Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Stratou, Giota The Distress Analysis Interview Corpus of Human and Computer Interviews
Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, UNITED STATES
Strik, Helmer ASR-based CALL Systems and Learner Speech Data: New Resources and Opportunities for Research and Development in Second Language Learning
Department of linguistics, Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Strötgen, Jannik Computational Narratology: Extracting Tense Clusters from Narrative Texts
Extending HeidelTime for Temporal Expressions Referring to Historic Dates
Heidelberg University, GERMANY
Strunk, Jan Untrained Forced Alignment of Transcriptions and Audio for Language Documentation Corpora using WebMAUS
University of Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Strzalkowski, Tomek Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
A Multi-Cultural Repository of Automatically Discovered Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors
University at Albany, UNITED STATES
Stührenberg, Maik Extending Standoff Annotation
Institut für Deutsche Sprache, GERMANY
Stüker, Sebastian A Database of Freely Written Texts of German School Students for the Purpose of Automatic Spelling Error Classification
A Corpus of Spontaneous Speech in Lectures: The KIT Lecture Corpus for Spoken Language Processing and Translation
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, GERMANY
Stumbo, Marie Expanding N-gram Analytics in ELAN and a Case Study for Sign Synthesis
DePaul University, UNITED STATES
Subirats Rüggeberg, Carlos Discovering Frames in Specialized Domains
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, SPAIN
Suchomel, Vit HindEnCorp - Hindi-English and Hindi-only Corpus for Machine Translation
Natural Language Processing Centre, Masaryk University, CZECH REPUBLIC
Suderman, Keith The Language Application Grid
Vassar College, UNITED STATES
Sugisaki, Kyoko Constructing and Exploiting an Automatically Annotated Resource of Legislative Texts
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Sultana, Kurt Automatic Methods for the Extension of a Bilingual Dictionary using Comparable Corpora
University of Malta, MALTA
Sun, Lin Native Language Identification Using Large, Longitudinal Data
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
Surdeanu, Mihai On the Importance of Text Analysis for Stock Price Prediction
Event Extraction Using Distant Supervision
University of Arizona, UNITED STATES
Swanson, Reid Getting Reliable Annotations for Sarcasm in Online Dialogues
Świdziński, Marek Walenty: Towards a Comprehensive Valence Dictionary of Polish
University of Warsaw, POLAND
Szabó, Martina Katalin Automatic Error Detection Concerning the Definite and Indefinite Conjugation in the HunLearner Corpus
University of Szeged, HUNGARY
Szeverényi, Sándor - Including Multimedia Language Resources to disseminate Knowledge and Create Educational Material on less-Resourced Languages
Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY


Taber, Harriet Annotating Relations in Scientific Articles
New York University, UNITED STATES
Tadić, Marko CroDeriV: a New Resource for Processing Croatian Morphology
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Language Processing Infrastructure in the XLike Project
Croatian Dependency Treebank 2.0: New Annotation Guidelines for Improved Parsing
RECSA: Resource for Evaluating Cross-lingual Semantic Annotation
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, CROATIA
Takahashi, Kodai Multimodal Dialogue Segmentation with Gesture Post-Processing
Yamagata University, JAPAN
Takala, Pyry Gold-standard for Topic-specific Sentiment Analysis of Economic Texts
Aalto University School of Business, FINLAND
Tamchyna, Aleš HindEnCorp - Hindi-English and Hindi-only Corpus for Machine Translation
Improving Evaluation of English-Czech MT through Paraphrasing
Charles University in Prague, UFAL MFF, CZECH REPUBLIC
Tang, Guoyu Clustering Tweets using Wikipedia Concepts
Tsinghua University, CHINA
Tannier, Xavier Extracting News Web Page Creation Time with DCTFinder
French Resources for Extraction and Normalization of Temporal Expressions with HeidelTime
Evaluating Web-as-corpus Topical Document Retrieval with an Index of the OpenDirectory
Thematic Cohesion: Measuring Terms Discriminatory Power Toward Themes
Tateisi, Yuka Corpus for Coreference Resolution on Scientific Papers
Annotation of Computer Science Papers for Semantic Relation Extrac-tion
National Institute of Informatics, JAPAN
Tavarez, David New Bilingual Speech Databases for Audio Diarization
Aholab - EHU, SPAIN
Tavčar, Aleš sloWCrowd: a Crowdsourcing Tool for Lexicographic Tasks
Jožef Stefan Institute, SLOVENIA
Taylor, Sarah Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
A Multi-Cultural Repository of Automatically Discovered Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors
Sarah M. Taylor Consulting, LLC, UNITED STATES
Tchobanov, Atanas Rhapsodie: a Prosodic-Syntactic Treebank for Spoken French
Modyco, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, FRANCE
Teich, Elke Exploring and Visualizing Variation in Language Resources
Data Mining with Shallow vs. Linguistic Features to Study Diversification of Scientific Registers
University of Saarbrücken, GERMANY
Teixeira, António Multimodal Corpora for Silent Speech Interaction
University of Aveiro, PORTUGAL
Tellier, Isabelle Macrosyntactic Segmenters of a French Spoken Corpus
university Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle, LaTTiCe, FRANCE
Temnikova, Irina Building a Crisis Management Term Resource for Social Media: The Case of Floods and Protests
Sublanguage Corpus Analysis Toolkit: a Tool for Assessing the Representativeness and Sublanguage Characteristics of Corpora
Qatar Computing Research Institute, QATAR
Ter Braake, Serge BiographyNet: Methodological Issues when NLP Supports Historical Research
VU University Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Tesconi, Maurizio Accommodations in Tuscany as Linked Data
Tesser, Fabio Discovering the Italian Literature: Interactive Access to Audio-indexed Text Resources
Teunissen, Lisa Semi-Automatic Annotation of the UCU Accents Speech Corpus
University College Utrecht, NETHERLANDS
Thomas, Thomas Collecting Natural SMS and Chat Conversations in Multiple Languages: The BOLT Phase 2 Corpus
Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Thompson, Paul The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
The National Centre for Text Mining, The University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM
Thunes, Martha The Interplay Between Lexical and Syntactic Resources in Incremental Parsebanking
University of Bergen, NORWAY
Thurmair, Gregor Conceptual Transfer: Using Local Classifiers for Transfer Selection
Tian, Liang UM-Corpus: A Large English-Chinese Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation
University of Macau, MOROCCO
Tiberius, Carole Taalportaal: an Online Grammar of Dutch and Frisian
Institute for Dutch Lexicology, NETHERLANDS
Tiedemann, Jörg ParCor 1.0: A Parallel Pronoun-Coreference Corpus to Support Statistical MT
Billions of Parallel Words for Free: Building and Using the EU Bookshop Corpus
Uppsala University, SWEDEN
Tilmanne, Joelle The AV-LASYN Database: a Synchronous Corpus of Audio and 3D Facial Marker Data for Audio-Visual Laughter Synthesis
Tiny, Abigail The Gulf of Guinea Creole Corpora
Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Titze, Gregor DBpedia Domains: Augmenting DBpedia with Domain Information
University of Mannheim, GERMANY
Toda, Tomoki Collection of a Simultaneous Translation Corpus for Comparative Analysis
Towards Multilingual Conversations in the Medical Domain: Development of Multilingual Medical Data and A Network-based ASR System
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, UNITED KINGDOM
Todisco, Massimiliano EMOVO Corpus: an Italian Emotional Speech Database
Ugo Bordoni Foundation - University of Rome Tor Vergata, ITALY
Togia, Theodosia TagNText: a Parallel Corpus for the Induction of Resource-specific non-Taxonomical Relations from Tagged Images
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
Tokunaga, Takenobu Building a Corpus of Manually Revised Texts from Discourse Perspective
Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN
Tolxdorff, Thomas Information Extraction from German Patient Records via Hybrid Parsing and Relation Extraction Strategies
Institut für Medizinische Informatik/Charite, GERMANY
Tomeh, Nadi Large Scale Arabic Error Annotation: Guidelines and Framework
Columbia University, UNITED STATES
Tomlinson, Marc Semi-Supervised Methods for Expanding Psycholinguistics Norms by Integrating Distributional Similarity with the Structure of WordNet
#mygoal: Finding Motivations on Twitter
Language Computer, UNITED STATES
Tonelli, Sara CROMER: a Tool for Cross-Document Event and Entity Coreference
Topf, Mario The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues
Mipumi Games GmbH, AUSTRIA
Toral, Antonio TLAXCALA: a Multilingual Corpus of Independent News
Quality Estimation for Synthetic Parallel Data Generation
caWaC - a Web Corpus of Catalan and its Application to Language Modeling and Machine Translation
Dublin City Unversity, IRELAND
Torres, María Inés Basque Speecon-like and Basque SpeechDAT MDB-600: Speech Databases for the Development of ASR Technology for Basque
University of the Basque Country, SPAIN
Trancoso, Isabel Revising the Annotation of a Broadcast News Corpus: a Linguistic Approach
OpenLogos Semantico-Syntactic Knowledge-Rich Bilingual Dictionaries
Linguistic Evaluation of Support Verb Constructions by OpenLogos and Google Translate
Tratz, Stephen Finding Romanized Arabic Dialect in Code-Mixed Tweets
Traum, David The Distress Analysis Interview Corpus of Human and Computer Interviews
Trilsbeek, Paul Vulnerability in Acquisition, Language Impairments in Dutch: Creating a VALID Data Archive
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Trippel, Thorsten Towards Automatic Quality Assessment of Component Metadata
University of Tübingen, GERMANY
Trnka, Marian Alert!... Calm Down, There is Nothing to Worry About. Warning and Soothing Speech Synthesis
Slovak Academy of Sciences, SLOVAKIA
Trojahn, Cassia VOAR: A Visual and Integrated Ontology Alignment Environment
Université Toulouse 2 Le Mirail & IRIT, FRANCE
Troncy, Raphaël Benchmarking the Extraction and Disambiguation of Named Entities on the Semantic Web
Trouvain, Juergen Designing a Bilingual Speech Corpus for French and German Language Learners: a Two-Step Process
Saarland University, GERMANY
Truyens, Maarten Legal Aspects of Text Mining
University of Antwerp, BELGIUM
Tscherwinka, Cindy The taraXÜ Corpus of Human-Annotated Machine Translations
euroscript Germany, GERMANY
Tseng, Shu-Chuan Phone Boundary Annotation in Conversational Speech
Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, TAIWAN
Tsiakoulis, Pirros Using Audio Books for Training a Text-to-Speech System
innoetics ltd, GREECE
Tsourakis, Nikos Using a Serious Game to Collect a Child Learner Speech Corpus
Geneva University, SWITZERLAND
Tsuchiya, Tomoyuki Towards Automatic Transformation Between Different Transcription Conventions: Prediction of Intonation Markers from Linguistic and Acoustic Features
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, JAPAN
Tsvetkov, Yulia Augmenting English Adjective Senses with Supersenses
A Unified Annotation Scheme for the Semantic/Pragmatic Components of Definiteness
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Tucci, Francesco Maria Annotating the MASC Corpus with BabelNet
Sapienza University of Rome, ITALY
Tufiș, Dan Large SMT Data-sets Extracted from Wikipedia
CoRoLa ― The Reference Corpus of Contemporary Romanian Language
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Romanian Academy, ROMANIA
Turchi, Marco Automatic Annotation of Machine Translation Datasets with Binary Quality Judgements
An Efficient and User-friendly Tool for Machine Translation Quality Estimation
Resource Creation and Evaluation for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ITALY
Turmo, Jordi TweetNorm_es: an Annotated Corpus for Spanish Microtext Normalization
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), SPAIN
Turner, Anja Machine Translation for Subtitling: A Large-Scale Evaluation
Titelbild Subtitling and Translation, GERMANY
Tyers, Francis Finite-State Morphological Transducers for Three Kypchak Languages
Universitetet i Tromsø, NORWAY


Úlfarsdóttir, Þórdís ISLEX ― a Multilingual Web Dictionary
The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, ICELAND
Ultes, Stefan First Insight into Quality-Adaptive Dialogue
Comparison of Gender- and Speaker-adaptive Emotion Recognition
Ulm University, GERMANY
Underwood, Nancy Evaluating the Effects of Interactivity in a Post-Editing Workbench
Copenhagen Business School, DENMARK
Urbain, Jerome The AV-LASYN Database: a Synchronous Corpus of Audio and 3D Facial Marker Data for Audio-Visual Laughter Synthesis
UMONS - University of Mons, BELGIUM
Uresova, Zdenka Resources in Conflict: A Bilingual Valency Lexicon vs. a Bilingual Treebank vs. a Linguistic Theory
Not an Interlingua, But Close: Comparison of English AMRs to Chinese and Czech
Multilingual Test Sets for Machine Translation of Search Queries for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in the Medical Domain
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Urooj, Saba The CLE Urdu POS Tagset
Uryupina, Olga SenTube: A Corpus for Sentiment Analysis on YouTube Social Media
University of Trento, ITALY
Usbeck, Ricardo NIF4OGGD - NLP Interchange Format for Open German Governmental Data
N³ - A Collection of Datasets for Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation in the NLP Interchange Format
Leipzig University, GERMANY
Ussishkin, Adam ACTIV-ES: a Comparable, Cross-Dialect Corpus of "everyday" Spanish from Argentina, Mexico, and Spain
University of Arizona, UNITED STATES
Uszkoreit, Hans Information Extraction from German Patient Records via Hybrid Parsing and Relation Extraction Strategies
Annotating Relation Mentions in Tabloid Press
The taraXÜ Corpus of Human-Annotated Machine Translations
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Sprinter: Language Technologies for Interactive and Multimedia Language Learning
Language Resources and Annotation Tools for Cross-Sentence Relation Extraction
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH), GERMANY
Utsumi, Akira A Character-based Approach to Distributional Semantic Models: Exploiting Kanji Characters for Constructing JapaneseWord Vectors
The University of Electro-Communications, JAPAN
Utt, Jason Polysemy Index for Nouns: an Experiment on Italian using the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Lexical Database
Fuzzy V-Measure - An Evaluation Method for Cluster Analyses of Ambiguous Data
University of Stuttgart, GERMANY
Uzdilli, Fatih Meta-Classifiers Easily Improve Commercial Sentiment Detection Tools
Zurich University of Applied Sciences, SWITZERLAND


Vallet, Félicien An Effortless Way To Create Large-Scale Datasets For Famous Speakers
Institut National de l'Audiovisuel, FRANCE
Vacher, Michel The Sweet-Home Speech and Multimodal Corpus for Home Automation Interaction
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, FRANCE
Václava, Kettnerová Automatic Mapping Lexical Resources: A Lexical Unit as the Keystone
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Valeeva, Marina LQVSumm: A Corpus of Linguistic Quality Violations in Multi-Document Summarization
Saarland University, GERMANY
Valli, Andre Automatically Enriching Spoken Corpora with Syntactic Information for Linguistic Studies
Aix Marseille University, FRANCE
van Beek, Roeland Semi-Automatic Annotation of the UCU Accents Speech Corpus
University College Utrecht, NETHERLANDS
Van Canh, Tran Extending HeidelTime for Temporal Expressions Referring to Historic Dates
Heidelberg University, GERMANY
van de Craats, Ineke The Dutch LESLLA Corpus
CLS, Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
van de Kauter, Marjan Evaluation of Automatic Hypernym Extraction from Technical Corpora in English and Dutch
LT3, Ghent University, BELGIUM
van den Bosch, Antal Creating and Using Large Monolingual Parallel Corpora for Sentential Paraphrase Generation
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
van den Heuvel, Henk The Evolving Infrastructure for Language Resources and the Role for Data Scientists
Vulnerability in Acquisition, Language Impairments in Dutch: Creating a VALID Data Archive
CLS/CLST, Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
van Durme, Benjamin A Wikipedia-based Corpus for Contextualized Machine Translation
van Erp, Marieke Benchmarking the Extraction and Disambiguation of Named Entities on the Semantic Web
Hope and Fear: How Opinions Influence Factuality
Discovering and Visualising Stories in News
VU University Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Van Eecke, Patrick Legal Aspects of Text Mining
University of Antwerp, BELGIUM
van Genabith, Josef The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Dublin City University, IRELAND
Van Hage, Willem NewsReader: Recording History from Daily News Streams
van Hamme, Hugo Speech Recognition Web Services for Dutch
University of Leuven, BELGIUM
van Hessen, Arjan Croatian Memories
University of Twente, NETHERLANDS
Van Hout, Roeland ASR-based CALL Systems and Learner Speech Data: New Resources and Opportunities for Research and Development in Second Language Learning
Vulnerability in Acquisition, Language Impairments in Dutch: Creating a VALID Data Archive
Department of Linguistics, Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard The Development of Dutch and Afrikaans Language Resources for Compound Boundary Analysis.
North-West University, UNITED STATES
van Leeuwen, David Semi-Automatic Annotation of the UCU Accents Speech Corpus
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
van Loenhout, Gerard Machine Translation for Subtitling: A Large-Scale Evaluation
Invision Ondertiteling, NETHERLANDS
van Noord, Gertjan Treelet Probabilities for HPSG Parsing and Error Correction
University of Groningen, NETHERLANDS
van Ooyen, Bas N-gram Counts and Language Models from the Common Crawl
van Son, Chantal Hope and Fear: How Opinions Influence Factuality
VU University Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
van Veenendaal, Remco A Decade of HLT Agency Activities in the Low Countries: from Resource Maintenance (BLARK) to Service Offerings (BLAISE)
Nederlandse Taalunie / HLT Agency, NETHERLANDS
van Zaanen, Menno The Development of Dutch and Afrikaans Language Resources for Compound Boundary Analysis.
Tilburg University, NETHERLANDS
Vandeghinste, Vincent Linking Pictographs to Synsets: Sclera2Cornetto
University of Leuven, BELGIUM
Vandenbussche, Pierre-Yves A Method for Building Burst-Annotated Co-Occurrence Networks for Analysing Trends in Textual Data
Fujitsu (Ireland) Limited, JAPAN
Vandepitte, Sonia On the Origin of Errors: a Fine-Grained Analysis of MT and PE Errors and their Relationship
Ghent University, BELGIUM
Vanderwende, Lucy Annotating Clinical Events in Text Snippets for Phenotype Detection
Microsoft Research, UNITED STATES
Vanhainen, Niklas Free Acoustic and Language Models for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition in Swedish
The WaveSurfer Automatic Speech Recognition Plugin
KTH, School of Computer Science and Communication, Department of Speech, Music and Hearing, AUSTRALIA
Vanin, Aline Building Domain Specific Bilingual Dictionaries
PUCRS University, BRAZIL
Vannella, Daniele Representing Multilingual Data as Linked Data: the Case of BabelNet 2.0
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, ITALY
Váradi, Tamás - Including Multimedia Language Resources to disseminate Knowledge and Create Educational Material on less-Resourced Languages
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Media Monitoring and Information Extraction for the Highly Inflected Agglutinative Language Hungarian
The Hungarian Gigaword Corpus
Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY
Varela, Rocío CORILGA: a Galician Multilevel Annotated Speech Corpus for Linguistic Analysis
University of Vigo, SPAIN
Varga, Andrea Building a Crisis Management Term Resource for Social Media: The Case of Floods and Protests
The University Of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM
Varga, Daniel DCEP -Digital Corpus of the European Parliament
Budapest University of Technology, HUNGARY
Varga, Viktor Szeged Corpus 2.5: Morphological Modifications in a Manually POS-tagged Hungarian Corpus
University of Szeged, HUNGARY
Vargas-Bonilla, Jesús Francisco New Spanish Speech Corpus Database for the Analysis of People Suffering from Parkinson's Disease
Universidad de Antioquia, COLOMBIA
Varjokallio, Matti A Toolkit for Efficient Learning of Lexical Units for Speech Recognition
Aalto University, FINLAND
Varma, Vasudeva Enrichment of Bilingual Dictionary through News Stream Data
IIIT-Hyderabad, INDIA
Várnai, Zsuzsa - Including Multimedia Language Resources to disseminate Knowledge and Create Educational Material on less-Resourced Languages
Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY
Varol, Gül The Tutorbot Corpus ― A Corpus for Studying Tutoring Behaviour in Multiparty Face-to-Face Spoken Dialogue
Bogazici University, TURKEY
Varona, Amparo KALAKA-3: a Database for the Recognition of Spoken European Languages on YouTube Audios
University of the Basque Country, SPAIN
Vasilescu, Ioana Morpho-Syntactic Study of Errors from Speech Recognition System
Human Annotation of ASR Error Regions: is "gravity" a Sharable Concept for Human Annotators?
Vasiļjevs, Andrejs Terminology Localization Guidelines for the National Scenario
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Terminology Resources and Terminology Work Benefit from Cloud Services
Väyrynen, Jaakko DCEP -Digital Corpus of the European Parliament
JRC European Commission, ITALY
Vázquez, Silvia The IULA Spanish LSP Treebank
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Veiga, Arlindo HESITA(te) in Portuguese
Instituto de Telecomunicações, PORTUGAL
Velcin, Julien Investigating the Image of Entities in Social Media: Dataset Design and First Results
ERIC lab., University of Lyon 2, FRANCE
Velldal, Erik Off-Road LAF: Encoding and Processing Annotations in NLP Workflows
University of Oslo, NORWAY
Venturi, Giulia T2K^2: a System for Automatically Extracting and Organizing Knowledge from Texts
Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "Antonio Zampolli", ITALY
Verdonik, Darinka The Slovene BNSI Broadcast News Database and Reference Speech Corpus GOS: Towards the Uniform Guidelines for Future Work
University of Maribor, SLOVENIA
Verhagen, Marc Identification of Technology Terms in Patents
The Language Application Grid
Brandeis University, UNITED STATES
Verhoeven, Ben CLIPS Stylometry Investigation (CSI) Corpus: a Dutch Corpus for the Detection of Age, Gender, Personality, Sentiment and Deception in Text
CLiPS, University of Antwerp, BELGIUM
Vernerová, Anna To Pay or to Get Paid: Enriching a Valency Lexicon with Diatheses
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Versteegh, Maarten Bridging the Gap between Speech Technology and Natural Language Processing: An Evaluation Toolbox for Term Discovery Systems
Verzeni, Emilia Semantic Clustering of Pivot Paraphrases
University Paris Diderot, FRANCE
Vetere, Guido Enriching the "Senso Comune" Platform with Automatically Acquired Data
Vettori, Chiara The MERLIN corpus: Learner Language and the CEFR
Vider, Kadri The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
University of Tartu, ESTONIA
Vieira, Renata Building Domain Specific Bilingual Dictionaries
Comparative Analysis of Portuguese Named Entities Recognition Tools
VOAR: A Visual and Integrated Ontology Alignment Environment
PUCRS University, BRAZIL
Vieu, Laure Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results
Enriching the "Senso Comune" Platform with Automatically Acquired Data
IRIT-CNRS-Toulouse University, FRANCE
Viitaniemi, Ville SLMotion - an Extensible Sign Language Oriented Video Analysis Tool
S-pot - a Benchmark in Spotting Signs Within Continuous Signing
Aalto University, FINLAND
Vila-Suero, Daniel Enabling Language Resources to Expose Translations as Linked Data on the Web
Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, SPAIN
Vilar, David The taraXÜ Corpus of Human-Annotated Machine Translations
Pixformance GmbH, GERMANY
Villaneau, Jeanne ANCOR_Centre, a Large Free Spoken French Coreference Corpus: Description of the Resource and Reliability Measures
Université Européenne de Bretagne, IRISA, FRANCE
Villata, Serena Classifying Inconsistencies in DBpedia Language Specific Chapters
Villavicencio, Aline Comparing the Quality of Focused Crawlers and of the Translation Resources Obtained from them
Identification of Multiword Expressions in the brWaC
Comparing Similarity Measures for Distributional Thesauri
Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, BRAZIL
Villegas, Marta Metadata as Linked Open Data: mapping disparate XML metadata registries into one RDF/OWL registry.
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Vilnat, Anne Construction and Annotation of a French Folkstale Corpus
Bidirectionnal Converter Between Syntactic Annotations: from French Treebank Dependencies to PASSAGE Annotations, and back
LIMSI-CNRS et Université Paris-Sud, FRANCE
Vinciarelli, Alessandro The SSPNet-Mobile Corpus: Social Signal Processing Over Mobile Phones.
University of Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM
Vincze, Veronika Szeged Corpus 2.5: Morphological Modifications in a Manually POS-tagged Hungarian Corpus
4FX: Light Verb Constructions in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus
Automatic Error Detection Concerning the Definite and Indefinite Conjugation in the HunLearner Corpus
University of Szeged, HUNGARY
Viola, Veronica Bootstrapping an Italian VerbNet: data-driven analysis of verb alternations
University of Pisa, ITALY
Violato, Andrea Exploiting networks in Law
Nomotika SRL, ITALY
Virginie, Demulier A Database of Full Body Virtual Interactions Annotated with Expressivity Scores
Visweswariah, Karthik When Transliteration Met Crowdsourcing : An Empirical Study of Transliteration via Crowdsourcing using Efficient, Non-redundant and Fair Quality Control
IBM Research India, INDIA
Vivaldi, Jorge Boosting the Creation of a Treebank
The IULA Spanish LSP Treebank
University Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN
Vogel, Stephan The AMARA Corpus: Building Parallel Language Resources for the Educational Domain
Qatar Computing Research Institute, QATAR
Voghera, Miriam VOLIP: a Corpus of Spoken Italian and a Virtuous Example of Reuse of Linguistic Resources
Dipartimento Studi Umanistici ― Università di Salerno, ITALY
Võhandu, Leo Dense Components in the Structure of WordNet
Tallinn University of Technology, ESTONIA
Volk, Martin Machine Translation for Subtitling: A Large-Scale Evaluation
Innovations in Parallel Corpus Search Tools
Text Shuttle GmbH, GERMANY
Volodina, Elena Reusing Swedish FrameNet for Training Semantic Roles
A Flexible Language Learning Platform Based on Language Resources and Web Services
University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Volpe Nunes, Maria das Graças A Large Corpus of Product Reviews in Portuguese: Tackling Out-Of-Vocabulary Words
University of São Paulo, BRAZIL
Vondřička, Pavel Aligning Parallel Texts with InterText
Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
vor der Brück, Tim ColLex.en: Automatically Generating and Evaluating a Full-form Lexicon for English
Universität Frankfurt, GERMANY
Voss, Clare Finding Romanized Arabic Dialect in Code-Mixed Tweets
Vossen, Piek BiographyNet: Methodological Issues when NLP Supports Historical Research
Hope and Fear: How Opinions Influence Factuality
NewsReader: Recording History from Daily News Streams
Discovering and Visualising Stories in News
Using a Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut? Lexical Diversity and Event Coreference Resolution
Generating Polarity Lexicons with WordNet Propagation in 5 Languages
VU University Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Vulić, Ivan TermWise: A CAT-tool with Context-Sensitive Terminological Support.
KU Leuven (University of Leuven), BELGIUM


Wachsmuth, Ipke ALICO: a Multimodal Corpus for the Study of Active Listening
Bielefeld University, GERMANY
Wagner, Petra ALICO: a Multimodal Corpus for the Study of Active Listening
Bielefeld University, GERMANY
Waibel, Alex A Corpus of Spontaneous Speech in Lectures: The KIT Lecture Corpus for Spoken Language Processing and Translation
Manual Analysis of Structurally Informed Reordering in German-English Machine Translation
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, GERMANY
Walker, Kevin Collecting Natural SMS and Chat Conversations in Multiple Languages: The BOLT Phase 2 Corpus
The RATS Collection: Supporting HLT Research with Degraded Audio Data
Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Walker, Marilyn Getting Reliable Annotations for Sarcasm in Online Dialogues
University of California Santa Cruz, UNITED STATES
Walker, Martin Detecting Document Structure in a Very Large Corpus of UK Financial Reports
Manchester University, UNITED KINGDOM
Wallenberg, Joel C. Rapid Deployment of Phrase Structure Parsing for Related Languages: A Case Study of Insular Scandinavian
Newcastle University, UNITED KINGDOM
Waltinger, Ulli LinkedHealthAnswers: Towards Linked Data-driven Question Answering for the Health Care Domain
Wambacq, Patrick Speech Recognition Web Services for Dutch
Wandl-Vogt, Eveline A SKOS-based Schema for TEI encoded Dictionaries at ICLTT
Institute for Corpus Linguistics and Text Technology (Austrian Academy of Sciences), AUSTRIA
Wang, Di The Language Application Grid
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Wang, Ilaine Macrosyntactic Segmenters of a French Spoken Corpus
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, FRANCE
Wang, Rui Aligning Predicate-Argument Structures for Paraphrase Fragment Extraction
Trendiction S.A., GERMANY
Wang, Shan Identifying Idioms in Chinese Translations
Building The Sense-Tagged Multilingual Parallel Corpus
Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE
Wang, Shu A New Framework for Sign Language Recognition Based on 3D Handshape Identification and Linguistic Modeling
Rutgers University, UNITED STATES
Wang, Weizhi Clustering Tweets using Wikipedia Concepts
University of Southern California, UNITED STATES
Wang, Xiaoyun Phoneme Set Design Using English Speech Database by Japanese for Dialogue-Based English CALL Systems
Doshisha University, JAPAN
Wanner, Leo How to Use Less Features and Reach Better Performance in Author Gender Identification
An Exercise in Reuse of Resources: Adapting General Discourse Coreference Resolution for Detecting Lexical Chains in Patent Documentation
ICREA and Pompeu Fabra University, SPAIN
Warburton, Kara Narrowing the Gap Between Termbases and Corpora in Commercial Environments
Ward, Mark Corpus and Evaluation of Handwriting Recognition of Historical Genealogical Records
Warner, Colin Incorporating Alternate Translations into English Translation Treebank
Linguistic Data Consortium, UNITED STATES
Washington, Jonathan Finite-State Morphological Transducers for Three Kypchak Languages
Indiana University, UNITED STATES
Watanabe, Tatsuya Representing Multimodal Linguistic Annotated Data
Ortolang, FRANCE
Watrin, Patrick FLELex: a graded Lexical Resource for French Foreign Learners
KnowBel Technologies, BELGIUM
Wattam, Stephen Experiences with Parallelisation of an Existing NLP Pipeline: Tagging Hansard
Lancaster University, UNITED KINGDOM
Watts, Oliver RSS-TOBI - a Prosodically Enhanced Romanian Speech Corpus
Centre for Speech Technology Research, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, UNITED KINGDOM
Webb, Nick Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
Union College, UNITED STATES
Webber, Bonnie ParCor 1.0: A Parallel Pronoun-Coreference Corpus to Support Statistical MT
University of Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM
Weber, Sara A Study on Expert Sourcing Enterprise Question Collection and Classification
Webster, Jonathan J. The Halliday Centre Tagger: An Online Platform for Semi-automatic Text Annotation and Analysis
Wehrli, Eric SwissAdmin: a Multilingual Tagged Parallel Corpus of Press Releases
LATL-CUI, Université de Genève, SWITZERLAND
Wei, Zhongyu The CUHK Discourse TreeBank for Chinese: Annotating Explicit Discourse Connectives for the Chinese TreeBank
Weller, Marion Automatic Extraction of Synonyms for German Particle Verbs from Parallel Data with Distributional Similarity as a Re-Ranking Feature
Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY
Wenzel-Grondie, Evelyn A Database for Measuring Linguistic Information Content
Westburg, Anika On Complex Word Alignment Configurations
University of Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Wiese, Heike The KiezDeutsch Korpus (KiDKo) Release 1.0
Potsdam University, GERMANY
Wijnen, Frank Vulnerability in Acquisition, Language Impairments in Dutch: Creating a VALID Data Archive
Utrecht University, NETHERLANDS
Windhouwer, Menzo The DWAN Framework: Application of a Web Annotation Framework for the General Humanities to the Domain of Language Resources
Experiences with the ISOcat Data Category Registry
RELISH LMF: Unlocking the Full Power of the Lexical Markup Framework
The CMD Cloud
Linguistic Resources and Cats: How to Use ISOcat, RELcat and SCHEMAcat
The Language Archive, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, GERMANY
Winkelmann, Raphael Introducing a Web Application for Labeling, Visualizing Speech and Correcting Derived Speech Signals
University of Munich, GERMANY
Wisniewski, Guillaume A Corpus of Machine Translation Errors Extracted from Translation Students Exercises
Univ. Paris Sud and LIMSI-CNRS, FRANCE
Wisniewski, Katrin The MERLIN corpus: Learner Language and the CEFR
Witt, Andreas Access Control by Query Rewriting: the Case of KorAP
Institut für Deutsche Sprache, GERMANY
Wittmann, Moritz Automatic Extraction of Synonyms for German Particle Verbs from Parallel Data with Distributional Similarity as a Re-Ranking Feature
Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY
Wlodarczak, Marcin ALICO: a Multimodal Corpus for the Study of Active Listening
Bielefeld University, GERMANY
Wolfe, Rosalee Expanding N-gram Analytics in ELAN and a Case Study for Sign Synthesis
DePaul University, UNITED STATES
Wolff, Friedel Missed Opportunities in Translation Memory Matching
University of South Africa, SOUTH AFRICA
Woliński, Marcin Walenty: Towards a Comprehensive Valence Dictionary of Polish
Morfeusz Reloaded
Institute of Computer Science at the Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND
Wolska, Magdalena Finding a Tradeoff between Accuracy and Rater's Workload in Grading Clustered Short Answers
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, GERMANY
Wong, Billy T.M. The Halliday Centre Tagger: An Online Platform for Semi-automatic Text Annotation and Analysis
Wong, Derek F. UM-Corpus: A Large English-Chinese Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation
NLP2CT Lab / Department of Computer and Information Science, MOROCCO
Wong, Kam-Fai The CUHK Discourse TreeBank for Chinese: Annotating Explicit Discourse Connectives for the Chinese TreeBank
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION OF CHINA
Wood, Rachel The Distress Analysis Interview Corpus of Human and Computer Interviews
Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, UNITED STATES
Wright, Jonathan RESTful Annotation and Efficient Collaboration
Collecting Natural SMS and Chat Conversations in Multiple Languages: The BOLT Phase 2 Corpus
New Directions for Language Resource Development and Distribution
The Language Application Grid
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
Wróblewska, Alina Projection-based Annotation of a Polish Dependency Treebank
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND
Wu, Dekai Evaluating Improvised Hip Hop Lyrics - Challenges and Observations
On the Reliability and Inter-Annotator Agreement of Human Semantic MT Evaluation via HMEANT
Wu, Hao ILLINOISCLOUDNLP: Text Analytics Services in the Cloud
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UNITED STATES
Wu, Shumin Focusing Annotation for Semantic Role Labeling
University of Colorado, UNITED STATES
Wubben, Sander Creating and Using Large Monolingual Parallel Corpora for Sentential Paraphrase Generation
Tilburg University, NETHERLANDS
Wuensch, Carsten PACE Corpus: a Multilingual Corpus of Polarity-Annotated Textual Data from the Domains Automotive and CEllphone
University of Bamberg, GERMANY


Xavier, Clarissa Boosting Open Information Extraction with Noun-Based Relations
Xia, Fei Enriching ODIN
Modern Chinese Helps Archaic Chinese Processing: Finding and Exploiting the Shared Properties
Annotating Clinical Events in Text Snippets for Phenotype Detection
University of Washington, UNITED STATES
Xia, Yunqing Clustering Tweets using Wikipedia Concepts
Tsinghua University, CHINA
Xiao, Liumingjing Construction of Diachronic Ontologies from People's Daily of Fifty Years
Peking University, CHINA
Xu, Feiyu Information Extraction from German Patient Records via Hybrid Parsing and Relation Extraction Strategies
Annotating Relation Mentions in Tabloid Press
Sprinter: Language Technologies for Interactive and Multimedia Language Learning
Language Resources and Annotation Tools for Cross-Sentence Relation Extraction
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH), GERMANY
Xue, Nianwen Buy One Get One Free: Distant Annotation of Chinese Tense, Event Type and Modality
Not an Interlingua, But Close: Comparison of English AMRs to Chinese and Czech
Brandeis University, UNITED STATES


Yakorska, Olena A Model for Processing Illocutionary Structures and Argumentation in Debates
Polish Academy of Science, POLAND
Yamamoto, Seiichi Phoneme Set Design Using English Speech Database by Japanese for Dialogue-Based English CALL Systems
Doshisha University, JAPAN
Yamaguchi, Masaya Building a Database of Japanese Adjective Examples from Special Purpose Web Corpora
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, JAPAN
Yamakata, Yoko Flow Graph Corpus from Recipe Texts
Kyoto University, JAPAN
Yamrom, Boris Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
A Multi-Cultural Repository of Automatically Discovered Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors
University at Albany, UNITED STATES
Yan, Hengbin The Halliday Centre Tagger: An Online Platform for Semi-automatic Text Annotation and Analysis
Yanovich, Polina A New Framework for Sign Language Recognition Based on 3D Handshape Identification and Linguistic Modeling
Rutgers University, UNITED STATES
Yates, Andrew A Framework for Public Health Surveillance
Georgetown University, UNITED STATES
Yeka, Jayendra Rakesh Benchmarking of English-Hindi Parallel Corpora
Yetisgen, Meliha Annotating Clinical Events in Text Snippets for Phenotype Detection
University of Washington, UNITED STATES
Yi, Lu UM-Corpus: A Large English-Chinese Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation
NLP2CT Lab / Department of Computer and Information Science, MOROCCO
Yocum, Zachary Image Annotation with ISO-Space: Distinguishing Content from Structure
Brandeis University, UNITED STATES
Young, Steve Detecting Document Structure in a Very Large Corpus of UK Financial Reports
Lancaster University, UNITED KINGDOM
Yu, Chang-Sheng Sentence Rephrasing for Parsing Sentences with OOV Words
National Taiwan University, TAIWAN
Yu, Xiang 3D Face Tracking and Multi-Scale, Spatio-temporal Analysis of Linguistically Significant Facial Expressions and Head Positions in ASL
Rutgers University, UNITED STATES
Yurena, Gutiérrez-González On the Use of a Fuzzy Classifier to Speed Up the Sp ToBI Labeling of the Glissando Spanish Corpus
Univesitat Autonoma de Barcelona, SPAIN
Yvon, François A Corpus of Machine Translation Errors Extracted from Translation Students Exercises
Rule-based Reordering Space in Statistical Machine Translation


Zhang, Jinsong Phoneme Set Design Using English Speech Database by Japanese for Dialogue-Based English CALL Systems
Beijing Language and Culture University, China, CHINA
Zabarskaite, Jolanta The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
Institute of the Lithuanian Language, LITHUANIA
Zabokrtsky, Zdenek Word-Formation Network for Czech
HamleDT 2.0: Thirty Dependency Treebanks Stanfordized
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, CZECH REPUBLIC
Zadeh, Behrang Evaluation of Technology Term Recognition with Random Indexing
National University of Ireland, Galway, IRELAND
Zaenen, Annie Criteria for Identifying and Annotating Caused Motion Constructions in Corpus Data
Stanford University, UNITED STATES
Zaghouani, Wajdi Can Crowdsourcing be used for Effective Annotation of Arabic?
Large Scale Arabic Error Annotation: Guidelines and Framework
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES
Zamazal, Ondřej Towards Linked Hypernyms Dataset 2.0: Complementing DBpedia with Hypernym Discovery
University of Economics, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
Zamora, Armando The Gulf of Guinea Creole Corpora
Universidad Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, EQUATORIAL GUINEA
Zamparelli, Roberto A SICK Cure for the Evaluation of Compositional Distributional Semantic Models
Università di Trento, ITALY
Zampieri, Marcos VarClass: An Open-source Language Identification Tool for Language Varieties
University of Cologne, GERMANY
Zamponi, Franziska Single-Person and Multi-Party 3D Visualizations for Nonverbal Communication Analysis
Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, GERMANY
Zapirain, Beñat First Approach toward Semantic Role Labeling for Basque
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, SPAIN
Zarrouk, Manel Relation Inference in Lexical Networks ... with Refinements
Zavarella, Vanni Resource Creation and Evaluation for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts
Joint Research Center - European Commission, ITALY
Zeevaert, Ludger Mörkum Njálu. An Annotated Corpus to Analyse and Explain Grammatical Divergences Between 14th-century Manuscripts of Njál's Saga.
Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, ICELAND
Zell, Julian Extending HeidelTime for Temporal Expressions Referring to Historic Dates
Heidelberg University, GERMANY
Zeman, Daniel HindEnCorp - Hindi-English and Hindi-only Corpus for Machine Translation
HamleDT 2.0: Thirty Dependency Treebanks Stanfordized
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, CZECH REPUBLIC
Zervanou, Kalliopi Word Semantic Similarity for Morphologically Rich Languages
SAIL, University of Southern California, UNITED STATES
Zeyrek, Deniz Turkish Resources for Visual Word Recognition
Zgank, Andrej The Slovene BNSI Broadcast News Database and Reference Speech Corpus GOS: Towards the Uniform Guidelines for Future Work
University of Maribor, SLOVENIA
Zhang, Lei xLiD-Lexica: Cross-lingual Linked Data Lexica
RECSA: Resource for Evaluating Cross-lingual Semantic Annotation
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, GERMANY
Zhang, Shikun Dual Subtitles as Parallel Corpora
Zhang, Xiuhong Not an Interlingua, But Close: Comparison of English AMRs to Chinese and Czech
Brandeis University, UNITED STATES
Zhang, Yi Information Extraction from German Patient Records via Hybrid Parsing and Relation Extraction Strategies
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH), GERMANY
Zhang, Yuchen Buy One Get One Free: Distant Annotation of Chinese Tense, Event Type and Modality
Brandeis University, UNITED STATES
Zheng, Fang Clustering Tweets using Wikipedia Concepts
Tsinghua University, CHINA
Zhou, Lanjun The CUHK Discourse TreeBank for Chinese: Annotating Explicit Discourse Connectives for the Chinese TreeBank
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION OF CHINA
Ziegelmayer, Dominique Learning from Domain Complexity
University of Cologne, GERMANY
Žilka, Lukáš Free English and Czech Telephone Speech Corpus Shared Under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 License
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, CZECH REPUBLIC
Zimmerer, Frank Designing a Bilingual Speech Corpus for French and German Language Learners: a Two-Step Process
Saarland University, GERMANY
Zinsmeister, Heike Adapting a Part-of-Speech Tagset to Non-Standard Text: the Case of STTS
University of Hamburg, GERMANY
Zirn, Cäcilia DBpedia Domains: Augmenting DBpedia with Domain Information
University of Mannheim, GERMANY
Znotins, Arturs Coreference Resolution for Latvian
Dependency Parsing Representation Effects on the Accuracy of Semantic Applications - an Example of an Inflective Language
University of Latvia, Faculty of Computing, LATVIA
Zock, Michael A Graph-Based Approach for Computing Free Word Associations
Aix-Marseille Université, FRANCE
Zou, Xiaojun Construction of Diachronic Ontologies from People's Daily of Fifty Years
Key Laboratory of Computational Linguistics, Ministry of Education, Peking University, CHINA
Zribi, Inès A Conventional Orthography for Tunisian Arabic
ANLP Research group, MIRACL Lab., University of Sfax, Tunisia, TUNISIA
Zsibrita, János Szeged Corpus 2.5: Morphological Modifications in a Manually POS-tagged Hungarian Corpus
Automatic Error Detection Concerning the Definite and Indefinite Conjugation in the HunLearner Corpus
University of Szeged, HUNGARY
Zubiaga, Arkaitz TweetNorm_es: an Annotated Corpus for Spanish Microtext Normalization
Dublin Institute of Technology, IRELAND
Zweigenbaum, Pierre Use of Unsupervised Word Classes for Entity Recognition: Application to the Detection of Disorders in Clinical Reports
Annotation of Specialized Corpora using a Comprehensive Entity and Relation Scheme
Language Resources for French in the Biomedical Domain
Zwitter Vitez, Ana The Slovene BNSI Broadcast News Database and Reference Speech Corpus GOS: Towards the Uniform Guidelines for Future Work
Trojina, Institute for Applied Slovene Studies, SLOVENIA


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